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View Full Version : Julia Roberts Update

01-31-2016, 05:53 PM
She's not a pup anymore, wearing her college gear:

​https://scontent-lax3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/12642428_1778259152397711_737640365152193930_n.jpg ?oh=53ab97305e62841311de31df3ff02cf8&oe=572D4E1E

Abbey Marie
01-31-2016, 09:30 PM
I've always liked that name :cool:

01-31-2016, 09:42 PM
I've always liked that name :cool:

It was a weird pick, for certain. Derek said, 'She just looks like Julia Roberts,' when naming her. LOL!

I still remember him musing about putting an empty vial of medication on Ebay... He didn't. ;)

02-01-2016, 11:16 AM
Awwww.... how old is she now?

02-01-2016, 11:24 AM
Awwww.... how old is she now?

I do believe she's now 7. She killed a mouse a couple weeks ago. ))pm

02-01-2016, 11:32 AM
I do believe she's now 7. She killed a mouse a couple weeks ago. ))pm

That's good, that's what they're supposed to do! My wife will be in hell if a real mouse should surface in our house ever again. We now own like 300 fake mice because Nero LOVES them and just plays with them all day and night. And he's perfected the art and never misses if you toss one to or near him. And what he loves most is bringing one to you, after he dunks it in the water bowl for awhile. And then brings it to her as a gift and drops it on her chest. Imagine what he would do with a bloody mouse?

Did she bring the mouse to you after she killed it?

02-01-2016, 02:32 PM
That's good, that's what they're supposed to do! My wife will be in hell if a real mouse should surface in our house ever again. We now own like 300 fake mice because Nero LOVES them and just plays with them all day and night. And he's perfected the art and never misses if you toss one to or near him. And what he loves most is bringing one to you, after he dunks it in the water bowl for awhile. And then brings it to her as a gift and drops it on her chest. Imagine what he would do with a bloody mouse?

Did she bring the mouse to you after she killed it?

Yep, Julia brought it to son, on his bed. :cheers2:

My son is a bit weird:

https://scontent-lax3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xft1/v/t1.0-9/12592446_1778263555730604_8483126056432441431_n.jp g?oh=d660ceb5787ee2039853f53613fa8033&oe=57264FA9

02-03-2016, 10:17 AM
Julia Roberts recommends this commercial:


02-03-2016, 10:37 AM
That's good, that's what they're supposed to do! My wife will be in hell if a real mouse should surface in our house ever again. We now own like 300 fake mice because Nero LOVES them and just plays with them all day and night. And he's perfected the art and never misses if you toss one to or near him. And what he loves most is bringing one to you, after he dunks it in the water bowl for awhile. And then brings it to her as a gift and drops it on her chest. Imagine what he would do with a bloody mouse?

Did she bring the mouse to you after she killed it?

Jim the next time the ol lady falls a sleep on the couch ( where I could watch and maybe even video it ) I would buy one of those little white ones they sell as snake food and let Nero do his thing. Funniness home videos here we come. :laugh:

02-11-2016, 12:24 AM
Yep, Julia brought it to son, on his bed. :cheers2:

My son is a bit weird:

https://scontent-lax3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xft1/v/t1.0-9/12592446_1778263555730604_8483126056432441431_n.jp g?oh=d660ceb5787ee2039853f53613fa8033&oe=57264FA9

Sassylady was perusing this thread, had to update:

Julia Roberts the Dachshund (https://www.facebook.com/juliarobertsdachshund/?fref=nf)

February 8 at 8:32am (https://www.facebook.com/juliarobertsdachshund/posts/1781511265405833) ·

Mom and dad THINK the mouse problem is gone. But I know better. The hunt is on!

While she love the Irish, she's an all around sports fan:

Julia Roberts the Dachshund (https://www.facebook.com/juliarobertsdachshund/) https://static.xx.fbcdn.net/rsrc.php/v2/yz/r/zIYKOEseu61.pngwatching Puppy Bowl (https://www.facebook.com/PuppyBowl/).

February 7 at 1:08pm (https://www.facebook.com/juliarobertsdachshund/posts/1781204298769863) ·

So happy to see all these rescues playing like champs. No matter which team wins they're all winners to me.

https://scontent-lax3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hprofile-xtf1/v/t1.0-1/12417816_10153937401671392_4226965977641475256_n.j pg?oh=dc975f87d9210104884f0898d5023727&oe=57381889


Puppy Bowl (https://www.facebook.com/PuppyBowl/)