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View Full Version : Hey Media: don't ask about illegals in the country... just secure the border

01-31-2016, 09:09 PM
Not sure what people will think about this, but I am sick and tired of interviewers or debate moderators asking candidates "How would you handle all the illegal immigrants that are already in the country?" I don't care about this question, and I don't want it even asked, until the border is secured. Just ask "How would you secure the border?" That's it. Once the border is secure, then is the time to start asking the other question.

Asking the question about "what would you do with the illegal immigrants already in the country" over the years has only served to put candidates on the defensive, and in the end has actually prevented us from securing our border. If the stinkin' media had only asked candidates about securing our border 20 years ago, maybe we'd have a secure border by now. And we could start actually coming up with a good plan for how to handle the illegals/undocumenteds that are currently in the country.

Just sayin'. What do other people think?