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01-17-2016, 04:41 PM
Says she has not been interviewed by the FBI.



01-17-2016, 05:38 PM

Oh, man, check out the fury she's trying to hide after she hears the question! I suspect that question hadn't been vetted prior.

01-17-2016, 10:51 PM

01-18-2016, 01:30 PM

Oh, man, check out the fury she's trying to hide after she hears the question! I suspect that question hadn't been vetted prior.

No shit! The way she nods her head, like she's 'adding him to the list' of enemies to be done away with later, like she did to Vince Foster.

01-18-2016, 03:31 PM
Says she has not been interviewed by the FBI.



Why should anyone be surprised with her answer. Personally. I wasn't aware that a scumbag, piece-of-lying, crap would volunteer to speak at all. The FBI has no reason to interview her. EVIDENCE, DOCUMENTS, VIDEO'S, EMAILS, and everyone she WILL throw under the bus to protect her lying ass...are waiting to push her off the cliff. She deserves to become the FIRST FEMALE resident of GITMO!!!:boohoo:

01-18-2016, 07:28 PM
​https://scontent-atl3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xap1/v/t1.0-9/12509195_798371690272605_8084758800812984400_n.jpg ?oh=48de4c71d43f5f4890a21bfe3e07f966&oe=57045B37

Black Diamond
01-18-2016, 07:56 PM
​https://scontent-atl3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xap1/v/t1.0-9/12509195_798371690272605_8084758800812984400_n.jpg ?oh=48de4c71d43f5f4890a21bfe3e07f966&oe=57045B37

That's pretty darn fast.

01-19-2016, 10:18 AM
I have a request ... Could y'all quit posting pictures of the Seahag? I don't mind bashing her for the criminal, shyster lawyer she is, but that mug ... :puke:

01-19-2016, 10:49 AM
I have a request ... Could y'all quit posting pictures of the Seahag? I don't mind bashing her for the criminal, shyster lawyer she is, but that mug ... :puke:

Oh come on, Gunny. If you were drunk and she was begging..... :)

01-19-2016, 10:50 AM
Oh come on, Gunny. If you were drunk and she was begging..... :)

Afraid not. I'd be passed out if I was drunk enough for fugly.

01-19-2016, 10:59 AM
Afraid not. I'd be passed out if I was drunk enough for fugly.

I saw a video once where a guy had gotten drunk the night before and woke up with a she-beast. And she was laying on his arm. He chewed his arm off to get away from her.

01-19-2016, 11:01 AM
Oh come on, Gunny. If you were drunk and she was begging..... :)

Not enough Jack in TN

01-19-2016, 11:29 AM
I saw a video once where a guy had gotten drunk the night before and woke up with a she-beast. And she was laying on his arm. He chewed his arm off to get away from her.

That joke's pretty old. :)

Not enough Jack in TN


01-20-2016, 02:05 PM
Crap is getting deeper:


01-20-2016, 07:36 PM
What difference, at this point, does it make? Democrats will still vote for her.

Black Diamond
01-20-2016, 07:49 PM
What difference, at this point, does it make? Democrats will still vote for her.

Unless her crimes make her far less viable. If there's a chance she will be on trial. The DNC may step in

01-20-2016, 08:30 PM
Unless her crimes make her far less viable. If there's a chance she will be on trial. The DNC may step in

If that happens, I expect to see good old Joe Biden to come in out of the "friend-zone".

Black Diamond
01-20-2016, 08:54 PM
If that happens, I expect to see good old Joe Biden to come in out of the "friend-zone".

Yeah that's Russ' theory as well. And if makes sense. Sanders ain't gonna win the general. Or I hope he doesn't

01-20-2016, 10:33 PM
What difference, at this point, does it make? Democrats will still vote for her.

Unless her crimes make her far less viable. If there's a chance she will be on trial. The DNC may step in

Be REAL nice if the GOP would shyt down its 3 ring circus and not blow what would be an easy win.

Black Diamond
01-21-2016, 12:34 AM
Be REAL nice if the GOP would shyt down its 3 ring circus and not blow what would be an easy win.

I think if we widdled it down to 3-4 candidates, it would help.

01-21-2016, 12:58 AM
Be REAL nice if the GOP would shyt down its 3 ring circus and not blow what would be an easy win.

By that do you mean the GOP elite should get behind the people's choices in Trump and Cruz?

Black Diamond
01-21-2016, 01:10 AM
By that do you mean the GOP elite should get behind the people's choices in Trump and Cruz?

Assuming they are in fact the people's choices. It would be interesting to have the bottom 8 drop out and see where their support goes

01-21-2016, 08:26 AM
Be REAL nice if the GOP would shyt down its 3 ring circus and not blow what would be an easy win.

I'm already hearing excuses from fellow Republicans that they hate Trump and Cruz, and would sit this out if one was the nom. Half of our Party are pussies.

01-21-2016, 11:04 AM
If that happens, I expect to see good old Joe Biden to come in out of the "friend-zone".

I think the best that Biden can hope for is for is a brokered convention when/if hillary is unable to run.

01-21-2016, 11:07 AM
I'm already hearing excuses from fellow Republicans that they hate Trump and Cruz, and would sit this out if one was the nom. Half of our Party are pussies.

And don't have a clue. Let's lose this election the same we lost the last two. And they're the first ones to whine when we get an Obama or the like as President.

01-21-2016, 11:09 AM
I think the best that Biden can hope for is for is a brokered convention when/if hillary is unable to run.

The best Biden can hope for is if Hillary wins the primary then is forced out. If she's ousted before the DNC, he can't do much of anything. Hillary's delegates will be free to change camps to only Sanders or OMalley/

01-21-2016, 11:15 AM
The best Biden can hope for is if Hillary wins the primary then is forced out. If she's ousted before the DNC, he can't do much of anything. Hillary's delegates will be free to change camps to only Sanders or OMalley/

It depends on their rules but after so many ballots then candidates are free to vote for someone else and wouldn't be limited by only those who ran IIRC. That would sure tick off a lot of sanders supporters though. BWAHAHAHA

01-21-2016, 11:19 AM
It depends on their rules but after so many ballots then candidates are free to vote for someone else and wouldn't be limited by only those who ran IIRC. That would sure tick off a lot of sanders supporters though. BWAHAHAHA

I listened to their rules last night. Basically, if she is the Democratic nominee, they hold a special convention and make up their own rules and anyone that wants to run can. That's Biden's only way in -- the special convention.

01-21-2016, 11:22 AM
I listened to their rules last night. Basically, if she is the Democratic nominee, they hold a special convention and make up their own rules and anyone that wants to run can. That's Biden's only way in -- the special convention.

Is that after the first convention where she becomes the official nominee? That would be awesome to watch in either case, political history.

Black Diamond
01-21-2016, 11:24 AM
The best Biden can hope for is if Hillary wins the primary then is forced out. If she's ousted before the DNC, he can't do much of anything. Hillary's delegates will be free to change camps to only Sanders or OMalley/

Wow. That's crazy

01-21-2016, 11:29 AM
Is that after the first convention where she becomes the official nominee? That would be awesome to watch in either case, political history.

Yes, after she becomes the official Dem nominee at the DNC. If she's ousted before that she is official nominee, then only those on the ballot can continue to run.

And the DNC is as corrupt as the current administration. Hillary actually beat Obama in 08. Except a couple of superdelegates voted against their constituencies and gave the votes to Obama, when in fact, Hillary had won those delegates.

01-21-2016, 11:54 AM
I found this response to an article in AOL News.

It sums up the Hil and Bill years quite well. It is quite long, but
there was no link to the response itself:

So the Clintons weren't so bad, eh?

If you're under 50 you really need to read
this. If you’re over
50, you lived through it, so share it with those
under 50.
Amazing to me how much I had
Bill Clinton was president, he allowed Hillary to
authority over a health care reform. Even after
threats and
intimidation, she couldn’t even get a vote in a
controlled congress. This fiasco cost the
American taxpayers
about $13 million in cost for studies, promotion,
and other
President Clinton gave Hillary authority over
selecting a
female attorney general. Her first two selections
were Zoe
Baird and Kimba Wood – both were forced to
withdraw their
names from consideration. Next she chose Janet
Reno – husband
Bill described her selection as “my worst
mistake.” Some may
not remember that Reno made the decision to gas
David Koresh
and the Branch Davidian religious sect in Waco,
resulting in dozens of deaths of women and
Bill allowed Hillary to make recommendations for
the head of
the Civil Rights Commission. Lani Guanier was
her selection.
When a little probing led to the discovery
of Ms. Guanier’s radical views, her
name had to be withdrawn from
a slow learner, husband Bill allowed
Hillary to make some more recommendations. She
chose former
law partners Web Hubbel for the Justice
Department, Vince
Foster for the White House staff, and William
Kennedy for the
Treasury Department. Her selections went well:
Hubbel went to
prison, Foster (presumably) committed suicide, and
Kennedy was
forced to resign.

“what difference does it make?”