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Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
02-16-2016, 12:44 AM
Monday, February 15, 2016
From the Archives—Featuring Robert Lindley


Painting pictures with words. Opening a part of the soul. Emotion flowing with the lines. Tapestry skillfully woven. Reflecting thoughts artfully. Yearning to make a difference. --Karen O'Leary--Whispers' Editor

It is a joy to travel back into our Whispers’ archives and read gems from past issues. Today, it is a pleasure to present Robert Lindley’s first poem published at our online journal. This lone tree faces many challenges over a span of many years—as have many of you. As bits and pieces are lost with illness, aging, deaths, etc., we are reminded by Robert’s words that we can still endure. Thank you, Robert, for sharing your talent with us.


Karen O’Leary—Whispers’ Editor
Great Lone Tree, So Beautiful
By Robert Lindley

Great lone tree standing in the middle of Harper's lot
weathering all attacks from so many enemies it has got
Struck eleven times by lightning in as many years
last one burned so hot that sap burst forth like tears!
First plague was ten thousand locusts eating its fruits
next came grub worms devouring its sweet tender roots
After that first fire came burning high above its trunk
then came the woodpeckers pecking out chunk by chunk!
Next the teenage boys driving in nails for a playhouse
adding to the big holes bored so deeply by a wood mouse
Second fire burned its trunk until hard rain put it out
followed by six years of county's hottest, longest drought
Great lone tree had weathered so many terrible attacks
insects gnawing ever deeper its long and deep cracks
So many years it giving its fruit and comforting shade
its life beaten but that majestic beauty never did fade
Great lone tree stood reaching ever upward to Mother Sky
enduring all while so stubbornly refusing to ever die!


Robert Lindley is poet from the Southern USA. He has been writing poetry since 1969. Robert writes with the intent to offer others words to enjoy and with high hopes he may inspire and brighten lives in some way.


I was shocked to find an email moments ago notifying me of this honor.
I had been informed by email last week that one of my new poems would be featured in the March issue of Whispers but this great honor was not mentioned to me at that time.-Tyr