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View Full Version : Obama on 'anti-Muslim rhetoric' ..

02-03-2016, 07:04 PM
We all have our thoughts on Obama, of course. What we believe is his true agenda. What he truly stands for, and is aiming to achieve, even now.

I observe that any President should be open to all considerations of issues, and approaches, which best serve the interests of the People he is tasked to serve and defend, AS President. Consequently .. I regard Trump's cautionary approach to Muslims entering the US as no less than Presidential in stature, and fully consistent with his duty to his nation.

As for a President REJECTING such a duty, and approach ... such a President surely fails his people, up to and including the point at which impeachment is fully appropriate, not to mention richly deserved. So, today, we see the latest evidence of a President unfit to hold that Office. Here it is:-


Barack Obama has condemned what he called "inexcusable political rhetoric" about Islam, an apparent reference to recent remarks by Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump.

In his first visit to a US mosque as president, Mr Obama said anti-Muslim rhetoric had "no place in our country".

He praised Muslim-Americans as "some of the most respectful and patriotic Americans you'll ever meet".

Is there no such thing as a Muslim American who's ever joined, and been loyal to, any anti-American group, any terrorists regarding America as their enemy ? Because Obama conceptually denies the existence of any such 'person'.

Here's a telling thought .... transplant Obama's statement that anti-Muslim rhetoric had no place in our country to a different time. Say ... 12th September, 2001. How would such a statement have been regarded, THEN ? How true could it possibly have been, THEN .. ??

Perhaps Obama believes that the America of 12th September 2001 never existed, one reeling in shock from the atrocities of the previous day. Or, that such horrors could never, ever, be visited on America again. If so, let him provide his incontrovertible proof. If he has none, let him be impeached, instead. And treated as a TRAITOR.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
02-03-2016, 07:46 PM
He visited a muslim mosque in Boston today. One that has known ties to known muslim terrorist groups!!
Yet his slavish media praised the bastard for it!!!
Absolutely sickening an yet again he brought up that WE must not allow criticism of Islam in this nation!
But the bastard is fine with criticisms of Christianity by any means used.
This scum is a certified traitor but is globalist protected as their puppet implementing their agenda..-Tyr

Black Diamond
02-03-2016, 07:54 PM
Funny how he never got tired of anti white rhetoric from Jeremiah Wright.

02-03-2016, 07:58 PM
Obama knows who NOT to offend...http://icansayit.com/images/muslimbrohood.JPG

http://icansayit.com/images/muslim5.jpg http://icansayit.com/images/muslim6.jpg

02-03-2016, 08:00 PM
He visited a muslim mosque in Boston today. One that has known ties to known muslim terrorist groups!!
Yet his slavish media praised the bastard for it!!!
Absolutely sickening an yet again he brought up that WE must not allow criticism of Islam in this nation!
But the bastard is fine with criticisms of Christianity by any means used.
This scum is a certified traitor but is globalist protected as their puppet implementing their agenda..-Tyr

'Funny', isn't it, that no report I've yet seen from any of our media has any interest in telling us that the mosque he visited had any known ties to any Muslim terrorist group. Just a detail that they 'somehow' forgot to allow us to know of !!

Thanks, Tyr. I well know that if I weren't here, I'd only be seeing a perspective ALLOWED to me. One shared across Europe, if not also in many other lands. Well, sorry, I'd like to know the ACTUAL truth, not the filtered propagandist remnant of it !!!!

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
02-03-2016, 08:49 PM
Sorry, its in Baltimore not Boston, my bad.. -Tyr

http://www.christiantoday.com/article/obama.pursuing.plans.to.visit.mosque.in.baltimore. despite.its.long.history.of.ties.to.terrorism/78457.htm

Obama pursuing plans to visit mosque in Baltimore despite its long history of ties to terrorism
Hazel Torres 02 February 2016

Is President Barack Obama supporting and legitimising radical Islamic groups in the U.S. at the expense of more moderate Muslims?

The answer is "yes" as far as the research group Investigative Project on Terrorism (IPT) is concerned.

IPT president and founder Steve Emerson told WND that Obama is pursuing his plans to visit a mosque in Baltimore, Maryland as a gesture of religious tolerance.

However, the big problem here is that the mosque Obama has chosen to visit is known for its radical politics and has a long history of ties to terrorism, Emerson said.

What is even more alarming, Emerson pointed out, is that Obama is ignoring evidence about the mosque's ties to terrorism.

Emerson said his organisation was told first hand by a law enforcement official that Obama was presented the evidence against the Islamic Society of Baltimore, which operates the mosque.

However, when Obama was shown the evidence linking group to terrorism, he tossed it aside. "As he has done so many times in the past, he decided to ignore this evidence and still continue his plans to confer legitimacy on a mosque that has a history of having officials connected to Islamic terrorism and to this day still has officials making outrageously pro-terrorist statements that would seem to conflict with the president's policies," Emerson said.

"One can only conclude that the selection of this mosque by the president was made as part of his consistent policy to not even utter the term 'radical Islam' and the simultaneous policy of inviting only radical Islamist groups and leaders to the White House that FBI documents clearly show were derived from the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas," Emerson told WND.

Most of the recent terrorist attacks on U.S. soil have in fact been carried out by Muslims who attended Islamic Society mosques, according to WND. The Tsarnaev brothers, who carried out the Boston Marathon bombing in 2013 had attended the Islamic Society of Boston. The Chattanooga shooter, Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez, who murdered five U.S. servicemen last year, attended the Islamic Society of Greater Chattanooga. Syed Farook, one of the San Bernardino attackers who killed 14 at a Christmas party, attended the Islamic Center (formerly Islamic Society) of Riverside, WND pointed out.

When Obama performs his media "stunt" aimed at promoting religious tolerance, Emerson said he fully expects him "to invoke the fabricated concept of 'Islamophobia.'"

That term was "invented by front groups for Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood in a deliberate effort to silence criticism of radical Islam," Emerson said.

Dr. Mark Christian, a former child imam who grew up in Egypt as the son of a Muslim Brotherhood member and who later converted to Christianity, said he is not surprised that Obama is visiting the Islamic radicals' mosque in Baltimore "because this has been the way of President Obama and his administration from day one."

"He insisted to have Muslim Brotherhood aides and counsels in the White House, he insisted to have their presence when he was touring Egypt and the Middle East after he became president ... He regularly and religiously invited the Muslim Brotherhood leaders to the White House at every occasion to get their counsel," Christian said.

02-04-2016, 08:30 AM
Obama knows who NOT to offend...http://icansayit.com/images/muslimbrohood.JPG

http://icansayit.com/images/muslim5.jpg http://icansayit.com/images/muslim6.jpg

Great pics .. that one on the right was taken in the UK, in Luton, Bedfordshire. In the background, the unmistakeable logo on the 'shop' of a Nationwide Building Society office.

02-04-2016, 09:03 AM

http://icansayit.com/images/muslim5.jpg http://icansayit.com/images/muslim6.jpg

To me folks like this need to be deported immediately if they are not citizens
and watched 24/7 if they are.
these signs show they have or support violent intent or/and intent to overthrow the gov't and replace it with Islam.

I think the gov't should offer muslim citizens like these free rides to the perfect muslim country of their choice.
And cancel all visas back in.

02-04-2016, 09:06 AM

http://icansayit.com/images/muslim5.jpg http://icansayit.com/images/muslim6.jpg

To me folks like this need to be deported immediately if they are not citizens
and watched 24/7 if they are.
these signs show they have or support violent intent or/and intent to overthrow the gov't and replace it with Islam.

I think the gov't should offer muslim citizens like these free rides to the perfect muslim country of their choice.
And cancel all visas back in.

Damn. Who are you and what did you do with rev? :laugh: