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Abbey Marie
02-18-2016, 11:25 AM
THIS is what a complete moron sounds like: (Btw, I checked Snopes- it's true)


02-18-2016, 11:45 AM
THIS is what a complete moron sounds like: (Btw, I checked Snopes- it's true)


Nothing surprising about this. I have no real idea how he gets media attention or has any money. Bet the Dem's would vote for him though.:laugh:

Abbey Marie
02-18-2016, 11:47 AM
In response to his apparently asking for donations due to bankruptcy, the Philly Police Dept apparently told him to apply for a job with them. Lol!

Didn't check this one out, yet.

02-18-2016, 11:55 AM
That quote sounds about right.

Even though I go out of my way to know nothing about him and those Kardashians, some filters through. That's one bunch of stupid people practicing buffoonery on an epic level... and the media can't get enough of their ass-hattery.

Abbey Marie
02-18-2016, 12:09 PM
But, but, he doesn't even know the word "author"!

02-18-2016, 12:11 PM
That quote sounds about right.

Even though I go out of my way to know nothing about him and those Kardashians, some filters through. That's one bunch of stupid people practicing buffoonery on an epic level... and the media can't get enough of their ass-hattery.

I had to go look up Dante's "Inferno" to see just exactly which ring of Hell they belong in. :laugh:

02-18-2016, 12:12 PM
But but he doesn't even know the word "author"!

Reading expands one's vocabulary, there's probably a reverse correlation. :coffee:

02-18-2016, 12:57 PM
Reading expands one's vocabulary, there's probably a reverse correlation. :coffee:


02-18-2016, 12:58 PM

Even though i go out of my way to know nothing about him and those kardashians, some filters through. ...


02-18-2016, 01:14 PM

I'll I know about him is when he got on stage and declared: "They're killing us out there," blaming a hurricane on Bush. My first thought was: What US? His ass was in Hollyweird, not NO. Other than that and him saying something equally as stupid from time to time, I pay no attention to him. He's just one little piece in a puzzle that is the problem.

02-18-2016, 01:18 PM

02-18-2016, 01:22 PM
I'll I know about him is when he got on stage and declared: "They're killing us out there," blaming a hurricane on Bush. My first thought was: What US? His ass was in Hollyweird, not NO. Other than that and him saying something equally as stupid from time to time, I pay no attention to him. He's just one little piece in a puzzle that is the problem.

I've got a better filter than you as I don't remember that assoholic remark during that event. :laugh2:

02-18-2016, 01:35 PM
I've got a better filter than you as I don't remember that assoholic remark during that event. :laugh2:

I only remember it because I was like, "WHO the f*ck is THIS? Never heard of him." It was on the news or wouldn't have heard of it either.

It rates right up there with Chavez saying Bush had a "hurricane machine" and did it on purpose. :laugh:

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
02-18-2016, 03:38 PM
THIS is what a complete moron sounds like: (Btw, I checked Snopes- it's true)


Great posting. :beer: :beer:

One of the reasons I hold the views I do as I been around and seen many hundreds of blacks like that.
Have bossed over maybe another few hundreds OVER THE DECADES IN VARIOUS JOBS.
And yep I know, my presenting this reality, this (always sought to be hidden ) truth is racist!

People need to wake up to the fact that this is the main group that has kept the stinking dems in power so long and gave us the obama not just once but twice!
Truth, and if it pisses certain people off--tough says I.

Comments are directed at and to ALL, not to any one person here. -TYR

02-18-2016, 04:18 PM
Great posting. :beer: :beer:

One of the reasons I hold the views I do as I been around and seen many hundreds of blacks like that.
Have bossed over maybe another few hundreds OVER THE DECADES IN VARIOUS JOBS.
And yep I know, my presenting this reality, this (always sought to be hidden ) truth is racist!

People need to wake up to the fact that this is the main group that has kept the stinking dems in power so long and gave us the obama not just once but twice!
Truth, and if it pisses certain people off--tough says I.

Comments are directed at and to ALL, not to any one person here. -TYR

We hired some day laborers to dig and one of them was black. He was whining by 9AM. Going through the theatrics -- the whole 9 yards. It's July in San Antonio and he's cleaning trenches in an asphalt parking lot. Guess he was expecting a Norther and some shade.:laugh:

02-18-2016, 07:18 PM
Kanye is the biggest flaming idiot in the world. He also claimed once to be the best rock and roll artist of all time. He was on SNL a few nights back and made an ass out of himself again. Apparently the stage was a little smaller than what he was warming up on and he freaked out just prior to the show. This guy LITERALLY claims he is the picasso of our time, more influential than some of the greatest artists of all time. Then he claims he is now $53 million dollars in debt.

So what does he do? He asks Mark Zuckerberg to invest $1 billion dollars in him - and he does this from his Instagram account! And for those who don't know, Zuckerberg is the creator of Facebook.

02-18-2016, 08:22 PM
That quote sounds about right.

Even though I go out of my way to know nothing about him and those Kardashians, some filters through. That's one bunch of stupid people practicing buffoonery on an epic level... and the media can't get enough of their ass-hattery.

And he says he is going to run for the presidency...


02-18-2016, 09:00 PM
And he says he is going to run for the presidency...


He qualifies to replace Obama. Nothing from Nothing still equals NOTHING.

Obama would let him be competition for the ACORN Presidency in Chicago. If he doesn't become another Chicago Statistic of the BLACK on BLACK crime rate.

02-18-2016, 09:21 PM
THIS is what a complete moron sounds like: (Btw, I checked Snopes- it's true)


Some other good descriptions of Kanye"

- proud non-worker of jobs
- not a fan of brain stems
- thinks Taylor Swift is too wordy and self-absorbed

02-18-2016, 09:25 PM
Obama actually had some fitting commentary about Kanye. This may be the last time I agreed with Obama on anything...


Abbey Marie
02-18-2016, 09:27 PM
Obama actually had some fitting commentary about Kanye. This may be the last time I agreed with Obama on anything...


That's awesome! Wish he was like this more often.