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View Full Version : Im watching the debate

Abbey Marie
01-28-2016, 09:35 PM
Good so far. Feisty bunch, lol.
Christie is a very sharp, smart guy. I like him a lot.

01-28-2016, 09:44 PM
Christie is a very smart guy, and he does deliver some pretty cutting & funny remarks.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-28-2016, 09:47 PM
Good so far. Feisty bunch, lol.
Christie is a very sharp, smart guy. I like him a lot.

I am watching Trump speak to the people while honoring our troops.
Huckabee just finished his remarks and walked off stage.
I hope Kelly has a good time tonight being the attack dog for the Republican top elites
and the dem party tonight at that Fox ambush event..
Got to go, Trump is introducing another war hero..
I want my click to show another Trump supporter watching his event. -Tyr

Abbey Marie
01-28-2016, 09:51 PM
Christie's comment just made on defunding Planned Parenthood was awesome!

Abbey Marie
01-28-2016, 10:02 PM
Wow, Kelly just ran videos showing Rubio's immigration statements to make him look like a liar. She is more antagonistic than the other networks, IMO.

Abbey Marie
01-28-2016, 10:07 PM
Now she's doing the same thing to Cruz. If she doesn't do the same to Bush, I will probably believe she is in the tank for him.

01-28-2016, 10:10 PM
Wow, Kelly just ran videos showing Rubio's immigration statements to make him look like a liar. She is more antagonistic than the other networks, IMO.

Now she's doing the same thing to Cruz. If she doesn't do the same to Bush, I will probably believe she is in the tank for him.

Kelly personifies "gotcha". I hope FOX is proud of her and her "skills".

Abbey Marie
01-28-2016, 10:13 PM
The Fox Business channel debate was so good. Nothing like this nastiness. Plus, for anyone who isn't watching, only Kelly has asked questions for at least the last 15 minutes.

01-28-2016, 10:14 PM
Kelly personifies "gotcha". I hope FOX is proud of her and her "skills".

And I wish she would remove those tacky false eyelashes.

Abbey Marie
01-28-2016, 10:15 PM
And I wish she would remove those tacky false eyelashes.

Haha I thought the same thing!

01-28-2016, 10:18 PM
Wow. Not too obvious that some don't like Kelly. I thought this was a DEBATE with the candidates, and it had nothing to do with makeup, clothing, or whether you like who is asking questions???

I apologize if I offend anyone here. But....I thought, as Republicans. We prided ourselves on NOT sounding like the liberals who destroyed the former gov. of Alaska???

Abbey Marie
01-28-2016, 10:27 PM
Wow. Not too obvious that some don't like Kelly. I thought this was a DEBATE with the candidates, and it had nothing to do with makeup, clothing, or whether you like who is asking questions???

I apologize if I offend anyone here. But....I thought, as Republicans. We prided ourselves on NOT sounding like the liberals who destroyed the former gov. of Alaska???

If you like Kelly, go ahead and defend her. Tell us what you like about her.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-28-2016, 10:35 PM
Wow, Kelly just ran videos showing Rubio's immigration statements to make him look like a liar. She is more antagonistic than the other networks, IMO.

She is more antagonistic than the other networks, IMO.

Below my previous post made well before she did exactly what I said she'd do...-Tyr

I am watching Trump speak to the people while honoring our troops.
Huckabee just finished his remarks and walked off stage.
I hope Kelly has a good time tonight being the attack dog for the Republican top elites
and the dem party tonight at that Fox ambush event..
Got to go, Trump is introducing another war hero..
I want my click to show another Trump supporter watching his event. -Tyr

01-28-2016, 10:39 PM
I am watching Trump speak to the people while honoring our troops.
Huckabee just finished his remarks and walked off stage.
I hope Kelly has a good time tonight being the attack dog for the Republican top elites
and the dem party tonight at that Fox ambush event..
Got to go, Trump is introducing another war hero..
I want my click to show another Trump supporter watching his event. -Tyr

I watched it on One America News.

01-28-2016, 10:41 PM
I really like Mike Huckabee. He is a good man

01-28-2016, 10:43 PM
The Fox Business channel debate was so good. Nothing like this nastiness. Plus, for anyone who isn't watching, only Kelly has asked questions for at least the last 15 minutes.

The last debate was very well done. Good moderators. No issues.

01-28-2016, 10:43 PM
If you like Kelly, go ahead and defend her. Tell us what you like about her.

Abbey. Not defending anybody. I don't watch her. I'm just surprised about the comments talking about appearances. Which, to me. Sounds pretty petty and almost as bad as the liberals all of us SWORE about during the last elections, and What's her name from Alaska.

It's a debate, not a Miss America pagant.

Abbey Marie
01-28-2016, 10:49 PM
Abbey. Not defending anybody. I don't watch her. I'm just surprised about the comments talking about appearances. Which, to me. Sounds pretty petty and almost as bad as the liberals all of us SWORE about during the last elections, and What's her name from Alaska.

It's a debate, not a Miss America pagant.

I believe there was just one comment, which I said I was thinking as well, and it had to do with her choice of extremely long eyelashes, not about her looks per se. I'll bet if I looked I could find comments by you about Hillary's looks, btw.

01-28-2016, 10:49 PM
Abbey. Not defending anybody. I don't watch her. I'm just surprised about the comments talking about appearances. Which, to me. Sounds pretty petty and almost as bad as the liberals all of us SWORE about during the last elections, and What's her name from Alaska.

It's a debate, not a Miss America pagant.

Their comments were a by product, not the main compliant.

01-28-2016, 10:53 PM
I believe there was just one comment, which I said I was thinking as well, and it had to do with her choice of extremely long eyelashes, not about her looks per se. I'll bet if I looked I could find comments by you about Hillary's looks, btw.

Sure you would. But Hillary's not on that stage with those Republicans. I haven't been shy about talking about Hillary. My point was. This is a debate about the FUTURE of our nation. Who cares whether eyelashes are long, short, or even part of the DEBATE???

As I said before. Not trying to offend here. But sounding like the very people we disagree with who JUDGED the Alaska Gov. about her LOOKS, CLOTHING, SPEECH, and LIFE...just doesn't sound like US.

Abbey Marie
01-28-2016, 11:06 PM
Sure you would. But Hillary's not on that stage with those Republicans. I haven't been shy about talking about Hillary. My point was. This is a debate about the FUTURE of our nation. Who cares whether eyelashes are long, short, or even part of the DEBATE???

As I said before. Not trying to offend here. But sounding like the very people we disagree with who JUDGED the Alaska Gov. about her LOOKS, CLOTHING, SPEECH, and LIFE...just doesn't sound like US.

Last time I checked, Kelly is not on the stage with the candidates; she's not running. Palin on the other hand, was.

01-29-2016, 12:06 AM
I was not impressed by Cruz in this debate. I was impressed mostly with Marco Rubio and Chris Christie. I also liked Jeb Bush.

Abbey Marie
01-29-2016, 12:09 AM
I was not impressed by Cruz in this debate. I was impressed mostly with Marco Rubio and Chris Christie. I also liked Jeb Bush.

I felt the same about all 3. And the focus group liked Rubio a lot. Kelly's attempt to discredit him didn't seem to work so well.

01-29-2016, 09:33 AM
I have to say, I'm starting to really dislike Megyn Kelly. She seems to think she's Dan Rather 2.0, with false eyelashes and a bad haircut.

Here's the type of questions she always seems to ask:
- "Mr. Trump, isn't it true that you're really an ahole?"
- "Mr. Cruz, other candidates have said that you're an ahole. How do you respond?"
- "Mr. Rubio, didn't you change your stance on immigration, and then lie about it?"
- "Mr. Christie, Dems have been trying to tie you to Bridgegate for years but haven't, but I still think you're lying. How do you respond?"
- "Mr. Carson, I forgot to ask you any questions. How do you respond?"

Here's the type of questions she never seems to ask:
- "Mr. Trump, how would you handle trade with China, or deal with Putin?"
- "Mr. Cruz, how would you handle dealing with Syrian refugees?"
- "Mr. Rubio, how would you deal with Iran?"
- "Mr. Christie, what changes would you make to taxes to rev the economy and create jobs?"
- "Mr. Carson, what would you do to get America respected in the world again after Obama messed things up?"

The problems were mainly her. I didn't think Chris Wallace or Brett Bair were that bad. FoxNews needs to get her off the stage before my irritation with her spreads to being generally ticked at FoxNews. She is just a bad journalist.

01-29-2016, 09:35 AM
Shockingly I thought the debate last night gave those few watching it a chance to see how the candidates handled tough questions/video statements they made in the past. I think all handled that well, with little drama. I think Cruz did the best, but Rubio came off very well.

I think Jeb did more than ok, but not enough to throw him into top 3.

Little drama though.

01-29-2016, 09:41 AM
I've been watching last nights debate in the background this morning. Enjoying it thus far, but doesn't seem like any of the questions/answers are of much use, unless you're devising new ways of how to go after fellow politicians. Maybe it gets better. It's all on youtube if anyone is interested.

01-29-2016, 09:45 AM
I've been watching last nights debate in the background this morning. Enjoying it thus far, but doesn't seem like any of the questions/answers are of much use, unless you're devising new ways of how to go after fellow politicians. Maybe it gets better. It's all on youtube if anyone is interested.

No, it doesn't get better. The later end of the show featured the media ho. She is the kind that is left when all the pretty people have left the bar and there's an old drunk haint waiting for attention.

01-29-2016, 01:40 PM
Last time I checked, Kelly is not on the stage with the candidates; she's not running. Palin on the other hand, was.

I understand that. The point I wanted to make was..Why resort to sounding like Liberals who smear people for their looks, rather than discussing more important matters...Like the Future of America. Of course she's not running. Her job...like it or not, or like her, or not...is to ask questions. If someone doesn't like the questions because they don't like the person asking them. That's the Intolerant THINKING of Liberals.

Abbey Marie
01-29-2016, 03:44 PM
I understand that. The point I wanted to make was..Why resort to sounding like Liberals who smear people for their looks, rather than discussing more important matters...Like the Future of America. Of course she's not running. Her job...like it or not, or like her, or not...is to ask questions. If someone doesn't like the questions because they don't like the person asking them. That's the Intolerant THINKING of Liberals.
