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01-25-2016, 04:58 PM
Donald Trump assures us he will surround himself with the best people. But his national spokesperson, Katrina Pierson, is an avowed radical whose hero is Malcolm X.

She has spoken poorly of Christians repeatedly.

Perhaps she is a hired gun and as such is an attack dog. If so, and that is what Trump wanted, then job well done. But it does bring some concern to me.

More on this issue is here (http://moonbattery.com/?p=67987).

Any thoughts?

01-25-2016, 05:09 PM
SarcasmAlert*SarcasmAlert*SarcasmAlert*SarcasmAler t*SarcasmAlert*SarcasmAlert*SarcasmAlert*SarcasmAl ert*

Obviously you are a Trump hater Perianne.

Instead of picking on Trump you should never say anything bad about him.
And just say bad things about all the other candidates.

this advisor will have nothing to do with anything ever.
Can anyone show me where Advisors ever made a law or wrote an executive order?
no . of course not.
I didn't think so.

And what is this advisor going to do anyway? Raise Malcolm X from the grave to kill white people? LOL! chortle chortle.

I'll sleep fine at night knowing that Trump has got the best for america in mind. i can tell.

01-25-2016, 05:28 PM
SarcasmAlert*SarcasmAlert*SarcasmAlert*SarcasmAler t*SarcasmAlert*SarcasmAlert*SarcasmAlert*SarcasmAl ert*

Obviously you are a Trump hater Perianne.

Instead of picking on Trump you should never say anything bad about him.
And just say bad things about all the other candidates.

this advisor will have nothing to do with anything ever.
Can anyone show me where Advisors ever made a law or wrote an executive order?
no . of course not.
I didn't think so.

And what is this advisor going to do anyway? Raise Malcolm X from the grave to kill white people? LOL! chortle chortle.

I'll sleep fine at night knowing that Trump has got the best for america in mind. i can tell.

Malcom X didn't kill white people. He was part of the Civil Rights movement in the 60s. It has no place in our time except that blacks want to keep the white guilt trip alive. He broke from his own group because they were too radical for him. IIRC, it was them that murdered him.

Black Muslims in the US are weirdo's. Arab Islamists would kill them too.

01-25-2016, 05:30 PM

01-25-2016, 05:35 PM

Good one!:laugh:....and he would still have a lot more cleaning to do....all the `o` anti-American implants ..all through gov...court system...military...and Police...:coffee:

01-25-2016, 05:37 PM
Good one!:laugh:....and he would still have a lot more cleaning to do....all the `o` anti-American implants ..all through gov...court system...military...and Police...:coffee:

Good luck with that. Might as well retitle the thread Hillary moves in if Trump is the candidate.

01-25-2016, 05:41 PM
Malcom X didn't kill white people. He was part of the Civil Rights movement in the 60s. It has no place in our time except that blacks want to keep the white guilt trip alive. He broke from his own group because they were too radical for him. IIRC, it was them that murdered him.

Black Muslims in the US are weirdo's. Arab Islamists would kill them too.

You're right. Malcolm X didn't kill any white people or advocate for it either.
But to hear some whites people reactions to him you'd think that he did.

and yes your right that he left the nation of Islam, he thought they were too radical and telling lies.
he became a regular muslim and called whites, and those of other races in his faith his "brothers" .
and changed his views from separation to being open to work with ANYONE including MLK and white reformers on civil rights issues.
But somehow he's still portrayed in some minds of as a full on "racist".

He was Killed by former group associates and harassed and tracked by the FBI.

For the record he's a Hero of mine as well, as well as the slave owning Thomas Jefferson and John Brown. Read into that what you will.
you don't have agree with everything a person says or does in their lives to hold them in high regard.

01-25-2016, 05:47 PM
Your are right. Malcolm X didn't kill any white people or advocate for it either.
But to hear some whites people reactions to him you'd think that he did.

and yes your right that he left the nation of Islam, he thought they were too radical and telling lies.
he became a regular muslim and called whites, and those of other races in his faith his "brothers" .
and changed his views from separation to being open to work with ANYONE including MLK and white reformers on civil rights issues.

He was Killed by former group associates and harassed and tracked by the FBI.

For the record he's a Hero of mine as well, as well as the slave owning Thomas Jefferson.
you don't have agree with everything a person says or does in their lives to hold them in high regard.

Try teaching that to some people around here.

01-25-2016, 05:48 PM
Good luck with that. Might as well retitle the thread Hillary moves in if Trump is the candidate.

*You still "following" me around and commenting on nice comments I make "to other members" here?...and still whining about Trump? Again...*I was not talking to you...I was complimenting the Op`s post...You should get a life....Forget about me...and Trump...*Your starting to act like a little bitch...Relax ....enjoy life....cook yourself some dinner...make a cup of coffee...Geeezzzzs!

01-25-2016, 05:55 PM
*You still "following" me around and commenting on nice comments I make "to other members" here?...and still whining about Trump? Again...*I was not talking to you...I was complimenting the Op`s post...You should get a life....Forget about me...and Trump...*Your starting to act like a little bitch...Relax ....enjoy life....cook yourself some dinner...make a cup of coffee...Geeezzzzs!

Yeah right. I don't see your ID listed on the OP and as much as you and the other Trumpies would like to continue acting like little bitch leftwinger hypocrites telling others what to say and think, it ain't flying here. What's the difference between you and what you're crying about?

Now fuck off. You want a war with me, I'll give you little snivelling panty-wearing ass one you won't believe. Go stick to the threads you've already wrecked.

01-25-2016, 07:03 PM
How Trump thinks the press should be treated.


this is deeply troubling.
I'm no fan of the MSM but what the heck?
this guy is always tossing people out of his meetings that bug him.
What kind of leadership does this remind you of?

01-26-2016, 08:23 AM
SarcasmAlert*SarcasmAlert*SarcasmAlert*SarcasmAler t*SarcasmAlert*SarcasmAlert*SarcasmAlert*SarcasmAl ert*

I wonder if MalcolmX would have complained solely about white people and then ignored black deaths completely in places like Chicago?

01-26-2016, 08:33 AM
How Trump thinks the press should be treated.


this is deeply troubling.
I'm no fan of the MSM but what the heck?
this guy is always tossing people out of his meetings that bug him.
What kind of leadership does this remind you of?

Let's be brutally honest here

This ass hat wasn't there to be a "reporter", he was there to simply pander to the Latino populace and stir shit.

He was allowed back in AFTER he halted his interrupting and posturing and The Donald answered his questions.

Don't be like the lame stream left wing media and tell the PART of the story that fits the agenda.

01-27-2016, 12:26 PM
SarcasmAlert*SarcasmAlert*SarcasmAlert*SarcasmAler t*SarcasmAlert*SarcasmAlert*SarcasmAlert*SarcasmAl ert*

I wonder if MalcolmX would have complained solely about white people and then ignored black deaths completely in places like Chicago?

Even Louis Faharkan (with all his faults) NOW is working in Chicago and other cities to help slow inner city deaths, crime, proverty etc..

I've posted before many of the efforts by various black leaders national, local, public, private religious and secular that are doing the same.
but i guess you forgot about those post? And somehow those stories don't make it the top of FOX news or CNN 24/7 coverage on the inner city?

But should we IGNORE the police issue that weighs so heavily on the problem as well and other issues dealing with the nation as a whole?

I'm just asking

01-27-2016, 12:38 PM
Let's be brutally honest here
This ass hat wasn't there to be a "reporter", he was there to simply pander to the Latino populace and stir shit.
He was allowed back in AFTER he halted his interrupting and posturing and The Donald answered his questions.
Don't be like the lame stream left wing media and tell the PART of the story that fits the agenda.

you don't have security dismiss reporters. SHEESH! what the Heck is going on in this country.
that's the kinda crap that communist dictators and totalitarians do Bilgerat.

reporters have been rude ... since... forever.

Sorry i don't give Trump a pass for "letting him back in"
SHEESH "oh GREAT one thank you than yoouuu. for the privilege to come back.. and and ..to ask you a question the way you like to have it asked."
That's BS!

Trump didn't even admit HE was the one that had him removed!

This guy has been raise with a slier spoon most of his life and is use to being treated with a certain amount of deference as a RICH BOY. He's bossy rude, and rarely if ever apologizes or thinks he's in the wrong. If he's like this now what do you expect he will do as president?

Can we get brutality honest answer to that?

01-27-2016, 12:45 PM
you don't have security dismiss reporters. SHEESH! what the Heck is going on in this country.
that's the kinda crap that communist dictators and totalitarians do Bilgerat.

reporters have been rude ... since... forever.

Sorry i don't give Trump a pass for "letting him back in"
SHEESH "oh GREAT one thank you than yoouuu. for the privilege to come back.. and and ..to ask you a question the way you like to have it asked."
That's BS!

Trump didn't even admit HE was the one that had him removed!

This guy has been raise with a slier spoon most of his life and is use to being treated with a certain amount of deference as a RICH BOY. He's bossy rude, and rarely if ever apologizes or thinks he's in the wrong. If he's like this now what do you expect he will do as president?

Can we get brutality honest answer to that?

You are describing Jorge Ramos to a tee.

I don't understand your unrelenting defense of foreigners.

01-27-2016, 12:48 PM
you don't have security dismiss reporters. SHEESH! what the Heck is going on in this country.
that's the kinda crap that communist dictators and totalitarians do Bilgerat.

reporters have been rude ... since... forever.

Sorry i don't give Trump a pass for "letting him back in"
SHEESH "oh GREAT one thank you than yoouuu. for the privilege to come back.. and and ..to ask you a question the way you like to have it asked."
That's BS!

Trump didn't even admit HE was the one that had him removed!

This guy has been raise with a slier spoon most of his life and is use to being treated with a certain amount of deference as a RICH BOY. He's bossy rude, and rarely if ever apologizes or thinks he's in the wrong. If he's like this now what do you expect he will do as president?

Can we get brutality honest answer to that?

Dude, did you even watch the video?

I strongly recommend that you do before you comment further on this.

01-27-2016, 12:50 PM
Even Louis Faharkan (with all his faults) NOW is working in Chicago and other cities to help slow inner city deaths, crime, proverty etc..

I've posted before many of the efforts by various black leaders national, local, public, private religious and secular that are doing the same.
but i guess you forgot about those post? And somehow those stories don't make it the top of FOX news or CNN 24/7 coverage on the inner city?

But should we IGNORE the police issue that weighs so heavily on the problem as well and other issues dealing with the nation as a whole?

I'm just asking

Nope, not at all. I'm with you, believe it or not, in getting rid of the bad eggs and prosecuting those caught with bad shootings. I was just complaining about the "volume" of the protesting and complaining and concern then. Sure, I read your previous responses, and I do believe there are 'some' folks trying to help. Farakkahn I don't trust in the slightest. He's like another Sharpton, probably more interested in how it can help him, not the other way around. If there are others trying to stem the violence, and it's quieter and we don't hear about it, then God bless them, as someone needs to do something, and Obama's former buddy isn't doing anything.

But for example, the black lives matter movement. EVERYONE knows about it and hears about it. They developed a good plan and you literally can't help but hear about it and get updates. The same can be said if the black community gets heated over perhaps just one cop shooting. And I take no issue with that. But one would think that if they can get national attention over perhaps one issue, over the movement, and over a bunch of things I can list over the past 5 years for example - then I don't understand why we don't even heard triple that, considering the amount of deaths and trouble we're talking about there.

01-27-2016, 12:58 PM
Even Louis Faharkan (with all his faults) NOW is working in Chicago and other cities to help slow inner city deaths, crime, proverty etc..

I've posted before many of the efforts by various black leaders national, local, public, private religious and secular that are doing the same.
but i guess you forgot about those post? And somehow those stories don't make it the top of FOX news or CNN 24/7 coverage on the inner city?

But should we IGNORE the police issue that weighs so heavily on the problem as well and other issues dealing with the nation as a whole?

I'm just asking

What you are seeking is perfection. Ain't going to happen.

As far as the police go, I can't stand cops. They embody the Sheriff if Nottingham. Nothing but tax collectors. Ticket here, ticket there. They don't prevent crime. They come along later and figure out who killed you, if that. Some consolation.

At the same time, when called upon to act, they shouldn't be presumed guilty for doing their jobs.

What I see here is people overlooking the crimes and blaming the ones that are trying to stop them. And Louis Farrakham is a POS in the first order. He's not doing anything unless there's something in it for him.

01-27-2016, 01:08 PM
Dude, did you even watch the video?

I strongly recommend that you do before you comment further on this.
yes! sheesh

01-27-2016, 01:14 PM
What you are seeking is perfection. Ain't going to happen.

As far as the police go, I can't stand cops. They embody the Sheriff if Nottingham. Nothing but tax collectors. Ticket here, ticket there. They don't prevent crime. They come along later and figure out who killed you, if that. Some consolation.

At the same time, when called upon to act, they shouldn't be presumed guilty for doing their jobs.

What I see here is people overlooking the crimes and blaming the ones that are trying to stop them. And Louis Farrakham is a POS in the first order. He's not doing anything unless there's something in it for him.

no there never will be perfection thats for sure.
And i'd agree that Farakhan is in it for the cash as much a "helping". He's even added a paid scientology element to his cult.
And cops shouldn't be presumed guilty before doing the job, but if the way they do the job in general is known bad policy then that should be addressed. and brought to public attention until made better.

01-27-2016, 01:20 PM
You are describing Jorge Ramos to a tee.

I don't understand your unrelenting defense of foreigners.

He's a US citizen.

01-27-2016, 01:23 PM
He's a US citizen.

Okay. My mistake.

01-27-2016, 01:27 PM
no there never will be perfection that for sure.
And i'd agree that Farakhan is an in it for the cash. He's even added a paid scientology element to his cult.
And cops shouldn't be presumed guilty before doing the job, but if the way they do the job in general is known bad policy then that should be addressed. and brought to public attention until made better.

If "bad policy" is based on the acts of the 10%, then I suggest people re-check their thought process. Even in the Marines, there was always that 10% of idiots and criminals. They didn't represent us. Yet hear the MSM tell it, they do. Committing war crimes is so alien a concept and goes against everything we believe in; but let just one Marine screw up. Headline News for months.

Look at Bergdhal. That dude is scum of the earth. Do you think I judge all soldiers by the actions of one p*ssy? The acts of one person do not reflect the belief of the whole. And if that one person is acting out of line, then that one person should be held accountable. The entire group should NOT be held accountable for the act of an individual who is clearly not following the rules/law.

01-27-2016, 01:33 PM
you don't have security dismiss reporters. SHEESH! what the Heck is going on in this country.
that's the kinda crap that communist dictators and totalitarians do Bilgerat.

reporters have been rude ... since... forever.

Sorry i don't give Trump a pass for "letting him back in"
SHEESH "oh GREAT one thank you than yoouuu. for the privilege to come back.. and and ..to ask you a question the way you like to have it asked."
That's BS!

Trump didn't even admit HE was the one that had him removed!

This guy has been raise with a slier spoon most of his life and is use to being treated with a certain amount of deference as a RICH BOY. He's bossy rude, and rarely if ever apologizes or thinks he's in the wrong. If he's like this now what do you expect he will do as president?

Can we get brutality honest answer to that?


Since Trump had already chosen a reporter to present his questions Ramos quite simply wanted to interrupt and take over the presser. At that time, Ramos was rude and inconsiderate to both Trump AND another reporter, stepping on that persons time and question. Watch your own video and tell me he didn't.

Does anyone interrupt Obama during a presser without consequences? No he doesn't, so why does Trump have to suffer fools?

Trump looked at Security and they chose the response. Having worked in that field after retirement, I feel that the man responded accordingly and with proper restraint. Ramos felt that he could bully his way out of it and was shown the door most ricky-tic.

And as for your point regarding Trump's persona, have you ever been in close proximity to him when the camera's are off? I have and he's an entirely different person.

Ramos had an agenda, Trump "Trumped" him, shut it down and moved on

Deal with it

01-27-2016, 01:41 PM
Not sure how the topic got turned to BLM and complaining "...solely about white people and then ignored black deaths completely..":rolleyes:

But back to Concerns About Trump
Here's One,
He bailed on the FOX debate because of his beef with Megan Kelly i think right?
Ok someone on the interwebs made this point.
If he can't even stand up to questions from Meagan Kelly what is he going to do against Putin or Hillary?

Is he just going to walk out if Putin or Hillary hurts his feelings? Or brings p issues he doesn't want to discuss.
Is he going to call them names on twitter?

Or Is he going to have him escorted out of the U.N. if they says something he doesn't like, or to rudely, or out of turn?

01-27-2016, 01:50 PM
Not sure how the topic got turned to BLM and complaining "...solely about white people and then ignored black deaths completely..":rolleyes:

But back to Concerns About Trump
Here's One,
He bailed on the FOX debate because of his beef with Megan Kelly i think right?
Ok someone on the interwebs made this point.
If he can't even stand up to questions from Meagan Kelly what is he going to do against Putin or Hillary?

Is he just going to walk out if Putin or Hillary hurts his feelings? Or brings p issues he doesn't want to discuss.
Is he going to call them names on twitter?

Or Is he going to have him escorted out of the U.N. if they says something he doesn't like?

I'm not sure what he's thinking. From a strategic standpoint where perspective is everything, I think he's made himself look like a spoiled brat that didn't get his way. Got one of those in the crib right here. :laugh:

The fallout remains to be seen. This could work in his favor or slam him. Those that have tossed their hats in te ring for Trump are going to make excuses for him, and those that don't like him are going to call him a wimp. I fall into the latter category.

From a purely strategic mindset, it remains to be seen. He's an all or nothing kind of guy which I can appreciate even if I don't agree with his decisions. It's all going to depend on how he is perceived.

01-27-2016, 01:51 PM
If "bad policy" is based on the acts of the 10%, then I suggest people re-check their thought process. Even in the Marines, there was always that 10% of idiots and criminals. They didn't represent us. Yet hear the MSM tell it, they do. Committing war crimes is so alien a concept and goes against everything we believe in; but let just one Marine screw up. Headline News for months.

Look at Bergdhal. That dude is scum of the earth. Do you think I judge all soldiers by the actions of one p*ssy? The acts of one person do not reflect the belief of the whole. And if that one person is acting out of line, then that one person should be held accountable. The entire group should NOT be held accountable for the act of an individual who is clearly not following the rules/law.

I agree with all that.
but here's some examples of what i'm talking about concerning bad policy.

If your trained to Ask - Tell - MAKE.
That is, asking someone to do something, telling someone to do something, then making someone to do something.
instead of being trained to do something like access, ask, listen and if possible deescalate.
then that's a policy issue.
If they are told to make an arrest quota no matter what.
that's a policy issue.
if they are told to search all black males between 13 and 21 in this area everyday at anytime.
that's a policy problem.

etc etc..

01-27-2016, 02:14 PM
yes! sheesh

And you think that it's okay for a reporter to stand up and shout down the guy giving the news conference?

Trump did the right thing by deporting his sorry ass. I wouldn't have let him back in.

People disrupting a news conference should be ejected. Go protest somewhere else.

01-27-2016, 02:21 PM
Private event. Either be respectful and not interrupt, or you get to leave. I think that's simple and quite fair. I also would not have allowed anyone to return once they get tossed. It's one thing in the streets, but once someone is at the podium, as Obama said - "You're in my house now".

01-27-2016, 02:25 PM
Private event. ...

Private event for the press that only act bow and scrape properly.
I got it.

01-27-2016, 02:27 PM

Private event for the press that only act bow and scrape properly.
I got it.

Would you care as much if the reporter were not a minority?

Abbey Marie
01-27-2016, 02:27 PM

Private event for the press that only act bow and scrape properly.
I got it.

What's wrong with a little politeness and consideration, Rev? How would you feel if someone came to your church and started to heckle the pastor? I mean, he or she would just be trying to get some questions out there, right? Why should it matter where and how they are voiced?

01-27-2016, 02:34 PM

Private event for the press that only act bow and scrape properly.
I got it.

I was about to explain how I thought we were talking about the person he tossed at one of his events for jumping up and down and screaming and such. Apparently I got it wrong, and of course I apologize...

But of course you INSTANTLY go into dick mode with the exaggerations and "I got it" crap. This is what happens with folks that are irrationally in hatred mode towards Trump. I explained that if it was at one of his private events, that folks should be respectful.

But I guess you don't think they should be. And you think it's cool to be disrespectful, so long as it's a press conference. Now I understand.

I got it, of course.

01-27-2016, 02:35 PM
What's wrong with a little politeness and consideration, Rev? How would you feel if someone came to your church and started to heckle the pastor? I mean, he or she would just be trying to get some questions out there, right? Why should it matter where and how they are voiced?

And yet if it were one of the black lives matter folks giving a press conference, and someone stood up and repeatedly interrupted and made a scene - OF COURSE rev would then instantly jump up and defend the disrespectful person, as you know, they too have the right to be disruptive and disrespectful ya know!

01-27-2016, 02:35 PM
I was about to explain how I thought we were talking about the person he tossed at one of his events for jumping up and down and screaming and such. Apparently I got it wrong, and of course I apologize...

But of course you INSTANTLY go into dick mode with the exaggerations and "I got it" crap. This is what happens with folks that are irrationally in hatred mode towards Trump. I explained that if it was at one of his private events, that folks should be respectful.

But I guess you don't think they should be. And you think it's cool to be disrespectful, so long as it's a press conference. Now I understand.

I got it, of course.

Tell me if I am wrong, revelarts, but I think the issue is equally Trump and a minority reporter.

01-27-2016, 02:40 PM
Would you care as much if the reporter were not a minority?
YES. absolutely.
I don't like the way he's treating Meagan Kelly either.
and Kelly pisses me off from time to time too but i don't think she's done ANYTHING wrong or asked any "improper" questions.

He doesn't seem to want to allow ANY dissent from anyone. that bugs the crap out of me.
And smacks of totalitarian rulers not U.S. presidents

01-27-2016, 02:50 PM
I agree with all that.
but here's some examples of what i'm talking about concerning bad policy.

If your trained to Ask - Tell - MAKE.
That is, asking someone to do something, telling someone to do something, then making someone to do something.
instead of being trained to do something like access, ask, listen and if possible deescalate.
then that's a policy issue.
If they are told to make an arrest quota no matter what.
that's a policy issue.
if they are told to search all black males between 13 and 21 in this area everyday at anytime.
that's a policy problem.

etc etc..

Where does it begin and where does it end? The fact is, if it's 2Am and you're sporting your 'fro and your pants are below your ass and you're walking through a residential neighborhood, I'm going to ask you WTF you're doing. What no wants to accept is that these people think it's cool to dress a certain way representing a certain group and think they shouldn't be judged for looking like a thug. If it waklks like a duck, quacks like a duck and wears it's pants below its ass like a duck ... it's probably a damned duck.

You want to identify with a criminal element then you're going to get judged as one. This isn't new for me. I had long hair and wre tie-dyed t's and bell bottoms when I was a teen. I got rousted for being a hippie. Sure I was indignant at the time. But after I grew up. I realized you are judged by perception. That's just how it is.

That's when you learn to choose your battles. Is it really worth it? The same cops that rousted me as a hippie thought I was the greatest ting since sliced cheese when I showed up in Marine Corps green. And I hadn't changed one bit.

01-27-2016, 02:51 PM
YES. absolutely.
I don't like the way he's treating Meagan Kelly either.
and Kelly pisses me off from time to time too but i don't think she's done ANYTHING wrong or asked any "improper" questions.

He doesn't seem to want to allow ANY dissent from anyone. that bugs the crap out of me.
And smacks of totalitarian rulers not U.S. presidents

The same as the RNC bailing all their candidates from an upcoming debate. But lets face it, they didn't like the conduct and questioning. They too should then be treated the same as Trump for his perceptions and dropping.

01-27-2016, 03:01 PM
Problem with Trump is that I bet his message changes once he wraps up the nomination. In the end he's going to have to work with the GOP establishment.

01-27-2016, 03:08 PM
I was about to explain how I thought we were talking about the person he tossed at one of his events for jumping up and down and screaming and such. Apparently I got it wrong, and of course I apologize...
well Of course i read your mind and realized that you were thinking of a different event and person, and were ABOUT TO correct that.

But I guess you don't think they should be. And you think it's cool to be disrespectful, so long as it's a press conference. Now I understand.
I got it, of course.

Reporters have been known to be "rude" to try to get a question answered.
Yes It's OK, it's not an offense be tossed out for. the press is there to ask questions if it gets a bit "out of order" it's not the end of the world.

But Jim i think (MY OPINION HERE) this is another one of those issues where you and i start from a different place. It SEEMS TO ME that when you see someone in a high or authoritative position you think they deserve much deference and respect. And are free to call people names and "tell it like it is" and has the right to legitimately push others around even let them get beat up at "their" events.
but those who try to question those folks have a much smaller circle of actions you think are proper or allowable.
I tend to think people should be equally respected no matter the uniform, class or position and each should be respectful, but have the same right to "tell it like it is" and the same range of actions, with respect to who house your in of course, BUT beating others or pushing others around is NOT cool on any side.
But politically it's often NECCESARY to be a "rude" or OUT OF TURN just to break through the wall of political BSery.

01-27-2016, 03:12 PM
The same as the RNC bailing all their candidates from an upcoming debate. But lets face it, they didn't like the conduct and questioning. They too should then be treated the same as Trump for his perceptions and dropping.

Yep, they all are dodging questions they need to answer.
WHY. if they are so good for the country. speak up.

Cruz's reply to kelly was lame and evasive on the immigration thing.

01-27-2016, 03:16 PM
Just to be clear, here...

Rev is talking about Trump ejecting Ramos from the news conference, right?

01-27-2016, 03:19 PM
Where does it begin and where does it end? The fact is, if it's 2Am and you're sporting your 'fro and your pants are below your ass and you're walking through a residential neighborhood, I'm going to ask you WTF you're doing. What no wants to accept is that these people think it's cool to dress a certain way representing a certain group and think they shouldn't be judged for looking like a thug. If it waklks like a duck, quacks like a duck and wears it's pants below its ass like a duck ... it's probably a damned duck.

You want to identify with a criminal element then you're going to get judged as one. This isn't new for me. I had long hair and wre tie-dyed t's and bell bottoms when I was a teen. I got rousted for being a hippie. Sure I was indignant at the time. But after I grew up. I realized you are judged by perception. That's just how it is.

That's when you learn to choose your battles. Is it really worth it? The same cops that rousted me as a hippie thought I was the greatest ting since sliced cheese when I showed up in Marine Corps green. And I hadn't changed one bit.

And if they're in their own neighborhoods, and all the kids look like that, so do the cops get rouse ALL the kids Gunny?

i mean come on, you leaped right over all 3 of the items i mentioned and came up with a way to justify some sketchy behavior.
this is part of the problem .
people don't want to come close to saying that there might be better overall policy moves.
the conversation is immediately turned BACK to just looking at them all as bad kids or looking like bad kids who obviously deserve what they get.

01-27-2016, 03:21 PM
well Of course i read your mind and realized that you were thinking of a different event and person, and were ABOUT TO correct that.

I guess sometimes we never know when someone decides to be snarky? Even if I was in fact talking of a press conference, there's still no need to instantly go to snarky mode asap. It's not like I was being a dick to you. Whatever.

Reporters have been known to be "rude" to try to get a question answered.
Yes It's OK, it's not an offense be tossed out for. the press is there to ask questions if it gets a bit "out of order" it's not the end of the world.

Sure, and I would kind of expect quick paced and repetitive asking of questions too. But once asked to simmer down, wait your turn, be quiet - that's it, you listen, not turn up the volume. Rudeness and loudness and that crap doesn't get tossed out the window because its a press conference, or because the reporter and candidate disagree.

But Jim i think (MY OPINION HERE) this is another one of those issues where you and i start from a different place. It SEEMS TO ME that when you see someone in a high or authoritative position you think they deserve much deference and respect. And are free to call people names and "tell it like it is" and has the right to legitimately push others around even let them get beat up at "their" events.
but those who try to question those folks have a much smaller circle of actions you think are proper or allowable.

I think they BOTH should get EQUAL respect in such a situation. The person asking should remain respectful and quiet until called on. The person replying to questions should do so in a polite manner. I DO NOT think someone automatically gets a better amount of respect. But it's got to start somewhere. The man shows up and then fields questions. If someone is yelling or being rude before they are even called upon - well then we know who got out of line. And if me, fielding a ton of calls... And after 200+ years, folks KNOW what is and what is not respectful, and how it is you ask questions. Go into such a place looking to be aggressive, looking to push buttons, and then be loud or rude - you SHOULD get tossed out, whether a "press" conference or not.

I tend to think people should be equally respected no matter the uniform, class or position and each should be respectful, but have the same right to "tell it like it is" and the same range of actions, with respect to who house your in of course, BUT beating others or pushing others around is NOT cool on any side.
But politically it's often NECCESARY to be a "rude" or OUT OF TURN just to break through the wall of political BSery.

I agree with the respect part - but I don't believe someone EVER - HAS TO, or finds it "necessary" to be rude. If that's how one approaches a situation, and they are purposely rude as that's what they feel they need to do - I can understand their approach, and they should also understand when they are shown the door for their rudeness.

A question - Obama sometimes addresses the press. So one of them just repeatedly asks him questions - does so after he starts talking, and before he finishes. Just making a spectacle, as he REALLY needs to get these answers. Others are having trouble because he won't sit, and others have a little trouble at times because he is louder than others. Obama should just suck it up, consider it the price of business for being the POTUS? I can't stand the man, and I would think in such a case he should also make sure any dopes like that find the door, and quickly.

01-27-2016, 03:30 PM
The same as the RNC bailing all their candidates from an upcoming debate. But lets face it, they didn't like the conduct and questioning. They too should then be treated the same as Trump for his perceptions and dropping.

I agree.

I'd be pissed at the RNC myself. But I'm a fighter, not a politician. I'd be prepared to throw their shit back in their faces and I don't need some emasculated political party full of wimps making decisions for me.

01-27-2016, 03:49 PM
Just to be clear, here...

Rev is talking about Trump ejecting Ramos from the news conference, right?

revelarts Hello, Rev? Anyone home?

01-27-2016, 03:51 PM
@revelarts (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=1760) Hello, Rev? Anyone home?

Yes, from the video that he posted as well:

Univision anchor Jorge Ramos was escorted out of a Donald Trump media availability after he attempted to ask the presidential candidate a question.

01-27-2016, 03:54 PM
Yes, from the video that he posted as well:

Univision anchor Jorge Ramos was escorted out of a Donald Trump media availability after he attempted to ask the presidential candidate a question.


Well, Rev, if you don't see a monstrous problem with the way Ramos conducted himself by trying to shout down Trump at his own news conference... then we really don't have anything to discuss.

We are leagues apart on how we believe people should behave on a personal AND professional level.

01-27-2016, 07:00 PM
@revelarts (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=1760) Hello, Rev? Anyone home?
I think that comment was in ref to a comment about the RNC and the rest of the candidates bailing.

What i first posted was about Romos.

01-27-2016, 07:19 PM
Well, Rev, if you don't see a monstrous problem with the way Ramos conducted himself by trying to shout down Trump at his own news conference... then we really don't have anything to discuss.
We are leagues apart on how we believe people should behave on a personal AND professional level.

Was it "professional" for the congressman to shout "YOU LIE!" at that Obama address?
Should he have been thrown out? Or did he have a right to be there because well it's his JOB to be there?

I think some people, maybe not you, act as if others should always be respectful. but
often they themselves or those they agree with act disrespectfully and it's some how not a problem. AT ALL.
they can cuss shout down and accuse of BS. but later others are suppose to think nothing of it.
And they some times even make nasty comments or use disrespectful labels and wonder why others "just can't take a joke". or are being so PC.

But NT I think it wouldn't take long for me to find several examples of those on the right acting disrespectfully, MAYBE even Donald TRUMP.

The way he's spoken to and about Meagan Kelly and Rossie O'Donell doesn't come across to me as "professional".
but few here seem to have a problem with that kind of talk.

What about members of the military who've taken pictures with Hillary or Obama where they've secretly made disrespectful gestures? Is that OK or professional? is that how the military should treat the CiC and Secretary of state? What about when the whole of the NYC police force turned their back on the Mayor as he spoke?
Is that proper conduct?

But if a reporter on his job trying to get answers to questions for his employer and viewers gets TOO LOUD and insistent bringing up legit points at a NEWS conference he was invited to, to ask questions at. Well that's just outrageously over the line? TOTALLY UNCALLED FOR, Unfathomably improper, COMPLETELY unacceptable and worthy of ejection from the venue and being told by Trump staff to "get out of my country".

Yes, we do have very different views on how people should behave.

Abbey Marie
01-27-2016, 08:05 PM
There's more than enough classless behavior to go around. To semi-quote Don Henley, we live in a graceless age.

01-27-2016, 08:08 PM
Each one of those things should be discussed and weighed on their own merits.

They are not related in any way to Ramos thinking he could behave like a Hippie at an Occupy protest while at a news conference.

Like I said, if you can watch that video and think Ramos didn't get exactly what he deserved, then we've nothing to discuss.

01-27-2016, 09:28 PM
YES. absolutely.
I don't like the way he's treating Meagan Kelly either.
and Kelly pisses me off from time to time too but i don't think she's done ANYTHING wrong or asked any "improper" questions.

He doesn't seem to want to allow ANY dissent from anyone. that bugs the crap out of me.
And smacks of totalitarian rulers not U.S. presidents

On Megan K .. you have to be joking. She's gunning for Trump as apparently some sort of personal crusade, and as we know, has been for quite some time. Since that's so, Trump's reactions to her throughout are eminently understandable.

01-27-2016, 09:56 PM
Donald Trump assures us he will surround himself with the best people. But his national spokesperson, Katrina Pierson, is an avowed radical whose hero is Malcolm X.

She has spoken poorly of Christians repeatedly.

Perhaps she is a hired gun and as such is an attack dog. If so, and that is what Trump wanted, then job well done. But it does bring some concern to me.

More on this issue is here (http://moonbattery.com/?p=67987).

Any thoughts?

Do you expect Trump to show any better judgement when selecting a Supreme Court nominee if by some quirk he becomes President?

01-28-2016, 01:22 AM
On Megan K .. you have to be joking. She's gunning for Trump as apparently some sort of personal crusade, and as we know, has been for quite some time. Since that's so, Trump's reactions to her throughout are eminently understandable.

I disagree. I've watched her ever sine that first debate. She's not "gunning for Trump". She's a lawyer not a journalist, and Fox needs to quit thinking lawyer = journalist. She harps at everyone. I don't condone the behavior, but it is what is is. She goes of on people and needles them for no reason all the time. Just because she does it to Trump as well doesn't suddenly make her any more of a bad guy than she already was.

These faux journalists try to think they are "asking the tough questions" when they sound like shrill beasts to me, and their questions are stupid. Also keep in mind Alfred E Newman aka Brett Baier and whoever the third wheel is all get together and gin these questions up and agree on them. It's not like she's doing this crap on her own.

I'm not defending her, but the process, such that it is. I don't think Trump is being singled out. If he was, I wouldn't care anyway. You skyline yourself and you're the target. Deal with it.

01-28-2016, 01:23 AM
Do you expect Trump to show any better judgement when selecting a Supreme Court nominee if by some quirk he becomes President?

I don't trust his judgement to decide who takes the kids to recess.