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Abbey Marie
02-17-2016, 05:37 PM
Gov. Nikki Haley (R- SC) has endorsed Rubio.


02-17-2016, 05:49 PM
I like Haley. Hope she runs again when she's eligible...

02-17-2016, 06:21 PM
It is consistent that the governor who bowed to liberals and took down the Confederate flag would support Rubio.

Abbey Marie
02-17-2016, 06:21 PM
We get it, you hate Rubio.

02-17-2016, 06:33 PM
An endorsement for anyone not named Trump on the Republican side is a good thing. Even Jeb? isn't a threat to the future of the party.

02-17-2016, 06:38 PM
We get it, you hate Rubio.

I seem to have heard that before.

Yes, Perianne, it's understood. You don't care for Rubio or establishment.


Abbey Marie
02-17-2016, 08:21 PM
I seem to have heard that before.


To be clear, that quote was Kathianne's. I guess great minds do think alike.


02-17-2016, 08:25 PM
To be clear, that quote was Kathianne's. I guess great minds do think alike.


Snark from both.

02-17-2016, 08:26 PM
It is consistent that the governor who bowed to liberals and took down the Confederate flag would support Rubio.

It was the right thing to do.

02-17-2016, 08:34 PM
It is consistent that the governor who bowed to liberals and took down the Confederate flag would support Rubio.

There might be valid reasons out there to dislike Haley (or Rubio), but taking down the Confederate flag right after that psycho twit shot a bunch of black people welcoming him to their church is not one of them.

I, for one, have a high opinion of both Rubio and Haley.

02-17-2016, 08:47 PM
There might be valid reasons out there to dislike Haley (or Rubio), but taking down the Confederate flag right after that psycho twit shot a bunch of black people welcoming him to their church is not one of them.

I, for one, have a high opinion of both Rubio and Haley.

And I appreciate your thoughtful reply, sir.

Where does it end?

Rep. Steve Cohen wants the name of legendary cavalryman Nathan Bedford Forrest removed from Forrest Park in Memphis and his bust gone from the capitol; Sen. Mitch McConnell wants the statue of Confederate President Jefferson Davis removed from the Kentucky capitol.

We recently had a thread where New Orleans was removing any semblance of their Confederate history. I could probably find a dozen or more such stories.

Not saying that agreeing with Nikki Haley's decision is liberal, but all liberals agreed with her.

Vilification of that battle flag and the Confederacy is part of the cultural revolution in America that flowered half a century ago. Among its goals was the demoralization of the American people by demonizing their past and poisoning their belief in their own history.

And how is the Republican Party standing up to this cultural lynch mob? Retreating and running as fast as possible. If we are to preserve our republic, future generations are going to need what that battle flag truly stands for: pride in our history and defiance in the face of the arrogance of power.

http://www.theamericanconservative.com/buchanan/the-confederate-flag-doesnt-belong-to-dylann-roof (http://www.theamericanconservative.com/buchanan/the-confederate-flag-doesnt-belong-to-dylann-roof/)

Black Diamond
02-17-2016, 09:01 PM
So Confederate flag is responsible for Charleston shooting. Smh.

02-17-2016, 09:09 PM
So Confederate flag is responsible for Charleston shooting. Smh.

I would never expect any non-Southerner to understand the issue.

02-18-2016, 08:13 AM
So Confederate flag is responsible for Charleston shooting. Smh.

I would never expect any non-Southerner to understand the issue.

I understand the issue pretty well and honestly I would love to see a piece of cloth commit murder as well, when y'all prove that then y'all can show me how guns kill people. :rolleyes:

02-18-2016, 08:37 AM
I understand the issue pretty well and honestly I would love to see a piece of cloth commit murder as well, when y'all prove that then y'all can show me how guns kill people. :rolleyes:
Jeff, whether or not you was born in the South you have Southern mentality.... like me. One doesn't have to be born here to have that understanding. Heck, I wasn't even born in the USA, but I sure as heck am a Southern girl. I would be nothing else.

02-18-2016, 08:44 AM
Gov. Nikki Haley (R- SC) has endorsed Rubio.


Me too, though I don't know how much 'endorsements' mean in this race, though just perhaps it makes a difference in Jeb's decision whether to stay in or out. I like him, think he'd do a very good job, but it's never been in the cards.

For what it's worth, Nikki is very popular in SC:


Abbey Marie
02-18-2016, 08:51 AM
Me too, though I don't know how much 'endorsements' mean in this race, though just perhaps it makes a difference in Jeb's decision whether to stay in or out. I like him, think he'd do a very good job, but it's never been in the cards.

For what it's worth, Nikki is very popular in SC:


I expect her to make a run in the future.

I missed most of the town hall last night, but I thought Cruz did very well. He seemed more personable than I've seen him, and his depth on the issues is obvious. Did you catch Rubio or Carson? I would expect both to do well, also. The town hall set up is much more effective for getting to really know the candidate.

02-18-2016, 09:02 AM
I expect her to make a run in the future.

I missed most of the town hall last night, but I thought Cruz did very well. He seemed more personable than I've seen him, and his depth on the issues is obvious. Did you catch Rubio or Carson? I would expect both to do well, also. The town hall set up is much more effective for getting to really know the candidate.

The set up of a town hall is good for each candidate, only they can really screw themselves. I think they all did well.

Do you think that Bush will drop out very soon? I'm beginning to, if he doesn't do much better than expectations in SC, after bringing in his family and Haley's going for Rubio, time is up?

I really like Carson, I just think it's clear he isn't going to win, like Kasich. Time for all 3 to let the field really narrow? If there is to be a real choice down the road, I think all 3 need to drop before 3/1.

Abbey Marie
02-18-2016, 09:13 AM
The set up of a town hall is good for each candidate, only they can really screw themselves. I think they all did well.

Do you think that Bush will drop out very soon? I'm beginning to, if he doesn't do much better than expectations in SC, after bringing in his family and Haley's going for Rubio, time is up?

I really like Carson, I just think it's clear he isn't going to win, like Kasich. Time for all 3 to let the field really narrow? If there is to be a real choice down the road, I think all 3 need to drop before 3/1.

I read that Bush was very abrupt yesterday, following Haley's endorsement of Rubio. Of course, we can't be sure that it was related. I guess I don't see Bush dropping out that soon. He may wait to see if Trump implodes, or runs 3rd party.

I agree that people need to drop out soon. I would have said Carson's followers would migrate to Cruz, but after Iowa, I'm not so sure.

02-18-2016, 12:11 PM
Really think things are going 'back to normal' after convention?


Notice the ‘She’s Not One of Us’ Attacks on Haley

by JIM GERAGHTY February 17, 2016 4:34 PM

With Nikki Haley endorsing Marco Rubio, she’s getting criticized, as she should expect.

Ann Coulter
✔@AnnCoulter (https://twitter.com/AnnCoulter)

Nikki Haley endorses Rubio. Bc the 1 thing she is determined to do is replace those awful sons of the Confederacy with Bangledeshi migrants
2:10 PM - 17 Feb 2016 (https://twitter.com/AnnCoulter/status/700064684045692929)

The objection to Haley in the responses are less carefully worded than Coulter.

Notice how frequently “she’s not one of us” or “she’s not from around here” gets thrown at Nikki Haley, usually with some subtext of “she’s not American” or “she’s not really American” or “she’s not really Christian.”


02-18-2016, 01:19 PM
I would never expect any non-Southerner to understand the issue.

I wasn't born in The South but I moved here because I am a Southerner. I chose to live here for many reasons, politics and attitude being foremost and climate of no importance. Proof? The old adage "You'll always be a Yankee" was officially rescinded by a good friend who's family dates back to this area before the Revolutionary War. To him, I am "more Southern than being born here".

My position on the Confederate Battle flag flying over on State property is the same as Gov. Haley's but perhaps for a different reason, and it represents a part of The South that most ignore including many Southerners. We are not, nor have ever been, uniform in our beliefs and politics. I was a Republican when I lived in the Northeast and am a Republican here, and come from a long line of Republicans. I understand the political history of The South better than anyone here and better than most of my Southerner friends.

The Confederacy was not supported by a majority of Southerners. The vast majority never owned slaves nor desired to. Political power was concentrated in the few wealthy landowners who owned slaves. This small minority, Democrats, rebelled against the Constitution of the United States, not my Republican ancestors. Many Republicans living in The South didn't support the Confederacy, and many of those fought for it's defeat. I see Haley's removal of the Confederacy's symbol as the final act in the political victory of the Republican Party over the Democrat Party.

02-18-2016, 01:37 PM
It was the right thing to do.

Not even close.

02-18-2016, 01:39 PM
There might be valid reasons out there to dislike Haley (or Rubio), but taking down the Confederate flag right after that psycho twit shot a bunch of black people welcoming him to their church is not one of them.

I, for one, have a high opinion of both Rubio and Haley.

It was a knee-jerk reaction to emotion based on revisionist history. Taking down the flag just revises it more.

I prefer both the good and bad of history to a whitewashed version that vindicates somebody's feigned hurt feelings.

02-18-2016, 01:48 PM
@Jeff (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=1539), whether or not you was born in the South you have Southern mentality.... like me. One doesn't have to be born here to have that understanding. Heck, I wasn't even born in the USA, but I sure as heck am a Southern girl. I would be nothing else.

Most Southerners around the SC, GA, AL area originally came from Scotland. Since the lowlands were filling up with planters and other yankee-types, they took to the hills. Scots were called "billies". Hence the term "hillbilly".

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
02-18-2016, 03:13 PM
Attempting to revise history by destroying our Southern heritage is no different than what the muslims have done over there--blowing up historic and world renowned monuments , destroying tombstones with Jewish or Christian symbols on them etc.
History is reality, attempting to destroy it is not the way to go in my opinion regardless of what any pity playing victimized party(blacks) demands it.
Why can't the Native Americans now make tons of such demands?
If its the correct thing to do they can and then so can dozens of other groups-- the destruction would be massive!

Right or wrong it should stand as reminders, Lord knows far too many in this world are eager to hide the truth !
And how about Mark Twains books that are already censored in our schools now??

I think some of you people are not seeing the big picture.
Hitler had books burned too. Destroying vestiges of the past to please any group demanding it, is yielding to tyranny by the minority.
We already have too damn much of that in this country now!

I speak my mind regardless of who it may offend.
Removing that Confederate flag was bullshit IMHO...
They already vote us into destruction..


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
02-18-2016, 03:25 PM
I wasn't born in The South but I moved here because I am a Southerner. I chose to live here for many reasons, politics and attitude being foremost and climate of no importance. Proof? The old adage "You'll always be a Yankee" was officially rescinded by a good friend who's family dates back to this area before the Revolutionary War. To him, I am "more Southern than being born here".

My position on the Confederate Battle flag flying over on State property is the same as Gov. Haley's but perhaps for a different reason, and it represents a part of The South that most ignore including many Southerners. We are not, nor have ever been, uniform in our beliefs and politics. I was a Republican when I lived in the Northeast and am a Republican here, and come from a long line of Republicans. I understand the political history of The South better than anyone here and better than most of my Southerner friends.

The Confederacy was not supported by a majority of Southerners. The vast majority never owned slaves nor desired to. Political power was concentrated in the few wealthy landowners who owned slaves. This small minority, Democrats, rebelled against the Constitution of the United States, not my Republican ancestors. Many Republicans living in The South didn't support the Confederacy, and many of those fought for it's defeat. I see Haley's removal of the Confederacy's symbol as the final act in the political victory of the Republican Party over the Democrat Party.

I understand the political history of The South better than anyone here and better than most of my Southerner friends.

^^^^ I doubt that my friend. I was born and raised here, a huge history buff myself, have been studying our Southern heritage for over 50 years and have in my library at least 200+ first edition copies of books on that very subject, especially the Civil War AND ITS AFTERMATH.
In fact, just a few weeks ago found bought two more books (first edition copies) by Shelby Foote, the greatest Southern heritage author that ever lived.
I have no doubt but that you have great knowledge on the subject because I do not doubt your sincerity in the comment you made.
However, I just personally think you erred in when you went that far. -Tyr

02-18-2016, 03:50 PM
I wasn't born in The South but I moved here because I am a Southerner. I chose to live here for many reasons, politics and attitude being foremost and climate of no importance. Proof? The old adage "You'll always be a Yankee" was officially rescinded by a good friend who's family dates back to this area before the Revolutionary War. To him, I am "more Southern than being born here".

My position on the Confederate Battle flag flying over on State property is the same as Gov. Haley's but perhaps for a different reason, and it represents a part of The South that most ignore including many Southerners. We are not, nor have ever been, uniform in our beliefs and politics. I was a Republican when I lived in the Northeast and am a Republican here, and come from a long line of Republicans. I understand the political history of The South better than anyone here and better than most of my Southerner friends.

The Confederacy was not supported by a majority of Southerners. The vast majority never owned slaves nor desired to. Political power was concentrated in the few wealthy landowners who owned slaves. This small minority, Democrats, rebelled against the Constitution of the United States, not my Republican ancestors. Many Republicans living in The South didn't support the Confederacy, and many of those fought for it's defeat. I see Haley's removal of the Confederacy's symbol as the final act in the political victory of the Republican Party over the Democrat Party.

You can say that, but the fact is, your rank and file Southerner fought for his freedom from the tyranny of government. Flag or no, CSA or no, Southerners were STILL Southerners. They treated the US the same as they did the British during the Revolutionary War. Don't be coming down here telling me what to do in MY yard. No one rebelled against the Constitution. They chose to leave the US as freely as they entered, and nothing precluded them doing so.

Political power in the North was concentrated in the few wealthy industrialists who wanted to rip off the South's cotton at a 1/3 the price the South was getting from Europe to feed their mills.

You can't say this is a Republican victory over the Democrats since both parties have completely reversed positions since the Civil War. The Republicans were the do-gooder leftwingers then.

What it amounted to was the US taking by force what it wanted and it has cost us dearly. The 10th Amendment has died a slow, lingering death since then.

02-18-2016, 03:55 PM
Quite the message: It doesn’t matter if you’re born in Bamberg, go to Clemson, live in South Carolina your whole life, build a business, sit on the board of your church, donate $130,000 to charity in one year, have a husband in the Army National Guard who serves in Afghanistan for a year . . . if you dare disagree with someone politically or endorse the wrong guy, some people will still throw “she’s not one of us” crap around.



02-18-2016, 04:55 PM
^^^^ I doubt that my friend. I was born and raised here, a huge history buff myself, have been studying our Southern heritage for over 50 years and have in my library at least 200+ first edition copies of books on that very subject, especially the Civil War AND ITS AFTERMATH.
In fact, just a few weeks ago found bought two more books (first edition copies) by Shelby Foote, the greatest Southern heritage author that ever lived.
I have no doubt but that you have great knowledge on the subject because I do not doubt your sincerity in the comment you made.
However, I just personally think you erred in when you went that far. -Tyr

Few history texts deal with the political history of The South.

02-18-2016, 05:14 PM
You can say that, but the fact is, your rank and file Southerner fought for his freedom from the tyranny of government. Flag or no, CSA or no, Southerners were STILL Southerners. They treated the US the same as they did the British during the Revolutionary War. Don't be coming down here telling me what to do in MY yard. No one rebelled against the Constitution. They chose to leave the US as freely as they entered, and nothing precluded them doing so.

Political power in the North was concentrated in the few wealthy industrialists who wanted to rip off the South's cotton at a 1/3 the price the South was getting from Europe to feed their mills.

You can't say this is a Republican victory over the Democrats since both parties have completely reversed positions since the Civil War. The Republicans were the do-gooder leftwingers then.

What it amounted to was the US taking by force what it wanted and it has cost us dearly. The 10th Amendment has died a slow, lingering death since then.
There is/ was no rank and file Southerner. Those who fought for the confederacy were duped by the politicians, and those politicians were in the pockets of wealthy landowners. Many others resisted the rebellion, some supporting the Union in various ways and others signing on directly.

The Constitution, Article IV, Section 2, in effect, prohibits slavery. The Confederacy attempted to negate that article as well as others. The Declaration of Independence, 2nd paragraph, first sentence, denounces classifications of peoples. The Constitution does not amend that; in fact it reinforces it.

You sound like a Democrat with your reversal theory. The Democrats have always treated blacks as inferior and still do with Affirmative Action forever. Republicans have always treated blacks the same.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
02-18-2016, 06:03 PM
Few history texts deal with the political history of The South.
YES, I have read lots of history books on the subject but also many other books that were not just history but had much about Southern culture my friend.
I went in my library and found books by these authors, a short list but was not inclined try to find and then list all. I'd say outside of history books(I have tons of those) there are about 50/60 more like these by other famous southern authors. Additionally much of my knowledge comes from 61 years here born and raised my friend. -Tyr

Shelby Foote
William Faulkner
Robert Penn Warren
Ernest Gaines
Ferrol Sams
Eugenia Price
Walker Percy
James Dickey
John Dufresne
T.R. Pearson
Margaret Mitchell
Robert Morgan
Clyde Edgerton

02-18-2016, 06:08 PM
Bringing down the flag from a STATE building may have been a good call - but it's gone WAY too much further than that, to the point that anyone seen with one is instantly a racist and condemned. I feel the same way about folks who might give the black panthers fist above the head salute. <----- IS IT racist when they do so? Beyonce and the others that still do this?

02-18-2016, 06:13 PM

02-18-2016, 06:25 PM
YES, I have read lots of history books on the subject but also many other books that were not just history but had much about Southern culture my friend.
I went in my library and found books by these authors, a short list but was not inclined try to find and then list all. I'd say outside of history books(I have tons of those) there are about 50/60 more like these by other famous southern authors. Additionally much of my knowledge comes from 61 years here born and raised my friend. -Tyr

Shelby Foote
William Faulkner
Robert Penn Warren
Ernest Gaines
Ferrol Sams
Eugenia Price
Walker Percy
James Dickey
John Dufresne
T.R. Pearson
Margaret Mitchell
Robert Morgan
Clyde Edgerton

Then you should be in complete agreement with my assertion that We are not, nor have ever been, uniform in our beliefs and politics.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
02-18-2016, 07:06 PM
Then you should be in complete agreement with my assertion that We are not, nor have ever been, uniform in our beliefs and politics.

We never have been(the nation)--hence the need for the Constitution and Bill of Rights.
We have been united against forces that were against us but never fully united
as in a Borg-like state.
Ever since the end of the Civil War, the South has been the whipping boy for politicians to blame, lie about and cover for many of their own misdeeds, etc..
As body the South before , during and after the Civil war was more unified than the North.
The North's advantage was its industries and far better and larger established shipping , both of which it made excellent use of during the Civil war.. -Tyr

Abbey Marie
02-18-2016, 08:13 PM
Annnyyyyway, I'm still quite happy with Ms. Haley's endorsement of Rubio, and regardless of any ancillary flag issues, I know Jeb is emphatically not.

Go Marco! :salute:

02-18-2016, 08:34 PM
Annnyyyyway, I'm still quite happy with Ms. Haley's endorsement of Rubio, and regardless of any ancillary flag issues, I know Jeb is emphatically not.

Go Marco! :salute:

Go where? Away? :)

02-18-2016, 08:35 PM
We never have been(the nation)--hence the need for the Constitution and Bill of Rights.
We have been united against forces that were against us but never fully united
as in a Borg-like state.
Ever since the end of the Civil War, the South has been the whipping boy for politicians to blame, lie about and cover for many of their own misdeeds, etc..
As body the South before , during and after the Civil war was more unified than the North.
The North's advantage was its industries and far better and larger established shipping , both of which it made excellent use of during the Civil war.. -Tyr
Going all caps doesn't make your argument any better.

Having lived in the NE as an adult for 20 years then in The South as an adult for about the same amount of time, I'd have to disagree. Yankees tend to think alike, politically, but Southerners, not so much. Look at their voting patterns for evidence supporting this.

02-18-2016, 08:49 PM
It was a knee-jerk reaction to emotion based on revisionist history. Taking down the flag just revises it more.

I prefer both the good and bad of history to a whitewashed version that vindicates somebody's feigned hurt feelings.

Yes, it was a knee-jerk reaction, but it had to be done after that worthless twit Dylann Roof committed such a horrific act and then identified himself with the Confederate flag on his web page. I don't think the Confederate flag should be a problem, but that lowlife tainted its image for years to come. Roof damaged the image of the flag to the point where it would've looked bad to have it flying over the State House, so I think Nikki Haley made a good choice choosing proactively on her own to take it down.

Anyone who's ticked that the Confederate flag had it image tarnished by Dylann Roof should go pull him out of his cell and take their frustrations out on him, not on Nikki Haley.

I will agree that the suggestions to take the flag down from other areas besides the State House got "trendy" and out of hand, but I think it was appropriate to take it down from the SC government buildings.

Abbey Marie
02-18-2016, 08:56 PM
Go where? Away? :)

Yes, away on Air Force One to the White House. :salute:

02-18-2016, 08:58 PM
Yes, away on Air Force One to the White House. :salute:

Good comeback!

Abbey Marie
02-18-2016, 09:02 PM
Good comeback!

Thanks. :cool:

The funny thing is, I'm not really any more a fan of Rubio than I am of most of the other Republicans. I do like him, but mostly I just think he has the best shot of beating Hillary or Weekend at Bernies. And nothing else matters as much to me.

After Carson, everyone else is second-tier for me. But I have to be realistic.

02-18-2016, 09:13 PM
Thanks. :cool:

The funny thing is, I'm not really any more a fan of Rubio than I am of most of the other Republicans. I do like him, but mostly I just think he has the best shot of beating Hillary or Weekend at Bernies. And nothing else matters as much to me.

After Carson, everyone else is second-tier for me. But I have to be realistic.

Thanks for the explanation, not that one was needed. Abbey

I confess something. I have been in a different mood for me the last few weeks. It is an annoyed mood all the time, and I don't really know why. I am working a whole lot, 60+ hours this week against my will...required overtime. But that is not the whole reason. I don't know what is going on with me. Anyway, if I have been disrespectful to you, I sincerely apologize.

Abbey Marie
02-18-2016, 09:17 PM
Thanks for the explanation, not that one was needed. @Abbey (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=11)

I confess something. I have been in a different mood for me the last few weeks. It is an annoyed mood all the time, and I don't really know why. I am working a whole lot, 60+ hours this week against my will...required overtime. But that is not the whole reason. I don't know what is going on with me. Anyway, if I have been disrespectful to you, I sincerely apologize.

Thank you, Perianne. It's cool, We all get in moods at times. Yes, even the men!

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
02-18-2016, 09:24 PM
Going all caps doesn't make your argument any better.

Having lived in the NE as an adult for 20 years then in The South as an adult for about the same amount of time, I'd have to disagree. Yankees tend to think alike, politically, but Southerners, not so much. Look at their voting patterns for evidence supporting this.

I forget when typing and am just too lazy to retype after typing in caps.
My keyboard has most letters missing and I look at the keyboard when typing --not at the comp screen.

So you have 40 years, I have 61 years(62 years in 14 more days).
I have no reason to to beat on this "horse" any longer my friend.
Neither of one of us can prove one way or the other about having the greater knowledge on the subject.--Tyr

02-18-2016, 09:26 PM
I forget when typing and am just too lazy to retype after typing in caps.
My keyboard has most letters missing and I look at the keyboard when typing --not at the comp screen.

So you have 40 years, I have 61 years(62 years in 14 more days).
I have no reason to to beat on this "horse" any longer my friend.
Neither of one of us can prove one way or the other about having the greater knowledge on the subject.--Tyr

When there is a disagreement, the woman wins. That would be me! You know how it is, Tyr-Ziu Saxnot glockmail

02-18-2016, 09:45 PM
Thanks. :cool:

The funny thing is, I'm not really any more a fan of Rubio than I am of most of the other Republicans. I do like him, but mostly I just think he has the best shot of beating Hillary or Weekend at Bernies. And nothing else matters as much to me.

We're in the same boat. I prefer Rubio over Cruz, but that is more on some small issues. I could vote for Cruz and he might be a great president. He is not part of the crony system and he's ideologically conservative.

02-19-2016, 12:27 AM
So Confederate flag is responsible for Charleston shooting. Smh.

Oh, indeed it was. If only they had taken down the Confederate flag earlier, the nine people would still be alive.

02-20-2016, 06:30 PM
It is consistent that the governor who bowed to liberals and took down the Confederate flag would support Rubio.

Here she is claiming she has fought the establishment. She IS establishment now. We'll see if Rubio wins South Carolina and if her endorsement helps.
