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01-27-2016, 06:17 PM
Really all that matters between now and November... or at least between now and Iowa and New Hampshire... So unless something drastically changes in the next 2 weeks...


2016 Republican Presidential Nomination
Trump 41, Cruz 19, Rubio 8, Carson 6, Bush 5, Christie 4, Huckabee 3, Kasich 1, Fiorina 2, Paul 3, Santorum 0 Trump +22

2016 Republican Presidential Nomination
ABC News/Wash Post
Trump 37, Cruz 21, Rubio 11, Carson 7, Bush 5, Christie 4, Huckabee 2, Kasich 2, Fiorina 3, Paul 1, Santorum 0 Trump +16

Iowa Republican Presidential Caucus
Trump 31, Cruz 29, Rubio 13, Carson 7, Bush 4, Paul 5, Christie 3, Huckabee 2, Kasich 1, Fiorina 1, Santorum 0 Trump +2

Iowa Republican Presidential Caucus
Trump 30, Cruz 23, Rubio 16, Carson 10, Bush 4, Paul 3, Christie 2, Huckabee 3, Kasich 3, Fiorina 2, Santorum 1 Trump +7

New Hampshire Republican Presidential Primary
Trump 31, Cruz 12, Kasich 17, Rubio 9, Bush 8, Christie 8, Fiorina 3, Paul 2, Carson 2, Huckabee 1, Santorum 1 Trump +14

New Hampshire Republican Presidential Primary
Boston Herald/FPU
Trump 33, Cruz 14, Kasich 12, Rubio 8, Bush 9, Christie 7, Fiorina 5, Paul 3, Carson 4, Huckabee 1, Santorum 0 Trump +19

New Hampshire Republican Presidential Primary
Trump 35, Cruz 8, Kasich 14, Rubio 9, Bush 18, Christie 5, Fiorina 3, Paul 3, Carson 3, Huckabee 1, Santorum 0 Trump +17

01-27-2016, 06:18 PM