View Full Version : Gunny Got Censored!

01-26-2016, 12:01 PM
Nice try, no cigar. I never said a word about censorship, did I?


The only liar in this thread is YOU. You're living in La La Land. I haven't done a thing you've accused me of. So try again. The fact is , you made the accusation, it is incumbent on you to prove it. Not me. Or doesn't the 4th Amendment apply here either?

Grow the fuck up

Well, now! Let's investigate, shall we?

There is an attempt by some on this board to stifle others.

Y'all are going to act like leftwingers, bullying everyone around that doesn't agree with you.

I follow rules just fine. So why don't you try to quit disguising your "rules" from the censorship they are?

Restricting freedom of speech again, Jim? Just because you have this delusion that all the members that don't come here will? Why don't you quit letting other members tell us what to say?

Remember back when you owned USMB and let people say what they wanted? You had a successful board.

You try to tell me what I can and can't say? Move to Europe. They're famous for that. I'd suggest you just let it go.

I'll tell you what's un-American. Not allowing people to voice their opinions.

That should do for starters. There's lots more examples.

Would you like a twist of lemon with your crow, dumbass?

01-26-2016, 12:08 PM

Censorship claims over the years, always makes for good laughs. Then whenever I ask the folks who write such things (odd that they can do so), to please enlighten everyone as to WHERE they were censored, we all end up overeating on our fill of crickets. That's toward EVERYONE who has made that lame claim over the years. That's not to say that folks don't get their share of shit when posting, because yes, that happens! But that's a far cry from stifling and censorship.

01-26-2016, 12:58 PM
Well, now! Let's investigate, shall we?

That should do for starters. There's lots more examples.

Would you like a twist of lemon with your crow, dumbass?

Who's lying now? I never once have said I got censored. This is a perfect example of YOU twisting the truth to suit yourself though. You're a liar and a propagandist, Goebbels. So go bak to your Wile E Coyote drawing board and dream up some more shit.

If I thought I got censored I'd be gone. End of fucking story. That has nothing to do with dickhead pussies attacking people for their beliefs. When you grow and can play with the big boys, be sure and get on back to me. Otherwise, your baseless accusations are worth about as much as you are.

Back the fuck off, pussy.

01-26-2016, 01:01 PM
Who's lying now? I never once have said I got censored. This is a perfect example of YOU twisting the truth to suit yourself though. You're a liar and a propagandist, Goebbels. So go bak to your Wile E Coyote drawing board and dream up some more shit.

If I thought I got censored I'd be gone. End of fucking story. That has nothing to do with dickhead pussies attacking people for their beliefs. When you grow and can play with the big boys, be sure and get on back to me. Otherwise, your baseless accusations are worth about as much as you are.

Back the fuck off, pussy.

It's right there in black and white, and you're going to deny it?

So why don't you try to quit disguising your "rules" from the censorship they are?

Restricting freedom of speech again, Jim?

01-26-2016, 01:05 PM
Who's lying now? I never once have said I got censored. This is a perfect example of YOU twisting the truth to suit yourself though. You're a liar and a propagandist, Goebbels. So go bak to your Wile E Coyote drawing board and dream up some more shit.

If I thought I got censored I'd be gone. End of fucking story. That has nothing to do with dickhead pussies attacking people for their beliefs. When you grow and can play with the big boys, be sure and get on back to me. Otherwise, your baseless accusations are worth about as much as you are.

Back the fuck off, pussy.

Reading comprehension issues?

They're your words. Eat up, Champ.

Would you like a second, larger helping of your words to savor claiming there's attempts to censor, stifled and bully you?

Man up and admit you were talking out of your ass. You can't deny what you said; it's there for everyone to see.

That's why I was surprised to see you dumb enough to claim you didn't say it.

For a man that espouses honor above all, you sure as hell don't practice what you claim you're all about.

01-26-2016, 01:11 PM
We need to invite the rest of the folks down here who have been censored, to all discuss the things they posted after they were censored, and continue the conversation about the censorship that was never once censored! :laugh2:

I have a ton of folks that tell me I don't do enough, or jack shit, and that I am useless and a lot of other lovely things.... then others want to claim I am a nazi and/or censor folks. I tend to go with the first folks, as outside of spammers, I can't think of really ANY moderating taking place, or bans - and certainly no deletions or things that can be labeled as censorship. Maybe me telling someone to fuck off here and there is misconstrued as censorship? If so, then yeah, I'm guilty as charged. :)

01-26-2016, 01:20 PM
Disagree with the majority, get a thread like the above with quotes without context, without the auto return to link. That doesn't need a rule, that's just reality of the tenor of the board currently.

Complain about that, including the one about Gabby awhile ago; where did she go; and one is told to go find the old posts the quotes were found in. IOW, don't post about what YOU want, be sent off on the majority's scavenger hunt and STHU.

Then the majority applauds, all the while saying there should be opposing voices. Ok then.

01-26-2016, 01:25 PM
Disagree with the majority, get a thread like the above with quotes without context, without the auto return to link.

No. Being dumb enough to claim you didn't say something when you clearly did will get you proof. You had to know it was coming, and so did Gunny.

It's pretty hard to argue with your own words, isn't it?

01-26-2016, 01:33 PM
Gabby awhile ago; where did she go;

So you know, she was okiliy dokily on Christmas, she didn't leave because of bad terms or anything someone said. I saw you mention her a few times and thought I would clear that one up. :) She'll be back.

01-26-2016, 01:35 PM
As far as searches are concerned - if someone copies/pastes any of those quotes into the search, then click 'show posts' at the bottom instead of threads, and hit submit. It will only take seconds from copy to results.

01-26-2016, 01:42 PM
No. Being dumb enough to claim you didn't say something when you clearly did will get you proof. You had to know it was coming, and so did Gunny.

It's pretty hard to argue with your own words, isn't it?

Ok, resorting to name calling. If you're saying I've been anti-Trump and had been snarky, I've not denied it. Tell you what, go back and find just how often since early fall or even late summer to find posts that I've said that Trump may well win, eventually saying more recently even the general election. I still find him more than a threat to our country, but then I do respect the Constitution and see the similarities between Obama and Trump.

In the meanwhile, I have been consistent in saying that until recently Obama wasn't a traitor in the Constitutional sense or even impeachable. May well be said in the future about Trump.

From the get go, my shock was that so many would jump this way. Well they have, including saying that Kelo wasn't that bad. That 'it's incredible' that Trump isn't being condescending himself towards his supporters. That his 'door' in the wall was an escape hatch to his 'most important issue.' That his 'even handed' look at Planned Parenthood was another escape hatch for his long term support of all abortions. Etc.

I do believe those are things worth discussing, others seem to lose their tempers though.

01-26-2016, 01:48 PM
Ok, resorting to name calling. If you're saying I've been anti-Trump and had been snarky, I've not denied it. Tell you what, go back and find just how often since early fall or even late summer to find posts that I've said that Trump may well win, eventually saying more recently even the general election. I still find him more than a threat to our country, but then I do respect the Constitution and see the similarities between Obama and Trump.

In the meanwhile, I have been consistent in saying that until recently Obama wasn't a traitor in the Constitutional sense or even impeachable. May well be said in the future about Trump.

From the get go, my shock was that so many would jump this way. Well they have, including saying that Kelo wasn't that bad. That 'it's incredible' that Trump isn't being condescending himself towards his supporters. That his 'door' in the wall was an escape hatch to his 'most important issue.' That his 'even handed' look at Planned Parenthood was another escape hatch for his long term support of all abortions. Etc.

I do believe those are things worth discussing, others seem to lose their tempers though.

Fwiw, I think those that got their tempers riled - did so because they felt others are treating them like they are stupid for supporting Trump, with the "trumpies" statements, and how "Trump supporters" this and that. I don't see anyone getting pissed at the issues or disagreements as much as the insinuations that Trump supporters are stupid, knowing that some of us support him. For example, if someone states that Trump supporters are less intelligent and don't see things correctly, why wouldn't someone see that as an insult towards them? This is similar to many over the years with the "bushies" and other terms given to supporters. Or like the "teabaggers". I think these things are stated and knowingly make people angry, they feel insulted - and then often respond in kind.

01-26-2016, 02:24 PM
Ok, resorting to name calling. If you're saying I've been anti-Trump and had been snarky, I've not denied it. Tell you what, go back and find just how often since early fall or even late summer to find posts that I've said that Trump may well win, eventually saying more recently even the general election. I still find him more than a threat to our country, but then I do respect the Constitution and see the similarities between Obama and Trump.

In the meanwhile, I have been consistent in saying that until recently Obama wasn't a traitor in the Constitutional sense or even impeachable. May well be said in the future about Trump.

From the get go, my shock was that so many would jump this way. Well they have, including saying that Kelo wasn't that bad. That 'it's incredible' that Trump isn't being condescending himself towards his supporters. That his 'door' in the wall was an escape hatch to his 'most important issue.' That his 'even handed' look at Planned Parenthood was another escape hatch for his long term support of all abortions. Etc.

I do believe those are things worth discussing, others seem to lose their tempers though.

One. More. Time.

This has nothing to do with Trump or your dislike of him.

It has EVERYTHING to do with calling me and others an idiot, a rube, naive, etc., because you don't like the politician that I do.

Simple enough? Get it now?

I sure as hell hope so, because this is about the 9,358th time I've said it.

01-26-2016, 02:36 PM
One. More. Time.

This has nothing to do with Trump or your dislike of him.

It has EVERYTHING to do with calling me and others an idiot, a rube, naive, etc., because you don't like the politician that I do.

Simple enough? Get it now?

I sure as hell hope so, because this is about the 9,358th time I've said it.

And yet we i rd h all of your quoting, there's none that say s hat you're claiming. That you read sch into it isn't on me.

01-26-2016, 02:46 PM
I think it boils down to this, and I saw it coming for over a month now, as it's already been discussed in 800 threads - the comments about "Trump supporters" and similar, were eventually going to boil over. Some feel insulted over a ton of comments for the past few months, that seemed to imply over and over that those of us supporting Trump were either stupid, can't grasp things, don't understand how politics work and things like that. Then add in the fact that everyone is friends and have known one another for a long time. That's why it bothers me so much.

01-26-2016, 02:53 PM
And yet we i rd h all of your quoting, there's none that say s hat you're claiming. That you read sch into it isn't on me.

Being deliberately obtuse certainly isn't helping you.

Go back and read your own quotes that I helpfully provided you if you somehow can't grasp what the problem is.

Stop with your gutter sniping and we can move past this.

All I want is you to show me the respect that I show you. I don't think that's unreasonable.

And if you're incapable of doing so, then we'll continue on and I will treat you with the same utter disregard and contempt that you've shown me.

Your call.

01-26-2016, 02:55 PM
I think it boils down to this, and I saw it coming for over a month now, as it's already been discussed in 800 threads - the comments about "Trump supporters" and similar, were eventually going to boil over. Some feel insulted over a ton of comments for the past few months, that seemed to imply over and over that those of us supporting Trump were either stupid, can't grasp things, don't understand how politics work and things like that. Then add in the fact that everyone is friends and have known one another for a long time. That's why it bothers me so much.

Way back in August I was tired of the condescending attitudes coming from the usual suspects. I wrote this:

My daughter asked me about the Trump issue last night, and I explained it this way:

I believe many Republicans see Trump as a savior to the values they hold. Yes, he has his own problems and is not a true conservative, but he is espousing many of the values conservatives hold dear. No one else is doing what he is doing, at least not in the same way.

When someone attacks Trump, these conservatives view it as a personal attack upon their own core values. As such, they respond with indignation.

I believe the Republican party has handled Trump very inappropriately. Look at this forum, for example. There is thread after thread about how terrible Trump is. While I personally can see both sides about Trump, there came a point to where I got tired of the (what I considered) trolling. With each new thread and the endless posts about how goofy Trump supporters might be, the people who share his stated values became more annoyed with the two main Trump antagonists. At some point it's gonna spill over and someone is gonna get angry.


01-26-2016, 02:58 PM
And then this:

It is this attitude that pushes his supporters ever further away. It implies that others would feel the way you do if only they understood things as well as you do.


01-26-2016, 03:01 PM
Way back in August I was tired of the condescending attitudes coming from the usual suspects. I wrote this:


Looks like you called it back then, and it's EXACTLY that. First the goofy comments about the Trump supporters. And then how we need to be educated. :(

01-26-2016, 03:05 PM
With each new thread and the endless posts about how goofy Trump supporters might be, the people who share his stated values became more annoyed with the two main Trump antagonists. At some point it's gonna spill over and someone is gonna get angry.

It took quite a few months, but I finally got there.

That's pretty prophetic of you.

I feely admit that I didn't think the sniping would continue to the point where it became intolerable. I guess I try to put too much faith in the notion of common decency.

01-26-2016, 03:16 PM
It took quite a few months, but I finally got there.

That's pretty prophetic of you.

I feely admit that I didn't think the sniping would continue to the point where it became intolerable. I guess I try to put too much faith in the notion of common decency.

To give you an example of how heated that thread got, it was the thread where someone said to Sir Drummond:

You sir are not just a big government liberal, you're a dishonest one.

I love @Drummond (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=2287) and that one hurt even me. I was afraid we would lose him. All because of a disagreement. :(

01-26-2016, 03:23 PM
To give you an example of how heated that thread got, it was the thread where someone said to Sir Drummond:

I love @Drummond (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=2287) and that one hurt even me. I was afraid we would lose him. All because of a disagreement. :(

I remember it well; but that was a whole different topic.

01-26-2016, 03:29 PM
I remember it well; but that was a whole different topic.

Yep. The thread started out with Trump, then people started getting a little raw, and one thing led to another. Before it was over it was a thread about granola bars, or something.

Black Diamond
01-26-2016, 04:45 PM
Looks like you called it back then, and it's EXACTLY that. First the goofy comments about the Trump supporters. And then how we need to be educated. :(

I assure you it's not about people not being educated. It's about trump being bold when his competition is not, trump having a larger than life persona, the media giving him more attention than others, and people bring pissed off at the SOS from Republican candidates.
When trump put that Jorge Ramos guy in his place, I turned to my wife and said "I don't know if this guy can be stopped".
If there has been an American politician with this level of boldneess, confidence, and chutzpah, I don't remember it.

Black Diamond
01-26-2016, 07:13 PM
I still don't get why a rational discussion about Trump seems to be hard to come by.

01-26-2016, 09:57 PM
Looks like you called it back then, and it's EXACTLY that. First the goofy comments about the Trump supporters. And then how we need to be educated. :(

Yep, with the OP I called it for the time being. Hoping something changes. However if Trump does get elected, which is more and more a possibility, I hope I'm proven to have been very wrong. I hope he is the one we've been looking for.

Then again, I wish I was wrong about Obama too.

01-27-2016, 04:59 AM
Yep, with the OP I called it for the time being. Hoping something changes. However if Trump does get elected, which is more and more a possibility, I hope I'm proven to have been very wrong. I hope he is the one we've been looking for.

Then again, I wish I was wrong about Obama too.

Truth be told, I don't think anyone running is our savior or the one we've been looking for. But I think ANY of them will kind of feel that way after having Obama in there for 8 years. Then maybe we can start to rebuild from the mess, and if whomever gets elected isn't that great, we hopefully build on that in the next election.

01-27-2016, 07:12 AM

01-27-2016, 12:24 PM
I forgot for a moment the 2nd grade level mentality I'm dealing with here. Twist words, quote out of context, ascribe your childish motives to me .... All because I don't like a candidate. Anyone that thinks I don't like nor respect them because I don't like their candidate needs to get in line for a diaper change. This shit is ridiculous. I respect your right to go jump off a cliff if that's what you want to do. Doesn't mean I agree with it.

Some of y'all need to grow the fuck up. There's a BIG fucking difference between me calling someone stupid and me disagreeing with someone. If I'm going to call you stupid I'll say you're fucking stupid.

Why don't y'all put your big boy panties on and act like you earned them?

01-27-2016, 12:30 PM
Since you bounce back and forth between the two Shitstorm Threads and I already answered you in the other one, I'll just cross-post here with my response.

I'll tell you what you start. Look at the TWO (count them) people you are (or NT) are accusing of stirring up shit against how many? I spent all day yesterday in a running gun battle with half the active members of this board just because I don't like Trump. And unlike NT claims, I didn't start shit. I walked into an ambush when I logged on in the AM.

Not my fault you got yourself into a scrap with half the board.

That's entirely on you and your actions.

And as far as NT goes ... YOU are the liar. I don't stir up shit about Trump at all and haven't, so you can shove that up your ass with your favorite lubricant. I just don't avoid the topic. How can you on this board and get to post? It isn't because I'm some morally uprighteous person, either. I'm too lazy to lie. You have to remember them. Your skewed, one-sided perception does NOT a liar make.

I'm not sure why you can't get this through your thick head, but I'll take another whack at it :

I said you're full of shit about being attempts being made to censor, harrass, stifle and bully you.

That's why I took the time to educate you about your very own words said right here on this board, despite your claims to the contrary.

I haven't said anything regarding your dislike of Trump. I don't give a damn if you like him or not. Honest.

This has EVERYTHING to do with your multiple claims of being censored - and then your bizarre move to deny ever saying it.

You've been challenged many times about your weird censorship claims - and yet you have failed to point out EVEN ONCE where that happened.

Why is that?

01-27-2016, 01:16 PM
I forgot for a moment the 2nd grade level mentality I'm dealing with here. Twist words, quote out of context, ascribe your childish motives to me .... All because I don't like a candidate. Anyone that thinks I don't like nor respect them because I don't like their candidate needs to get in line for a diaper change. This shit is ridiculous. I respect your right to go jump off a cliff if that's what you want to do. Doesn't mean I agree with it.

Some of y'all need to grow the fuck up. There's a BIG fucking difference between me calling someone stupid and me disagreeing with someone. If I'm going to call you stupid I'll say you're fucking stupid.

Why don't y'all put your big boy panties on and act like you earned them?

So I logged on today, went through my rounds of replying to PM's. Then I start reading threads and replying to some, from top to bottom. I was kinda happy, because although there was no kumbaya and cakes, it seemed like things were cooling down and back to respectful and reasonable responses.

I will reply to one thing only - "all because I don't like a candidate".

Nothing else needs to be said. If one doesn't grasp something the first 99 times, they ain't gonna on the 100th time. I don't think ANYONE cares who you like and don't like, and NEVER have. I think EVERYONE that got mad over the past few months said the SAME thing - why are us Trump supporters being insulted, demeaned, degraded and all, like we are retards.

But the irony is amusing. Reading that post like 3 times now, and reading the portion about how we all have the mentality of a 2nd grader. :rolleyes:

I came in, I tried to be reasonable and respectful, and then this. I don't even care anymore Gunny, and won't be fighting. As far as I'm concerned it's 100% over for ME. Peace out. :)

01-27-2016, 03:13 PM
So I logged on today, went through my rounds of replying to PM's. Then I start reading threads and replying to some, from top to bottom. I was kinda happy, because although there was no kumbaya and cakes, it seemed like things were cooling down and back to respectful and reasonable responses.

I will reply to one thing only - "all because I don't like a candidate".

Nothing else needs to be said. If one doesn't grasp something the first 99 times, they ain't gonna on the 100th time. I don't think ANYONE cares who you like and don't like, and NEVER have. I think EVERYONE that got mad over the past few months said the SAME thing - why are us Trump supporters being insulted, demeaned, degraded and all, like we are retards.

But the irony is amusing. Reading that post like 3 times now, and reading the portion about how we all have the mentality of a 2nd grader. :rolleyes:

I came in, I tried to be reasonable and respectful, and then this. I don't even care anymore Gunny, and won't be fighting. As far as I'm concerned it's 100% over for ME. Peace out. :)

I got no problem with anyone going back to their corners. I'm NOT going to sit around and be accused of something I didn't say. If anyone wants to point out where exactly I said you, the board or your staff censored anything I had to say, feel free. Otherwise, there's more than one way to censor a person. Relentless attacks with out of context quotes works. Multiple attacks by multiple users on those who don't agree with the status quo works too.

I don't want to fight with any of y'all. But I'm not going to not post or hide for fear of hurting someone's feelings because they don't like my stance.

However, I'm cool. Ayone that doesn't want to just walk away can bring it. Otherwise, I got better things to do than get into personal pissing contests over nothing. Damned kid can go through more diapers in a day than I can razor blades.

01-27-2016, 03:24 PM
Speaking of .. got a crash course on what baby poop looks like when trying to transition them from bottles to food. :puke: Thought I was too old for this shit. :(

Abbey Marie
01-27-2016, 06:05 PM
Speaking of .. got a crash course on what baby poop looks like when trying to transition them from bottles to food. :puke: Thought I was too old for this shit. :(

Lol! I'm so grateful we don't have Smellnet.

01-27-2016, 08:38 PM
Speaking of .. got a crash course on what baby poop looks like when trying to transition them from bottles to food. :puke: Thought I was too old for this shit. :(

Welcome to my world, except the poop belongs to adults. And pee. And vomit. And respiratory secretions. But the worst of all are the farts.

01-28-2016, 12:39 PM
Welcome to my world, except the poop belongs to adults. And pee. And vomit. And respiratory secretions. But the worst of all are the farts.

You can have your world. I once had to renovate a corner of the 4th Floor at the Baptist Hospital in San Antonio. That's where you go when your next stop is Roy Akers Funeral Home, not back home. I needed therapy after that job. I was so depressed from that place it was ridiculous.