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02-09-2016, 08:13 PM
Hillary is second for the Dems, waiting to see how bad. Right now Sanders is over 50%. Will Bloomberg or someone else jump in soon?

Trump is in the 30's. Right now followed by Kasich, Bush, Cruz, Rubio...will any drop out?

02-09-2016, 08:17 PM
Sanders 53%, Trump 35%

How in the hell did Kasich get 16% and come in 2nd?

02-09-2016, 08:21 PM
Sanders 53%, Trump 35%

How in the hell did Kasich get 16% and come in 2nd?
It's where he's put all his effort. He didn't have the money for ground game in IA, unlikely he will in even SC in spite of his showing. That Christie is back as far as he is, isn't good for him, as the money and ground forces are similar to Kasich.

I may be wrong, but if Bush stays where he is, that will be the story outside of how commanding Trump follows up. Bush is having a bit of a rise, it remains to be seen if it continues beyond.

The media will also focus on where Rubio ends up, he competes for many of same donor class as Bush.

Cruz is doing pretty good for a place he didn't really fit in.

02-09-2016, 08:22 PM
Hillary is second for the Dems, waiting to see how bad. Right now Sanders is over 50%. Will Bloomberg or someone else jump in soon?

Trump is in the 30's. Right now followed by Kasich, Bush, Cruz, Rubio...will any drop out?

The longer NO MORE drop out. The better it will be for Trump. All of the votes from the election will eventually become Trumps. It's the Political Game few people know about, or even understand.

Hillary and Bubba will probably try a VINCE FOSTER tactic on BERNIE. Remember!! Put nothing past a Clinton!

02-09-2016, 08:35 PM
Damn, Sanders is at 57

Take that, Shrillary!

02-09-2016, 08:38 PM
Damn, Sanders is at 57

Take that, Shrillary!

Watch for Biden. ;) He might take time out from ending cancer to get in.

02-09-2016, 08:39 PM
Unless Christie rises suddenly, I think he may be forced by $$$ to get out. Carson?

02-09-2016, 08:49 PM
Watch for Biden. ;) He might take time out from ending cancer to get in.

Sanders is rising only because of a lack of choices, IMO. I think if Biden jumps in he runs away with the race. Even with his oversized foot in his mouth!

02-09-2016, 08:51 PM
Sanders is rising only because of a lack of choices, IMO. I think if Biden jumps in he runs away with the race. Even with his oversized foot in his mouth!

Even Gilmore might beat Sanders in the general election. Thus, someone will have to come in.

Black Diamond
02-09-2016, 08:53 PM
Sanders is rising only because of a lack of choices, IMO. I think if Biden jumps in he runs away with the race. Even with his oversized foot in his mouth!

He's goota be kicking himself..

Maybe in the mouth but still kicking himself.

02-09-2016, 08:53 PM
Watch for Biden. ;) He might take time out from ending cancer to get in.

Hahaha! That whole thing was such a crock. Shameless PR stunt.

02-09-2016, 08:54 PM
Sanders 58, Hellary 40.

Now that's what I call a Commie-Sized Ass Whuppin!

Black Diamond
02-09-2016, 08:57 PM
Even Gilmore might beat Sanders in the general election. Thus, someone will have to come in.

This is Sanders last hurrah. Minorities are going to Hillary. This was pointed out last night on Greta.

Black Diamond
02-09-2016, 09:01 PM
Hahaha! That whole thing was such a crock. Shameless PR stunt.

Wow dude. That's harsh.

Black Diamond
02-09-2016, 09:02 PM
Sanders 58, Hellary 40.

Now that's what I call a Commie-Sized Ass Whuppin!

Biggest Communist victory since Stalingrad....

02-09-2016, 09:19 PM
This is Sanders last hurrah. Minorities are going to Hillary. This was pointed out last night on Greta.

Hold that thought, you heathen!

Singer, actor and activist Harry Belafonte, 88, will announce his endorsement for Democratic presidential hopeful and avowed socialist, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT)


. The news came from NBC reporter Andrea Mitchell.And not only that....

Belafonte’s endorsement of Bernie Sanders is expected to come on Wednesday, possibly in conjunction with an endorsement from the Rev. Al Sharpton. The endorsements would come prior to the South Carolina primaries.


02-09-2016, 09:27 PM
So sad to say, but realistically; knowing how terribly Un-educated, and Easily-led so many millions of Americans are today....If Sanders doesn't win the GENERAL election. Hillary probably will. All for the very same reasons Obama won two times.
The minority votes of Black Uneducated Americans, combined with the Uneducated Females who will only vote for Hillary because of gender....will decide the outcome of the election in November.

The offers of FREE Stuff for everyone, combined with the so-called WAR ON WOMEN Hillary thrives on convincing the Uneducated....will prevent EVEN TRUMP from winning.

Not a prediction. Just watch.

02-09-2016, 09:28 PM
I'm not counting out Bernie, though I do think his shot in general is unlikely.

Millennials are now the largest demographic group in the country. Keep an eye on minorities and higher education within that group, might see some very different voting patterns emerge. The numbers in this group are not trending towards 'conservatives' if the voter has a high school diploma or more education. The only 'GOP' candidate to get significant support from this age group with education is Rubio.

02-09-2016, 09:30 PM
I'm not counting out Bernie, though I do think his shot in general is unlikely.

Millennials are now the largest demographic group in the country. Keep an eye on minorities and higher education within that group, might see some very different voting patterns emerge. The numbers in this group are not trending towards 'conservatives' if the voter has a high school diploma or more education. The only 'GOP' candidate to get significant support from this age group with education is Rubio.

What he may pick up from this age group is likely to be offset by conservatives.

Black Diamond
02-09-2016, 09:31 PM
I'm not counting out Bernie, though I do think his shot in general is unlikely.

Millennials are now the largest demographic group in the country. Keep an eye on minorities and higher education within that group, might see some very different voting patterns emerge. The numbers in this group are not trending towards 'conservatives' if the voter has a high school diploma or more education. The only 'GOP' candidate to get significant support from this age group with education is Rubio.

Ouch. That hit me really hard.

02-09-2016, 09:36 PM
What he may pick up from this age group is likely to be offset by conservatives.

Perhaps, it's not like the baby boom has hit the WWII or Korean or Viet Nam vets death rates, but they are getting there. Millennials are ascending in numbers and reasons to vote; those ahead of them are not.

Might want to look not only at their education levels, but also their life experiences. These are the folks that are rising in business, the military, and politics. Their life experiences are very different than ours.

02-09-2016, 09:44 PM
Makes a big difference for the Dems too:


David R. Jones<footer style="display: inline-block; vertical-align: top; padding: 0px; float: left;"></footer>
<section class="post-body" style="margin-left: 65px; max-width: calc(585px); vertical-align: top; color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: nyt-franklin, NYTFranklinMedium-Regular, arial, helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; line-height: 18px;">Bernie Sanders Wins Every Demographic Group (http://www.nytimes.com/live/new-hampshire-primary-2016-election/bernie-sanders-wins-every-demographic-group/)

Senator Bernie Sanders beat Hillary Clinton among nearly every demographic group in the Democratic New Hampshire primary, according to exit polls.

He carried majorities of both men and women. He won among those with and without college degrees. He won among gun owners and non-gun owners. He beat Mrs. Clinton among previous primary voters and those participating for the first time. And he ran ahead among both moderates and liberals.

Even so, there were a few silver linings for Mrs. Clinton. While Mr. Sanders bested her among all age groups younger than 45, the two candidates polled evenly among voters aged 45 to 64. And Mrs. Clinton won the support of voters 65 and older. And, though Mrs. Clinton lost nearly every income group, she did carry voters in families earning over $200,000 per year.

</section>David R. Jones of Baruch College is a Times consultant.

02-09-2016, 10:03 PM
Perhaps, it's not like the baby boom has hit the WWII or Korean or Viet Nam vets death rates, but they are getting there. Millennials are ascending in numbers and reasons to vote; those ahead of them are not.

Might want to look not only at their education levels, but also their life experiences. These are the folks that are rising in business, the military, and politics. Their life experiences are very different than ours.

Totally agree with you Kathianne. Their life experiences are NIL. Nothing most of them has done is connected with anything more than Instant Gratification, and being in the "I" and "ME" mindsets that make them believe they deserve everything handed to them..with no cost, no responsibility, and NO LIFE EXPERIENCES other than they believe THEY DESERVE everything.
Education levels mean absolutely Nothing these days. They get out of college with the idea they start at the TOP. It just doesn't work that way.

Black Diamond
02-09-2016, 10:05 PM
Perhaps, it's not like the baby boom has hit the WWII or Korean or Viet Nam vets death rates, but they are getting there. Millennials are ascending in numbers and reasons to vote; those ahead of them are not.

Might want to look not only at their education levels, but also their life experiences. These are the folks that are rising in business, the military, and politics. Their life experiences are very different than ours.

Yeah. They will ruin the country.

02-09-2016, 10:14 PM
Bottom line is that if there isn't reasons for them to relate, they won't. Many of these voters were not raised with both birth parents, many with more than 1 surrogate. They were in elementary or high school on 9/11. They or their friends are serving or served in the military. Their knowledge of politics has been formed by GW and Obama. One or the other has been president for 16 years of their lives, over 1/2. Using references to Bill Clinton, Ronald Reagan, etc., doesn't mean much to them. Consider for a moment those of you over 50, try to remember how much of your high school history book had on Ike, Truman or FDR-beyond WWII.

The political parties and their donors are dominated by our generation, if they have an ounce of commonsense, they will get folks that understand the changing concerns of the next generation-the one that now has the largest numbers. I'm pretty sure if we look at Bernie's staff, we would find some of them.

Black Diamond
02-09-2016, 10:26 PM
Bottom line is that if there isn't reasons for them to relate, they won't. Many of these voters were not raised with both birth parents, many with more than 1 surrogate. They were in elementary or high school on 9/11. They or their friends are serving or served in the military. Their knowledge of politics has been formed by GW and Obama. One or the other has been president for 16 years of their lives, over 1/2. Using references to Bill Clinton, Ronald Reagan, etc., doesn't mean much to them. Consider for a moment those of you over 50, try to remember how much of your high school history book had on Ike, Truman or FDR-beyond WWII.

The political parties and their donors are dominated by our generation, if they have an ounce of commonsense, they will get folks that understand the changing concerns of the next generation-the one that now has the largest numbers. I'm pretty sure if we look at Bernie's staff, we would find some of them.
I feel there is another Pearl Harbor on the horizon that *may* wake these brats up.

02-09-2016, 10:39 PM
I feel there is another Pearl Harbor on the horizon that *may* wake these brats up.

Black Diamond. Nobody seems smart enough, or willing to Heed the warnings. Today...the SENATE was told by Knowledgeable people, how the threats of TERROR from around the World are the Worst EVER SEEN.

But, since EDUCATION has been lacking, and politicians control WHO gets WHAT information, and HOW MUCH. We can't keep making excuses, blaming lack of family, single parents, or ages of the voters.
The reality is. Few of the so-called Millenials today...even know what ISIS is, or what it is doing. They are too involved in being PERPETUALLY ENTERTAINED by pretend TV, Movies, and FALSE REALITY programs that make them LOOSE, DRINKERS, and DRUGGIES who spend their parents money...not green money, but PLASTIC.

02-09-2016, 10:50 PM
I feel there is another Pearl Harbor on the horizon that *may* wake these brats up.

The leading edge of these 'kids' are closing in on 40, the youngest have said hello to 25. No doubt they will face their versions of 'the Berlin Wall crumbling,' though more likely to be something giving way in the West. Neither they nor ourselves can foresee what challenges and successes that lie ahead.

Their demographics are very different than ours, as are their concerns. They are not getting married or having children as young as we did on average. They are not having as many either. (That was true of the baby boomers too, compared to their parents.) They are waiting longer to buy homes and not only due to school loans or lack of wherewithal. They are choosing to not buy in many cases, they don't trust that their jobs will be there or their incomes will rise. In one generation they are questioning the wisdom of doing so, they are not buying into 'the American Dream.'

Many were young, but old enough to understand the uncertainty that followed economically 9/11. Their parents lost jobs, savings, retirement funds, even their homes. College costs for them skyrocketed and the machinations with college loans screwed many of them royally. Their 'base of knowledge' is that uncertainty is the only certainty. They do not trust their employer to be there in the future or more likely to keep them if not necessary. They work hard to be necessary, while planning their next place to go.

They trust the government less than their employers. Banks less than government. What they do care about, (like most of us before them), are those less able than themselves to 'survive.' With that, they do have a problem-which is where the Bern is coming in.

02-09-2016, 11:35 PM
So sad to say, but realistically; knowing how terribly Un-educated, and Easily-led so many millions of Americans are today....If Sanders doesn't win the GENERAL election. Hillary probably will. All for the very same reasons Obama won two times.
The minority votes of Black Uneducated Americans, combined with the Uneducated Females who will only vote for Hillary because of gender....will decide the outcome of the election in November.

The offers of FREE Stuff for everyone, combined with the so-called WAR ON WOMEN Hillary thrives on convincing the Uneducated....will prevent EVEN TRUMP from winning.

Not a prediction. Just watch.

I think the same as your first sentence when I see people vote for Trump. There's no indication that Trump will do what he says or what kind of SCOTUS nominees he will advance.

Black Diamond
02-09-2016, 11:42 PM
Hold that thought, you heathen!

[/h]And not only that....

Uh oh. The militants are out.

Black Diamond
02-09-2016, 11:49 PM
The leading edge of these 'kids' are closing in on 40, the youngest have said hello to 25. No doubt they will face their versions of 'the Berlin Wall crumbling,' though more likely to be something giving way in the West. Neither they nor ourselves can foresee what challenges and successes that lie ahead.

Their demographics are very different than ours, as are their concerns. They are not getting married or having children as young as we did on average. They are not having as many either. (That was true of the baby boomers too, compared to their parents.) They are waiting longer to buy homes and not only due to school loans or lack of wherewithal. They are choosing to not buy in many cases, they don't trust that their jobs will be there or their incomes will rise. In one generation they are questioning the wisdom of doing so, they are not buying into 'the American Dream.'

Many were young, but old enough to understand the uncertainty that followed economically 9/11. Their parents lost jobs, savings, retirement funds, even their homes. College costs for them skyrocketed and the machinations with college loans screwed many of them royally. Their 'base of knowledge' is that uncertainty is the only certainty. They do not trust their employer to be there in the future or more likely to keep them if not necessary. They work hard to be necessary, while planning their next place to go.

They trust the government less than their employers. Banks less than government. What they do care about, (like most of us before them), are those less able than themselves to 'survive.' With that, they do have a problem-which is where the Bern is coming in.

Can you explain where their extreme sense of entitlement comes from?

02-09-2016, 11:56 PM
Can you explain where their extreme sense of entitlement comes from?


02-10-2016, 12:01 AM
I'm not counting out Bernie, though I do think his shot in general is unlikely.

Millennials are now the largest demographic group in the country. Keep an eye on minorities and higher education within that group, might see some very different voting patterns emerge. The numbers in this group are not trending towards 'conservatives' if the voter has a high school diploma or more education. The only 'GOP' candidate to get significant support from this age group with education is Rubio.

02-10-2016, 12:06 AM
Can you explain where their extreme sense of entitlement comes from?

I don't know about 'all,' can only consider those I know personally. They do not have a sense of entitlement. Indeed, they don't think that Obamacare, social security, etc., will be there at all down the road. They do blame the politicians for that, as well as past generations.

They do care about those with less resources and/or abilities-which is 'everyone' that they don't know. It's that problem of 'I'm doing ok, but what about those that can't...' as I've said, this isn't a new take.

Nearly all those I know have paid back or nearly have paid back their student loans if they had them. Nearly all have married and a few have at least one child. The majority have purchased a home, those who haven't have done so far by choice-wanting to save more and be debt free. They do put a heavier emphasis on travel and other spending than I did at their ages, but that might just be a function of being more realistic of their ability to do so before having a family?

I don't see these folks as selfish, I do see them as very skeptical of the future. They don't trust any institutions. They see only uncertainty ahead, regardless of how well they are doing today.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
02-10-2016, 12:08 AM
Can you explain where their extreme sense of entitlement comes from?
It came from the democrat/liberal designed and promoted Public Education System and the decades long infiltration and advancement of socialist college professors(most from Slavic/socialist European nations).
Evil recognizes evil, the dem party/leftists/socialists allied with the muzzies are now doing a major number on this nation. Those muzzy billionaires(oil rich assholes) are clever and mostly stay hidden in what they are doing but they are buying our politicians buy the boatloads. Spending obscene amounts of money to influence our Congress and even I suspect buying a couple SCOTUS judges , which was easy since a couple are avowed leftist infiltrators
I was right about China, right about America heading /racing towards socialism since the 70's and I am right about the damn muzzies.--Tyr

02-10-2016, 12:24 AM
Unless Christie rises suddenly, I think he may be forced by $$$ to get out. Carson?

We may hear he's out tomorrow:

http://www.nj.com/politics/index.ssf/2016/02/christie_talks_to_new_hampshire_supporters_after_l .html#incart_article_small

NASHUA, N.H. (http://www.nj.com/politics/) — Gov. Chris Christie (http://www.nj.com/chris-christie/) announced Tuesday night after a lackluster showing in the New Hampshire primary that he will return with his family to New Jersey to wait and decide whether to continue in the race for the Republican presidential nomination.

"We've decided that we're going to go home to New Jersey," Christie said.

"We're going to take a deep breath," he said. "We leave New Hampshire tonight without an ounce of regret."

The governor said he planned to wait out the full results of the New Hampshire primary before deciding whether to continue his 2016 bid for the Republican nomination.

Before announcing his plans to return home, Christie was scheduled to take a flight to South Carolina. The next GOP debate is scheduled for Saturday, but Christie would be excluded from participating unless he ranks at least fifth in the New Hampshire primary.

He currently ranks sixth.

02-10-2016, 12:26 AM
Looks like Fiorina will carry on:


<header style="box-sizing: border-box;">Fiorina to continue on after poor showing</header><footer class="meta" style="box-sizing: border-box; margin-top: 0.5em;">By KATIE GLUECK (http://www.politico.com/staff/katie-glueck)
02/09/16 10:28 PM EST

She didn't even crack 5 percent with more than half the votes in, but Carly Fiorina's team insisted Tuesday night that she would press on after the New Hampshire primary.

"We sent link to public calendar earlier today. Same plan," emailed Sarah Isgur Flores, Fiorina's deputy campaign manager, when asked whether Fiorina would be exiting the race.

The calendar (https://calendar.google.com/calendar/embed?src=t50aglgv2b9635u11h734lk9io@group.calenda r.google.com)shows Fiorina in South Carolina over the weekend, before spending around a week and a half in Nevada ahead of the caucuses there.

"Just published upcoming Nevada schedule. Looking forward to Valentine's Day with #FirstFrank (https://twitter.com/hashtag/FirstFrank?src=hash) in the Silver State," Fiorina tweeted earlier in the day, referring to her husband, Frank Fiorina.

02-10-2016, 01:02 AM
Presidential primaries

Last updated Feb 10, 2016 at 12:51 AM ET


Delegates won

1,237 needed for nomination · 2,472 available

https://www.google.com/?gws_rd=ssl#q=United+States+Republican+primary+res ults&eob=m.09c7w0/R/2/full/m.09c7w0/

Black Diamond
02-10-2016, 01:47 AM
I don't know about 'all,' can only consider those I know personally. They do not have a sense of entitlement. Indeed, they don't think that Obamacare, social security, etc., will be there at all down the road. They do blame the politicians for that, as well as past generations.

They do care about those with less resources and/or abilities-which is 'everyone' that they don't know. It's that problem of 'I'm doing ok, but what about those that can't...' as I've said, this isn't a new take.

Nearly all those I know have paid back or nearly have paid back their student loans if they had them. Nearly all have married and a few have at least one child. The majority have purchased a home, those who haven't have done so far by choice-wanting to save more and be debt free. They do put a heavier emphasis on travel and other spending than I did at their ages, but that might just be a function of being more realistic of their ability to do so before having a family?

I don't see these folks as selfish, I do see them as very skeptical of the future. They don't trust any institutions. They see only uncertainty ahead, regardless of how well they are doing today.

Maybe you simply associate with good people.

02-10-2016, 05:57 AM
Maybe you simply associate with good people.

Well certainly not those that are rioting or living in parents basements.

I'd say that I know of at least 30 well enough to know about things like their debts and such. A larger number would include students from the past that I still have contact with-including 8 actively serving in military.

We talk. I'm as appalled by the number for Bernie, they get as pissed at me for that as some here at me regarding Trump. I suppose the only solace I take is that none of those I know are for Trump. (There is one lady at work, but she's over 70.)

02-10-2016, 08:12 AM
I don't think we should give up on the new generation.

Historically the Doom & Gloom about the latest up & coming generation seems to be about the same through the ages. I remember back in the '80s hearing all the time from the older generation about how my generation was all screwed up, what with our MTV and punk rockers, Madonna doing her outrageous stunts, rock bands running around dressed up like women, that satanic Heavy Metal. WTF are you wearing High Top Nikes for, unlaced?

And let's not forget my mullet! Oh yeah, I heard a lot about that. But the chicks dug it, and that was all that mattered to me. Between that and my Camaro, they were powerless to resist my charms! Come to Butthead.

I think most of them will come around and see what is important as they enter the work force, and there are some very stark lessons around the world regarding socialism and where that leads us.

You have to hand it to the liberals for somehow creating the 'cool' political camp, but like all cool fads that soon wears off and is later ridiculed and mocked. Even my unquestionably awesome mullet is no longer considered cool!

Our kids won't be the mindless idiots that we see on TV stammering nonsense about why they're protesting. There will always be a few that do, sure, but you can't bust your ass and be okay with some commie wanting to give half your paycheck to lazy bastards who don't want to work.

Add a few more terrorist attacks here in America - which will undoubtedly happen - and those youngsters are going to see the folly of pacifism and become hawkish. The desire for revenge and self-preservation ingrained in every human will see to that.

I have faith in our kids. It wasn't too long ago that we were labeled stupid, clueless kids that were going to destroy America. Every generation needs a horrible president to re-awaken the populace, it seems.

02-10-2016, 08:26 AM
My daughter gives me faith in the new generation, the Millennials. She has been influenced by her mommy, but she is more influenced by common sense and practicality. I am an idealist; she is a realist. I am proud of her. She will accomplish much more than I ever have.

02-10-2016, 10:42 AM
This is Sanders last hurrah. Minorities are going to Hillary. This was pointed out last night on Greta.
As Kathianne pointed out there are many more blacks turning toward Bernie than many might suspect.
Harry Belafonte, maybe Al Sharpton

the youtube below is Cornell West, he supported Obama early on over Hillary for the similar reasons that Hillary is having problems now with the left, Hillary's corporate connections, shady activities and pro-war votes and support.

Cornel West has been speaking out vocally on the left against Obama now for the at least 4 or 5 years now. and sees Sanders as a REAL left wing reformer and Obama and Hillary as sell outs to corporations, the military industrial complex and the oligarchy in general.


Also Sanders has been a supporter of the the poor, blacks and latino equal rights for a long time. He was out front during the 60's for civil-rights and has been a consistent supporter. So he's not a some Johnny come lately to many blacks.
the NAACP has given him a 97% rating for his voting record over the years. And there have been several blacks sitting in state and federal representative seats that have recently switched to Sanders from Hillary.


And I can tell you this I've heard from more than a few black Christians (who have voted republican many years because of social issues) that they are leaning toward voting for Sanders because he seems to be sincerely concerned about people, even if his methods are off.

I know one guy ,a licensed minister with a full time job as well, who was pro Carson and or Cruz because of their evangelical backgrounds and stances who is now planning on voting for Sanders because of the lies the Cruz campaign told in Iowa about Carson dropping out of the race. He sees that as a hard moral failure that shows Cruz is more concerned about politics than playing fair even with GOP politicians and fellow christians. A character issue and deal breaker for him. And he doesn't see the republican party as being serious (as i've said for years now) about it's so call "desire to turn the country back to Godly principals".
He feels since neither party is serious about God anyway At least he'll vote for someone who wants to "look out for people".
I disagree with him but i get about as far with him as i get with you folks.

Bottom line i think Hillary will probably hold a lot of the older black political folks out of loyalty and inertia. But many younger black people will go for Sanders. Many principled hard leftist black voters will also vote Sanders. So i suspect Bernie will get a lot more Black votes in the primaries than Hillary anticipates. And if Sanders wins the primaries then in the general election he'll get more black Democratic turnout than Hillary would have. And he'll pull many disillusioned socially conservative Black votes from the GOP. Even with the homosexual issue out front because no republicans seems like they're going to do jack to slow or reverse it anyway. same with abortion.

02-10-2016, 10:50 AM
As Kathianne pointed out there are many more blacks turning toward Bernie than many might suspect.
Harry Belafonte, maybe Al Sharpton

the youtube below is Cornell West, he supported Obama early on over Hillary for the similar reasons that Hillary is having problems now with the left, Hillary's corporate connections, shady activities and pro-war votes and support.

Cornel West has been speaking out vocally on the left against Obama now for the at least 4 or 5 years now. and sees Sanders as a REAL left wing reformer and Obama and Hillary as sell outs to corporations, the military industrial complex and the oligarchy in general.

Also Sanders has been a supporter of the the poor, blacks and latino equal rights from a long time. He was out front during the 60's for civil-rights and has been consistent supporter. So he's not a some Johnny come lately to many blacks.
the NAACP has given him a 97% rating for his voting record over he years. And there have been several blacks sitting in state and federal representative seats that have recently switched to Sanders from Hillary.

And I can tell you this I've heard form more than a few black Christians who have voted republican many years because of social issues. That they are leaning toward voting for Sanders because he seems to be sincerely concerned about people, even if his methods are off.

I know one guy ,a licensed minister with a full time job as well, who was pro Carson and or Cruz because of their evangelical backgrounds and stances who is now planning on voting for Sanders because of the lies the Cruz campaign told in Iowa about Carson dropping out of the race. He sees that as a hard moral failure that shows Cruz is more concerned about politics than playing fair even with fellow politicians and fellow christians. A character issue and deal breaker for him. And he doesn't see the republican party as being serious (as i've said for years now) about it's so call "desire to turn the country back to Godly principals".
He feel since since neither party is serious about God anyway At least he'll vote for someone who wants to "look out for people".
I disagree with him but i get about as far with him as i get with you folks.

Bottom line i think Hillary will probably hold a lot of the older black political folks out of loyalty and inertia. But many younger black people will go for Sanders. Many principled hard leftist black voters will also vote Sanders. So i suspect Bernie will get a lot more Black votes in the primaries than Hillary anticipates. And if Sanders wins the primaries then in the general election he'll get more black Democratic turnout than Hillary would have. And he'll pull many disillusioned socially conservative Black votes from the GOP. Even with the homosexual issue out front because no republicans seems like they're going to do jack to slow or reverse it anyway. same with abortion.

I deleted the videos for more ease of reading.

Her internal data must be showing just what you are saying. Pandering clear and simple, but Clinton's always assume the 'little folks' are stupid:


<header style="box-sizing: border-box; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: proxima-nova, 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 16px;">Clinton allies grapple with crushing lossAfter a devastating defeat, her campaign hopes to rebound with a sharp focus on African Americans.
</header><footer class="meta" style="box-sizing: border-box; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: proxima-nova, 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 16px;">By Annie Karni (http://www.politico.com/staff/annie-karni)
<time datetime="2016-02-09T08:50-0500" style="box-sizing: border-box;">02/09/16 08:50 PM EST</time>
Updated <time datetime="2016-02-10T12:57-0500" style="box-sizing: border-box;">02/10/16 12:57 AM EST

</footer>...Clinton is set to campaign with the mothers of Trayvon Martin and Eric Garner, unarmed African-Americans who died in incidents involving law enforcement officers and a neighborhood watch representative, respectively. And the campaign, sources said, is expected to push a new focus on systematic racism, criminal justice reform, voting rights and gun violence that will mitigate concerns about her lack of an inspirational message.

“The gun message went silent in New Hampshire,” remarked one ally close to the campaign. “Guns will come back in a strong way.” She is expected to highlight the problem of gun violence as the leading cause of death among African-American men as she campaigns in South Carolina on Friday.

In her concession speech, which she gave about 30 minutes after the polls closed with Chelsea and Bill Clinton standing behind her, Clinton began to preview that new message — framing her remarks around a call for human rights and an end to discrimination.
