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View Full Version : If we lose on immigration, we lose everything..

Black Diamond
02-11-2016, 03:21 PM
Please explain why this is the case.

02-11-2016, 03:28 PM
I think it's important, but not THE most important. To me that would be the economy and the terrorist threat. Immigration is important as a part of both, but most importantly, imo, to terrorism.

I have to agree with both Cruz and Rubio that the southern border must be secured, also with some sort of tracking of visas. Once that is done, I'd like to see immigration reform-addressing those here and those wanting to come. How to do either? Need some consensus amongst the people of the US.

02-11-2016, 03:36 PM
Imported socialist voters: You can bet that likes of Dilma Roussef, Nicholas Maduro, Andres Obrador and the like would cheerfully coordinate with the Democrats to pack US voter rolls with illiterate socialists. George Soros would gladly finance relocating Teresina, Piaui to Oklahoma City.

02-11-2016, 05:06 PM
Please explain why this is the case.

We are at a tipping point to where there are more Democrats than people who won't vote Democratic.

If we lose on immigration the Democrats will win every presidential election and pack every court with liberal judges. If we're not there already, we are very close.

Abbey Marie
02-11-2016, 06:49 PM
Protecting us from terrorism, such as an attack on the grid, is number one. Imagine the rampant illegal activity, including border jumpers, in a country in chaos? Closing the border is part of that, but takes a back seat to the overall fight against terrorism.

02-11-2016, 10:08 PM
Protecting us from terrorism, such as an attack on the grid, is number one. Imagine the rampant illegal activity, including border jumpers, in a country in chaos? Closing the border is part of that, but takes a back seat to the overall fight against terrorism.

:beer: Great minds! ;)

02-11-2016, 10:53 PM
LOL! ...The same old Trump haters... night after night scared Shitless...trying to convince "each other" who hates Trump the most...*but never mentioning their special Candidate...just pointing fingers at Trump....trump ...trump.. ....same old hate Trump mantra...day after day ...night after night..post after post after...post..going against the will of the American people..."almost`...sounding like leftist"...:coffee: too funny!

​*Now...this is Important...
>>> *Many of us here (supporting Donald)...we dont try to smear any of the other Candidates the Trump haters might like...*Now that is Interesting...

....Smile Donald Trump haters...Carry on boys and Girls...:thumb:

Abbey Marie
02-12-2016, 08:50 AM
LOL! ...The same old Trump haters... night after night scared Shitless...trying to convince "each other" who hates Trump the most...*but never mentioning their special Candidate...just pointing fingers at Trump....trump ...trump.. ....same old hate Trump mantra...day after day ...night after night..post after post after...post..going against the will of the American people..."almost`...sounding like leftist"...:coffee: too funny!

​*Now...this is Important...
>>> *Many of us here (supporting Donald)...we dont try to smear any of the other Candidates the Trump haters might like...*Now that is Interesting...

....Smile Donald Trump haters...Carry on boys and Girls...:thumb:

Who are these Trump-haters of which you speak?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
02-12-2016, 08:57 AM
LOL! ...The same old Trump haters... night after night scared Shitless...trying to convince "each other" who hates Trump the most...*but never mentioning their special Candidate...just pointing fingers at Trump....trump ...trump.. ....same old hate Trump mantra...day after day ...night after night..post after post after...post..going against the will of the American people..."almost`...sounding like leftist"...:coffee: too funny!

​*Now...this is Important...
>>> *Many of us here (supporting Donald)...we dont try to smear any of the other Candidates the Trump haters might like...*Now that is Interesting...

....Smile Donald Trump haters...Carry on boys and Girls...:thumb:

*Many of us here (supporting Donald)...we dont try to smear any of the other Candidates the Trump haters might like...*Now that is Interesting...
^^ How dare you point out a truth like that! Don't you know that when others are cleverly besmirching you and your character the thing to do is just be silent and not push back?

Millions of "Trump haters", by nature hate "Trump supporters".
As to the hitting of other member's chosen candidates, I could have gone to town on CHRISTIE, BUSH, CARLY, RUBIO, etc..
As I've mentioned before, I do not do so because too much of that is helping the dems and leftist media.
I am determined not to help carry their damn water.
This sustained, massive deep hatred expressed campaign against Trump is a populist mantra being promoted, fully supported by media, Hollyweird types, obama, Hillary and dem party--none of which I have any respect for.
We all have the right to support whom we want but one can see that Trump is unfairly targeted because its the "in thing" to do to go with the PC, dem, obama , media crowd..-Tyr

02-12-2016, 09:24 AM
^^ How dare you point out a truth like that! Don't you know that when others are cleverly besmirching you and your character the thing to do is just be silent and not push back?

Millions of "Trump haters", by nature hate "Trump supporters".
As to the hitting of other member's chosen candidates, I could have gone to town on CHRISTIE, BUSH, CARLY, RUBIO, etc..
As I've mentioned before, I do not do so because too much of that is helping the dems and leftist media.
I am determined not to help carry their damn water.
This sustained, massive deep hatred expressed campaign against Trump is a populist mantra being promoted, fully supported by media, Hollyweird types, obama, Hillary and dem party--none of which I have any respect for.
We all have the right to support whom we want but one can see that Trump is unfairly targeted because its the "in thing" to do to go with the PC, dem, obama , media crowd..-Tyr

I say let them have at it. The more whining and hating that takes place, the higher he goes in the polls! He now has a 67% favorable rating. :)

I don't know exactly who everyone else supports as some are secretive about it. :) But I definitely have not attacked 'rubio supporters' or 'cruz supporters' or anything like that. I've said it all along, I like all of the candidates pretty much, so no need for me to bash them, and bashing their supporters won't accomplish much.

02-12-2016, 09:32 AM
I say let them have at it. The more whining and hating that takes place, the higher he goes in the polls! He now has a 67% favorable rating. :)

I don't know exactly who everyone else supports as some are secretive about it. :) But I definitely have not attacked 'rubio supporters' or 'cruz supporters' or anything like that. I've said it all along, I like all of the candidates pretty much, so no need for me to bash them, and bashing their supporters won't accomplish much.

Where did you find a crazy poll like that? It's definitely an outlier. There's a yuuuge difference. Trump is not an acceptable alternative to most Cruz supporters. Trump's lifelong (including political) biography tells the story.

02-12-2016, 09:34 AM
Where did you find a crazy poll like that? It's definitely an outlier. There's a yuuuge difference. Trump is not an acceptable alternative to most Cruz supporters. Trump's lifelong (including political) biography tells the story.


02-12-2016, 09:36 AM

I'm interested in see more polls, that 67% number is way out of synch with other polls.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
02-12-2016, 10:17 AM
I'm interested in see more polls, that 67% number is way out of synch with other polls.
With what other polls?
You mean polls leaning dem, polls leaning socialist, polls leaning liberal, polls paid for or greatly influenced by his haters/enemies, polls anti Republican etc...
Yes, sure such garbage means a lot...:puke3:
I have no time for people not bright enough to separate the wheat from the chaff.
In case you may have missed it, thats you..
However, I can and will upon occasion comment on posts made by such "experts"..--Tyr

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
02-12-2016, 10:24 AM
I say let them have at it. The more whining and hating that takes place, the higher he goes in the polls! He now has a 67% favorable rating. :)

I don't know exactly who everyone else supports as some are secretive about it. :) But I definitely have not attacked 'rubio supporters' or 'cruz supporters' or anything like that. I've said it all along, I like all of the candidates pretty much, so no need for me to bash them, and bashing their supporters won't accomplish much.

Secretive you say? Would that indicate a desire to be able to vilify the living hell out of Trump but not have any criticisms shot back at their chosen candidate?
You mean people that would play that strategy , thus gaining an unfair edge in their mind and perhaps here as well?
I do note that saying a couple things critical of any candidate is fair game and not the same as-waging an unrelenting and sustain total hate-fest war against just one candidate. And that candidate being the top runner for the Republicans no less.
Life has many , many flavors my friend.. -Tyr

02-12-2016, 10:31 AM
Top vote getter is always in the sites, no doubt about that. I'll end up with the anti-Trump, whoever that ends up being. Bottom line is this comes down to 'we know the records' of those left standing, Carson's could be fleshed out more-but we trust his honesty. The only one with great disparity between his past, recent statements, and stated positions is Trump. Get over it. Those that don't like it will just have to deal with it. Shouldn't be a problem though, nothing he says would change anyone's minds.

02-12-2016, 11:05 AM
Top vote getter is always in the sites, no doubt about that. I'll end up with the anti-Trump, whoever that ends up being. Bottom line is this comes down to 'we know the records' of those left standing, Carson's could be fleshed out more-but we trust his honesty. The only one with great disparity between his past, recent statements, and stated positions is Trump. Get over it. Those that don't like it will just have to deal with it. Shouldn't be a problem though, nothing he says would change anyone's minds.

Why the obsession and lack of direct support for a candidate yourself? Seems like the overwhelming majority of threads you start are about Trump. Lots of anti-Trump sentiments from you. But you don't seem to get over him, you seem to continue the hatefest while also seemingly ignoring the other candidates. Whether candidate, or supporter, just very odd when either spend the majority of their time bashing a candidate. And I have ZERO issue with anyone against Trump so long as they don't try and bash supporters. Kind of like you did with your last sentence, as if the supporters are too stupid to change minds, or see negatives, or to somehow make decisions for themselves.

I don't need to change my mind though. I have chosen him from pretty much the beginning, while looking into other candidates and learning about them in case Trump falls, and I need a 2nd choice. I'm MORE than happy with all of his stances totaled up. I think they are better than the totality of any other candidate offered, for what I'm looking for in order to hopefully fix a lot of problems I have concern about.

02-12-2016, 11:09 AM
Secretive you say? Would that indicate a desire to be able to vilify the living hell out of Trump but not have any criticisms shot back at their chosen candidate?
You mean people that would play that strategy , thus gaining an unfair edge in their mind and perhaps here as well?
I do note that saying a couple things critical of any candidate is fair game and not the same as-waging an unrelenting and sustain total hate-fest war against just one candidate. And that candidate being the top runner for the Republicans no less.
Life has many , many flavors my friend.. -Tyr

The more Trump, the less the others - the more Trump gains. They are unwittingly only helping Trump, which is cool with me. It wouldn't be much different than folks spending the majority of the general election season going after Hillary and paying little to no attention to whomever it is they actually support.

Trump has been the vilified candidate from day one. He's embraced it and ran with it, and is thus far romping with it. :thumb:

02-12-2016, 11:11 AM
Why the obsession and lack of direct support for a candidate yourself? Seems like the overwhelming majority of threads you start are about Trump. Lots of anti-Trump sentiments from you. But you don't seem to get over him, you seem to continue the hatefest while also seemingly ignoring the other candidates. Whether candidate, or supporter, just very odd when either spend the majority of their time bashing a candidate. And I have ZERO issue with anyone against Trump so long as they don't try and bash supporters. Kind of like you did with your last sentence, as if the supporters are too stupid to change minds, or see negatives, or to somehow make decisions for themselves.

I don't need to change my mind though. I have chosen him from pretty much the beginning, while looking into other candidates and learning about them in case Trump falls, and I need a 2nd choice. I'm MORE than happy with all of his stances totaled up. I think they are better than the totality of any other candidate offered, for what I'm looking for in order to hopefully fix a lot of problems I have concern about.

I had taken this argument seriously for quite awhile, not so much anymore-thanks in no small measure to Trump and his own reflections on the ability of his doing nothing, no matter what, too outrageous to lose his supporters. He has good reason to feel that, as given the polls you cite as often as he or moreso.

His concern now is the 'independents' who are not so keen on his crass ads, especially those who want a 'winner' but really don't look beyond ads. Thus he began yesterday to go 'positive' after pulling the most negative ad he was running, after it had left it's mark on his loyalists.

As I said in the post you quoted, thanks to the weirdness of this cycle, I'll vote in the primary against the most anti-Trump. In the general, if he wins I'll vote for a 3rd party candidate.

02-12-2016, 11:26 AM
I had taken this argument seriously for quite awhile, not so much anymore-thanks in no small measure to Trump and his own reflections on the ability of his doing nothing, no matter what, too outrageous to lose his supporters. He has good reason to feel that, as given the polls you cite as often as he or moreso.

Yes, I support a candidate and am positive about the GOP candidates in front of us. I'm happy to post polls showing him in front all over. I have no need to sit here and find a candidate to bash over and over and over and over and over.

His concern now is the 'independents' who are not so keen on his crass ads, especially those who want a 'winner' but really don't look beyond ads. Thus he began yesterday to go 'positive' after pulling the most negative ad he was running, after it had left it's mark on his loyalists.

I also look beyond ads, see the candidates for what they offer and make my decisions based on that. I think every Trump supporter I have spoken/posted with is the same as well. He is getting support from just about every group out there. It now makes sense to start concentrating on any group that he lacks in.

As I said in the post you quoted, thanks to the weirdness of this cycle, I'll vote in the primary against the most anti-Trump. In the general, if he wins I'll vote for a 3rd party candidate.

As is your right of course. One would think you would have some interest in the candidate you plan on voting for, whoever that may be.

02-12-2016, 11:31 AM
Yes, I support a candidate and am positive about the GOP candidates in front of us. I'm happy to post polls showing him in front all over. I have no need to sit here and find a candidate to bash over and over and over and over and over.

I also look beyond ads, see the candidates for what they offer and make my decisions based on that. I think every Trump supporter I have spoken/posted with is the same as well. He is getting support from just about every group out there. It now makes sense to start concentrating on any group that he lacks in.

As is your right of course. One would think you would have some interest in the candidate you plan on voting for, whoever that may be.

Regarding the last point, with the exception of Trump, the rest are fine with me, some more/some less.

02-12-2016, 11:43 AM
Top vote getter is always in the sites, no doubt about that. I'll end up with the anti-Trump, whoever that ends up being. Bottom line is this comes down to 'we know the records' of those left standing, Carson's could be fleshed out more-but we trust his honesty. The only one with great disparity between his past, recent statements, and stated positions is Trump. Get over it. Those that don't like it will just have to deal with it. Shouldn't be a problem though, nothing he says would change anyone's minds.

Waiting and hoping for Trump to flame out is the path to failure. Now is the time for ACTION!

Black Diamond
02-12-2016, 12:40 PM
I had taken this argument seriously for quite awhile, not so much anymore-thanks in no small measure to Trump and his own reflections on the ability of his doing nothing, no matter what, too outrageous to lose his supporters. He has good reason to feel that, as given the polls you cite as often as he or moreso.

His concern now is the 'independents' who are not so keen on his crass ads, especially those who want a 'winner' but really don't look beyond ads. Thus he began yesterday to go 'positive' after pulling the most negative ad he was running, after it had left it's mark on his loyalists.

As I said in the post you quoted, thanks to the weirdness of this cycle, I'll vote in the primary against the most anti-Trump. In the general, if he wins I'll vote for a 3rd party candidate.
Just curious but did you vote third party in 2012? I think trump is about as conservative as Romney was (if not more): Romney Care, gun control, "I think abortion should be legal in this country"..... The things trump has said in the past that concern you seem to reflect the way Romney GOVERNED.

Black Diamond
02-12-2016, 12:42 PM
Waiting and hoping for Trump to flame out is the path to failure. Now is the time for ACTION!
Only prayer they have in defeating trump is to get behind one sole candidate.

02-12-2016, 12:57 PM
Just curious but did you vote third party in 2012? I think trump is about as conservative as Romney was (if not more): Romney Care, gun control, "I think abortion should be legal in this country"..... The things trump has said in the past that concern you seem to reflect the way Romney GOVERNED.

No, we disagee regarding g Trump and Romney.

02-12-2016, 01:27 PM
Just curious but did you vote third party in 2012? I think trump is about as conservative as Romney was (if not more): Romney Care, gun control, "I think abortion should be legal in this country"..... The things trump has said in the past that concern you seem to reflect the way Romney GOVERNED.


A lot of folks want to jump on Trump for a change in stances over the years...

But I suppose it was OK when Romney was defending abortion, and then changed to pro life.

He wasn't "lined up" with the NRA. was for bans on assault weapons, defended Massachusetts gun regulations. Signed a permanent ban on assault weapons.

Apparently Romneycare was good enough.

Maybe it was because he took these stances in a PC manner and was polite about it?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
02-12-2016, 02:22 PM
I had taken this argument seriously for quite awhile, not so much anymore-thanks in no small measure to Trump and his own reflections on the ability of his doing nothing, no matter what, too outrageous to lose his supporters. He has good reason to feel that, as given the polls you cite as often as he or moreso.

His concern now is the 'independents' who are not so keen on his crass ads, especially those who want a 'winner' but really don't look beyond ads. Thus he began yesterday to go 'positive' after pulling the most negative ad he was running, after it had left it's mark on his loyalists.

As I said in the post you quoted, thanks to the weirdness of this cycle, I'll vote in the primary against the most anti-Trump. In the general, if he wins I'll vote for a 3rd party candidate.

As I said in the post you quoted, thanks to the weirdness of this cycle, I'll vote in the primary against the most anti-Trump. In the general, if he wins I'll vote for a 3rd party candidate.

As is you right to do.....-Tyr

In the general, if he wins I'll vote for a 3rd party candidate.

Many view that to be the same as voting dem. Granted that its your right to do.

Myself, I view this election far too important to throw a vote away. --Tyr

02-12-2016, 02:33 PM
As is you right to do.....-Tyr

Many view that to be the same as voting dem. Granted that its your right to do.

Myself, I view this election far too important to throw a vote away. --Tyr

I don't. If I'm wrong, I will say to self, "Good, you were wrong. Vote Trump for second term. If I'm right, won't be a problem that I contributed to, although I do wonder if the rest will be able to see undone what was done. So I hope that I AM the wrong on this choice.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
02-12-2016, 07:51 PM
I don't. If I'm wrong, I will say to self, "Good, you were wrong. Vote Trump for second term. If I'm right, won't be a problem that I contributed to, although I do wonder if the rest will be able to see undone what was done. So I hope that I AM the wrong on this choice.

I can not and do not fault you for voting your conscience, even if I disagree personally.

Seeing undone what was done(by obama) is my primary goal.
Thus I picked two candidates, Trump and Cruz. I personally think Trump will know how better to
tackle that huge problem and will have far more courage to spit in the eyes of the super powers that are behind the obama agenda!
As his agenda is by no means just his own , its a blend of his and that of his masters IMHO.
I just feel sorry for the people that think the guy is highly intelligent---he is not.
When not reading prepared words( his almighty teleprompter) that reality becomes self-evident. --TYR

02-12-2016, 08:42 PM
Protecting us from terrorism, such as an attack on the grid, is number one. Imagine the rampant illegal activity, including border jumpers, in a country in chaos? Closing the border is part of that, but takes a back seat to the overall fight against terrorism.

It appears that both issues are nearly hand-in-hand.

02-12-2016, 08:56 PM
Protecting us from terrorism, such as an attack on the grid, is number one. Imagine the rampant illegal activity, including border jumpers, in a country in chaos? Closing the border is part of that, but takes a back seat to the overall fight against terrorism.

It appears that both issues are nearly hand-in-hand.

While I agree the two issues have some similarity, I state that terrorism being more important might be short-sighted.

I remember many years ago, in an Anatomy class, our professor asked us to make an argument about which organ of the body is most important. I wrote quite a long argument that of all the organs/systems of the body, the most important long-term are the reproductive organs. The reproductive organs are the only organs that perpetuate the species. Of course it was a whimsical discussion as all organs are needed.

Anyway, we as conservatives can survive multiple terrorist attacks; terrorist attacks affect the liberal as well as the conservative. However, our way of life CANNOT survive endless liberalism and thus the most important thing is to prevent additional Democratic voters. It's all according to whether or not one looks at the short view or the long view.