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02-09-2016, 08:42 PM
Which of those running for president presents himself/herself as presidential?

I say Christie does the most.

02-09-2016, 08:48 PM
Which of those running for president presents himself/herself as presidential?

I say Christie does the most.

For me, a 'presidential' figure is one not only possessing the personal stature of one, but altogether more importantly, is his own man, who knows his own mind, and that that mind is one totally devoted to doing whatever it takes, whether 'PC' or not, to best safeguard the interests of the People he was elected to serve.

Trump undoubtedly qualifies on all counts.

Margaret Thatcher was a stellar Prime Minister. She was perfectly prepared to govern according to her conscience, regardless of how much opposition she got. She was no version of a 'yes man', not even remotely so, She was intensely patriotic, and went to war on those she regarded as Society's enemies. She was the ultimate conviction politician.

As is Trump - unquestionably.

02-09-2016, 08:54 PM
Which of those running for president presents himself/herself as presidential?

I say Christie does the most.

Depends on what the criteria is, as Drummond put it much better than I could!

I think Carson is the best spoken & holds himself up in such a manner. I think Jeb Bush is very professional too. Unfortunately, I don't think this is going to be the election of who is most president like, but more about who is going to be tough and get shit done.

If you ever heard Christie speak "off the record", he isn't the most presidential fellow either! He can be pretty nasty and condescending when he needs or wants to be. But that's cool too, as I know he can be tough when he needs to be.

02-10-2016, 01:47 AM
Rick Perry from Texas - most presidential most of the time. he's not running but He looks the part and sounds the part.

Least? Ted Cruz. He sounds soft. Sounds emotionally-driven.

Otherwise? Nobody in the field seems presidential to me. Marco might be the most.