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View Full Version : Obama signs Exec Order limiting gun ownership to three guns per citizen???

01-31-2016, 11:23 PM
I have difficulty believing this isn't a joke, and never really happened.

1.) Everyone's guns must be registered, with a few exceptions.
2.) No one can have more than three guns registered to him.
3.) If you have an unregistered gun, it's a felony, 10 years minimum sentence in a Fed prison.
4.) People wishing to own a gun must get a license, and must devote 1 weekend/month to military training.
5.) All ammo sales will be registered, strict limits on quantity.
6.) We have one year to register allour guns and turn in any more than three.
7.) Govt will graciously give the owners money for the guns it confiscates.

If someone had told me that the Democrats were even planning these steps, I'd have laughed in his face and told him to quit his hysterical ranting. Even the leftist nutcases we get on internet forums wouldn't propose such draconian, flagrantly illegal measures upon American citizens.

But now I find ABC News saying Obama already signed the Executive Order making it so.

Still not sure it's not a joke. Did someone spoof an article from The Onion, and set up a bogus website with a purloined ABC logo?



President Obama Signs Executive Order Limiting US Gun Owners to Three Guns

By Xavier Wallace -
January 31, 2016

WASHINGTON — In a move that promises to permanently transform the political landscape in the United States, President Obama has signed Executive Order 13752, an order which will radically change the way the United States regulates all weapons. President Obama claims that his authority to draft this order comes from the second amendment: “If you look at the second amendment, you’ll see that it says that ‘a well-regulated militia is necessary to the security of a free state.’ Well, when I see kids getting shot at school and people gunning down their coworkers, I don’t see a well-regulated militia. I don’t see a state that is secure in its freedom. I see a nation in crisis. I see a country in desperate need of reform. If you want to exercise your right to bear arms, that’s fine, but if you want to do that, you should be ready and able to defend your country at a moment’s notice.”

Under the new law, nearly every gun in the U.S. will be required to be registered. There are exceptions for single and double barrel shotguns, single shot and double barrel hunting rifles, black powder guns, and any gun made before 1932. No U.S. citizen will be allowed to have more than three guns registered to them at any time. Possession of an unregistered firearm, expect those exempted from registration, will be a felony that carries a mandatory minimum sentence of ten years in federal prison. States that refuse to enforce the new laws will lose federal highway and Medicaid funding.

In addition to requiring firearm registration, all citizens who wish to own or possess a weapon will be required to obtain a gun operator’s license. Two licenses will be available. A class one license will grant its owner the legal right to purchase and possess firearms which do not require registration; they will also be allowed use a friend’s registered weapon or rent a registered weapon from a licensed shooting range, provided that they handle the weapon under the supervision of a class two license holder. In order to obtain a class one license, the individual must undergo a criminal background and mental health screening and complete a three day, government approved gun safety course. In order to obtain a class two license, the individual must commit to at least one weekend per month of military training and must be prepared to mobilize in case of a national emergency. The class two license will allow them to register up to three weapons for personal use. When not in use, the weapons and ammunition must be locked in separate, government approved cabinets. All ammunition sales, even those for unregistered weapons, will be registered in a national database, and strict limits will be placed on how much ammunition can be purchased. The limits vary depending on the type of ammunition.

Once the new law is implemented, citizens will have one year to register/surrender their weapons. The government will purchase all surrendered weapons at current retail value. All of the surrendered weapons will be housed in strategically placed bunkers across the U.S. for use by the newly created citizen militia in training exercises and in case of a national emergency.

01-31-2016, 11:25 PM
And now I find Snopes saying it isn't so, that it IS a fake article.


It pretty much had to be, as I thought.

01-31-2016, 11:33 PM
That site is a bogus news site. There's a bunch of them around.

The .co at the end is the tip off.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-31-2016, 11:40 PM
I would not put it past the ffing bastard but thats a bit far even for his worthless traitorous ass, unless they wanted a civil war started right now as that' would do it.
I'd not turn in a damn thing except speeding hot bullets myself. -Tyr

02-01-2016, 06:57 AM
I would not put it past the ffing bastard but thats a bit far even for his worthless traitorous ass, unless they wanted a civil war started right now as that' would do it.
I'd not turn in a damn thing except speeding hot bullets myself. -Tyr

Rumours sometimes start from a grain of truth .. I'd say, watch this space !!!