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View Full Version : Trump the Bully Slayer

01-25-2016, 07:28 AM
Some will disagree, but I see the bold portion and this entire article as spot on 100%!!


The unorthodox and unprecedented campaign of Donald Trump continues to baffle political analysts on both sides of the aisle. His bombastic, tell-it-like-it-is approach and abrasive style is a seemingly odd fit for today’s effete culture. Yet he continues to dominate the polls.

Let’s face it. It’s not only Democrats. Many Republicans adamantly oppose him. As well, the political media for the most part like him even less. In fact, the majority of people that draw a living from the American political teat can’t stand him. They perceive his candidacy to be about giving them and all they stand for the collective finger.

But their opposition faces a problem. There is no play book on how to fight this guy. No candidacy in modern times has been like this one. The main stream media can’t push him around because he has a bigger megaphone than they do. Controversial statements make him more popular. And he draws massive crowds to his rallies and millions and millions of additional viewers to the debates. He is a different animal and a political phenomenon.
In the absence of president, the armies of opposition must search for a method or narrative to counter Trump by trial and error. One of the latest manifestations of this painstaking search is to label him a bully. The label, on the surface, seems like it should get traction. He kind of fits the stereotype. He’s often mean in his attacks, he’s a braggart, and he has that Mussolini lower lip perch.

But this “bully” label gets close to the truth while missing it completely. A big reason for Trumps popularity is actually the bully theme in reverse. The real bully in American politics is “political correctness” not Trump. Trump is the one standing up to the bully.

Political correctness is an instrument of the left designed to limit and control public debate. It’s censorship. It is anti free speech and un-American. Yet this device of the minority continues to dominate our culture and politics. And it is strictly enforced by the left-wing Gestapo (which includes activist groups like Moveon.org. as well many in the media and Hollywood).

Perhaps you have noticed the ever-expanding definition of “racism” in the political dialogue. It seems like every year more and more points of view become incorporated under the racism umbrella. It’s getting to the point where opposition to any of the tenants of left wing dogma like global warming, immigration or entitlements is labeled as racist.


01-25-2016, 07:45 AM
We have said it for many years. Political correctness is dangerous. I agree with the bolded in the article as well. The appeal is magnetic, it is something we have been looking for for years, Donald Trump has managed to free us from the shackles of political correctness.
Political correctness takes too much time away from very important matters.