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02-17-2016, 09:41 AM
What a dipwad.

Marco Rubio on Monday insisted the immigration reform bill he helped spearhead through the Senate was never intended to become law and that the authors of the bill expected conservatives in the House to make it "even better."

"The Senate immigration law was not headed towards becoming law," he told a questioner at a town hall in Rock Hill, S.C. "Ideally it was headed towards the House, where conservative members of the House were going to make it even better."

Of course Rubio voted for the law he "hoped" would be improved by the House. If he had indeed wanted the House to make the bill better, why did he vote against the common sense amendments to make the bill better? For example, Charles Grassley proposed an amendment that

would have prohibited the legalization of illegal immigrants in the United States until after the administration could prove it had maintained "effective control" of the borders for six months.

Rubio voted against it.

Face it, Rubio. You were the pitchman for the bill that you are now denying. So Rubio is not only for legalizing millions of people who have his same heritage, he is also lying about it. This is not someone we want as President.


02-17-2016, 09:45 AM
I saw that, figured Rubio surprisingly made another misstep. His previous argument was stronger, "Yes, I believe there has to be reform, this was a best attempt. I misjudged the mistrust of the American people, based on their real experience of government promises and inactions in closing the border. I've learned since, that the border has to be closed first, to the satisfaction of the people, to rebuild the trust and go forward." That was a much stronger message.

Abbey Marie
02-17-2016, 09:51 AM
Unless you were in that room, you don't know what exactly went on between those people to arrive at that bill.

02-17-2016, 09:53 AM
Unless you were in that room, you don't know what exactly went on between those people to arrive at that bill.

Very true. To me though, simple truth is the border must be closed. Those here illegally must be dealt with. First the border must be secured.

Reform or mass deportations are issues to be dealt with after the border is secured.

02-17-2016, 09:54 AM
I don't see what the big deal is. I used to be "for" sardines as a kid and I hate them now. I think it's making a bunch of crap about nothing.

Abbey Marie
02-17-2016, 10:00 AM
Very true. To me though, simple truth is the border must be closed. Those here illegally must be dealt with. First the border must be secured.

Reform or mass deportations are issues to be dealt with after the border is secured.

Yup. First close the barn door so no more escape; then go look for the horses that already got out.

02-17-2016, 10:04 AM
Yup. First close the barn door so no more escape; then go look for the horses that already got out.

Indeed. Once the border is secured, the real arguments will commence. Until then, all is noise.

Black Diamond
02-17-2016, 10:05 AM
What a dipwad.

Of course Rubio voted for the law he "hoped" would be improved by the House. If he had indeed wanted the House to make the bill better, why did he vote against the common sense amendments to make the bill better? For example, Charles Grassley proposed an amendment that

Rubio voted against it.

Face it, Rubio. You were the pitchman for the bill that you are now denying. So Rubio is not only for legalizing millions of people who have his same heritage, he is also lying about it. This is not someone we want as President.


So is this like John Kerry and Iraq War?

02-17-2016, 10:10 AM
So is this like John Kerry and Iraq War?

Kerry's an idiot.

02-18-2016, 04:04 PM
Face it, Rubio. You were the pitchman for the bill that you are now denying. So Rubio is not only for legalizing millions of people who have his same heritage, he is also lying about it. This is not someone we want as President.

Not really a lie. But I would take Rubio in a heart beat. Immigration is not/should not be the sole issue to decide a candidate.

02-18-2016, 04:12 PM
Not really a lie. But I would take Rubio in a heart beat. Immigration is not/should not be the sole issue to decide a candidate.

I got news for Perrianne ... "same heritage"? You go right ahead and call a Cuban a Mexican. Hispanics are VERY class conscious and CUbans consider everyone but Spaniards beneath them on the Hispanic scale. Filipinos being lowest lowest on that scale and Mexicans only one notch above. Cubans also generally vote Republican and have since 1980.

I WILL point out we DO have to stop people from coming in and that means a clamp on legal immigration too. When there's enough jobs to go around for us, THEN we can let people in. Otherwise, we're heading for disaster.

02-18-2016, 04:17 PM
I got news for Perrianne ... "same heritage"? You go right ahead and call a Cuban a Mexican. Hispanics are VERY class conscious and CUbans consider everyone but Spaniards beneath them on the Hispanic scale. Filipinos being lowest lowest on that scale and Mexicans only one notch above. Cubans also generally vote Republican and have since 1980.

I WILL point out we DO have to stop people from coming in and that means a clamp on legal immigration too. When there's enough jobs to go around for us, THEN we can let people in. Otherwise, we're heading for disaster.

That's why policies encouraging economic growth should be of highest order. When the economy is growing very few will care about immigration to this extent.

02-18-2016, 04:24 PM
That's why policies encouraging economic growth should be of highest order. When the economy is growing very few will care about immigration to this extent.

Tell that to the do-gooders and EPA who created the rust belt. We had the jobs and the industry and the Dems put a bunch of Dems out of business. What good are resources if we can't use them? It's like starving to death while looking at cake you don't want to touch so your grandchildren can eat it long after you're gone.

The whole precept is based on fearmongering and it's a bunch of BS.

There should also be horrendous penalties for anyone moving out then turning around and bringing their goods back in to sell.

But the illegal immigration has to stop.

02-18-2016, 04:31 PM
Tell that to the do-gooders and EPA who created the rust belt. We had the jobs and the industry and the Dems put a bunch of Dems out of business. What good are resources if we can't use them? It's like starving to death while looking at cake you don't want to touch so your grandchildren can eat it long after you're gone.

The whole precept is based on fearmongering and it's a bunch of BS.

There should also be horrendous penalties for anyone moving out then turning around and bringing their goods back in to sell.

But the illegal immigration has to stop.

I don't disagree. I blame our corporate tax policy on much of the rust belt demise. And I disagree on penalties; it's not the companies fault that Congress has failed.

02-18-2016, 06:11 PM
Point is, candidates sometimes change positions, sometimes for the better, sometimes they learn. And this should apply to ALL candidates. And of course, yes, it's fact specific. But some can get away with different positions, while some others cannot.

02-18-2016, 10:31 PM
That's why policies encouraging economic growth should be of highest order. When the economy is growing very few will care about immigration to this extent.

I agree with you on the economic front, however I do have major concerns about the Southern border regarding terrorists and crime-especially drug cartels and the spillover resulting in both murders and kidnappings.


I also support increased border patrols from the North, because of terrorism.


Then there is the whole issue of visa vetting and overstays-again economic and terrorism. (9/11, San Bernadino for 2 examples).

02-19-2016, 09:32 AM
^No doubt.