View Full Version : Trolling Outlet for FJ1200

02-18-2016, 07:52 PM
OK, FJ. Here's a thread devoted to your stupid, pathetic trolling nonsense, and any fictions about yourself that you still have an interest in maintaining, my son. You want, no doubt crave, contention ?? Bring it HERE and keep it HERE.

02-18-2016, 07:57 PM
Holy McMoly batman!! Major props for being the first one to bring things down here where it belongs. I don't care for the subject/title/content, just happy to see someone be proactive and bring the fighting where it belongs.

02-18-2016, 08:07 PM
Holy McMoly batman!! Major props for being the first one to bring things down here where it belongs. I don't care for the subject/title/content, just happy to see someone be proactive and bring the fighting where it belongs.

Happy to !! Besides, even after being told by Tyr that FJ is on 'ignore', he STILL posts contentious content directly to Tyr, and on an active thread on the main board !!


02-18-2016, 09:06 PM
Holy McMoly batman!! Major props for being the first one to bring things down here where it belongs. I don't care for the subject/title/content, just happy to see someone be proactive and bring the fighting where it belongs.

Jimnyc. And I'll even invest, and dedicate some helpful cleanup to fj's personal roll for this thread...http://icansayit.com/images/toilpaper.gif

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
02-18-2016, 09:14 PM
Holy McMoly batman!! Major props for being the first one to bring things down here where it belongs. I don't care for the subject/title/content, just happy to see someone be proactive and bring the fighting where it belongs.

I PUT HIM ON ETERNAL IGNORE. He will never come off my ignore list. I had him on ignored and removed him twice--will be no damn third time.
My time is far too precious to ever waste even another second on that lying fraud.
I will reply down here to get that information out and then just read. -Tyr

02-18-2016, 09:18 PM
fj1200 is amusing in that he always finds ways to disagree with everyone on everything. I bet he would even disagree that I am one the greatest conservative women ever. Silly man.

Abbey Marie
02-18-2016, 09:22 PM
@fj1200 (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=728) is amusing in that he always finds ways to disagree with everyone on everything. I bet he would even disagree that I am one the greatest conservative women ever. Silly man.

I worked with a woman who was a self-described contrarian. And boy, was she ever. She was exhausting to be around. So of course, she would often ask me to lunch. Eating alone while working at my desk was actually more relaxing.

02-18-2016, 09:22 PM
I'm not wanting to take sides, nor pile on or anything like that. I was just more than happy to see someone take the negativity down here as I have asked for so many times. And hopefully it will stay in this one thread? Or maybe start things off and now threads like this can get started in the future? I don't even remember what thread started this, the racism thread? But that's the beauty, let that thread or discussion continue, and bring out the baseball bats and knives down here and spill the blood. :)

02-18-2016, 09:24 PM
I'm not wanting to take sides, nor pile on or anything like that. I was just more than happy to see someone take the negativity down here as I have asked for so many times. And hopefully it will stay in this one thread? Or maybe start things off and now threads like this can get started in the future? I don't even remember what thread started this, the racism thread? But that's the beauty, let that thread or discussion continue, and bring out the baseball bats and knives down here and spill the blood. :)

Jim, I have been in a moody-mood lately. I will keep things under control or the menfolk will have to answer to the Perianne. :)

02-19-2016, 07:44 AM
@fj1200 (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=728) is amusing in that he always finds ways to disagree with everyone on everything. I bet he would even disagree that I am one the greatest conservative women ever. Silly man.

Not sure on that one. FJ may be a ridiculous troll. But does he have a claim to actual insanity ????

02-19-2016, 07:46 AM
I worked with a woman who was a self-described contrarian. And boy, was she ever. She was exhausting to be around. So of course, she would often ask me to lunch. Eating alone while working at my desk was actually more relaxing.

I sympathise. There are stupid people who just live for that .....

02-19-2016, 07:49 AM
I'm not wanting to take sides, nor pile on or anything like that. I was just more than happy to see someone take the negativity down here as I have asked for so many times. And hopefully it will stay in this one thread? Or maybe start things off and now threads like this can get started in the future? I don't even remember what thread started this, the racism thread? But that's the beauty, let that thread or discussion continue, and bring out the baseball bats and knives down here and spill the blood. :)

Yes, there are many to choose from, eh ? But you're right, it was the racism thread that finally sparked off my action. You will see a post there where I invite FJ to join me HERE, complete with link. Further outbreaks of contention from FJ on the main part of this board will see me reply, but just by offering a link right back here .....