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View Full Version : Seems as thought Trump lost no ground

02-16-2016, 12:58 PM
We will have to wait and see if this is truly reflected in Saturday's primary. I would definitely have thought there would have been some movement after the last debate.


Donald Trump is the clear front-runner heading into Saturday's South Carolina Republican primary.

A new Public Policy Polling survey released Tuesday found Trump leading in the crucial third-nominating state by a large margin.

According to the poll, 35% of likely Republican voters supported Trump. Sens. Marco Rubio (R-Florida) and Ted Cruz (R-Texas) tied for second with 18%.

Ohio Gov. John Kasich (R) trailed in fourth with 10%, while former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (R) and retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson each captured 7% of the support.

Trump blasted out the poll results almost immediately in a Tuesday tweet.

"New PPP Poll just out — Trump up big, Cruz, Rubio and Bush down. The debate results, even with a stacked RNC audience, were wonderful!" Trump tweeted, referencing the rowdy audience that frequently booed him during Saturday night's Republican debate.

The survey found that as in New Hampshire, Trump's support in South Carolina seemed firm among wide swaths of Republican primary voters.

"Donald Trump doesn't seem to have lost any support in South Carolina following Saturday night's debate," Dean Debnam, PPP's president, said in a statement. "He has a pretty consistent across-the-board lead with the different segments of the Republican electorate."

Though Trump has led in the state for months, recent polls have shown a slight realignment of the race. Rubio's lower-than-expectations fifth-place finish in New Hampshire hasn't appeared to deflate his popularity in South Carolina. Several recent polls have found him locked in a dead heat with Cruz for second place.


02-16-2016, 01:03 PM
The man appears to be bulletproof! I guess this weekend will tell the story.

This primary has been entertaining, if nothing else.

But what I'm really looking forward to is seeing either one of the democrat bozos get ripped to shreds in the general debates. Both Sanders and Hillary have their own set of problems; and they're whoppers.

Abbey Marie
02-16-2016, 01:03 PM
At 18% each, it is clear than any chance the two runners-up have will be when one of them drops out. Or if Donald gets even more outrageous. I was on the fence about him until the debate; now I don't like him. Our numbers may be small, but I can't be alone on this.

02-16-2016, 01:07 PM
Other polls are similar with their numbers. The other candidates are eating into any chance there is of catching or bringing down Trump. I wish I knew who I preferred out of the other 3, because I really like all 3 of them too. But there needs to be a consensus prior to super tuesday, IMO, and a couple of candidates, or at least one, willing to take a hike.

02-16-2016, 01:08 PM
The man appears to be bulletproof! I guess this weekend will tell the story.

This primary has been entertaining, if nothing else.

But what I'm really looking forward to is seeing either one of the democrat bozos get ripped to shreds in the general debates. Both Sanders and Hillary have their own set of problems; and they're whoppers.

My concern is that Trump has the least favorable numbers in a head to head matchup against both Hillary and Sanders. But obviously that can all change once they campaign against one another. Or if they do so, and then charges come down on the witch. :)

02-16-2016, 01:09 PM
At 18% each, it is clear than any chance the two runners-up have will be when one of them drops out. Or if Donald gets even more outrageous. I was on the fence about him until the debate; now I don't like him. Our numbers may be small, but I can't be alone on this.

So far it looks like he lost 3 supporters - you, Russ and me. I was sure that his offensive remarks would have pissed off a greater swath of Americans than it seems to have. Maybe we 3 aren't as mainstream GOPers as we thought!

A thought occurred yesterday as I was pondering things... that rant may have been to designed to appeal to moderate democrats who hate both Sanders and Hellary, along with Independents. It's not so crazy when you consider that.

Abbey Marie
02-16-2016, 02:09 PM
So far it looks like he lost 3 supporters - you, Russ and me. I was sure that his offensive remarks would have pissed off a greater swath of Americans than it seems to have. Maybe we 3 aren't as mainstream GOPers as we thought!

A thought occurred yesterday as I was pondering things... that rant may have been to designed to appeal to moderate democrats who hate both Sanders and Hellary, along with Independents. It's not so crazy when you consider that.

If so, diabolical!

Re: Jim's comment above about Trump beating Hillary, I remember reading that Rubio has polled really good numbers for beating Hillary. Anyone know if that is still true? How about Cruz and Bush?

Black Diamond
02-16-2016, 06:24 PM
So far it looks like he lost 3 supporters - you, Russ and me. I was sure that his offensive remarks would have pissed off a greater swath of Americans than it seems to have. Maybe we 3 aren't as mainstream GOPers as we thought!

A thought occurred yesterday as I was pondering things... that rant may have been to designed to appeal to moderate democrats who hate both Sanders and Hellary, along with Independents. It's not so crazy when you consider that.
Limbaugh must have asked you for advice. Because he said the same thing on his radio show.

Black Diamond
02-16-2016, 06:28 PM
If so, diabolical!

Re: Jim's comment above about Trump beating Hillary, I remember reading that Rubio has polled really good numbers for beating Hillary. Anyone know if that is still true? How about Cruz and Bush?

Rubio by a mile.


There are links above that chart for Trump, Carson, Cruz, and Jeb.

02-16-2016, 06:42 PM
If so, diabolical!

Re: Jim's comment above about Trump beating Hillary, I remember reading that Rubio has polled really good numbers for beating Hillary. Anyone know if that is still true? How about Cruz and Bush?

Here are all of the potential matchups:

Trump Vs. Clinton - Clinton +4.7
Rubio Vs. Clinton - Rubio +4.2
Cruz Vs. Clinton - Cruz +0.2
Bush Vs. Clinton - Clinton +3.0

And against Sanders:

Trump Vs. Sanders - Sanders 9.7
Rubio Vs. Sanders - Rubio 1.0
Cruz Vs. Sanders - Sanders 3.0
Bush Vs. Sanders - Sanders 5.3

02-16-2016, 07:58 PM
Limbaugh must have asked you for advice. Because he said the same thing on his radio show.

Cool, then it's not as silly as it sounds... Limbaugh is a pretty sharp guy.

02-17-2016, 08:23 AM
CNN's latest is out after the debate and has Trump +16 in SC. CNN also has Trump up by 26 points in Nevada which follows.

02-18-2016, 07:12 AM
The latest Quinnipiac polls are out this morning and Trump is now only down by one point to Clinton. Cruz, Rubio & Bush - +3, +7 & +1 respectively. Sanders has a 6 point lead on Trump, 6 on Rubio, 10 on Cruz and 10 on Bush.

IMO, it appears that the others need to narrow down to ONE candidate to pile on top of Trump. Also IMO, I think any of the 4 has a good chance of beating her in the primary, and Sanders too. I'm liking how things are playing out thus far. And on "our" side I am more than thrilled, as I'll be happy no matter which of the 4 stands tall down the road. I also have little to no doubt that any of those 4 would nominate a good conservative SC justice.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
02-18-2016, 08:56 AM
Rubio by a mile.


There are links above that chart for Trump, Carson, Cruz, and Jeb.

Solid Results matter, not polls predicting future events that far out.
Trump against Hillary , Trump wins EASILY .

02-18-2016, 07:24 PM
Fox has him at a 17 point lead nationally. CBS as well has Trump at a 17 point lead. I know some don't like me posting these, but get over it. :)

For anyone to get past Trump, the time is NOW. I think Bush and Cruz should bail, at least if folks expect the "establishment" to pull up and away with this contest. But what are the odds of getting either Bush or Cruz to be the one to make that move? I do believe that if this were to happen quickly, and they ALL focus as one instead of a free for all, we can see the race turn around. I don't think it would be instant, but it would be a MUCH closer race after super tuesday, and then I think Rubio could perhaps make up ground and pull away going forward from there. But will they is the question.

Black Diamond
02-18-2016, 07:30 PM
Fox has him at a 17 point lead nationally. CBS as well has Trump at a 17 point lead. I know some don't like me posting these, but get over it. :)

For anyone to get past Trump, the time is NOW. I think Bush and Cruz should bail, at least if folks expect the "establishment" to pull up and away with this contest. But what are the odds of getting either Bush or Cruz to be the one to make that move? I do believe that if this were to happen quickly, and they ALL focus as one instead of a free for all, we can see the race turn around. I don't think it would be instant, but it would be a MUCH closer race after super tuesday, and then I think Rubio could perhaps make up ground and pull away going forward from there. But will they is the question.

If it were Cruz,Rubio, and Trump, who would win?

02-18-2016, 07:33 PM
If it were Cruz,Rubio, and Trump, who would win?

Just from this group alone, I am guessing Trump, but Rubio seems to have a following, too.

Black Diamond
02-18-2016, 07:36 PM
Just from this group alone, I am guessing Trump, but Rubio seems to have a following, too.

I guess what I am wondering is 3 candidates a small enough field to defeat trump?

Or does it need to be mano y mano ?

02-18-2016, 07:39 PM
If it were Cruz,Rubio, and Trump, who would win?

Trump, that's basically about where we are now. I think the Bush votes would be divided between the other 2, but not nearly enough to overcome Trump. Question is - what is more important - the party or the individual? Someone would need to drop in the best interest of the party, IMO.

And then like others believe, what happens if one of "their" candidates drops out, you might have some just "stay home", or vote 3rd party as a result.

Black Diamond
02-18-2016, 07:40 PM
Trump, that's basically about where we are now. I think the Bush votes would be divided between the other 2, but not nearly enough to overcome Trump. Question is - what is more important - the party or the individual? Someone would need to drop in the best interest of the party, IMO.

And then like others believe, what happens if one of "their" candidates drops out, you might have some just "stay home", or vote 3rd party as a result.

Would Carson's go to Trump or Cruz?

02-18-2016, 07:44 PM
Would Carson's go to Trump or Cruz?

Good question! Could go either way. But I don't see him dropping making a huge difference. I think the majority of those votes go to Cruz, but not nearly enough to catch him up.