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Abbey Marie
02-24-2016, 02:38 PM


02-24-2016, 04:54 PM
hmmm because it's humane? Why is the current minimum wage some holy number? Are you against the minimum wage as a concept? Either you raise the minimum wage or you stop complaining about people on welfare. We can't all be doctors. So why would you tolerate working a min wage job when you can get welfare. Raise the min wage and you get people off welfare.

02-24-2016, 04:59 PM
hmmm because it's humane? Why is the current minimum wage some holy number? Are you against the minimum wage as a concept? Either you raise the minimum wage or you stop complaining about people on welfare. We can't all be doctors. So why would you tolerate working a min wage job when you can get welfare. Raise the min wage and you get people off welfare.

Or, you could do what I did : Go get an education and work your ass off and make the kind of money that you want.

02-24-2016, 05:04 PM
Or, you could do what I did : Go get an education and work your ass off and make the kind of money that you want.

In a world of doctors who is going to make your burger? Also, not everyone has the opportunity to succeed. I am a big brother for a kid who's parents pretty much beat him, feeds him ketchup for dinner, leaves him alone all day and never read him a book so he's 8 and can't read a sentence. Is that his fault?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
02-24-2016, 05:11 PM
In a world of doctors who is going to make your burger? Also, not everyone has the opportunity to succeed. I am a big brother for a kid who's parents pretty much beat him, feeds him ketchup for dinner, leaves him alone all day and never read him a book so he's 8 and can't read a sentence. Is that his fault?
No, not his fault. Jail the parents for child abuse, put the kid in foster care.
Feed the jailed parents ketchup for a month or two.
See common sense wins most times its tried--but - libs do not want to dish out punishment, nor
hold people accountable.
If his parents are doing that and you know it --why haven't you turned them in?
You get major kudos for being a big brother but a D- for not turning in such parents. -Tyr

02-24-2016, 05:14 PM
No, not his fault. Jail the parents for child abuse, put the kid in foster care.
Feed the jailed parents ketchup for a month or two.
See common sense wins most times its tried--but - libs do not want to dish out punishment, nor
hold people accountable.
If his parents are doing that and you know it --why haven't you turned them in?
You get major kudos for being a big brother but a D- for not turning in such parents. -Tyr

I'm a big brother, not a social worker. Which he does have. You think this is an isolated case? It's happening 100,000x over around the country. You ever visit an inner city?

02-24-2016, 05:16 PM
hmmm because it's humane? Why is the current minimum wage some holy number? Are you against the minimum wage as a concept? Either you raise the minimum wage or you stop complaining about people on welfare. We can't all be doctors. So why would you tolerate working a min wage job when you can get welfare. Raise the min wage and you get people off welfare.

And then give them free college too, right? The only way to keep the ever increasing college debts from getting out of hand, is to simply make it free to begin with. And while in college, they should also get free birth control, as they shouldn't be worried about silly things like 'personal responsibility' while doing their studies!

It should ALL be free, Pete, free for everyone, free money, free raises, free school!! No more personal responsibilities, just free shit!!!


02-24-2016, 05:18 PM
And then give them free college too, right? The only way to keep the ever increasing college debts from getting out of hand, is to simply make it free to begin with. And while in college, they should also get free birth control, as they shouldn't be worried about silly things like 'personal responsibility' while doing their studies!

It should ALL be free, Pete, free for everyone, free money, free raises, free school!! No more personal responsibilities, just free shit!!!

No it's not free, but what kind of society do you want to live in? I'm willing to pay more taxes if our kids are more educated and healthy. End of story.

02-24-2016, 05:21 PM
hmmm because it's humane? Why is the current minimum wage some holy number? Are you against the minimum wage as a concept? Either you raise the minimum wage or you stop complaining about people on welfare. We can't all be doctors. So why would you tolerate working a min wage job when you can get welfare. Raise the min wage and you get people off welfare.

Wrong pete. If you raise the Minimum Wage for everybody...you end up creating more people on Welfare, and Out of work by pushing business owners into bankruptcy.

People who are QUALIFIED for an Increased Minimum wage should be chosen by their Employers who know what THEY ARE CAPABLE of doing...as in WORKING, instead of WHINING because they have to be somewhere ON TIME, and TO WORK.

02-24-2016, 05:22 PM
No it's not free, but what kind of society do you want to live in? I'm willing to pay more taxes if our kids are more educated and healthy. End of story.

And you would do so - so that kids get free birth control? And you would so that others suddenly get free education? (which is impossible I might add...). So that they can get welfare and other freebies without even looking for work? Where do you draw the line between needing assistance, and someone not being personally responsible for themselves? For example - NO ONE IN THIS WORLD should be having sex if they can't afford a damn condom. But you would have citizens pay taxes in order to make sure they don't need to worry about their own responsibilities?

02-24-2016, 05:23 PM
And you would do so - so that kids get free birth control? And you would so that others suddenly get free education? (which is impossible I might add...). So that they can get welfare and other freebies without even looking for work? Where do you draw the line between needing assistance, and someone not being personally responsible for themselves? For example - NO ONE IN THIS WORLD should be having sex if they can't afford a damn condom. But you would have citizens pay taxes in order to make sure they don't need to worry about their own responsibilities?

I think education and health care are basic rights. I don't know about anything else.

02-24-2016, 05:25 PM
Wrong pete. If you raise the Minimum Wage for everybody...you end up creating more people on Welfare, and Out of work by pushing business owners into bankruptcy.

People who are QUALIFIED for an Increased Minimum wage should be chosen by their Employers who know what THEY ARE CAPABLE of doing...as in WORKING, instead of WHINING because they have to be somewhere ON TIME, and TO WORK.

Why is the current min wage a holy untouchable number? Yeah Walmart and McDonalds going bankrupt... It's always profits over people. That is where capitalism fails.

02-24-2016, 05:26 PM
I think education and health care are basic rights. I don't know about anything else.

Sure, everyone should have access to both - just not some right to get either of them for free. Perhaps a handful if TRULY necessary, and that's why there are various grants one can get in education that doesn't need to be paid back, but it's only in certain circumstances, not to everyone and anyone who complains. The "freebies" can and should be cut probably by like 75%.

Hell, just force drug tests on those receiving welfare and watch how much it decreases. To get free money, I don't think it's too much to ask.

02-24-2016, 05:27 PM
Why is the current min wage a holy untouchable number? Yeah Walmart and McDonalds going bankrupt... It's always profits over people. That is where capitalism fails.

It's THEIR business to ruin if they so choose to. Businesses aren't formed to make folks happy, but to profit.

02-24-2016, 05:29 PM
It's THEIR business to ruin if they so choose to. Businesses aren't formed to make folks happy, but to profit.

Yeah sucks we have child slavery laws and that waste management companies are regulated.

02-24-2016, 05:31 PM
Why is the current min wage a holy untouchable number? Yeah Walmart and McDonalds going bankrupt... It's always profits over people. That is where capitalism fails.

Why don't you tell us? A tradesman in South Texas makes $15. an hour and it's good money. Perhaps those of you that want to push some arbitrary number on everyone else might want to consider cost of living in those areas. You know, like if you live in a big city controlled by unions they think you should get this unGodly amount of pay. $15 per hour for flipping burgers? Where do I sign up?

Never mind I'm a qualified electrician who took the time and effort to better myself to earn more. All that knowledge and time on the job and experience amounts to some little black fuckers throwing a hissy fit becaue they think they deserve something they haven't earned.

Capitalism works just fine if you get off your ass and go earn something. It only fails when the wannabe's think they deserve what I earn.

02-24-2016, 05:33 PM
Why don't you tell us? A tradesman in South Texas makes $15. an hour and it's good money. Perhaps those of you that want to push some arbitrary number on everyone else might want to consider cost of living in those areas. You know, like if you live in a big city controlled by unions they think you should get this unGodly amount of pay. $15 per hour for flipping burgers? Where do I sign up?

Never mind I'm a qualified electrician who took the time and effort to better myself to earn more. All that knowledge and time on the job and experience amounts to some little black fuckers throwing a hissy fit becaue they think they deserve something they haven't earned.

Capitalism works just fine if you get off your ass and go earn something. It only fails when the wannabe's think they deserve what I earn.

So basically it's an issue of jealousy for you?

02-24-2016, 05:38 PM
Yeah sucks we have child slavery laws and that waste management companies are regulated.

Pete, do you also agree that fine restaurants and dining - we should also be able to dictate how much we are willing to pay for our meals, no? And of course, no matter how profitable a business is, whether small or large, kids should always eat free?

And wherever we all may work - our bosses should be able to go over everyone's pay, and maybe change a little here and there, give some money to those who make less, correct?

And when I go to a football game, and am in the nosebleeds because I'm poor - and then you have all the rich folks down at the front row and 50 yard line - weekly they should swap out half of them, to make it fair, no?

Where does it stop? WHEN are folks supposed to be responsible for themselves?

Why would ANY company want to continue and stay in business if other folks out there are dictating their terms and harming their bottom line?

02-24-2016, 05:43 PM
So basically it's an issue of jealousy for you?

You want to call it jealousy? I've busted my ass to earn what I have since I was 13 dragging a lawn mower through base housing, washing cars and babysitting. I EARNED that. I provided a service for pay. You think I'm jealous of some weak-ass f*ck who thinks he should just be handed the money for imitating an orangutan?

Resentful would be a better word. You don't earn it, you don't deserve it. Quit sitting on your stoop with your gang tattoos and get a damned job. Otherwise, starve. I feel sorry for your kids having waste cases for parents. But you reap what you sow.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
02-24-2016, 05:45 PM
I'm a big brother, not a social worker. Which he does have. You think this is an isolated case? It's happening 100,000x over around the country. You ever visit an inner city?
No never visit, do not want to get shot by government leeches that are pampered(bought by dems using billions in our tax dollars ) but rob and steal trying to be some movie type gangsta, etc..

02-24-2016, 05:46 PM
Why is the current min wage a holy untouchable number? Yeah Walmart and McDonalds going bankrupt... It's always profits over people. That is where capitalism fails.

Without that terrible capitalism you despise so much, taking socialism instead could mean YOU would be forced to work for NOTHING, Where someone else wants you to WORK, and as long as Someone else says how long. Business is called a business because it MAKES A PROFIT.

Would you work to make a pizza for each of your neighbors, 24/7 and be happy NOT MAKING PROFIT?

02-24-2016, 05:50 PM
Where does it stop? WHEN are folks supposed to be responsible for themselves?

Why would ANY company want to continue and stay in business if other folks out there are dictating their terms and harming their bottom line?

Just to be clear you are in favor of complete abolishment of the min wage? Last year Seattle switched to $11 min wage and next year I think to $15. Are companies mass exiting Seattle? Are their riots in the streets? Seattle is doing quite well.

So let's take my big brother kid as an example. What do you think his future is? Think he's going to college? Nope. Think he's going to work at Walmart for $7.25 an hour? Nope. Think he's going to sell drugs. Yup. And you would too if you were in his place. Give him a living wage and you give him a reason to start fresh.

02-24-2016, 05:50 PM
No never visit, do not want to get shot by government leeches that are pampered(bought by dems using billions in our tax dollars ) but rob and steal trying to be some movie type gangsta, etc..
It's a different world, let me tell you, a different world.

02-24-2016, 05:52 PM
Without that terrible capitalism you despise so much, taking socialism instead could mean YOU would be forced to work for NOTHING, Where someone else wants you to WORK, and as long as Someone else says how long. Business is called a business because it MAKES A PROFIT.

Would you work to make a pizza for each of your neighbors, 24/7 and be happy NOT MAKING PROFIT?

Reasonable profit for positive social return should be the mantra. I don't despise capitalism, I am a small business owner.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
02-24-2016, 05:53 PM
I'm a big brother, not a social worker. Which he does have. You think this is an isolated case? It's happening 100,000x over around the country. You ever visit an inner city?

Then go demand that worthless social worker do their freaking job! I would.
Or is it that you know those lib social workers would never be punished?
And thus its a waste of time?
If so, then do not ever support dems for any public office--as thats taking action that you can easily do.
I haven't supported any dem for over 40 years but the problem is idiots and bought ought citizens still do.
Thus- we have this society on entitlement that destroys families and is a never ending spiral down into the gutter--Tyr

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
02-24-2016, 05:57 PM
It's a different world, let me tell you, a different world.

ok, then try a different approach to change it as the dem plantation sYstemin stalled by THAT DEM HERO LBJ,
DAMN SURE AINT AWORKIN'...at least not for those its supposed--yet it worked great for the dem party for over 40 years now .
And we conservatives have only been pointing this out for decades. Tyr

02-24-2016, 05:58 PM
Without that terrible capitalism you despise so much, taking socialism instead could mean YOU would be forced to work for NOTHING, Where someone else wants you to WORK, and as long as Someone else says how long. Business is called a business because it MAKES A PROFIT.

Would you work to make a pizza for each of your neighbors, 24/7 and be happy NOT MAKING PROFIT?

I put an effort into earning more. Because I wanted more. I didn't sit about waiting on your tax dollars to pay my bills. I resent these f*cks. I can run a quad secondary from the line to the switch gear and inside to the panels. Anytime you're in a McDonald's or a Golden Corral, I can wire those up in my sleep. I can hang the lights, run the receptacles and you can look at each panel schedule and know what got done where.

Then you want to pay some loser idiot the same amount of money I make to flip a burger that has a written script fr when to flip it? I think NOT.

These idiots who thin nothing but of themselves don't realize what they would do to our economy. Going to double minimum wage? Does that mean my wages get doubled? No, I get fired so some loser can flip burgers.

02-24-2016, 06:03 PM
Just to be clear you are in favor of complete abolishment of the min wage? Last year Seattle switched to $11 min wage and next year I think to $15. Are companies mass exiting Seattle? Are their riots in the streets? Seattle is doing quite well.

So let's take my big brother kid as an example. What do you think his future is? Think he's going to college? Nope. Think he's going to work at Walmart for $7.25 an hour? Nope. Think he's going to sell drugs. Yup. And you would too if you were in his place. Give him a living wage and you give him a reason to start fresh.

I think things should be FAIR. Doubling overnight is too much. Thinking McDonald's workers need $15 instantly is hilarious. Some workers at places deserve more for what they do, sure, but McDonalds and similar, needing to double their money? They would be unemployed if I was the owner. Going forward, these companies are going to raise prices, and then lower vacations and such and then lower total employment. I saw a food place yesterday that was nearly 100% automated, and that's what places will do if forced to overpay people with no skills.

Most kids I knew, and know now, they get those jobs to make money while going to school. They get their degrees and then move onto better jobs as they get older. The jobs in question were never meant to feed a household. The part time lifeguard at our pool makes like $4,000 per year. I wonder if they should raise the salary to $80k so that this guy can live properly here in NY and be able to take care of his family. Mean pool people!

02-24-2016, 06:08 PM
I think things should be FAIR. Doubling overnight is too much. Thinking McDonald's workers need $15 instantly is hilarious. Some workers at places deserve more for what they do, sure, but McDonalds and similar, needing to double their money? They would be unemployed if I was the owner. Going forward, these companies are going to raise prices, and then lower vacations and such and then lower total employment. I saw a food place yesterday that was nearly 100% automated, and that's what places will do if forced to overpay people with no skills.

Most kids I knew, and know now, they get those jobs to make money while going to school. They get their degrees and then move onto better jobs as they get older. The jobs in question were never meant to feed a household. The part time lifeguard at our pool makes like $4,000 per year. I wonder if they should raise the salary to $80k so that this guy can live properly here in NY and be able to take care of his family. Mean pool people!

Your part time lifeguard got paid? Damn. Did I ever get ripped off. I DID get lots of chicks though. :laugh:

02-24-2016, 06:11 PM
Your part time lifeguard got paid? Damn. Did I ever get ripped off. I DID get lots of chicks though. :laugh:

It's mostly all kids at our local pool. But the local officials have to set the pay and vote on it for whatever reason, so the crap gets published. But if someone has to be able to take care of themselves, or a family - this is NOT a job for them. And that's why these jobs are almost all senior HS kids or kids who just graduated, looking for some extra cash while they go to school.

02-24-2016, 06:18 PM
It's mostly all kids at our local pool. But the local officials have to set the pay and vote on it for whatever reason, so the crap gets published. But if someone has to be able to take care of themselves, or a family - this is NOT a job for them. And that's why these jobs are almost all senior HS kids or kids who just graduated, looking for some extra cash while they go to school.

I lived on base. Most of the lifeguards were Airmen and they got out of their actual jobs to work for Special Services. The couple of us that were kids were water survival qualified and just applied. Little did we know it was for free. My leftwing mom said I should be proud. :rolleyes:

I only did that one summer. Screw all that proud crap. I wanted to get paid. I could mow three lawns THEN go to the pool. :)

02-24-2016, 06:21 PM
Reasonable profit for positive social return should be the mantra. I don't despise capitalism, I am a small business owner.

Okay. You own a business. What if everyone you call an employee ISN'T happy with only being paid 15 dollars an hour? What if they won't lower themselves to working for such a small hourly rate?

Does your business operate to make a profit, or do you give your services away for nothing while depending on Welfare, and Foodstamps to survive?

Honest people CAN'T HAVE IT BOTH WAYS!

02-24-2016, 06:22 PM
Most kids I knew, and know now, they get those jobs to make money while going to school. They get their degrees and then move onto better jobs as they get older. The jobs in question were never meant to feed a household. The part time lifeguard at our pool makes like $4,000 per year. I wonder if they should raise the salary to $80k so that this guy can live properly here in NY and be able to take care of his family. Mean pool people!

The reality is that when I go to min wage job places I don't see just kids. I see a hell of a lot of people in their 30s+ and even those past 60. Gone are the days where you can make the claim that flipping burgers was somehow designed for high school kids. It just isn't reality.

02-24-2016, 06:29 PM
The reality is that when I go to min wage job places I don't see just kids. I see a hell of a lot of people in their 30s+ and even those past 60. Gone are the days where you can make the claim that flipping burgers was somehow designed for high school kids. It just isn't reality.

RIGHT YOU ARE pete. You prove that Education, training, common sense, and personal responsibility can be combined to make people more successful to do other things, beside FLIPPING burgers.

As for reality. Those who are self-confined to remaining uneducated, poor, and living in a Ghetto to collect from other people who work...to survive. Is nothing more than the Accepted, Lowering of an Excuse to Blame others for not being successful.

Smarter people try to become more informed, make better decisions, and want to leave the EXCUSES behind to better themselves. Flipping Burgers that could eventually cost 15 Dollars per burger ISN'T REALITY in anyone's Informed, Educated mind.

02-24-2016, 06:29 PM
The reality is that when I go to min wage job places I don't see just kids. I see a hell of a lot of people in their 30s+ and even those past 60. Gone are the days where you can make the claim that flipping burgers was somehow designed for high school kids. It just isn't reality.

Then perhaps they should get a second job, or seek out a better paying job somewhere else?

But if someone will just get a higher salary, for pretty much doing nothing, then there is no incentive for others to strive to be better.

You have 2 guys, both 26 years old. Both working the same place. One is married and has one child. He has trouble making ends meet as a result of this. So he should just magically receive more money? And why would the other guy, or any other workers for that fact, strive to be better if they can get more money for no reason?

Or perhaps let the guy in his 30's that you speak of, let HIM seek out some government assistance if he TRULY needs it. But no need to hand out money to millions because of the unfortunate situation of a few. The others can get better jobs, get educations, work more hours.

02-24-2016, 06:41 PM
Then perhaps they should get a second job, or seek out a better paying job somewhere else?

But if someone will just get a higher salary, for pretty much doing nothing, then there is no incentive for others to strive to be better.

You have 2 guys, both 26 years old. Both working the same place. One is married and has one child. He has trouble making ends meet as a result of this. So he should just magically receive more money? And why would the other guy, or any other workers for that fact, strive to be better if they can get more money for no reason?

Or perhaps let the guy in his 30's that you speak of, let HIM seek out some government assistance if he TRULY needs it. But no need to hand out money to millions because of the unfortunate situation of a few. The others can get better jobs, get educations, work more hours.

Many do get second jobs. And then people won't why their kids are neglected. Can't work two jobs and be a good parent. How can they learn new skills with two jobs?

Nothing will solve everyone's problems. The point is the move in the right direction and make progress. Right now the min wage doesn't even move with inflation.

People work for other reasons than just money. I don't do my job just because it pays. Once you relieve the pressure of living paycheck to paycheck, opportunities and creativities open. Maybe instead of having to work two jobs the guy spends his extra time learning woodworking or computer programming. Those passion skills can't be learnt when working two jobs and living paycheck to paycheck.

02-24-2016, 06:56 PM
Many do get second jobs. And then people won't why their kids are neglected. Can't work two jobs and be a good parent. How can they learn new skills with two jobs?

Nothing will solve everyone's problems. The point is the move in the right direction and make progress. Right now the min wage doesn't even move with inflation.

People work for other reasons than just money. I don't do my job just because it pays. Once you relieve the pressure of living paycheck to paycheck, opportunities and creativities open. Maybe instead of having to work two jobs the guy spends his extra time learning woodworking or computer programming. Those passion skills can't be learnt when working two jobs and living paycheck to paycheck.

And let's face it, the guy in question is a rarity. My first thing to say would be - don't have kids if you can't afford them. Then we are left with perhaps a guy that was prepared, but then ended up divorced, and at a minimum wage paying job. Sorry, we don't need to increase min wage for EVERYONE. People have been finding ways to work with min wage and then moving upward on on for generations and generations. Now suddenly it won't work anymore? And this comes at the same time that the new entitlement generation has been created.

Like I said, sure, there are SOME. And if someone is truly in need, then they can get the help they need. But to just blindly double wages for all min wage workers isn't necessary. It's amazing how SO many other jobs & careers out there, outside of mcdonalds whiners, have no issues, and they certainly aren't out there making demands. It's been said a million times already, but still true - if a life saving position in EMT's and similar can make less than $15 an hour, than so can those now making demands.

02-24-2016, 07:02 PM
Many do get second jobs. And then people won't why their kids are neglected. Can't work two jobs and be a good parent. How can they learn new skills with two jobs?

Nothing will solve everyone's problems. The point is the move in the right direction and make progress. Right now the min wage doesn't even move with inflation.

People work for other reasons than just money. I don't do my job just because it pays. Once you relieve the pressure of living paycheck to paycheck, opportunities and creativities open. Maybe instead of having to work two jobs the guy spends his extra time learning woodworking or computer programming. Those passion skills can't be learnt when working two jobs and living paycheck to paycheck.

All great, expected excuses pete. Agree about two jobs but...it all begins with education.

For example: Learned vs. learnt - Grammarist
Learned is the more common past tense and past participle of the verb learn. Learnt is a variant especially common outside North America. In British writing, for ...

Education allows the learned to advance, prosper, succeed. While making excuses only breeds more excuses that eventually become the Blame Game to lay more excuses on others.
I once had 3 jobs outside of my military duties back in the 60's, and 70's because military people didn't even get anything close to MINIMUM WAGES. So...rather than make excuses. I educated myself more and succeeded in becoming a Good husband, Father, and American.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
02-24-2016, 07:54 PM
I put an effort into earning more. Because I wanted more. I didn't sit about waiting on your tax dollars to pay my bills. I resent these f*cks. I can run a quad secondary from the line to the switch gear and inside to the panels. Anytime you're in a McDonald's or a Golden Corral, I can wire those up in my sleep. I can hang the lights, run the receptacles and you can look at each panel schedule and know what got done where.

Then you want to pay some loser idiot the same amount of money I make to flip a burger that has a written script fr when to flip it? I think NOT.

These idiots who thin nothing but of themselves don't realize what they would do to our economy. Going to double minimum wage? Does that mean my wages get doubled? No, I get fired so some loser can flip burgers.

Thats why they promote it and bust ass trying to make it look like they are the ONLY all caring ones.


02-24-2016, 08:28 PM
The reality is that when I go to min wage job places I don't see just kids. I see a hell of a lot of people in their 30s+ and even those past 60. Gone are the days where you can make the claim that flipping burgers was somehow designed for high school kids. It just isn't reality.

Truw that. You'd have to get those high school kids off their candy krush and out of mommy's basement to get any of that action. Don't blame everyone else on losing whiners being the wastes of cum they are. The best part of them ran down mommy;s leg.

Abbey Marie
02-24-2016, 08:45 PM
Why is the current min wage a holy untouchable number? Yeah Walmart and McDonalds going bankrupt... It's always profits over people. That is where capitalism fails.

Bernie, is that you?

Abbey Marie
02-24-2016, 08:47 PM
I think education and health care are basic rights. I don't know about anything else.

I think being protected for 9 months in Mommy's womb is a basic right. How about you?

02-24-2016, 08:55 PM
I think being protected for 9 months in Mommy's womb is a basic right. How about you?

Why can't I ever rep you? dang.

Abbey Marie
02-24-2016, 08:58 PM
Why can't I ever rep you? dang.

Thats odd. You should be able to. Dang! :cool:

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
02-24-2016, 09:00 PM
I think being protected for 9 months in Mommy's womb is a basic right. How about you?

Abbey, you know only basic rights the majestic dem/libs/leftists say are valid are valid.
We conservatives are just brainless monsters seeking the kill granny and steal everything in sight.
Only THEY ARE THE ONES THAT CARE. :puke3::puke3::puke3:
They have been lying bastards since day one, tis why I despise them one and all.
Each and every damn one of them needs their ass kicked at least twice a day everyday IMHO.-Tyr

02-24-2016, 09:11 PM
In a world of doctors who is going to make your burger? Also, not everyone has the opportunity to succeed. I am a big brother for a kid who's parents pretty much beat him, feeds him ketchup for dinner, leaves him alone all day and never read him a book so he's 8 and can't read a sentence. Is that his fault?

Here you go, Petey - some numbers about what that move to $15 minimum wage actually did :


Job gains in the leisure and hospitality sector in the Windy City have slumped to a five-year low after implementation last July of a mandated boost in the minimum wage to $10 an hour. Employment increased just 1.1 percent from September through November, half the rate in 2014.

San Francisco Bay Area:

Job growth also hit a five-year low after the San Franciso and Oakland city councils mandated an increase in the minimum wage last spring. Hiring in the leisure and hospitality sector has averaged 5 percent a year, right up until implementation of the increase in the minimum wage. It now is running at less than half that — 2.2 percent — while employment in the rest of the state’s leisure sector (outside the reach of progressives in San Francisco) grew by 4.9 percent.

Los Angeles:

Job growth in LA’s accommodation industry went negative after the minimum wage was increased to $15.37 an hour. As Graham noted, “After growing by 3% or more [over] the prior three years, Los Angeles County accommodation industry employment fell by an average of 3%, or 1,300 jobs, versus a year earlier.”


Progressives hiked the minimum wage from $9.47 to $11 an hour last April, and restaurant job gains fell below 2 percent for the first time since 2010. This is half the pace of the prior three years.

Washington, D.C.:

Graham says the best evidence that minimum wage hikes destroy jobs comes from the nation’s capital:

The strongest evidence comes from the nation's capital, where leisure and hospitality employment, which rose at least 3% annually over the prior four years, fell an average of 1% from a year ago in the three months through November. So instead of adding 2,000 or more jobs per year, restaurants, hotels and the rest of the leisure and hospitality sector have lost about 700 jobs.

The reason Washington provides the best evidence that minimum wage hikes destroy jobs is that cities surrounding D.C. are hiring, whereas the service industry in the capitol is not.

More : http://www.thenewamerican.com/economy/sectors/item/22371-minimum-wage-hikes-are-costing-jobs

And here's another failed business directly due to mandating a minimum wage in Seattle :


Further discussion about Seattle's woes :


Abbey Marie
02-24-2016, 10:04 PM
Abbey, you know only basic rights the majestic dem/libs/leftists say are valid are valid.
We conservatives are just brainless monsters seeking the kill granny and steal everything in sight.
Only THEY ARE THE ONES THAT CARE. :puke3::puke3::puke3:
They have been lying bastards since day one, tis why I despise them one and all.
Each and every damn one of them needs their ass kicked at least twice a day everyday IMHO.-Tyr

I'm glad you're on our side, Tyr. :salute:

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
02-24-2016, 10:11 PM
I'm glad you're on our side, Tyr. :salute:
I could take no other and still maintain my principles and honor.
When I see a side that will do anything, no matter how low , evil or illegal to win-I must rigorously oppose such beasts. And I do....
If it ever comes to all out civil war here (God forbid) they'll get to see just how much I do but damn sure will not like it. Solid gold fact my friend. -Tyr

02-24-2016, 10:25 PM
When burger flippers make $15 per hour, I wonder what will happen to EMTs, Nurse Aids, and the like....all who have to have education and strong bodies to do a proper job.

In my view, the most underpaid people I see are indeed in the medical field. But then again, that is the field I am in. I suppose there are a lot of skilled, underpaid people who can do a lot more than scoop up some fries into a box.

Abbey Marie
02-24-2016, 10:27 PM
So basically it's an issue of jealousy for you?

The jealousy is on the part of those who want something for nothing.

02-25-2016, 09:41 AM
The reality is that when I go to min wage job places I don't see just kids. I see a hell of a lot of people in their 30s+ and even those past 60. Gone are the days where you can make the claim that flipping burgers was somehow designed for high school kids. It just isn't reality.

Two problems with your statement, it's not really backed up. I know you can find examples of what you seek but overall it's just not reality:

Who makes minimum wage? (http://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2014/09/08/who-makes-minimum-wage/)
Perhaps surprisingly, not very many people earn minimum wage, and they make up a smaller share of the workforce than they used to. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (http://www.bls.gov/cps/minwage2013.pdf), last year 1.532 million hourly workers earned the federal minimum of $7.25 an hour; nearly 1.8 million more earned less than that because they fell under one of several exemptions (tipped employees, full-time students, certain disabled workers and others), for a total of 3.3 million hourly workers at or below the federal minimum.
People at or below the federal minimum are:

Disproportionately young: 50.4% are ages 16 to 24; 24% are teenagers (ages 16 to 19).
Mostly (77%) white; nearly half are white women.
Largely part-time workers (64% of the total).

The second is that we are in a low growth, overly regulated, environment which keeps effective job growth low IMO. There are to many job killing regulations that keep the economy from creating high wage jobs that will make the MW argument a non-issue.

hmmm because it's humane? Why is the current minimum wage some holy number? Are you against the minimum wage as a concept? Either you raise the minimum wage or you stop complaining about people on welfare. We can't all be doctors. So why would you tolerate working a min wage job when you can get welfare. Raise the min wage and you get people off welfare.

The problem with the minimum wage is that it prices out those at the bottom who are not productive enough to earn that back for whom they work. Also it encourages job growth towards capital intensive and away from labor intensive; i.e. burger flippers will be out of a job while burger flipping machine builders will get a job and they'll earn more but there will be less of them. Now I'm sure we can all agree that there are problems with welfare in this country but eliminating opportunity by mandating a minimum price is not an effective alternative.

Now a thread about a better alternative to welfare in this country would be fun. :eek:

Why is the current min wage a holy untouchable number? Yeah Walmart and McDonalds going bankrupt... It's always profits over people. That is where capitalism fails.

Regarding MW; you can't really say capitalism fails when capitalism is hamstrung. It's not capitalism that mandates a payroll tax of almost 15% on wage dollars for example.