View Full Version : Kathi's Anti-Trumpie Thread

01-25-2016, 04:55 PM
Well, this will serve to get the ball rolling.

I've just scratched the surface.

what the gop has a problem with is that there isn't 'anyone else', the other candidates that gain any attention are immediately dogged by trump and his supporters. yes, the media loves to highlight that.

one would almost think the conspiracy would be between trump, his supporters, and the liberal agenda. That is the one succeeding.

i'm glad you all have a candidate that you can rally around. Really. I do think you should take a hard look at all the folks you've had to refer to as rinos, liberals, etc.

sometimes it's not everyone else.

enjoy your guy.

the drudge poll is a poll of his readers. Drudge loves readers, loves them! He has been featuring donald a lot, brings more readers!

it's an incestuous poll, donald loves it! He's citing it.

not something for the trumpsters to read, but for those still wrestling with making their choices:

i hope you're right about him being gone, but doubt it. He and his core are too down the road of no backing off, no matter how whacky it gets.

that is what the trumpsters have been saying since the start. He's not using pc filters, he just says what needs to be said. If it offends? Good on him! People need to be told the 'truth.'

the same folks that are quick to point out the hypocrisy of obama/clinton reversing themselves on same sex marriage, hillary railing against the rich, paying women less then men while railing on ledbetter, so far stick their heads up their ***, ignoring what donald has said over the years, most prominently in 2000 when he toyed with the idea of what he's doing now.

populism is rife with trump, it's also showing up with sanders.

what i don't understand is how people in their 40's, 50's, and beyond really believe that suddenly very complex problems are going to be solved by one person, unless that person were christ, again taking human form. I'm pretty certain that isn't trump or anyone around.

whether one wants to call it 'independents' or 3rd party, many 'real conservatives' will abandon the gop rather than join in a xenophobic, populist, protectionist tent.

he's honest with those following: donald trump (http://abcnews.go.com/topics/news/donald-trump.htm) joked today that he could "shoot somebody" in new york city but still not lose what he called his loyal supporters.

that's how his supporters see any criticism. The other side sees it as a response to things he's said and done. His supporters hear one thing, others see the hypocrisies. His supporters see 'firebrand', others see 'destruction without thought.'

i don't doubt the sincerity of those supporting trump. What is clear to me though, is that at some level they know he's not a solution, just a voice.

i don't think trump will be in the general election, other than perhaps 3rd party. It won't matter for the conservatives.

it seems that a significant portion of the electorate, and they are not all 'far right' have decided at least for now, that they'd really love a strong tyrant. Of course they aren't saying that, but they have said that really the constitution is really too cumbersome to be followed, 'look where we are.'

the worst of populism has much in common with the worst of nationalism.

the problem the conservatives have is that many within their tent want something 'easy' and the way they want it. Much is just hoping on fairy dust working this one time.

then there are those who understand that achieving change, any substantial change, is hard and takes more than an election cycle.

populism can be dangerous, it's driven by feelings and personalities. Part of the right and even independents are susceptible to this, others aren't. The same words and ideas by another will not be acceptable to those who are for trump:

i agree with the idea that a populist candidate may stumble upon populism. Something is said, something happens, the 'people' declare a 'hero' and off we go. It's as much or perhaps more about the effect than the cause. It's self-feeding between the mob and 'leader.'


i think i've used that word before. ;)

'feelings' over logic, more usual for liberals.

people are not 'afraid' they are angry that the threat isn't being addressed seriously. They've been showing this in the polls and also by their votes over and over. They want action-they'll take anyone who says action will be taken, even if put out with little thought.

the problem is some of those supporters truly are trying to shut up any dissension. Some do so aggressively, some more passive aggressively. Either way, same result.

there's no reason to believe he's 'conservative' either. His supporters hear what they want to hear.

as i've said a few times, normally skeptical folks just don't question him-blind hope or something.

when criticizing trump, the angry mob comes back time and again. Funny that, since trump clearly takes on any and all.

even those trump backers that hate rude language, resort to it, then repent.

actually it seems to many that the absence of logic is on the part of his supporters, not his detractors.

there may be hope that some are seeing through the debates that there are better alternatives. Then again, maybe not.

i don't think the rules apply to trump, not with the media, not with the supporters.

as i replied to perianne, i'm not going to discuss populism, i don't see anything positive in doing so, just a lot of bad.

i don't think many of trumps fans are going to vote for anyone else, certainly not a democrat. However, i think most will vote for him in 3rd party, even if he pledged to not go that route.

it's tough for fans when their celebrity is nothing more than a whining little boy. I understand.

you all should be happy, trump has made fox put him on again.

one of the basis of those supporting him is that he's 'honest'.

i'm pretty sure that the possibility of denying him debate access without the pledge is possibility they'd rather not use. Most definitely would enrage his already head exploding supporters.

that is what the trumpsters have been saying since the start. He's not using pc filters, he just says what needs to be said.

going through the stories on the donald, the most thoughtful ones keep saying at 'some point' his followers are going to want specifics.

i doubt that.

they are happy with a voice of anger and 'taking it to the man.' lol!

01-25-2016, 05:01 PM

I hope I never make you angry! :)

01-25-2016, 05:02 PM
See the constant assault of disrespect leveled at supposed friends? It gets worse, much worse.

Meanwhile, throughout all of this, there is a continual moaning about being attacked, silenced, stifled and -gasp- censored!

Unfortunately, I was unable to turn up even one instance of this. Indeed - the attacks against the majority of members on this board were performed by YOU, Kathi.

Oh, and let's not forget you had Gunny as backup to all this horseshit who somehow thought he was being stifled, censored and attacked as well.

So, can either one of you two back up your constant pissing and moaning about being stifled while you were off on your "Let's bash the idiot Trumpies!" crusade?

01-25-2016, 07:51 PM
See the constant assault of disrespect leveled at supposed friends? It gets worse, much worse.

Meanwhile, throughout all of this, there is a continual moaning about being attacked, silenced, stifled and -gasp- censored!

Unfortunately, I was unable to turn up even one instance of this. Indeed - the attacks against the majority of members on this board were performed by YOU, Kathi.

Oh, and let's not forget you had Gunny as backup to all this horseshit who somehow thought he was being stifled, censored and attacked as well.

So, can either one of you two back up your constant pissing and moaning about being stifled while you were off on your "Let's bash the idiot Trumpies!" crusade?

I'm calling BS. The fact is, you Trumpies have put any and everyone that isn't one on the defensive and perhaps you ought to be fair and post some of the drivel y'all spew. Maybe y'all should practice what you preach instead of acting like horse's asses? I don't start shit, but I'll damned well finish it. If I want to fight with someone I can get one of those here in real life with less effort.

Perhaps y'all ought to give the same respect you seem to think you are entitled to? You're acting like a bunch of leftwingers from my POV. Getting all sensitive and whiny because someone disagrees with you, then trying to shut them down with personal attacks.

Give it a rest. Or it's going to be a long 11 months.

01-25-2016, 08:03 PM
Just listen (read) to everyone here. All sounding just like the Dems, Hillary, and Obama had hoped for.

Seems it's rather dangerous to come here to DP, and offer any kind of opposing opinion that would make someone angry at another member???

Where have we seen that before?

Guess we can just forget about the 1st amendment, or offering any kind of personal opinion to SOUND more like the very LIBERALS we are supposed to be fighting the most???

Too bad EVERYONE doesn't agree with EVERYONE else here. That sounds more like SOCIALISM to me!

P.S. I am not a TRUMPIE or any other kind of whatever Gunny wants to label us as.

01-25-2016, 09:15 PM
Just listen (read) to everyone here. All sounding just like the Dems, Hillary, and Obama had hoped for.

Seems it's rather dangerous to come here to DP, and offer any kind of opposing opinion that would make someone angry at another member???

Where have we seen that before?

Guess we can just forget about the 1st amendment, or offering any kind of personal opinion to SOUND more like the very LIBERALS we are supposed to be fighting the most???

Too bad EVERYONE doesn't agree with EVERYONE else here. That sounds more like SOCIALISM to me!

P.S. I am not a TRUMPIE or any other kind of whatever Gunny wants to label us as.

I agree with you, but probably not the way you meant it. I've known most of the players here for a decade and a half. People should be able to say what they want WITHOUT fear or recrimination. And I sure as Hell didn't start the pissing contest this morning. I'm not taking any shit off anyone either, regardless WHO they want to vote for. And I didn't coin the phrase "Trumpie". Bill OReilly did. Take it up with him, not me.

What you don't seem to get is I don't give a shit who you vote for. It's your Right. Allow those of us lowlifes that don't agree with you ours. Last I checked, we're no less entitled to ours. You act like the Trumpies are the victims when and that's bullshit. They try to beat everyone down that disagrees with them.

While you might or might not be a Trumpie, you fit the category perfectly. "My way or you're a liberal". You just don't like me personally because I don't take any shit off you and I'm not taking it off anyone else either. I don't let people think for me and I ain't about to start. I post on the topic and respond to people ina polite manner until they start shit. I don't back down. Not from you nor anyone else. I'll shove it right back in your face.

If you don't like how it tastes, know your role and shut your mouth.

01-25-2016, 09:18 PM
I agree with you, but probably not the way you meant it. I've known most of the players here for a decade and a half. People should be able to say what they want WITHOUT fear or recrimination. And I sure as Hell didn't start the pissing contest this morning. I'm not taking any shit off anyone either, regardless WHO they want to vote for. And I didn't coin the phrase "Trumpie". Bill OReilly did. Take it up with him, not me.

What you don't seem to get is I don't give a shit who you vote for. It's your Right. Allow those of us lowlifes that don't agree with you ours. Last I checked, we're no less entitled to ours. You act like the Trumpies are the victims when and that's bullshit. They try to beat everyone down that disagrees with them.

While you might or might not be a Trumpie, you fit the category perfectly. "My way or you're a liberal". You just don't like me personally because I don't take any shit off you and I'm not taking it off anyone else either. I don't let people think for me and I ain't about to start. I post on the topic and respond to people ina polite manner until they start shit. I don't back down. Not from you nor anyone else. I'll shove it right back in your face.

If you don't like how it tastes, know your role and shut your mouth.

Not familiar with Oreilly. You are the first person I heard, or saw using that word. Don't care whether you feel like threatening me either. As for taking shit. I only return what is sent my way.

01-25-2016, 09:30 PM
Not familiar with Oreilly. You are the first person I heard, or saw using that word. Don't care whether you feel like threatening me either. As for taking shit. I only return what is sent my way.

Oh brother. Threatening you? On a message board? Yeah, sure. :rolleyes:

Try playing word games with someone else. :laugh2:

01-25-2016, 09:50 PM
I'm calling BS. The fact is, you Trumpies have put any and everyone that isn't one on the defensive and perhaps you ought to be fair and post some of the drivel y'all spew. Maybe y'all should practice what you preach instead of acting like horse's asses? I don't start shit, but I'll damned well finish it. If I want to fight with someone I can get one of those here in real life with less effort.

Perhaps y'all ought to give the same respect you seem to think you are entitled to? You're acting like a bunch of leftwingers from my POV. Getting all sensitive and whiny because someone disagrees with you, then trying to shut them down with personal attacks.

Give it a rest. Or it's going to be a long 11 months.


You can prove your own theories; I'll not do your homework.

Now as far as proof of being stifled, attacked and censored/stifled/quieted? Let's see your proof.

The truth is, the only ones doing such things were you and Kathi. For months now. Fact.

01-25-2016, 10:14 PM

You can prove your own theories; I'll not do your homework.

Now as far as proof of being stifled, attacked and censored/stifled/quieted? Let's see your proof.

The truth is, the only ones doing such things were you and Kathi. For months now. Fact.

My proof is easy. Find a Trump thread. Or any thread that has been derailed to Trump. All you got to do is read. You're the mod, It's YOUR homework, not mine.

And you can fuck off. I haven't done shit but express an opinion about Trump. You pussies that want to act like leftwingers and take personal offense to shame people into believing what you do and telling us what to think are the culprits.

This is a political message board and last I checked I'm entitled to my opinion. Stick Trump in my face and I'm going to tell you what I think about the carnival barker.

The truth is, anyone that doesn't go along to get along has become a target. So be it. Y'all make this shit personal acting like if I sat soemthing bad about your boy I'm attacking you personally. THAT is the bullshit here.

And I'm sorry if I've been consistent for several months and not let my emotions control qho I vote for because someone sings a good song. Not.

01-25-2016, 10:26 PM
And now that this board is split in half and nobody's posting,


You going to practice what you preach and allow people that don't think like you freedom of speech? Or you asshats going to play leftwingnut and run everyone off that doesn't think like you? I can post on USMB for this kind of garbage.

01-25-2016, 10:29 PM
Oh brother. Threatening you? On a message board? Yeah, sure. :rolleyes:

Try playing word games with someone else. :laugh2:

Gunny. Seems somebody needs to remind you kindly. It's a two-way street here. Some get the impression, as I do still. That you seem to think you have so much power here...due to your length of time as a member.
In your mind. That may be true. But you seem to lose your argument when you make demands of others, that you feel, do not apply to you. As in your complaining, and mild threats, or almost daring others to "Bring it on!"
Sad truth is. You are no better, nor any worse than anyone else. Nobody died and left you in charge of anything, other than your TEMPER.

01-25-2016, 10:37 PM
Gunny. Seems somebody needs to remind you kindly. It's a two-way street here. Some get the impression, as I do still. That you seem to think you have so much power here...due to your length of time as a member.
In your mind. That may be true. But you seem to lose your argument when you make demands of others, that you feel, do not apply to you. As in your complaining, and mild threats, or almost daring others to "Bring it on!"
Sad truth is. You are no better, nor any worse than anyone else. Nobody died and left you in charge of anything, other than your TEMPER.

Really? Looks like a one way street to me. And what are you even talking about? Your passive aggressive crap is just that. I came to this board because it WAS quiet. I want no part of any of y'all's drama.

You're an idiot. You couldn't comprehend what's in my mind. So get over yourself.

01-25-2016, 10:46 PM
So, lots of barking, but no proof.

Where's the censorship? The stifling?

No, Gunny, it is you that can Fuck Off. You're a fucking liar.

Show me where ANYONE has stifled you, as you have claimed in many of your pissing and moaning posts about being censored.

This should be an easy task, considering you've been saying it for 8 months or so.

Prove me wrong, big boy. You can do it.

01-25-2016, 10:51 PM
//disregard, didn't realise this was in the cage.

01-25-2016, 10:58 PM
So, lots of barking, but no proof.

Where's the censorship? The stifling?

No, Gunny, it is you that can Fuck Off. You're a fucking liar.

Show me where ANYONE has stifled you, as you have claimed in many of your pissing and moaning posts about being censored.

This should be an easy task, considering you've been saying it for 8 months or so.

Prove me wrong, big boy. You can do it.

Nice try, no cigar. I never said a word about censorship, did I? Where would the fun be in that when y'all van act like USMB members and just jump gang-style all over anyone that disagrees with you? And make shit up when the truth is inconvenient?

The only liar in this thread is YOU. You're living in La La Land. I haven't done a thing you've accused me of. So try again. The fact is , you made the accusation, it is incumbent on you to prove it. Not me. Or doesn't the 4th Amendment apply here either?

Grow the fuck up.

01-25-2016, 11:02 PM
Really? Looks like a one way street to me. And what are you even talking about? Your passive aggressive crap is just that. I came to this board because it WAS quiet. I want no part of any of y'all's drama.

You're an idiot. You couldn't comprehend what's in my mind. So get over yourself.

Why dont you give it a rest tough guy....All Your BULLSHIT is getting old...*many folks here are starting to notice...In the end your just a punk ass with a Big fucking mouth...and Jim and the Mods still put up with your shit...for now...You Just love this back and fourth on and on ...thread after thread...crap..Quite frankly its boring and useless and non-productive...Maybe you find it as entertainment value ...I dont..Its just really a pain in the ass..and bad for the site...and prevents people from posting fun good stuff...all of us can sit here all night long...fighting...and nothing good will come of it...and its just a plain wast of time...sigh..I feel a lot of Folks would rather be doing better things...Maybe you can to...some how I doubt it...

01-25-2016, 11:05 PM
Nice try, no cigar. I never said a word about censorship, did I? Where would the fun be in that when y'all van act like USMB members and just jump gang-style all over anyone that disagrees with you? And make shit up when the truth is inconvenient?

The only liar in this thread is YOU. You're living in La La Land. I haven't done a thing you've accused me of. So try again. The fact is , you made the accusation, it is incumbent on you to prove it. Not me. Or doesn't the 4th Amendment apply here either?

Grow the fuck up.

Very well.

Now I'll construct a thread just for you with you own words about being stifled, censored etc.

I can't believe you're dumb enough to say that. You said it a few hours ago.

Stand by.

01-25-2016, 11:09 PM
Why dont you give it a rest tough guy....All Your BULLSHIT is getting old...*many folks here are starting to notice...In the end your just a punk ass with a Big fucking mouth...and Jim and the Mods still put up with your shit...for now...You Just love this back and fourth on and on ...thread after thread...crap..Quite frankly its boring and useless and non-productive...Maybe you find it as entertainment value ...I dont..Its just really a pain in the ass..and bad for the site...and prevents people from posting fun good stuff...all of us can sit here all night long...fighting...and nothing good will come of it...and its just a plain wast of time...sigh..I feel a lot of Folks would rather be doing better things...Maybe you can to...some how I doubt it...

No actually, I just like to talk to people and discuss issues. But this entire thread is a perfect picture of what goes on if you don't agree with the clique. So fuck off. Quite frankly, YOU are a broken, boring record that needs a rest.

All this over someone disagreeing eith your piece of shit candidate? You're going to get what you deserve for it. 8 years of Hillary, Enjoy.

01-25-2016, 11:39 PM
So, lots of barking, but no proof.

Where's the censorship? The stifling?

No, Gunny, it is you that can Fuck Off. You're a fucking liar.

Show me where ANYONE has stifled you, as you have claimed in many of your pissing and moaning posts about being censored.

This should be an easy task, considering you've been saying it for 8 months or so.

Prove me wrong, big boy. You can do it.

I'm not a 'big boy' and I don't bully folks, that you find something untoward in the posts of mine you chose to quote in part and without context, without any link back to originals speaks volumes about what I've said about trying to silence others.

You chose to gather a bunch of quotes and your friends give you an atta boy. I guess that makes me a liar and Trump god. Good to know.

01-25-2016, 11:42 PM
No actually, I just like to talk to people and discuss issues. But this entire thread is a perfect picture of what goes on if you don't agree with the clique. So fuck off. Quite frankly, YOU are a broken, boring record that needs a rest.

All this over someone disagreeing eith your piece of shit candidate? You're going to get what you deserve for it. 8 years of Hillary, Enjoy.

Ya ..I see how your talking to people...issues?...you have nothing positive to say on any thread (People here see that)...stop your lying..What you gonna do tough guy? Talk more Smack? Fuck you...do something...I dont like to waste time with smack talking pussies...you aint got nothing but putting bull shit on this site...you need to check your meds...You sit here all fucking day talking shit...I think you are sick in the head...so come on... what else you got tough guy?...Your a Jobless loser...a Pussy... WEAK...**Look closely in the mirror Gunny..You will see a "short" insecure little fucker who gave up...and all you have left is being here ...posting garbage on this site all day long with nothing better to do.....again Fuck You.... :)

ya.. "8 more years of Hillary"... expired talking point Gunny....You give up to easy....again weak..scared...Punk ASS Loser...

*Trump 2016...Cure for Insecure worthless punk ass Losers...

01-25-2016, 11:58 PM
I'm not a 'big boy' and I don't bully folks, that you find something untoward in the posts of mine you chose to quote in part and without context, without any link back to originals speaks volumes about what I've said about trying to silence others.

You chose to gather a bunch of quotes and your friends give you an atta boy. I guess that makes me a liar and Trump god. Good to know.

You're welcome to look any of those statements up and provide 'context'. They stand on their own.

Wrong and it's not just me. Anyone who posts anything that might warrant a look at what he has said, done, written is considered calling his supporters fucking retards. Well sorry, that's not the intent but your impression. We can't control your thoughts or your votes.

How do you reconcile that with the OP? Your shotgun snark wasn't intended to be just that?


01-25-2016, 11:59 PM
Ya ..I see how your talking to people...issues?...you have nothing positive to say on any thread (People here see that)...stop your lying..What you gonna do tough guy? Talk more Smack? Fuck you...do something...I dont like to waste time with smack talking pussies...you aint got nothing but putting bull shit on this site...you need to check your meds...You sit here all fucking day talking shit...I think you are sick in the head...so come on... what else you got tough guy?...Your a Jobless loser...a Pussy... WEAK...**Look closely in the mirror Gunny..You will see a "short" insecure little fucker who gave up...and all you have left is being here ...posting garbage on this site all day long with nothing better to do.....again Fuck You.... :)

ya.. "8 more years of Hillary"... expired talking point Gunny....You give up to easy....again weak..scared...Punk ASS Loser...

*Trump 2016...Cure for Insecure worthless punk ass Losers...

Nice, I had recruits with better lines than that. :laugh:

01-26-2016, 12:10 AM
You're welcome to look any of those statements up and provide 'context'. They stand on their own.

How do you reconcile that with the OP? Your shotgun snark wasn't intended to be just that?


I'm not going to fight with you, period. I've repeatedly said that being snarky was a mistake. What had started as an attempt of discussion of what I perceived happening within the conservative party in the Spring, degenerated as more and more here and across the country chose Trump. When that reality dawned, I made an effort to be more sensitive in how I addressed the issue of his candidacy. Bottom line though, I wasn't wrong in my observations, indeed if a third party doesn't emerge fairly quickly what I thought would happen will.

01-26-2016, 01:57 AM
The lack of mutual respect is key.

I've never called you any kind of derogatory name, or lumped you in, or labeled you, or questioned your intelligence, or questioned your ethics.

In fact, I've always supported and defended you - even in the midst of being called a naive fool.

The same can't be said for you, and as I was saying earlier to someone else, you can only get kicked in the nuts so many times by your 'friend' before showing your teeth.

We don't have to agree on anything, but why is the respect a one-way street here?

Do you understand why I'm so pissed off at your treatment of myself and others? The subtle warnings weren't enough to get my point across, so here we are.

01-26-2016, 02:03 AM
Nice, I had recruits with better lines than that. :laugh:

...​Judging from some of the Posts here recently concerning You...From Major Players here on the site recently...It seems..Your now Irrelevant ...The only thing left Amigo...Is how long will the "Powers that be" continue to put up with your Foolishness ...." :laugh: "

01-26-2016, 06:55 AM
The lack of mutual respect is key.

I've never called you any kind of derogatory name, or lumped you in, or labeled you, or questioned your intelligence, or questioned your ethics.

In fact, I've always supported and defended you - even in the midst of being called a naive fool.

The same can't be said for you, and as I was saying earlier to someone else, you can only get kicked in the nuts so many times by your 'friend' before showing your teeth.

We don't have to agree on anything, but why is the respect a one-way street here?

Do you understand why I'm so pissed off at your treatment of myself and others? The subtle warnings weren't enough to get my point across, so here we are.

No, I don't understand what you are looking for, other than for me and others to stop posting anything that isn't pro-Trump. Any criticism of him, no matter how relevant it may be, seems to be taken as a slam against his supporters.

Bottom line though, whatever you, I , or anyone else here believes or posts, will not change one thing regarding the outcome of the election. When rubber hits the road, we are just a reflection of bits and pieces of what is occurring in RL.

For the record, up to this point in time, YOUR side for all intents and purposes is carrying the day. That makes the overreaction to whatever perceived slams even more confusing. The way I approach elections hasn't changed for decades as far as looking at any candidate that catches my attention for better or worse.

01-26-2016, 07:06 AM
I'm calling BS. The fact is, you Trumpies have put any and everyone that isn't one on the defensive and perhaps you ought to be fair and post some of the drivel y'all spew. Maybe y'all should practice what you preach instead of acting like horse's asses? I don't start shit, but I'll damned well finish it. If I want to fight with someone I can get one of those here in real life with less effort.

Perhaps y'all ought to give the same respect you seem to think you are entitled to? You're acting like a bunch of leftwingers from my POV. Getting all sensitive and whiny because someone disagrees with you, then trying to shut them down with personal attacks.

Give it a rest. Or it's going to be a long 11 months.

Bro I felt like I was attacked right out of the gate, but I have had no issue at all because I make a joke of it, hell none of us know what the future holds and we all hope we can pick the one to at least head us out of the toilet ( doesn't mean we all agree ) but ya have to admit I have cut up with both you and Kat about knowing how y'all really want to join the Trump train and all that trash. I truly value most everyone's opinion because y'all may have picked up something I didn't. So I ask not to be thrown into any group other than the nit wit that likes to pick fun at all, well unless you are a real idiot and tell everyone how tough ya are cause you can sue ( steal from folks ) but then scream about Christianity in politics. :laugh:

01-26-2016, 07:14 AM
In regards to all posting in this thread, I like each and everyone of you, Hell man lets let the BS go and not get at each others throats over it, that is exactly what Hillary is hoping, again no reason to make anything personal, just throw out your facts and debate them. But the last thing we need to do is get all serious and what not about our personal feelings.

01-26-2016, 08:19 AM
Some folks said they were being stifled. Some said they were being attacked for solely supporting someone. A fair amount of "accusations". NT went and backed up what he saw was attacks and veiled attacks at those who support Trump. Then of course, Gunny states that it's not a one way street, and that he is stifled and such - but refuses to show such posts and dares others to somehow prove that - they stifled others? The accusations went back and forth and back and forth and back and forth - so NT took the time to post what it was that he and others have been speaking about.

Gunny doesn't want to point out what he's speaking about, but has now been purposely using "trumpies" even more since yesterday. The goal is to insult, it's that simple.

I think perhaps some might have been jumped at for talking bad about Trump, but they surely haven't been stifled. And that's also in the minority.

A good time to air it out, and I think NT has done a good job of highlighting things. Kath or Gunny are entitled to point out the things they are speaking of, where they are attacked or stifled.

Know this - if/when posts of mine that were wrong are shown, I will gladly admit I was wrong and apologize for previous bad behavior, but I don't remember it like that. I won't apologize for responding, but will if shown I started crap for no reason, or for someone's choice of which candidate they like or post about. Some have been asked endless times now to show where we have went after them, or them for which candidate they support and we've come up crickets so far.

01-26-2016, 08:41 AM
No, I don't understand what you are looking for, other than for me and others to stop posting anything that isn't pro-Trump. Any criticism of him, no matter how relevant it may be, seems to be taken as a slam against his supporters.

Bottom line though, whatever you, I , or anyone else here believes or posts, will not change one thing regarding the outcome of the election. When rubber hits the road, we are just a reflection of bits and pieces of what is occurring in RL.

For the record, up to this point in time, YOUR side for all intents and purposes is carrying the day. That makes the overreaction to whatever perceived slams even more confusing. The way I approach elections hasn't changed for decades as far as looking at any candidate that catches my attention for better or worse.

The problem here is your sneering condescension to anyone supporting Trump.

I don't give a damn if you support Barney for President. We can discuss politicians' merits and shortcomings all day long without your constant barbs of the 'Idiot Supporters' and we'll get along fine.

And if you still want to claim you don't know what this is about, well... just scroll back to the very first post in this thread to reacquaint yourself with your indiscretions.

01-26-2016, 08:55 AM
The problem here is your sneering condescension to anyone supporting Trump.

I don't give a damn if you support Barney for President. We can discuss politicians' merits and shortcomings all day long without your constant barbs of the 'Idiot Supporters' and we'll get along fine.

And if you still want to claim you don't know what this is about, well... just scroll back to the very first post in this thread to reacquaint yourself with your indiscretions.

Hell if it was Barney instead of Trump I would be joining the Barney train, someone has got to try and fix what Obama has done.

01-26-2016, 09:43 AM
The problem here is your sneering condescension to anyone supporting Trump.

That's politics! Condescend right back!

01-26-2016, 11:03 AM
Some folks said they were being stifled. Some said they were being attacked for solely supporting someone. A fair amount of "accusations". NT went and backed up what he saw was attacks and veiled attacks at those who support Trump. Then of course, Gunny states that it's not a one way street, and that he is stifled and such - but refuses to show such posts and dares others to somehow prove that - they stifled others? The accusations went back and forth and back and forth and back and forth - so NT took the time to post what it was that he and others have been speaking about.

Gunny doesn't want to point out what he's speaking about, but has now been purposely using "trumpies" even more since yesterday. The goal is to insult, it's that simple.

I think perhaps some might have been jumped at for talking bad about Trump, but they surely haven't been stifled. And that's also in the minority.

A good time to air it out, and I think NT has done a good job of highlighting things. Kath or Gunny are entitled to point out the things they are speaking of, where they are attacked or stifled.

Know this - if/when posts of mine that were wrong are shown, I will gladly admit I was wrong and apologize for previous bad behavior, but I don't remember it like that. I won't apologize for responding, but will if shown I started crap for no reason, or for someone's choice of which candidate they like or post about. Some have been asked endless times now to show where we have went after them, or them for which candidate they support and we've come up crickets so far.


All you have to do is look at any thread about Trump. I'm not wasting my time on such childish BS chasing down quote after quote just to prove the obvious to someone who wants to play word games. YOU are a participant in the threads so you should be able to find them readily enough.

As far as you lumping me and Kathianne together goes, another :lame2: one. I really have very little to do with her at all. I can't even recall PMing her except about something to do with the board.

I'll tell you what you start. Look at the TWO (count them) people you are (or NT) are accusing of stirring up shit against how many? I spent all day yesterday in a running gun battle with half the active members of this board just because I don't like Trump. And unlike NT claims, I didn't start shit. I walked into an ambush when I logged on in the AM.

Yet y'all want to play victim?

And as far as NT goes ... YOU are the liar. I don't stir up shit about Trump at all and haven't, so you can shove that up your ass with your favorite lubricant. I just don't avoid the topic. How can you on this board and get to post? It isn't because I'm some morally uprighteous person, either. I'm too lazy to lie. You have to remember them. Your skewed, one-sided perception does NOT a liar make.

01-26-2016, 11:16 AM
LMAO! jimnyc. Nice childish backstab. :laugh:

01-26-2016, 02:45 PM
I'll tell you what you start. Look at the TWO (count them) people you are (or NT) are accusing of stirring up shit against how many? I spent all day yesterday in a running gun battle with half the active members of this board just because I don't like Trump. And unlike NT claims, I didn't start shit. I walked into an ambush when I logged on in the AM.

Not my fault you got yourself into a scrap with half the board.

That's entirely on you and your actions.

And as far as NT goes ... YOU are the liar. I don't stir up shit about Trump at all and haven't, so you can shove that up your ass with your favorite lubricant. I just don't avoid the topic. How can you on this board and get to post? It isn't because I'm some morally uprighteous person, either. I'm too lazy to lie. You have to remember them. Your skewed, one-sided perception does NOT a liar make.

I'm not sure why you can't get this through your thick head, but I'll take another whack at it :

I said you're full of shit about being attempts being made to censor, harrass, stifle and bully you.

That's why I took the time to educate you about your very own words said right here on this board, despite your claims to the contrary.

I haven't said anything regarding your dislike of Trump. I don't give a damn if you like him or not. Honest.

This has EVERYTHING to do with your multiple claims of being censored - and then your bizarre move to deny ever saying it.

You've been challenged many times about your weird censorship claims - and yet you have failed to point out EVEN ONCE where that happened.

Why is that?