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View Full Version : Thousands of people are taking part in protests against Islam and immigration in sev

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
02-07-2016, 09:01 PM

Thousands of people are taking part in protests against Islam and immigration
in several European cities
US News & World Report Sat, Feb 6 8:26 AM PST

DRESDEN, Germany (AP) — Protesters rallied against Islam and immigration in
several European cities Saturday, sometimes clashing with police or
counter-demonstrators amid growing tensions over the massive influx of
asylum-seekers to the continent.

Riot police clashed with demonstrators in Amsterdam as supporters of the anti-Islam
group PEGIDA tried to hold their first protest meeting in the Dutch capital. Only
about 200 PEGIDA supporters were present, outnumbered by police and left-wing
demonstrators who shouted, "Refugees are welcome, fascists are not!"

Dutch riot police detained several people as officers on horseback intervened to
separate the two groups of demonstrators. It was not immediately clear how many
people were detained.

In Germany, up to 8,000 people took part in a PEGIDA rally in Dresden, according
to the independent group Durchgezaehlt, which monitors attendance figures. Up
to 3,500 people took part in a counter-demonstration on the other side of the
Elbe River that divides the city, it said.

No incidents were reported at the event.

In the northern French city of Calais, police dispersed a rowdy anti-migrant
protest with tear gas after clashes with protesters and detained several far-right

Around 150 militants from the anti-Islam, anti-immigration group PEDIGA gathered
Saturday chanting slogans like: "We must not let Calais die!"

Calais has been a focal point for migrants who want to slip into Britain via the
Channel Tunnel. Several thousand have been living there in slums for months.

PEGIDA, whose German acronym stands for 'Patriotic Europeans against the
Islamization of the West,' has become a magnet for far-right and anti-immigrant
sentiment since it was founded in Dresden two years ago. After a drop in attendance
last spring, the group saw a rise in support from people angered by the
unprecedented influx into Europe of refugees from Africa, Asia and the Middle East.

Aside from its nationalist and anti-Islam stance, the group has also sided strongly
with Russia. Several Russian flags were flown at Saturday's rally in Dresden,
along with banners including "Peace with Russia" and "Stop war against Syria."

Smaller PEGIDA-style protests were also taking place in France, Britain, Poland,
the Czech Republic, Ireland, Denmark, Finland and Estonia.

Copyright 2016 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not
be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

We should be asking what entity has engineered this accepting of hundreds of thousands of muslims into each nation and that nation then siding with the muslims over its own citizens!
And why do those government side with the muslims..
The answer is globalists are seeding the herds.. And placating the Islamists that they've made an alliance AN UNHOLY with IMHO.-TYR