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02-28-2016, 12:58 PM
I was tempted to put this in military, but not sure it isn't pc problem with Muslims.


Red flags in NAVSEA case: Experts cite espionage patterns in engineer's acts
The case of the Navy engineer's alleged double life seems as though it was ripped from the pages of a spy novel.

An Iranian-American engineer, naturalized in 1985, gets a job with the Navy and holds a secret clearance. All the while he’s allegedly maintaining a sophisticated web of intermingled identities to shuffle money from foreign bank accounts, hold addresses in at least four states and lie about hisIranian passport. And elements of that scheme evaded detection for 30 years.

James Robert Baker is alleged to have lied to the Navy about his continuing ties to Iran during his entire career, which started in 1985 at the Naval Surface Warfare Center and was suspended last summer when U.S. Marshalls raided his small Springfield, Va., home. He was indicted on fraud charges in early February.

Security experts said they were troubled by authorities' repeated failure to thoroughly investigate Baker, especially after red flags like his return to Iran only days after Navy officials told him to prove that he had turned it in. Facts about what motivated Baker's alleged three-decade ruse remain unclear, but several experts who reviewed the case said it bore hallmarks of espionage.


Baker's secret clearance gave him access to less sensitive information than that available to Chelsea Manning, the former Army intelligence analyst with top-secret access convicted for leaking reams of classified information to Wikileaks. But the fact that Baker was in the job for three decades opens the Navy to enormous damage if he was spying, Burton said.

“It’s not just the information he had access to,” Burton said. “It's things he heard on work trips, around the water cooler, at lunch with co-workers: Human intelligence. We know those things aren’t supposed to go on but we all know they do.”

Two facts jump out as classic spy moves, Burton said. The first is Baker’s sophisticated routing of $133,902 from foreign bank accounts to accounts set up under his four separate identities to conceal it. The other is his use of safe deposit boxes and post office boxes in no fewer than four states. Both are classic examples of spy fieldcraft, he said.

“Those boxes — located a long way from his place of residence — are places a spy could use for clandestine communications with handlers,” Burton said.

Experts were also in agreement that Baker, also known as Majid Karimi, should never have been granted a security clearance.


02-28-2016, 02:24 PM
I was tempted to put this in military, but not sure it isn't pc problem with Muslims.


20/20 and all that... but it seems that every time a spy betraying our secrets is uncovered, there were many red flags going back a long time that were never followed up on.

I always chalked it up to simply too many people for counter-espionage to investigate thoroughly. :dunno:

02-28-2016, 05:17 PM
I was tempted to put this in military, but not sure it isn't pc problem with Muslims.


An Iranian-American engineer, naturalized in 1985, gets a job with the Navy and holds a secret clearance.

that's as far we need to go

02-28-2016, 07:40 PM
RED FLAGS.....reminds me of my favorite Donald Rumsfeld quote:

"You don't know, what you don't know, you don't know!"

Today. There are far too many things being made public that DO NOT NEED to be made public, or available to people simply because they think they need to have the freedom to know SECRETS.

Much like the secrets Hillary, and Obama have given away by making classified information public.

02-28-2016, 07:47 PM
RED FLAGS.....reminds me of my favorite Donald Rumsfeld quote:

"You don't know, what you don't know, you don't know!"

Today. There are far too many things being made public that DO NOT NEED to be made public, or available to people simply because they think they need to have the freedom to know SECRETS.

Much like the secrets Hillary, and Obama have given away by making classified information public.

when I got my clearance from the Gov to work with classified info an officer poked his finger in my chest and said you lose just 1 doc and your door prize is life at Levenworth GULP

02-28-2016, 07:54 PM
when I got my clearance from the Gov to work with classified info an officer poked his finger in my chest and said you lose just 1 doc and your door prize is life at Levenworth GULP

Now that's what I call instilling 100% motivation.

02-28-2016, 07:55 PM
when I got my clearance from the Gov to work with classified info an officer poked his finger in my chest and said you lose just 1 doc and your door prize is life at Levenworth GULP

namvet. For several years, at different commands. Starting with NTCC Hampton Roads, and Navcamslant, then two ships. I became the Comm officer's favorite Gopher after they sent me to Crypto Custodian school in Norfolk. Just imagine how I felt, worrying about all the people who handled daily crypto for NEW DAY, EVERY DAY???

By the way. Do you remember all the Brown Paper BURN bags we collected before a BURN RUN in port, or the MULCH ROOM on ships???

And how about TWO PERSON INTEGRITY....after the Walker's were caught???

02-28-2016, 08:13 PM
Now that's what I call instilling 100% motivation.

in my case throw in some fear. my young ass in Levenworth for life??? yes sir sir

02-28-2016, 08:25 PM
namvet. For several years, at different commands. Starting with NTCC Hampton Roads, and Navcamslant, then two ships. I became the Comm officer's favorite Gopher after they sent me to Crypto Custodian school in Norfolk. Just imagine how I felt, worrying about all the people who handled daily crypto for NEW DAY, EVERY DAY???

By the way. Do you remember all the Brown Paper BURN bags we collected before a BURN RUN in port, or the MULCH ROOM on ships???

And how about TWO PERSON INTEGRITY....after the Walker's were caught???

aboard ship we had a large furnace below deck. with a lock on it. IMO these security agencies should all be run by the military. NO CIVILIANS !!! they are motivated by politics and have been caught selling or giving away classified docs. what did they get?? fired. should have been shot

02-28-2016, 08:25 PM
in my case throw in some fear. my young ass in Levenworth for life??? yes sir sir

Yep, that's what I was driving at.

02-28-2016, 08:29 PM
Yep, that's what I was driving at.

the FBI scared the living shit out of my mom. they were running my security check. the showed up at her door and let themselves in, sit down and started asking a lot of questions about me. the only thing she could figure was i went over the hill :laugh:

02-29-2016, 08:54 AM
Hell, it took 20 years or so to catch the Walkers selling naval documents.

02-29-2016, 09:03 AM
I was tempted to put this in military, but not sure it isn't pc problem with Muslims.


I can tell you for a fact you can get most SECRET info out of the newspaper. Baker would have had to have a Top Secret clearance, minimum. There are actually two levels higher than TS. And they DO go talk to your 1st grade teacher.

Everyone wants all this info but the fact is, some people are just too stupid to have it. I want you to wake up and find me in your bedroom with a gun against your head, not you being prepared by CNN with the cliff notes the night before.

02-29-2016, 09:07 AM
I can tell you for a fact you can get most SECRET info out of the newspaper. Baker would have had to have a Top Secret clearance, minimum. There are actually two levels higher than TS. And they DO go talk to your 1st grade teacher.

Everyone wants all this info but the fact is, some people are just too stupid to have it. I want you to wake up and find me in your bedroom with a gun against your head, not you being prepared by CNN with the cliff notes the night before.

I see a problem here that we saw with the Ft. Hood shooter, Hasan. Red flags that were ignored. Iranian passport for heaven's sake!

02-29-2016, 08:32 PM
I can tell you for a fact you can get most SECRET info out of the newspaper. Baker would have had to have a Top Secret clearance, minimum. There are actually two levels higher than TS. And they DO go talk to your 1st grade teacher.

Everyone wants all this info but the fact is, some people are just too stupid to have it. I want you to wake up and find me in your bedroom with a gun against your head, not you being prepared by CNN with the cliff notes the night before.

Gotta totally disagree with you on that Gunny. That's Pure BS. Secret info out of the newspaper?

And I feel confident, based on my own experiences with Classified Information, and Materials for more than 15 years of my naval career.