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View Full Version : "Lets dispel this fiction that Barack Obama..."

02-07-2016, 10:43 AM
He said this 5 times last night, that's what happens when you get pushed into a corner and aren't prepared.


This was devastating.
FOX News put together a montage of Marco Rubio’s rehearsed Obama line at tonight’s GOP Debate.
Marco used the same rehearsed line about 5 times at debate.

Even after Governor Christie called him out on it he couldn’t stop repeating it.
It was like listening to a scratched record.

Marco the robot:

"Lets dispel this fiction that Barack Obama does not know what he’s doing. He knows exactly what he’s doing…”


02-07-2016, 10:48 AM
He said this 5 times last night, that's what happens when you get pushed into a corner and aren't prepared.


This was devastating.
FOX News put together a montage of Marco Rubio’s rehearsed Obama line at tonight’s GOP Debate.
Marco used the same rehearsed line about 5 times at debate.

Even after Governor Christie called him out on it he couldn’t stop repeating it.
It was like listening to a scratched record.

Marco the robot:

"Lets dispel this fiction that Barack Obama does not know what he’s doing. He knows exactly what he’s doing…”




Abbey Marie
02-07-2016, 12:30 PM
It wasn't his best moment, lol. But it doesn't bother me, either. Everyone has their good and bad moments, and being too polished is a negative, IMO.

02-07-2016, 12:36 PM
It wasn't his best moment, lol. But it doesn't bother me, either. Everyone has their good and bad moments, and being too polished is a negative, IMO.

The only part that bothered me was the preparation. I would have even preferred that he went off script, and spoke like Trump. His repeating sounded too much like a politician. And I think Rubio IS extremely smart out of the whole bunch too, hell they all are.

The part I think that hurt was that it was about lack of experience, and comparing him to Obama AND then he screws up, making him look like he has a lack of experience.

I have an issue with him over some of the illegal immigration stuff and that's about it. So this didn't push me in either direction to be honest.