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View Full Version : Immigrant Molestations in Germany

01-07-2016, 12:41 PM
Is this story featuring at all in the American media ? Seems that the recent immigrants into Germany from Syria, Iraq, etc are finding a distinctive way of 'thanking' their hosts for accepting them ....


Oh, how the German authorities wanted to bury this story. But when nearly a hundred women reported sexual molestation by a crowd of Arabs numbering nearly 1,000 during the Silvester celebrations in the heart of Cologne, the news got out:

Some 1,000 men are alleged to have carried out dozens of sexual crimes on New Year's Eve in the city of Cologne. That these crimes occured in the city's most famous square has left local authorities reeling.

Police in the western German city of Cologne responded on Monday to outrage over a string of sexual crimes over New Year's Eve. According to police, the series of assaults in one of the city's busiest thoroughfares represented a "completely new dimension of crime."

Some 90 criminal complaints, including one allegation of rape, have been brought to the Cologne police department after women said they were molested by a crowd of men who had gathered in the city's famous square between its central train station and towering Gothic cathedral. Authorities expect more victims to come forward in the next few days.

A report I've seen says that this happened in several German cities, including Stuttgart and Hamburg, I think .. a coordinated action ?? Ah, but political correctness has played its part, and the German authorities badly wanted to hush this up.