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View Full Version : If Neither Donald Nor Ted

01-24-2016, 06:36 AM
Donald Trump and Ted Cruz get in a fistfight on TV. They both fight "like girls" and are publicly humiliated. In shame they both drop out of the race just days before the convention.

You are chosen at random to be one of 50 people to select the Republican candidate for President. You cannot talk to the other 49 who have been selected; you have no idea how the others might vote. Your vote is obviously very important.

Who do you vote for? John Kasich, Chris Christie, Marco Rubio, Carly Fiorina, Jeb Bush, Rand Paul, Ben Carson, Mike Huckabee, or someone else?

01-24-2016, 10:07 AM
Donald Trump and Ted Cruz get in a fistfight on TV. They both fight "like girls" and are publicly humiliated. In shame they both drop out of the race just days before the convention.

You are chosen at random to be one of 50 people to select the Republican candidate for President. You cannot talk to the other 49 who have been selected; you have no idea how the others might vote. Your vote is obviously very important.

Who do you vote for? John Kasich, Chris Christie, Marco Rubio, Carly Fiorina, Jeb Bush, Rand Paul, Ben Carson, Mike Huckabee, or someone else?

Good question, Perianne.

John Kasich seems okay, but just "okay". He is establishment, someone The National Review would support. So, no.

I do like Chris Christie. He is a Republican in a tough, blue state. So, maybe.

Marco Rubio will always return to his vomit. So, HECK no.

I also like Cary Fiorina. There is something in my gut that says she would make a reasonable president. But she does have some liberal viewpoints and history. However, from the get-go she has been consistent about attacking the Lizard Queen. So, a definite maybe.

Rand Paul is an odd person. Barely maybe.

Ben Carson. Well, we already have had one of his kind and it has been a disaster. So, no.

Jeb Bush makes bad decisions. So no.

Mike Huckabee....barely maybe. Barely.

It would come down between Christie and Fiorina.

01-24-2016, 10:28 AM

Black Diamond
01-24-2016, 10:32 AM

01-24-2016, 11:04 AM
I dont care for Kasich or Rubio..... dont trust their Immigration ideas......

Ben Carson would be My next choice...

01-25-2016, 07:09 AM
Jeb Bush :laugh: