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02-28-2016, 04:22 PM
`Why go on a safari when you can watch wildlife right from the comfort of your hotel?

Inviting big, exotic animals inside probably wasn't the plan when the Mfuwe Lodge was built in Zambia in

1998, but that’s what wound up happening. The lodge surrounds a mango tree that a local group of elephants

likes to feed on and sits on the path they traditionally used to get to it.`...:)


02-28-2016, 04:38 PM
That's really cool.

I can't help thinking, though, that there's going to come a time when an ornery young bull wanders through there and something sets him off, like a noise or a camera flash - there's going to be hell to pay in close quarters like that! Or even a new mother that overreacts to something with her new calf there. I've seen too many wild animals (and humans, for that matter) go ballistic over nothing. A casual swing of an elephant's head and those tusks are going to hurt really bad.

I guess I'm more cautious around big game than most people. Too many hairy close encounters with moose and bears.