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02-02-2016, 04:17 PM
In quotes because they ain't. All those men of military age? Gimme a break.

I got the idea from a facebook post, modified it a bit.

All of the able bodied men 18-50 are immediately inducted into the US Army, Foreign Services, and formed into units organized into countries or origin. Training just like our own troops except no pay, no provision for US citizenship, no live ammunition except very limited circumstances.

All of the women inducted into support camps.

We then deliver the men back to their homelands as paratroopers. Their ammunition is pre-packed under their parachute. If they refuse to jump, they get tossed out anyway.

We provide air support only. They are the sole boots-on-ground.

02-02-2016, 04:19 PM
In quotes because they ain't. All those men of military age? Gimme a break.

I got the idea from a facebook post, modified it a bit.

All of the able bodied men 18-50 are immediately inducted into the US Army, Foreign Services, and formed into units organized into countries or origin. Training just like our own troops except no pay, no provision for US citizenship, no live ammunition except very limited circumstances.

All of the women inducted into support camps.

We then deliver the men back to their homelands as paratroopers. Their ammunition is pre-packed under their parachute. If they refuse to jump, they get tossed out anyway.

We provide air support only. They are the sole boots-on-ground.

I'm almost with you. How about we leave them there and they can join the Syrian Army and fight for their own damned huts? Just an idea.

02-02-2016, 04:42 PM
I'm almost with you. How about we leave them there and they can join the Syrian Army and fight for their own damned huts? Just an idea.

You're the military guy, so I'll leave the details to you.

Something has to be done to thwart their invasion here and in Europe.

02-02-2016, 04:58 PM
You're the military guy, so I'll leave the details to you.

Something has to be done to thwart their invasion here and in Europe.

I'm willing to give them some firearms and ammo. Maybe some crappy chow. If you're an able-bodies man of fighting age and running like a wuss, I ain't taking you in. These asswipes act like we owe them something. It's your land motherfucker, defend it.

02-02-2016, 05:04 PM
I'm willing to give them some firearms and ammo. Maybe some crappy chow. If you're an able-bodies man of fighting age and running like a wuss, I ain't taking you in. These asswipes act like we owe them something. It's your land motherfucker, defend it.

Frankly, I'm tired of being the world's police force. We have to defend Israel because we put it there, along with the Allies. But damned if I'm going to support defending the entire pile-of-shit middle east.

02-02-2016, 05:10 PM
Frankly, I'm tired of being the world's police force. We have to defend Israel because we put it there, along with the Allies. But damned if I'm going to support defending the entire pile-of-shit middle east.

We actually did not put Israel there. The US was against Britain putting them there. What few seem to realize when the left wants to toss crap in the right's faces is we were the de facto enemy when Israel blew up the USS Liberty. We were trying to blockade them. They sent a message. Hope their next one's aimed at Tehran.

And I'd give California to the Israelis and send the idiots that live there to the ME. Problem solved.

02-02-2016, 05:19 PM
We actually did not put Israel there. The US was against Britain putting them there. What few seem to realize when the left wants to toss crap in the right's faces is we were the de facto enemy when Israel blew up the USS Liberty. We were trying to blockade them. They sent a message. Hope their next one's aimed at Tehran.

And I'd give California to the Israelis and send the idiots that live there to the ME. Problem solved.

I'm not going to argue "who" put them there. Regardless, that's where they belong. They want to live in that hell-hole, so let them. More importantly, they are willing to defend their homeland, and that's the policy that we need to support.

We can't bring anyone who lives in these hell holes to America, or as you suggested The People's Republic of Kalifornia. There's billions of potential immigrants, and we simply don't have room. We shouldn't even be taking their best and brightest, because those are the folks that can change the hell holes into habitable countries.

02-03-2016, 01:52 AM
Such violence; angered response. You're out of control.

02-03-2016, 08:19 AM
What few seem to realize when the left wants to toss crap in the right's faces is we were the de facto enemy when Israel blew up the USS Liberty. We were trying to blockade them. They sent a message.

That's not how it went down.

We were supporting Israel during the Six Day War, and the USS Liberty was a CIA boat parked off of the North Coast of Egypt near the festivities gathering signals intelligence. It was a case of mistaken identity, and this has been propagated by anti-Israel pundits since the incident.

Not only were we giving them signals intelligence, we were also flying SR-71s taking pictures of troop movements and battlefield intel, and giving it to the Israelis. That is one of the big reasons why they kicked such ass in both the Six Day War and the Yom Kippur War - they knew what the Arabs were planning and where their assets were.

We were not engaging in a blockade of Israel - we were helping them fight against desperate odds.

The Liberty was parked 13 miles off of Egypt's Sinai Peninsula, even though the Pentagon had ordered her to come no closer than 100 miles from the conflict. Because of normal wartime SNAFUs, this order didn't reach the Liberty until several hours after the attack happened. The Israelis were looking for a ship that had attempted to shell Arish, but the shells had fallen short.

At first, the Israelis were thinking that they'd accidentally attacked a Soviet ship, which would also have been a bad move... not as bad as attacking one of ours, but bad nonetheless with involving a hostile major power. But as soon as one of the pilots recognized a possible American ship, the attack was halted.

Between the smoke and fire, combined with no comm because of destroyed antenna and the US Flag knocked down, it was hard to see the pertinent details from a jet moving along at several hundred knots.

Further, Egypt was known to disguise their ships as Western ones and even respond with light signals that corresponded to Western navies.

I'm convinced it was a tragic case of friendly fire. They would not have deliberately attacked a US ship that was there to help them in the first place... our assistance was vital to them.

It's kind of a long read, but Wiki does a detailed job at outlining & verifying the events that took place. This kind of stuff is fascinating to me and I'm willing to start another thread about it if you are willing to discuss further.


02-03-2016, 08:28 AM
In quotes because they ain't. All those men of military age? Gimme a break.

I got the idea from a facebook post, modified it a bit.

All of the able bodied men 18-50 are immediately inducted into the US Army, Foreign Services, and formed into units organized into countries or origin. Training just like our own troops except no pay, no provision for US citizenship, no live ammunition except very limited circumstances.

All of the women inducted into support camps.

We then deliver the men back to their homelands as paratroopers. Their ammunition is pre-packed under their parachute. If they refuse to jump, they get tossed out anyway.

We provide air support only. They are the sole boots-on-ground.

I would support such a plan if there were any way to vet these people. Training and arming ISIS members and other terrorists from this large block of people would surely backfire on us... and I have no doubt that there are such people trying to move abroad in the herd of legit refugees to reach the USA and other western countries.

Hell, ISIS has already said many times that they intend to move their terrorists in with refugees. It's no secret what they're trying to do.

As far as I'm concerned, bringing them here is a huge mistake. If Europe wants to accept millions of them, well... that's on them and I predict they're going to reap the whirlwind.

02-03-2016, 07:28 PM
Those refugees who are brought to America by the Obama administration should be DELIVERED to the "Windy City", Chicago. Then placed under the control of Rahm Emanuel to Infiltrate all of the DEADLY Ghetto neighborhoods OBAMA organized before he cheated his way into the White House.

Give all of the new refugees Instant Membership in the ACORN branch of the Illinois Muslim Brotherhood to await instructions from Obama's former A.G. Holder...to hand out more Guns to EVEN OUT the murder problems.

03-07-2016, 08:03 AM
Journalist Balint Szlanko wrote for The Associated Press 7 March 2016:
Surkaw Omar and Rebien Abdullah quit their jobs and spent their life savings to migrate to Europe, only to find crowded asylum camps, hunger and freezing weather. Now back home in northern Iraq, they describe their quest for a better life as a disaster. ...They each spent some $8,000 on the trip, much of it on smugglers, only to get stuck in asylum-seekers' camps in Germany and Sweden for months on end, where they say they were given very little food or money.

article (http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/M/ML_IRAQ_MIGRANTS_RETURN?SITE=AP&SECTION=HOME&TEMPLATE=DEFAULT&CTIME=2016-03-07-03-08-18)

Attitude: Well, here I am: Take care of me!

And when the "war" ends are all the refugees/migrants going to go back home?

03-07-2016, 09:09 AM
That's not how it went down.

We were supporting Israel during the Six Day War, and the USS Liberty was a CIA boat parked off of the North Coast of Egypt near the festivities gathering signals intelligence. It was a case of mistaken identity, and this has been propagated by anti-Israel pundits since the incident.

Not only were we giving them signals intelligence, we were also flying SR-71s taking pictures of troop movements and battlefield intel, and giving it to the Israelis. That is one of the big reasons why they kicked such ass in both the Six Day War and the Yom Kippur War - they knew what the Arabs were planning and where their assets were.

We were not engaging in a blockade of Israel - we were helping them fight against desperate odds.

The Liberty was parked 13 miles off of Egypt's Sinai Peninsula, even though the Pentagon had ordered her to come no closer than 100 miles from the conflict. Because of normal wartime SNAFUs, this order didn't reach the Liberty until several hours after the attack happened. The Israelis were looking for a ship that had attempted to shell Arish, but the shells had fallen short.

At first, the Israelis were thinking that they'd accidentally attacked a Soviet ship, which would also have been a bad move... not as bad as attacking one of ours, but bad nonetheless with involving a hostile major power. But as soon as one of the pilots recognized a possible American ship, the attack was halted.

Between the smoke and fire, combined with no comm because of destroyed antenna and the US Flag knocked down, it was hard to see the pertinent details from a jet moving along at several hundred knots.

Further, Egypt was known to disguise their ships as Western ones and even respond with light signals that corresponded to Western navies.

I'm convinced it was a tragic case of friendly fire. They would not have deliberately attacked a US ship that was there to help them in the first place... our assistance was vital to them.

It's kind of a long read, but Wiki does a detailed job at outlining & verifying the events that took place. This kind of stuff is fascinating to me and I'm willing to start another thread about it if you are willing to discuss further.


We did NOT originally support the formation of Israel. We tried to block Britain for doing it. Palestine became a British mandate after WWI. The Balfour Agreement in 1924 re-established Israel. This isn't a simple topic. I will defer to you on the USS Liberty. That's one piece of history I ain't even close to rusty on. You can kind of imagine growing up in the Cold War military and going to DOD schools they weren't exactly up on bragging about getting asses blown up. :laugh: I think they might have left that portion of the story out of the curriculum.

I really don't think anyone was a "good guy" in the whole deal. There is no such thing as a "Palestinian". They were originally called filistens and they were just more Arabs. The biggest fraud perpetrated on Mankind is Jews have convinced the world their religion is a race. And if you dare say a word, you're a Jew-hating racist. They're Arabs. And to his eternal credit, Hitler, in his effort to kill them all, created one of the biggest monsters by accident he couldn't have done on purpose if he tried.

The fact is, nobody wanted the Jews. We turned them away. So that blood on the hands is shared. The Brits gave them the crappiest piece of land they thought they could find. Was it up to me, I'd give them CA except we'd never hear the end of that "race" of libs whining their diapers off. :laugh:

But when you offer a man a meal and he's got no food? He's going to take it. Trying to make sense and fast forward to the truth ... isn't ironic NO ONE would take in the Jews a hundred years ago but now we'll take in scum that's has learned from birth to hate us? And we've taught our own people to hate us (it's called leftwingnut in my universe). Look at Obama. He's made friends with every damned enemy we ever had.