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View Full Version : GOP shatters its turnout record

02-10-2016, 09:46 AM
Some said voters were going to stay home this year. Thus far this seems to be the opposite.


Republicans set a new turnout record Tuesday in New Hampshire’s primary, attracting more than a quarter of a million voters to the polls and offering evidence that most of the energy in the 2016 presidential race continues to be on the GOP side.

Democrats saw a strong turnout, but their two-person race couldn’t recapture the magic of the 2008 battle between Hillary Clinton and then-candidate Barack Obama — a race that presaged Mr. Obama’s eventual cruise to victory in November.

Instead, this year it is Republicans who set a record. More than 263,000 votes had been recorded as of Wednesday morning, and 11 percent of precincts still had yet to report in. That puts the GOP above its own 2012 record of 248,000, and well within striking distance of the all-time record for either party, the nearly 290,000 votes cast in that 2008 Democratic primary.

The New Hampshire results follow last week’s Iowa caucus turnout, where Republicans easily outdistanced Democrats by more than 50 percent.


02-10-2016, 09:49 AM
Perhaps it is the Rob Ford (http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?53196-Ford-Trump&p=788444#post788444) phenomenon?

02-10-2016, 09:54 AM
Perhaps it is the Rob Ford (http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?53196-Ford-Trump&p=788444#post788444) phenomenon?

Didn't he get busted smoking crack or something similar?

02-10-2016, 09:59 AM
Didn't he get busted smoking crack or something similar?

He was always in some sort of trouble.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
02-10-2016, 10:27 AM
Some said voters were going to stay home this year. Thus far this seems to be the opposite.


Republicans set a new turnout record Tuesday in New Hampshire’s primary, attracting more than a quarter of a million voters to the polls and offering evidence that most of the energy in the 2016 presidential race continues to be on the GOP side.

Democrats saw a strong turnout, but their two-person race couldn’t recapture the magic of the 2008 battle between Hillary Clinton and then-candidate Barack Obama — a race that presaged Mr. Obama’s eventual cruise to victory in November.

Instead, this year it is Republicans who set a record. More than 263,000 votes had been recorded as of Wednesday morning, and 11 percent of precincts still had yet to report in. That puts the GOP above its own 2012 record of 248,000, and well within striking distance of the all-time record for either party, the nearly 290,000 votes cast in that 2008 Democratic primary.

The New Hampshire results follow last week’s Iowa caucus turnout, where Republicans easily outdistanced Democrats by more than 50 percent.


I think right side voters have awakened to the fact that it is now, A DO OR DIE MOMENT......
And one look at what a Hillary or Sanders disastrous presidency would do to us bring them out in droves.
Silent majority now speaketh....-Tyr

Abbey Marie
02-10-2016, 11:32 AM
I'm not over-analyzing this. It's just an exciting and unusual year, thanks to some of the characters in the race. If it was mainly Hillary vs. Jeb, it would be your typical snooze-fest.

02-10-2016, 11:36 AM
I'm not over-analyzing this. It's just an exciting and unusual year, thanks to some of the characters in the race. If it was mainly Hillary vs. Jeb, it would be your typical snooze-fest.

True. Then again, Hillary would be definitely toast in November.