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View Full Version : Trump seems to hit every group

02-11-2016, 03:05 PM
That's going to be very important as time goes on, especially if a candidate is looking to pickup voters from dropped candidates. In the recent victory, it appears he got support from everywhere. Men, women, rich, poor, very conservative, moderate and religious support. Apparently he increased his support for all of those groups from Iowa to NH as well. He has a nice balance of support from everyone across the board.


Trump's Two Victories in New Hampshire

NASHUA, New Hampshire—Donald Trump won twice in New Hampshire last night: once because he transcended many of the Republican Party’s historic divides, and a second time because the voters most resistant to him remained fragmented.

With his commanding New Hampshire win, Trump demonstrated again that his maverick appeal has replaced many of the party’s traditional fissures with a new dividing line based more on class and education. Equally important, the results virtually ensured that the voters most resistant to both Trump and Iowa winner Ted Cruz—mostly white-collar, mainstream conservatives—will remain divided. Their split will persist at least through the critical South Carolina primary approaching on February 20, and possibly through the Super Tuesday cascade of contests on March 1.

“That lane has to be clarified quickly, before March 1,” said the veteran Republican pollster Glen Bolger, who is not committed to any candidate in the race. “There has to be some unanimity by then or Cruz and Trump have the potential to pull pretty far ahead in terms of delegates.”


In his sweeping victory, Trump won men and women; voters in all age groups; voters in all income groups; Republicans and independents; voters who described themselves as very conservative, somewhat conservative, and moderate; evangelical Christians and non-evangelical Christians; and those with and without four-year college degrees—though his appeal notably lagged among both evangelicals and better-educated Republicans.

Two other points underscore the sweep of Trump’s New Hampshire rout. Compared to his showing in Iowa, he improved his vote share among virtually every one of the groups for which comparable figures are available. In New Hampshire, Trump ran at least 10 percentage points better than he did in Iowa among men; voters in every age group younger than 65; those without a college degree; Republicans and independents; and both very- and somewhat-conservative voters. The only major group in which he lost ground compared to Iowa was moderates, among whom his support declined by a statistically insignificant 2 percentage points (from 34 to 32 percent).

http://news.yahoo.com/trumps-two-victories-hampshire-163721662.html;_ylt=A0LEV0UZ57xWtsMAwCZXNyoA;_ylu= X3oDMTByMjB0aG5zBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDBHNlYw NzYw--

Black Diamond
02-11-2016, 03:11 PM
Friend of mine brought up the fact that trump may get voters simply because he is already winning.