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02-04-2016, 09:26 AM
I'm not sure what the exact deal is here, but he's playing the fool and it's getting tired and old. If Cruz actually did screw over Carson, that's no excuse for Trump whining like a little bitch. All he does is whine about crap. Blames everyone as a smokescreen for his own failings.

If Cruz actually pulled a dirty trick I'll be the first to cry foul. It will definitely change my opinion of him. But Trump crying like a little bitch ain't going t change my opinion of HIM.

And the usual suspects can feel free to pile on. :laugh2:

02-04-2016, 09:34 AM
Seems the Secretary of the State of Iowa is a tad miffed.


And the Carson Campaign has a beef also


02-04-2016, 09:51 AM
Seems the Secretary of the State of Iowa is a tad miffed.


And the Carson Campaign has a beef also


I don't like the way it came out. I REALLY don't like Trump jumping on an opportunity to call foul. There's no crying in baseball. If Cruz actually did it on purpose he can go screw himself. He lost a vote. If he'd lie about one thing, what's the next thing he'll lie about?

But I want to get the facts before I start headhunting.

02-04-2016, 11:33 AM
There's no doubt that there was dirty pool involved.

Carson has a right to be pissed because that was a deliberate move from Cruz's campaign. I don't know if Cruz himself knew about what was going on, but I do know he didn't boot the guilty parties from his campaign - and that looks bad.

So in the midst of active voting and suddenly Carson supporters lose their guy to vote for, who do they flock to? I don't know the answer to that, but I'm pretty sure that the campaigns have a good idea as to who is the 2nd choice in that scenario. Every campaign constantly analyzes which candidate they can carve support from and strategies to do it with.

Since Cruz's campaign did it, it stands to reason that they believed Cruz was the 2nd choice of Carson supporters. While Carson ended up with 10%, how much higher would it have been without the disinformation confusing his base?

A movement from Carson to Cruz unexpectedly like that might explain how suddenly Cruz gained 7 points vs. Trump despite all the polls. We all know that polls can be wrong, but they were fairly consistent with regard to the healthy lead that Trump had.

I don't know. Shenanigans like that can greatly alter the outcome, and it's too late now to try and interview Carson supporters who voted for someone else because of bogus info.

02-04-2016, 12:25 PM
There's no doubt that there was dirty pool involved.

Carson has a right to be pissed because that was a deliberate move from Cruz's campaign. I don't know if Cruz himself knew about what was going on, but I do know he didn't boot the guilty parties from his campaign - and that looks bad.

So in the midst of active voting and suddenly Carson supporters lose their guy to vote for, who do they flock to? I don't know the answer to that, but I'm pretty sure that the campaigns have a good idea as to who is the 2nd choice in that scenario. Every campaign constantly analyzes which candidate they can carve support from and strategies to do it with.

Since Cruz's campaign did it, it stands to reason that they believed Cruz was the 2nd choice of Carson supporters. While Carson ended up with 10%, how much higher would it have been without the disinformation confusing his base?

A movement from Carson to Cruz unexpectedly like that might explain how suddenly Cruz gained 7 points vs. Trump despite all the polls. We all know that polls can be wrong, but they were fairly consistent with regard to the healthy lead that Trump had.

I don't know. Shenanigans like that can greatly alter the outcome, and it's too late now to try and interview Carson supporters who voted for someone else because of bogus info.

So here's a question ... WHY? Carson was not even close to being in competition. All things being equal, I'd have gone after Trump. Why go after Number 7 or eight when you're Number 2?

Cruz was going to beat Trump in Iowa, period. That wasn't ever a question in my mind. Trump's about as evangelical as Madelene Murry O'Hare ( who all of us Southern types hate). Te other part I don't get is who gives a crap about winning Iowa? It ain't the best because it's first. Crap, Santorum won Iowa. I don't see no "President" sticker on his door. Didn't Huckabee win it too?

SO I don't get why someone would pull such crap when it's a guaranteed backfire. Even if Cruz did or didn't do it, the accusation is there.

02-04-2016, 12:32 PM
So here's a question ... WHY?

I don't get why someone would pull such crap when it's a guaranteed backfire. Even if Cruz did or didn't do it, the accusation is there.

Cruz gave the reason in my first link

"I will apologize to no one for using every tool we can to encourage Iowa voters to come out and vote,"

So if those "tools" are misleading people or flat out lying to them, well Cruz has no problems with that.

02-04-2016, 12:35 PM
So here's a question ... WHY? Carson was not even close to being in competition. All things being equal, I'd have gone after Trump. Why go after Number 7 or eight when you're Number 2?

Cruz was going to beat Trump in Iowa, period. That wasn't ever a question in my mind. Trump's about as evangelical as Madelene Murry O'Hare ( who all of us Southern types hate). Te other part I don't get is who gives a crap about winning Iowa? It ain't the best because it's first. Crap, Santorum won Iowa. I don't see no "President" sticker on his door. Didn't Huckabee win it too?

SO I don't get why someone would pull such crap when it's a guaranteed backfire. Even if Cruz did or didn't do it, the accusation is there.

Because Carson still ended up getting 10%.

Every single candidate would kill to have an additional 10% or 15% or even 5% as a freebie.

It happened to Carson because CNN ran a bogus story (Sorry, bad info, everyone! Our bad!) saying that Carson was dropping out. Cruz's campaign knew he wasn't dropping out, and this could easily be excused and CNN blamed. So while CNN retracted it, Cruz's campaign never corrected it until the voting was over. It was opportunistic.

As far as targeting and saying that Trump was dropping out... that would have never gotten any traction. No one would have believed it. Carson was targeted opportunistically, I'm sure it would have also happened to any one of the lower tier candidates if CNN had pointed to them instead. Free votes, baby!

02-04-2016, 12:44 PM
Because Carson still ended up getting 10%.

Every single candidate would kill to have an additional 10% or 15% or even 5% as a freebie.

It happened to Carson because CNN ran a bogus story (Sorry, bad info, everyone! Our bad!) saying that Carson was dropping out. Cruz's campaign knew he wasn't dropping out, and this could easily be excused and CNN blamed. So while CNN retracted it, Cruz's campaign never corrected it until the voting was over. It was opportunistic.

As far as targeting and saying that Trump was dropping out... that would have never gotten any traction. No one would have believed it. Carson was targeted opportunistically, I'm sure it would have also happened to any one of the lower tier candidates if CNN had pointed to them instead. Free votes, baby!

I still don't get it. Why not target Rubio or Christie? Carson isn't a threat to anyone. Maybe too much military in my blood? I'm going for a threat, not a weak link.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch (speaking of enemies) Hillary thinks people just won't leave her alone. Are you f-ing kidding me? How about if the Donald goes after the REAL enemy? And I say that at him, but the only one that has actually impressed me on that score is Carly. She's been after Hillary since Day One. The rest are too busy crucifying each other.

02-04-2016, 12:46 PM
I still don't get it. Why not target Rubio or Christie? Carson isn't a threat to anyone. Maybe too much military in my blood? I'm going for a threat, not a weak link.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch (speaking of enemies) Hillary thinks people just won't leave her alone. Are you f-ing kidding me? How about if the Donald goes after the REAL enemy? And I say that at him, but the only one that has actually impressed me on that score is Carly. She's been after Hillary since Day One. The rest are too busy crucifying each other.

I don't think it was really a planned thing, but rather it started after a report on msnbc about Carson going to Florida, and then Cruz's campaign manager apparently 'assumed' this meant that he had dropped out of the race.

02-04-2016, 01:01 PM
I don't think it was really a planned thing, but rather it started after a report on msnbc about Carson going to Florida, and then Cruz's campaign manager apparently 'assumed' this meant that he had dropped out of the race.

It's a two story thing for me. Trump needs to shut up. Does he REALLY think all those New Englanders are going to vote for Mr Texas? He'd have been wiser in my opinion to have said nothing. Instead he looks petty and making excuses for losing.

What some people haven't managed to figure out is the JFK trick. The Kennedy's HATED LBJ. JFK would have never won without the Southern votes LBJ could pull in. Uneasy alliance? The fact is, the strategy was about winning.

No offense, but Trump is nothing but a dumb yankee to me. He can still swing a lot of votes, but not enough. He needs an LBJ to swing the rest if he wants to win.

In the meantime, don't look for any help from the left. They're giving Billary a complete pass. If a Republican/conservative had been responsible for Benghazi we'd all have to shoot our tv's to shut them up about it.

02-04-2016, 04:10 PM
It's a two story thing for me. Trump needs to shut up. Does he REALLY think all those New Englanders are going to vote for Mr Texas? He'd have been wiser in my opinion to have said nothing. Instead he looks petty and making excuses for losing.

What some people haven't managed to figure out is the JFK trick. The Kennedy's HATED LBJ. JFK would have never won without the Southern votes LBJ could pull in. Uneasy alliance? The fact is, the strategy was about winning.

No offense, but Trump is nothing but a dumb yankee to me. He can still swing a lot of votes, but not enough. He needs an LBJ to swing the rest if he wants to win.

In the meantime, don't look for any help from the left. They're giving Billary a complete pass. If a Republican/conservative had been responsible for Benghazi we'd all have to shoot our tv's to shut them up about it.

No offence...But they all have their faults...In elections ..all the Candidates run their Fooocking mouths...some more so than others...Its the nature of things in elections...*Until it becomes Illegal for them to run their mouths...they can do as they Please...

....The thing is...in which way it would effect `them` come voting time...everyone sows with they reap...

Abbey Marie
02-04-2016, 04:13 PM
I hate to say it, but after watching the reports on how this went down, I'm not feeling warmly towards Cruz.

02-04-2016, 04:15 PM
I hate to say it, but after watching the reports on how this went down, I'm not feeling warmly towards Cruz.

Cruz is good also...IMO....Interesting to see after all the turmoil ..which way things go.

Black Diamond
02-04-2016, 05:12 PM
Politics is a dirty sport. Here's the question no one had asked. How many votes would CARSON have garnered?

Black Diamond
02-04-2016, 05:19 PM
So now we don't know what the biggest factor was in iowa.

The Carson story?

Trump skipping debate?

Cruz superior ground game in iowa?

Black Diamond
02-04-2016, 06:56 PM
Well Cruz is a typical slimeball politician. Looks like I'll be choosing between slimeballs.

02-04-2016, 07:01 PM
Well Cruz is a typical slimeball politician. Looks like I'll be choosing between slimeballs.

You can always "write in" a candidate


Black Diamond
02-04-2016, 07:04 PM
You can always "write in" a candidate


That's actually Hillary. Don't try and trick me.

02-04-2016, 07:40 PM
Well Cruz is a typical slimeball politician. Looks like I'll be choosing between slimeballs.

It is unfortunate that all the candidates are slimeballs. Mr. Trump acts very childish and is a poor loser. I watched one of his speeches and he reminded me of Hitler, with all his gestures and pandering to the audience.

02-04-2016, 08:10 PM
It is unfortunate that all the candidates are slimeballs. Mr. Trump acts very childish and is a poor loser. I watched one of his speeches and he reminded me of Hitler, with all his gestures and pandering to the audience.

Thanks again GABBY. Reminded YOU? Is Danielle your middle name Gabby???

02-04-2016, 09:19 PM
It is unfortunate that all the candidates are slimeballs. Mr. Trump acts very childish and is a poor loser. I watched one of his speeches and he reminded me of Hitler, with all his gestures and pandering to the audience.

And yet Mr. trump is neither an FBI "Person of Interest", nor an aged socialist who hasn't held a job outside the political arena

02-05-2016, 03:21 AM
And yet Mr. trump is neither an FBI "Person of Interest", nor an aged socialist who hasn't held a job outside the political arena

I have to agree with the poor loser assessment. Trump acts like a hysterical kindergartner about everything. He's petty and conniving. If it seems like I focus on just him, welcome to being on top, Trump. I'm not. It's just when you don't matter, you don't.

I think Bush it out of his league and sounds like a whiny bitch trying to play hardball with a kick ball. Hillary is a just a waste of human space and oxygen. Christie's just a big fat slob to me. Rubio needs to grow up. He looks like a grade school kid and sounds like one to boot. The two people I like are Carly and Carson but there's no rockstar factor. They have gotten the least amount of attention. Christ, if Trump farts everyone wants to know what flavor it is. Making a bunch of noise doesn't make you the best candidate. If that's all it took Dean would have won rather than go in the tank faster than I could run at the time.

And the jury's still out on Cruz. If he DID pull a slimeball not to mention unnecessary tactic his stock just fell with me. Honestly, and sadly enough to say, I think half the people on this board are better presidential material than anyone currently running. Too much is made of getting the vote in Iowa. Who really cares about the place? It's a wide spot in the Earth a little to the left of IL. If Cruz pulled something just to get a dirty vote in Nowhereville, I'd say he wasted the ace in his sleeve over a small pot. If you're going to play dirty, save your game for FL, TX, NY, CA or Ohio. Why Ohio matters beats me, but it does.

I'm just tired of this whining crap. It's all we hear about. Guess what the bigger story in the news is than being president? Being a football player with a concussion. They even dusted off Joe Namath for Christ sakes. While some might not see the correlation, stop the damned whining. First thing you learn in martial arts is that other guy is trying to knock your ass out. Don't suit up if you can't stand the incoming. Just don't ome around whining about it 4 decades later.

Ken Stabler played against the toughest defenses in the NFL back when people played real football. Gee, he got hurt? How about if you suit up to play a violent game you just suck up or stay home?

Rant off. :)

If you ain't willing to play the game, don't come crying to me.

Black Diamond
02-05-2016, 07:13 AM
I have to agree with the poor loser assessment. Trump acts like a hysterical kindergartner about everything. He's petty and conniving. If it seems like I focus on just him, welcome to being on top, Trump. I'm not. It's just when you don't matter, you don't.

I think Bush it out of his league and sounds like a whiny bitch trying to play hardball with a kick ball. Hillary is a just a waste of human space and oxygen. Christie's just a big fat slob to me. Rubio needs to grow up. He looks like a grade school kid and sounds like one to boot. The two people I like are Carly and Carson but there's no rockstar factor. They have gotten the least amount of attention. Christ, if Trump farts everyone wants to know what flavor it is. Making a bunch of noise doesn't make you the best candidate. If that's all it took Dean would have won rather than go in the tank faster than I could run at the time.

And the jury's still out on Cruz. If he DID pull a slimeball not to mention unnecessary tactic his stock just fell with me. Honestly, and sadly enough to say, I think half the people on this board are better presidential material than anyone currently running. Too much is made of getting the vote in Iowa. Who really cares about the place? It's a wide spot in the Earth a little to the left of IL. If Cruz pulled something just to get a dirty vote in Nowhereville, I'd say he wasted the ace in his sleeve over a small pot. If you're going to play dirty, save your game for FL, TX, NY, CA or Ohio. Why Ohio matters beats me, but it does.

I'm just tired of this whining crap. It's all we hear about. Guess what the bigger story in the news is than being president? Being a football player with a concussion. They even dusted off Joe Namath for Christ sakes. While some might not see the correlation, stop the damned whining. First thing you learn in martial arts is that other guy is trying to knock your ass out. Don't suit up if you can't stand the incoming. Just don't ome around whining about it 4 decades later.

Ken Stabler played against the toughest defenses in the NFL back when people played real football. Gee, he got hurt? How about if you suit up to play a violent game you just suck up or stay home?

Rant off. :)

If you ain't willing to play the game, don't come crying to me.
Whatever trump has done has worked for him, until he skipped the debate and no one even knows if that cost him. Cruz is a slime ball hiding behind a Bible. Rubio is the most electable of the top tier but he's tough to get excited about. He is a little too polished and contrived imo.
I am in love with Carly but it is time for her to pack it in. Carson should pack it in too. I like Christie's toughness but he may be a little too far left. Jeb has had his ass handed to him so badly, he should have been the first to drop out. He still think he deserves the presidency because of his name. Someone needs to wake him up from his dream.

02-05-2016, 08:15 AM
Whatever trump has done has worked for him, until he skipped the debate and no one even knows if that cost him.

You can't argue with this statement. Trump made a decision based on his belief and the Media crucified him. Live and learn.

Cruz is a slime ball hiding behind a Bible.

I used to like Cruz, but he is starting to look like a "true" politician.

Rubio is the most electable of the top tier but he's tough to get excited about. He is a little too polished and contrived imo.

Rubio is from my State, but that's all he has going for him. He was once the Up and Comer, now he appears more and more like a tool of the Republican establishment. I predict that funding will shift from Bush to Rubio to boost the Establishments chances accordingly.

I am in love with Carly but it is time for her to pack it in.

Perhaps a possible running mate here for someone?

Carson should pack it in too.

Sad but true. And no, I don't see him as a running mate.

I like Christie's toughness but he may be a little too far left.

Interesting how some see Christie as tough, yet think Trump is a bully (this is NOT aimed at you, just some chatter I've heard elsewhere)

Jeb has had his ass handed to him so badly, he should have been the first to drop out. He still think he deserves the presidency because of his name. Someone needs to wake him up from his dream.

Him AND "Shrillary" :laugh:

02-05-2016, 08:34 AM
I have to agree with the poor loser assessment. Trump acts like a hysterical kindergartner about everything. He's petty and conniving. If it seems like I focus on just him, welcome to being on top, Trump. I'm not. It's just when you don't matter, you don't.

I think Bush it out of his league and sounds like a whiny bitch trying to play hardball with a kick ball. Hillary is a just a waste of human space and oxygen. Christie's just a big fat slob to me. Rubio needs to grow up. He looks like a grade school kid and sounds like one to boot. The two people I like are Carly and Carson but there's no rockstar factor. They have gotten the least amount of attention. Christ, if Trump farts everyone wants to know what flavor it is. Making a bunch of noise doesn't make you the best candidate. If that's all it took Dean would have won rather than go in the tank faster than I could run at the time.

And the jury's still out on Cruz. If he DID pull a slimeball not to mention unnecessary tactic his stock just fell with me. Honestly, and sadly enough to say, I think half the people on this board are better presidential material than anyone currently running. Too much is made of getting the vote in Iowa. Who really cares about the place? It's a wide spot in the Earth a little to the left of IL. If Cruz pulled something just to get a dirty vote in Nowhereville, I'd say he wasted the ace in his sleeve over a small pot. If you're going to play dirty, save your game for FL, TX, NY, CA or Ohio. Why Ohio matters beats me, but it does.

I'm just tired of this whining crap. It's all we hear about. Guess what the bigger story in the news is than being president? Being a football player with a concussion. They even dusted off Joe Namath for Christ sakes. While some might not see the correlation, stop the damned whining. First thing you learn in martial arts is that other guy is trying to knock your ass out. Don't suit up if you can't stand the incoming. Just don't ome around whining about it 4 decades later.

Ken Stabler played against the toughest defenses in the NFL back when people played real football. Gee, he got hurt? How about if you suit up to play a violent game you just suck up or stay home?

Rant off. :)

If you ain't willing to play the game, don't come crying to me.

Gunny my well spoken buddy. :laugh: Tell em how ya really feel.:laugh:

Gunny you should bw awarded best comparisons of the week ,

Case in point

(I think Bush it out of his league and sounds like a whiny bitch trying to play hardball with a kick ball. Hillary is a just a waste of human space and oxygen. Christie's just a big fat slob to me. Rubio needs to grow up. He looks like a grade school kid and sounds like one to boot.)

And I agree Jeff for president !!!

(I think half the people on this board are better presidential material than anyone currently running.)

Your the man Gunny ! :laugh:

02-05-2016, 08:58 AM
Whatever trump has done has worked for him, until he skipped the debate and no one even knows if that cost him. Cruz is a slime ball hiding behind a Bible. Rubio is the most electable of the top tier but he's tough to get excited about. He is a little too polished and contrived imo.
I am in love with Carly but it is time for her to pack it in. Carson should pack it in too. I like Christie's toughness but he may be a little too far left. Jeb has had his ass handed to him so badly, he should have been the first to drop out. He still think he deserves the presidency because of his name. Someone needs to wake him up from his dream.

I agree with most of your assessment except the Trump part. He's been running on nothing but sensationalism. He's got no plan and he's a jerk, IMO. Lately he's taken to playing crybaby. He's been playing dirty from the get go and now he wants to whine because someone else is allegedly playing dirty pool? All he cares about is winning. Put on your big boy pants then and play the damned game. Anybody that has come close to him in the polls he's trashed with BS. He stayed on Cruz's citizenship crap for weeks trying to make something out of nothing.

I will say this about Bush ... wrong place, wrong time and wrong last name. He was an extremely successful governor, as was his brother. My problem with him upon further review is he is exactly what none of is want. He's so white bread and milk GOP establishment he could be the poster child right down to that gay-ass sweater he wears.

A bunch of them should just give it up. What is the point of just hanging around to lose? And I'm sorry but I had to listen to Ralph Cramden aka Christie for 4 I'd put my own self in GTMO. And for those who might not know, Ralph Cramden was the character Jackie Gleason played on the Honeymooners. Big fat slob with a big mouth.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
02-05-2016, 09:07 AM
I have to agree with the poor loser assessment. Trump acts like a hysterical kindergartner about everything. He's petty and conniving. If it seems like I focus on just him, welcome to being on top, Trump. I'm not. It's just when you don't matter, you don't.

I think Bush it out of his league and sounds like a whiny bitch trying to play hardball with a kick ball. Hillary is a just a waste of human space and oxygen. Christie's just a big fat slob to me. Rubio needs to grow up. He looks like a grade school kid and sounds like one to boot. The two people I like are Carly and Carson but there's no rockstar factor. They have gotten the least amount of attention. Christ, if Trump farts everyone wants to know what flavor it is. Making a bunch of noise doesn't make you the best candidate. If that's all it took Dean would have won rather than go in the tank faster than I could run at the time.

And the jury's still out on Cruz. If he DID pull a slimeball not to mention unnecessary tactic his stock just fell with me. Honestly, and sadly enough to say, I think half the people on this board are better presidential material than anyone currently running. Too much is made of getting the vote in Iowa. Who really cares about the place? It's a wide spot in the Earth a little to the left of IL. If Cruz pulled something just to get a dirty vote in Nowhereville, I'd say he wasted the ace in his sleeve over a small pot. If you're going to play dirty, save your game for FL, TX, NY, CA or Ohio. Why Ohio matters beats me, but it does.

I'm just tired of this whining crap. It's all we hear about. Guess what the bigger story in the news is than being president? Being a football player with a concussion. They even dusted off Joe Namath for Christ sakes. While some might not see the correlation, stop the damned whining. First thing you learn in martial arts is that other guy is trying to knock your ass out. Don't suit up if you can't stand the incoming. Just don't ome around whining about it 4 decades later.

Ken Stabler played against the toughest defenses in the NFL back when people played real football. Gee, he got hurt? How about if you suit up to play a violent game you just suck up or stay home?

Rant off. :)

If you ain't willing to play the game, don't come crying to me.

I'm just tired of this whining crap. It's all we hear about. Guess what the bigger story in the news is than being president? Being a football player with a concussion. They even dusted off Joe Namath for Christ sakes. While some might not see the correlation, stop the damned whining. First thing you learn in martial arts is that other guy is trying to knock your ass out. Don't suit up if you can't stand the incoming. Just don't ome around whining about it 4 decades later.

Ken Stabler played against the toughest defenses in the NFL back when people played real football. Gee, he got hurt? How about if you suit up to play a violent game you just suck up or stay home?

Rant off.

If you ain't willing to play the game, don't come crying to me.

About those football players and the lib induced crying going on now.
Those guys had fame, wealth, glory and a damn blast playing a game that they loved!
Now crying into their beers about the supposed costs (sacrifices)!!
F-that...... I've got several injuries from construction work I did long ago and I wasnt paid
large sums of money to do the job, yet nobody here has heard me crying over my work injuries. .
Life is what we make it and we are responsible for the decisions/actions we choose to make.
This is all the typical lib--"lets make more crying victims, so we can further our agenda.." crap..
These ffing libs/dems LYING BASTARDS need justice delivered to their sorry asses in a damn big way IMHO.-TYR

02-05-2016, 09:10 AM
Whatever trump has done has worked for him, until he skipped the debate and no one even knows if that cost him. Cruz is a slime ball hiding behind a Bible. Rubio is the most electable of the top tier but he's tough to get excited about. He is a little too polished and contrived imo.
I am in love with Carly but it is time for her to pack it in. Carson should pack it in too. I like Christie's toughness but he may be a little too far left. Jeb has had his ass handed to him so badly, he should have been the first to drop out. He still think he deserves the presidency because of his name. Someone needs to wake him up from his dream.

I think Trump is as guilty of hiding behind the Bible as Cruz. I get the pandering part. I mean Cruz IS a politician. What I don't get because it's illogical to me is the fact even the MSM is mentioning the same thing I've been saying for 10 years ... the left hasn't had to do shit to us because we spend an inordinate amount of time destroying each other. Anyone see that reach-around Dem debate?

You can't win a battle if you (rephrased just for you Coasties :laugh:) if you can't even agree on how to unhitch the damned boat. It ain't doing a lot of good tied to the pier.

We've got the best chance of taking the WH since 1980 and too many petty-ass egos are between us and the actual goal.

02-05-2016, 09:14 AM
Gunny my well spoken buddy. :laugh: Tell em how ya really feel.:laugh:

Gunny you should bw awarded best comparisons of the week ,

Case in point

(I think Bush it out of his league and sounds like a whiny bitch trying to play hardball with a kick ball. Hillary is a just a waste of human space and oxygen. Christie's just a big fat slob to me. Rubio needs to grow up. He looks like a grade school kid and sounds like one to boot.)

And I agree Jeff for president !!!

(I think half the people on this board are better presidential material than anyone currently running.)

Your the man Gunny ! :laugh:

Shit, if you run you got MY vote. Just make sure I get to be SecDef. I can fix a whole bunch of sh*t. :laugh: And the first thing I'm going to "defend" is I'm loading up the entire crew -- Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force and Coast Guard and we're going to go kick some ass. I'm real keen on cleaning the litter boxes daily.

Black Diamond
02-05-2016, 07:12 PM
I agree with most of your assessment except the Trump part. He's been running on nothing but sensationalism. He's got no plan and he's a jerk, IMO. Lately he's taken to playing crybaby. He's been playing dirty from the get go and now he wants to whine because someone else is allegedly playing dirty pool? All he cares about is winning. Put on your big boy pants then and play the damned game. Anybody that has come close to him in the polls he's trashed with BS. He stayed on Cruz's citizenship crap for weeks trying to make something out of nothing.

I will say this about Bush ... wrong place, wrong time and wrong last name. He was an extremely successful governor, as was his brother. My problem with him upon further review is he is exactly what none of is want. He's so white bread and milk GOP establishment he could be the poster child right down to that gay-ass sweater he wears.

A bunch of them should just give it up. What is the point of just hanging around to lose? And I'm sorry but I had to listen to Ralph Cramden aka Christie for 4 I'd put my own self in GTMO. And for those who might not know, Ralph Cramden was the character Jackie Gleason played on the Honeymooners. Big fat slob with a big mouth.

Anyone who doesn't know who Ralph is...I'm negging the shit out of them.

Black Diamond
02-05-2016, 07:14 PM
I think Trump is as guilty of hiding behind the Bible as Cruz. I get the pandering part. I mean Cruz IS a politician. What I don't get because it's illogical to me is the fact even the MSM is mentioning the same thing I've been saying for 10 years ... the left hasn't had to do shit to us because we spend an inordinate amount of time destroying each other. Anyone see that reach-around Dem debate?

You can't win a battle if you (rephrased just for you Coasties :laugh:) if you can't even agree on how to unhitch the damned boat. It ain't doing a lot of good tied to the pier.

We've got the best chance of taking the WH since 1980 and too many petty-ass egos are between us and the actual goal.

I was amazed the evangelicals fell for Trump. He's about as religious as Hillary.

02-05-2016, 07:55 PM
Roh-Ro Rorge


02-05-2016, 08:25 PM
I was amazed the evangelicals fell for Trump. He's about as religious as Hillary.

Ya that`s the ticket...they`re all dummies and their options dont count:laugh:

02-05-2016, 10:54 PM
Shit, if you run you got MY vote. Just make sure I get to be SecDef. I can fix a whole bunch of sh*t. :laugh: And the first thing I'm going to "defend" is I'm loading up the entire crew -- Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force and Coast Guard and we're going to go kick some ass. I'm real keen on cleaning the litter boxes daily.

Bro between my foul mouth and your readiness to clean the litter box we are very similar to what Trump has to say. But no matter you got the job if I get elected, just keep your promises. :laugh:

Black Diamond
02-05-2016, 11:13 PM
Bro between my foul mouth and your readiness to clean the litter box we are very similar to what Trump has to say. But no matter you got the job if I get elected, just keep your promises. :laugh:

Do we really want someone like myself who solves a mosquito problem with a bazooka?

02-06-2016, 06:33 AM
Do we really want someone like myself who solves a mosquito problem with a bazooka?

Hell Bro if they will trust me with my fingers on the buttons than hell yea. :laugh:

02-06-2016, 06:55 AM
Do we really want someone like myself who solves a mosquito problem with a bazooka?

At least you'd be solving it with SOMETHING ! Lefties cause problems. The Right talk about solutions. A hard-hitter works to enact one ... America needs such a hard-hitter, and badly ...

02-06-2016, 07:48 AM
I don't think it was really a planned thing, but rather it started after a report on msnbc about Carson going to Florida, and then Cruz's campaign manager apparently 'assumed' this meant that he had dropped out of the race.

I think it's unconsciously planned as a default, knee-jerk reaction. The right has destroyed itself. Not sure how many times I have to try and point that out (and I don't mean that personally offensive to anyone here). Trump alone has just about ruined the credibility of everyone else with his baseless accusations the MSM runs with. When winning to satiate your ego is more important than the greater good, it's a hollow victory.

We're in trouble and no one wants to accept that. We got a President who appears to daily google up shit to offend and weaken us. We got a commie and a crook running as Dems and all the right can do is squabble with each other over BS accusations and MSM beating those horses to death.

We will not survive as a Nation if either of those Dems gets in office.

Black Diamond
02-06-2016, 03:58 PM
At least you'd be solving it with SOMETHING ! Lefties cause problems. The Right talk about solutions. A hard-hitter works to enact one ... America needs such a hard-hitter, and badly ...

Yeah. I don't know. I was half kidding. We need someone to undo what's been done the last seven plus years. Big part of me thinks it takes a radical to undo what a radical done.

Black Diamond
02-06-2016, 03:58 PM
I think it's unconsciously planned as a default, knee-jerk reaction. The right has destroyed itself. Not sure how many times I have to try and point that out (and I don't mean that personally offensive to anyone here). Trump alone has just about ruined the credibility of everyone else with his baseless accusations the MSM runs with. When winning to satiate your ego is more important than the greater good, it's a hollow victory.

We're in trouble and no one wants to accept that. We got a President who appears to daily google up shit to offend and weaken us. We got a commie and a crook running as Dems and all the right can do is squabble with each other over BS accusations and MSM beating those horses to death.

We will not survive as a Nation if either of those Dems gets in office.

And now there's chatter that Biden may jump in.

02-06-2016, 04:10 PM
And now there's chatter that Biden may jump in.

Agree...he has always been there waiting....If true..the Pre-Chosen savior for the Left...

Black Diamond
02-06-2016, 04:23 PM
Ya that`s the ticket...they`re all dummies and their options dont count:laugh:

They count. I'll take them over Obama supporters every day of the week.

Black Diamond
02-07-2016, 12:37 AM
Ya that`s the ticket...they`re all dummies and their options dont count:laugh:

You're gonna laugh your ass off if I vote for Trump.

02-07-2016, 01:43 PM
Agree...he has always been there waiting....If true..the Pre-Chosen savior for the Left...

Looks like a savior to me? http://icansayit.com/images/bidenbiggy.jpgJust ask him.

02-08-2016, 11:59 AM
Very encouraging ....


Republican primary voters largely believe that Donald Trump would give them the best chance of taking back the White House in 2016, per a new nationwide poll conducted by Google Consumer Surveys for Independent Journal Review.
The survey found that 44.7% of respondents believe the billionaire businessman is the most electable candidate this November, compared to just 20.7% for Marco Rubio and 17.5% for Ted Cruz.

Not great news for Trump haters out there ...

Black Diamond
02-08-2016, 12:03 PM
He's more electable then Cruz. I thought rubio was the most electable. But after the debate the other night, I'm not so sure. If he performed that way against Hillary, it would be a disaster

02-08-2016, 12:19 PM
He's more electable then Cruz. I thought rubio was the most electable. But after the debate the other night, I'm not so sure. If he performed that way against Hillary, it would be a disaster

Christie laid the groundwork for how to defeat Rubio. Rubio is like one of those meme generators found on the internet.

02-08-2016, 12:20 PM
Very encouraging ....


Not great news for Trump haters out there ...

I have little faith in Cruz to persuade people to vote for him. Heck, I am THE conservative and I would have to hold my nose to pull the lever for him. Something's just not right about him.....

Black Diamond
02-08-2016, 12:29 PM
I have little faith in Cruz to persuade people to vote for him. Heck, I am THE conservative and I would have to hold my nose to pull the lever for him. Something's just not right about him.....

He doesn't come close to answering the questions.