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02-10-2016, 06:44 AM
Really, she's beyond Nixonian:


This Is How Hillary Clinton Gets the Coverage She Wants (http://gawker.com/this-is-how-hillary-clinton-gets-the-coverage-she-wants-1758019058)

Hillary Clinton’s supporters often argue (http://www.salon.com/2016/01/25/lena_dunham_slams_media_for_rabidly_sexist_coverag e_of_hillary_clinton/)that mainstream (http://thinkprogress.org/politics/2015/04/10/3645639/will-media-coverage-hillary-clinton-just-sexist-time-around/)political reporters (http://mediamatters.org/blog/2016/02/08/clinton-coverage-goes-off-the-rails-again/208433) are incapable of covering her positively—or even fairly. While it may be true that the political press doesn’t always write exactly what Clinton would like, emails recently obtained by Gawker offer a case study in how her prodigious and sophisticated press operation manipulates reporters into amplifying her desired message—in this case, down to the very word that The Atlantic’s Marc Ambinder used to describe an important policy speech.

The emails in question (https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/2707953-Marc-Ambinder-Philippe-Reines-Emails.html), which were exchanged by Ambinder, then serving as TheAtlantic’s politics editor (http://www.businessinsider.com/the-atlantics-popular-politics-editor-marc-ambinder-is-headed-to-the-national-journal-2010-8), and Philippe Reines, Clinton’s notoriously combative spokesman and consigliere, turned up thanks to a Freedom of Information Act request we filed in 2012 (and which we are currently suing the State Department (http://politburo.gawker.com/gawker-v-department-of-state-1691327528)over). The same request previously revealed that Politico’s chief White House correspondent, Mike Allen, promised to deliver (http://gawker.com/emails-show-politico-s-mike-allen-promised-positive-cov-1744201426) positive coverage of Chelsea Clinton, and, in a separate exchange, permitted Reines to ghost-write an item about the State Department (http://gawker.com/emails-top-clinton-aide-secretly-wrote-item-for-mike-a-1757323650#_ga=1.206556059.906054481.1454075687) for Politico’s Playbook newsletter. Ambinder’s emails with Reines demonstrate the same kind of transactional reporting, albeit to a much more legible degree: In them, you can see Reines “blackmailing” Ambinder into describing a Clinton speech as “muscular” in exchange for early access to the transcript. In other words, Ambinder outsourced his editorial judgment about the speech to a member of Clinton’s own staff.

On the morning of July 15, 2009, Ambinder sent Reines a blank email (https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/2704594-January-31-Reines-Emails.html#document/p924) with the subject line, “Do you have a copy of HRC’s speech to share?” His question concerned a speech Clinton planned to give later that day (http://www.cfr.org/diplomacy-and-statecraft/conversation-us-secretary-state-hillary-rodham-clinton/p34589) at the Washington, D.C. office of the Council on Foreign Relations, an influential think tank. Three minutes after Ambinder’s initial email, Reines replied with three words: “on two conditions.” After Ambinder responded with “ok,” Reines sent him a list of those conditions:

From: [Philippe Reines]
Sent: Wednesday, July 15 2009 10:06 AM
To: Ambinder, Marc
Subject: Re: Do you have a copy of HRC’s speech to share?

3 [conditions] actually
1) You in your own voice describe them as “muscular”

2) You note that a look at the CFR seating plan shows that all the envoys — from Holbrooke to Mitchell to Ross — will be arrayed in front of her, which in your own clever way you can say certainly not a coincidence and meant to convey something

3) You don’t say you were blackmailed!

One minute later, Ambinder responded:

From: Ambinder, Marc
Sent: Wednesday, July 15, 2009 10:07 AM
To: Philippe Reines
Subject: RE: Do you have a copy of HRC’s speech to share?
got it

Ambinder made good on his word. The opening paragraph of the article he wrote later that day, under the headline “Hillary Clinton’s ‘Smart Power’ Breaks Through (http://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2009/07/hillary-clintons-smart-power-breaks-through/21344/),” precisely followed Reines’ instructions:


Abbey Marie
02-10-2016, 11:12 AM
Politics is a dirty, dirty, business. And other than probably Dr. Carson, I've no doubt that each and every one of these candidates has done their share. But yeah, both Clintons have raised it to an art form.

As an aside, I dislike Hillary and everything she stands for. For Benghazi alone I'd like to see her in jail. I think the Clintons have gotten away with all sorts of illegal activities. And other than a Socialist or Communist, I'd rather see almost anyone in the WH than her.

But one thing I do not like is all the focus on her looks (ugly, fat, etc., etc.). There are no end of things to criticize her for without resorting to middle-school insults. And if we as a society are going to go that route, Bernie, Christie, and even Trump are pretty unattractive. I guess we haven't come very far after all.

02-10-2016, 11:18 AM
Politics is a dirty, dirty, business. And other than probably Dr. Carson, I've no doubt that each and every one of these candidates has done their share. But yeah, both Clintons have raised it to an art form.

As an aside, I dislike Hillary and everything she stands for. For Benghazi alone I'd like to see her in jail. I think the Clintons have gotten away with all sorts of illegal activities. And other than a Socialist or Communist, I'd rather see almost anyone in the WH than her.

But one thing I do not like is all the focus on her looks (ugly, fat, etc., etc.). There is no end of things to criticize her for without resorting to middle-school insults. And if we as a society are going to go that route, Bernie, Christie, and even Trump are pretty unattractive. I guess we haven't come very far after all.


And it seems to me that women are often the worst offenders of going for looks. I feel the same way about the attacks on Michelle Obama's looks, the woman is a total jerk, her being attractive or not has little to do with it-eye of the beholder.

02-10-2016, 12:06 PM
Politics is a dirty, dirty, business. And other than probably Dr. Carson, I've no doubt that each and every one of these candidates has done their share. But yeah, both Clintons have raised it to an art form.

As an aside, I dislike Hillary and everything she stands for. For Benghazi alone I'd like to see her in jail. I think the Clintons have gotten away with all sorts of illegal activities. And other than a Socialist or Communist, I'd rather see almost anyone in the WH than her.

But one thing I do not like is all the focus on her looks (ugly, fat, etc., etc.). There are no end of things to criticize her for without resorting to middle-school insults. And if we as a society are going to go that route, Bernie, Christie, and even Trump are pretty unattractive. I guess we haven't come very far after all.

I disagree. How one presents oneself is a reflection of what is inside. I found this interesting:

Quite often, Hillary looks noticeably disheveled while on official business, and during her tenure as secretary of state looked downright dirty and unkempt.

If that’s her situation, it’s a tangible sign she’s unable to manage the job as well as present herself as the face of America to foreign nations. Combine it with the fact that she’s made significant gaffes while abroad, as well as been seen apparently drunk in public and it’s an external reflection of her incompetence.

The only reason I bring it up is that I saw what one of her female predecessors was like: In 2008, I took a trip as a member of the official press delegation with Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice to Colombia.

Rice had flown in from Davos, Switzerland, a mere five hours earlier, and emerged looking sharp and well put together in her gray, pinstriped pantsuit and pearls, makeup and hair perfect.

Let's take a look at a similar candidate, Carly Fiorina. Carly is sharp. Period. I love her outfits and the classy way she carries herself. She is fit and trim. Carly is class.


Hillary on the other hand, is fat and sloppy. He choice of clothing is terrible. Just plain terrible. Hillary is classless.



02-10-2016, 01:37 PM
Short and to the point....


Abbey Marie
02-10-2016, 03:14 PM
I disagree. How one presents oneself is a reflection of what is inside. I found this interesting:

Let's take a look at a similar candidate, Carly Fiorina. Carly is sharp. Period. I love her outfits and the classy way she carries herself. She is fit and trim. Carly is class.


Hillary on the other hand, is fat and sloppy. He choice of clothing is terrible. Just plain terrible. Hillary is classless.



How one dresses is still a superficial hook on which to hang one's hat, but it is somewhat better than the attacks on her butt or her wrinkly face. Yes, Carly is trim and dresses nicely. But I'll bet you anything she would prefer to be admired for her talent, intelligence, and ability to lead, rather than her sartorial excellence.

I had hoped that as women have moved into all areas of power, we as a country could move past that stuff. I think I was wrong to hope.

02-10-2016, 10:35 PM
In regard to the original point - that Hillary's campaign gave some reporter some inside information in return for demanding that he praise her and use specific words like "muscular", like some kind of reporter-marionette - it makes me think badly of Hillary and her campaign, but not any more badly that I already was. I've been positive that Hillary has been doing way worse things for decades.

It makes me think even worse of the reporter though. What kind of lame, spineless, pathetic excuse for a dude would consent to such a demand? And what kind of eunuch-filled media outlet would have such a reporter?

I know that forever more, if I ever see any more articles praising Hillary by TheAtlantic, or by reporter Marc Ambinder, I will scoff and chuckle because I know their reputations are totally shot and can never come back. For that matter, any article by TheAtlantic or Marc Ambinder, no matter what its about, will make me scoff and chuckle. A fitting epitaph for them both, actually.

By the way, anyone who spells Mark with a 'c' instead of a 'k' is suspect right off the bat. :laugh:

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
02-11-2016, 08:15 AM

And it seems to me that women are often the worst offenders of going for looks. I feel the same way about the attacks on Michelle Obama's looks, the woman is a total jerk, her being attractive or not has little to do with it-eye of the beholder.
Man by design is a visual creature, especially where it concerns women. May be a bit childish but Hildabeast is both ugly inside and out. People that are smart know and see that--even comment on both ugliness.
Its basic human nature, besides men are dogs, right..?;)
She is a corrupt and evil beast and sometimes people may want to point out her ugly looks too.
All that applies to the obama traitor's ugly wife too. ;) -Tyr

02-11-2016, 08:26 AM
Man by design is a visual creature, especially where it concerns women. May be a bit childish but Hildabeast is both ugly inside and out. People that are smart know and see that--even comment on both ugliness.
Its basic human nature, besides men are dogs, right..?;)
She is a corrupt and evil beast and sometimes people may want to point out her ugly looks too.
All that applies to the obama traitor's ugly wife too. ;) -Tyr

I would not buy a pair of shoes that were ugly. Or a car. Or anything else. But to some we are supposed to overlook tawdriness and dishevelment in women???? I don't think so.

I did read a joke about Hillary. You can tell she travels a lot. Her bags are always packed. lol


Abbey Marie
02-11-2016, 09:31 AM
I guess you are cool then with Trump's awful bashing of Carly's looks. I think it was along the lines of "Who wants to look at that (implied: ugly) face".

Hey, if that's the way you want women running for office to be judged, it's certainly your right.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
02-11-2016, 09:33 AM
I would not buy a pair of shoes that were ugly. Or a car. Or anything else. But to some we are supposed to overlook tawdriness and dishevelment in women???? I don't think so.

I did read a joke about Hillary. You can tell she travels a lot. Her bags are always packed. lol


To be fair, I do agree with Abbey that there are far more important defects of hers to point out than her looks.
However, one must consider with the tens of millions that they have stolen she could dress better, at least try to look better.
Seems to me that mentally she thinks she is a man and that would explain a lot about how she chooses to appear
We already know that she has bigger balls than Bill.
Most of that applies to obama's witch too(except the tens of millions stolen part). IMHO.--TYR

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
02-11-2016, 09:39 AM
I guess you are cool then with Trump's awful bashing of Carly's looks. I think it was along the lines of "Who wants to look at that (implied: ugly) face".

Hey, if that's the way you want women running for office to be judged, it's certainly your right.

We had best judge who we choose on how well we think they will do the job, how far they will go to repeal obama's destruction and not their looks.
Trump is by no means a handsome guy, not even when he was a young man.
However without a doubt the dems have the ugliest two running in Hillary and Bernie, man that bernie is as bad as Hillary in being ugly. Truff.... -Tyr

Abbey Marie
02-11-2016, 09:48 AM
We had best judge who we choose on how well we think they will do the job, how far they will go to repeal obama's destruction and not their looks.
Trump is by no means a handsome guy, not even when he was a young man.
However without a doubt the dems have the ugliest two running in Hillary and Bernie, man that bernie is as bad as Hillary in being ugly. Truff.... -Tyr

I guess it just doesn't matter to me, Tyr. I don't have to wake up next to the President, lol!

And as far as that goes, I can objectively state that Obama is not a bad looking man on the outside. But I can't even watch him on TV, because his policies make him so distasteful to me.

02-11-2016, 09:49 AM
To be fair, I do agree with Abbey that there are far more important defects of hers to point out than her looks.
However, one must consider with the tens of millions that they have stolen she could dress better, at least try to look better.
Seems to me that mentally she thinks she is a man and that would explain a lot about how she chooses to appear
We already know that she has bigger balls than Bill.
Most of that applies to obama's witch too(except the tens of millions stolen part). IMHO.--TYR

Of course there are more important things than looks. Duh. I never said otherwise. But it is simplistic to think how one presents oneself is not one sign of character.

I am very into appearance. Even the homliest woman can be neat and presentable. Carly Fiorina is attractive in that she presents herself with class.

I can't believe another woman is arguing with me about this. Sloppiness and dishevelment is not acceptable and is a sign of poor character. Hillary has always been a hippie.

I will speak no more about this very obvious, though minor, issue.

Abbey Marie
02-11-2016, 09:52 AM
Of course there are more important things than looks. Duh. I never said otherwise. But it is simplistic to think how one presents oneself is not one sign of character.

I am very into appearance. Even the homliest woman can be neat and presentable. Carly Fiorina is attractive in that she presents herself with class.

I can't believe another woman is arguing with me about this. Sloppiness and dishevelment is not acceptable and is a sign of poor character. Hillary has always been a hippie.

I will speak no more about this very obvious, though minor, issue.

That makes two of us.