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02-27-2016, 08:39 AM
don't blame those that warned about it.

I look into a candidate for information early on, whether I like what I hear or fear what I hear. When something says 'a tad off' I look more. Yes, I know that many didn't like when I was in this process with Trump, but must say that I don't have the time nor resources to really search, what I found is only the basics. Some of those that didn't like it with Trump, liked it with Ron Paul. For me it's the norm.

Soon it appears that those with both the time and resources will be looking more and they also will be running ads. Now the information-that I share only with friends, family will become daily on the airways and all over the internet and social media. Likely there will be more, though I do think the Trump University and fraud will be the 'big warning.' Then again, I have no clue to what maybe there that hasn't been easily accessible on the net.

Now maybe the general electorate will be just as easy for Trump to shake off any criticisms as has been the case in the primary. Time will tell.


he anti-Trump onslaught is coming. Perhaps within weeks. Just not necessarily from Republicans.

Almost as soon as Donald Trump is the presumptive GOP nominee — which may be as soon as March 15 — Democrats will surely cut their negative ads, and then have at it.

They will attack Trump’s credentials as a tribune of the little guy by focusing on a money-grubbing venture like Trump University, designed to extract as much cash as possible from people who thought they would learn something about real estate from the shell of a school (Trump has been defending himself from charges of fraud for years).

They will dissect his business record. They will fasten on his failed casinos and the bankruptcies he used to stiff creditors while maintaining a lavish lifestyle, and see what they can make of mob connections to the New York real estate world.

They will fry him for hypocrisy on immigration by pointing out that Trump Tower was built by illegal Polish immigrants worked to the bone and that, according to news reports, illegal immigrants are helping build his new hotel in Washington.

They will make the cheap threats he throws at anyone who crosses him a character and temperament issue. They will hound him about his unreleased tax returns. And, of course, they will use decades-worth of controversial statements to portray him as racist and sexist.


How will Trump fare against such ads? Maybe he will prove impervious to all such criticism, and counterpunch effectively. Or maybe he will wilt under the assault. Who knows? But Democrats will sure as hell find out.

In this sense, Republicans are outsourcing the vetting of their front-runner to the other party. At this rate, they will make Trump their de facto standard-bearer in a little less than three weeks, never having run him through the paces of the painful testing that is usually inherent to the process.

Yes, Trump has been constantly criticized. But op-ed’s aren’t the same as attack ads. Dismissive pundits aren’t the same as rival candidates out for blood. A Politico analysis (http://www.politico.com/story/2016/02/donald-trump-megadonors-219690) found that of $238 million in spending by big-money groups so far, only 4 percent has been directed at the man on the cusp of securing the nomination.


A variety of reasons account for the de facto moratorium on sustained Trump attacks to this point: clashing candidate interests; exhaustion after so many donors gave so much to the Jeb Bush super PAC Right to Rise with so little effect; fear of Trump. Democrats won’t be similarly constrained. If David Brock doesn’t know more about Trump’s peccadillos than anyone in America right now, he is falling down on his job and should be summarily dismissed as a Clinton courtier.


02-27-2016, 08:58 AM
don't blame those that warned about it.

I look into a candidate for information early on, whether I like what I hear or fear what I hear. When something says 'a tad off' I look more. Yes, I know that many didn't like when I was in this process with Trump, but must say that I don't have the time nor resources to really search, what I found is only the basics. Some of those that didn't like it with Trump, liked it with Ron Paul. For me it's the norm.

Soon it appears that those with both the time and resources will be looking more and they also will be running ads. Now the information-that I share only with friends, family will become daily on the airways and all over the internet and social media. Likely there will be more, though I do think the Trump University and fraud will be the 'big warning.' Then again, I have no clue to what maybe there that hasn't been easily accessible on the net.

Now maybe the general electorate will be just as easy for Trump to shake off any criticisms as has been the case in the primary. Time will tell.


And the only thing you had on Ron Paul were newsletters that he didn't even write in the 1980's and him not voting for gov't money for a Rosa Park memorial but offering his OWN money instead.

Look at this list for Trump. But few have a problem with any of it... basically making excuses or ignoring it all.
I doubt the attack ads will do much but make some feel he's a martyr for the regular americans.
And that he's just running the "lying" democratic gauntlet.

as along as he keeps talking about that wall and banning muslims his support among many will stand i suspect.
OH and toss in bits about tariffs on China etc. And uh just trust him on everything else.:eek:

02-27-2016, 09:08 AM
And the only thing you had on Ron Paul were newsletters that he didn't even write in the 1980's and him not voting for gov't money for a Rosa Park memorial but offering his OWN money instead.

Look at this list for Trump and few have a problem with any of it.
I doubt the attack ads will do much but make some feel he's a martyr or running the "lying" democrat gauntlet.

as along as he keeps talking about that wall and banning muslims his support among many will stand i suspect.
OH and toss in bits about tariff on China. And uh just trust him on everything else.:eek:

I really don't know how this will all play out. It appears that Hillary, barring indictment, will be the DNC nominee. The question is will the Bernie supporters go D or will they migrate to Trump? Will the rhetoric of 'HUGE' and "Winner" win those supporters? The question I guess will Hillary's record of being a liar and playing outside the rules lose to the record of Trump of going the path of least resistance to get what he wants, screwing those doing business with him, probable fraud of 'little guys', bringing in temporary foreigners to work at jobs Americans would do-for more pay?

I'm not cutting Trump out, ads aplenty notwithstanding. I doubt he'll lose the core supporters he has kept these past months. Nor will Hillary lose those still with her. Realistically many of Bernie's supporters are young and won't vote at all if he's not in. So how will those not aligned with one of these two left standing go? It will likely be moderates of both parties and independents that will decide-they are the largest bloc at this point.

02-27-2016, 09:18 AM
I really don't know how this will all play out. It appears that Hillary, barring indictment, will be the DNC nominee. The question is will the Bernie supporters go D or will they migrate to Trump? Will the rhetoric of 'HUGE' and "Winner" win those supporters? The question I guess will Hillary's record of being a liar and playing outside the rules lose to the record of Trump of going the path of least resistance to get what he wants, screwing those doing business with him, probable fraud of 'little guys', bringing in temporary foreigners to work at jobs Americans would do-for more pay?

I'm not cutting Trump out, ads aplenty notwithstanding. I doubt he'll lose the core supporters he has kept these past months. Nor will Hillary lose those still with her. Realistically many of Bernie's supporters are young and won't vote at all if he's not in. So how will those not aligned with one of these two left standing go? It will likely be moderates of both parties and independents that will decide-they are the largest bloc at this point.

you just made a case for the lowest voter turn out we've every seen.

young staying home, many "unreal" conservatives staying home, moderates staying home.

People voting out of
party loyalty
ban-muslims build-a-wall emotion
1st women president emotion
Clinton loyalty
will get to decide.

I'll repeat my mantra. If those folks that feel those candidates don't work, at least use the process to make a statement. Vote ANY 3rd party just so the numbers show most (1/3 or more maybe) of America is not happy with the D&R party meals we're being expected to swallow.

02-27-2016, 09:23 AM
you just made a case for the lowest voter turn out we've every seen.

young staying home, many "unreal" conservatives staying home, moderates staying home.

People voting out of
party loyalty
ban-muslims build-a-wall emotion
1st women president emotion
Clinton loyalty
will get to decide.

I'll repeat my mantra. If those folks that feel those candidates don't work, at least use the process to make a statement. Vote ANY 3rd party just so the numbers show most (1/3 or more maybe) of America is not happy with the D&R party meals we're being expected to swallow.

Actually the only groups that I think will be 'low turnout' are the young for Bernie and democrats in general. The numbers for democrats in primaries has been very low; the opposite for Republicans. While Trump has brought up issues that should have been co-opted by his opposition, he has also brought out Huuuuge numbers of voters-that won't stay home.

I also think that 'disaffected' conservatives will show up in significant numbers, who they'll vote for? Trump? Third party? I only can say what I'll do and I have, multiple times. I don't think my thinking though is wide-spread.