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02-22-2016, 02:02 PM
That (http://www.heraldscotland.com/news/14290980.Transgender_pageant_winner_loses_her_titl e/) is a foreign world to me.

THE Scottish winner of a national transgender beauty pageant has had her title stripped from her as she is “not transgender enough”.

Jai Dara Latto, from Walkerburn, Peeblesshire, was named Miss Transgender UK in a ceremony in London last September.

But Rachael Bailey, who runs the pageant, has now removed Jai’s title and is set to crown another beauty queen, Daisy Bell, the winner after seeing video footage she claims proves Ms Latto is not living as a woman full-time.

The video, which was taken as part of a documentary about the pageant to be screened online by BBC3 next month, reportedly shows Jai backstage at the Miss Transgender event in Glasgow wearing a pair of boxer shorts.

Underwear is very important to transgender females – one of the first thing people do is change their underwear”.

Jai Dara Latto:


02-22-2016, 02:14 PM
Not transgender enough? I'll pass. I've got every snarky remark in the world queued on this one.:laugh: