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01-07-2016, 01:54 PM
This guy is a worthless piece of shit:


Let him go forth and question the parents of the little ones killed.

He needs to be strung up and drawn and quartered.

01-07-2016, 06:03 PM
There were a few here, or at least one, who implied that the shooting was also fake, or not what we thought we saw. Posting footage of a woman that was supposedly there, and the boston bombing. Making it sound as if the officials were up to no good. Also with someone who was shot by the fbi investigating the boston bombing. No names mentioned. :)

01-07-2016, 07:10 PM
This guy is a worthless piece of shit:


Let him go forth and question the parents of the little ones killed.

He needs to be strung up and drawn and quartered.

That guy sounds like the perfect NEW RECRUIT for the Obama Press Secretary's job. In keeping with the denial, and avoidance of words like Killing, Terrorists, Islamic Terrorists, ISIS (ISIL), and calling American Veterans home grown terrorists....this guy may be out of a job in Fla. But his resume' is perfect for membership in the Muslim Brotherhood branch of the New Black Panthers/Obama protection GANGS.(At their headquarters in Ferguson Mo.)

01-07-2016, 08:35 PM
There were a few here, or at least one, who implied that the shooting was also fake, or not what we thought we saw. Posting footage of a woman that was supposedly there, and the boston bombing. Making it sound as if the officials were up to no good. Also with someone who was shot by the fbi investigating the boston bombing. No names mentioned. :)

Those 'few' ought to be skinned...slowly.

Damn, little kids killed and these fools deny it?

The Boston bombing was not staged.

Fucking retards!