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View Full Version : Who's behind Romney?

03-01-2016, 10:22 AM
One would think that he is running for president at this stage based on the attacks and accusations he's been making. I'm confident that the RNC has a hand in this one. Plus I had posted an article recently where the Koch brothers are willing to dump $75 million into the campaign for Romney as a second choice if Rubio can't pull things out. I wonder if he would enter truly if there was a bad showing for Rubio today?

03-01-2016, 10:26 AM
One would think that he is running for president at this stage based on the attacks and accusations he's been making. I'm confident that the RNC has a hand in this one. Plus I had posted an article recently where the Koch brothers are willing to dump $75 million into the campaign for Romney as a second choice if Rubio can't pull things out. I wonder if he would enter truly if there was a bad showing for Rubio today?

One cannot trust the RNC. They are NOT in the game for their constiuents. Remember, Jeb Bush, who was the darling of the RNC, made it clear he wanted to win without the base. The base being people like us.

03-01-2016, 10:29 AM
One cannot trust the RNC. They are NOT in the game for their constiuents. Remember, Jeb Bush, who was the darling of the RNC, made it clear he wanted to win without the base. The base being people like us.

I'm afraid that if they push too hard or play dirty tactics that we may end up with Hillary in office.

03-01-2016, 10:36 AM
I'm afraid that if they push too hard or play dirty tactics that we may end up with Hillary in office.

Yes, me too. I think they are so determined to get in their man that they will sacrifice the nation for their political purposes.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-01-2016, 10:45 AM
One would think that he is running for president at this stage based on the attacks and accusations he's been making. I'm confident that the RNC has a hand in this one. Plus I had posted an article recently where the Koch brothers are willing to dump $75 million into the campaign for Romney as a second choice if Rubio can't pull things out. I wonder if he would enter truly if there was a bad showing for Rubio today?


Romney: NYT transcript could be another Trump 'bombshell'
The Hill‎ - 14 hours ago
The newspaper said it won't release audio from the ... of the meeting, though Editorial Page Editor Andrew Rosenthal ... Trump has mostly brushed off Romney's push, though ...
More news for Mitt Romney late Monday called on Donald Trump to push for the release of a transcript of his meeting with The New York Times editorial board, calling it a potential "bombshell." "Another #bombshell? Trump should authorize the @nytimes to release the transcript of his ed board interview," Romney tweeted, including the hashtag "#WhatIsHeHiding." Romney joins Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio in an effort to pressure Trump to call on the Times to release a transcript of his off-the-record remarks, speculating they show hypocrisy on illegal immigration. "Apparently there is a secret tape that The New York Times editorial board has of Donald Trump saying that he doesn't believe what he's saying on immigration," Cruz told reporters in Texas. The newspaper said it won't release audio from the off-the-record portion of the meeting, though Editorial Page Editor Andrew Rosenthal told BuzzFeed that Trump could request the transcript be made public. Romney, the 2012 GOP nominee, has sought to go toe to toe with Trump in recent days, calling on the 2016 GOP front-runner last week to release his tax returns, also suggesting they could include a "bombshell."

Romney can go straight to hell!!
Bastard is either trying to set up to get in or else has sold out completely to the globalists..
Either way ffkk him..
He works now for the same people that shafted him when he ran--what a ffing moron!--Tyr

03-01-2016, 10:51 AM
He also said his tax returns might hold a "potential bombshell". These tactics aren't going to work. The only thing they may be able to do is toss in another candidate or do something to split the vote. And that would be funny, considering they had him sign a pledge, because they were afraid of him running as independent. They didn't want him to screw them, but they'll be doing everything they can to screw him.

03-01-2016, 11:05 AM
He also said his tax returns might hold a "potential bombshell". These tactics aren't going to work. The only thing they may be able to do is toss in another candidate or do something to split the vote. And that would be funny, considering they had him sign a pledge, because they were afraid of him running as independent. They didn't want him to screw them, but they'll be doing everything they can to screw him.

I thought the same thing, Jim. Didn't all the candidates sign the pledge thingy?

Christie Brinkley
03-01-2016, 11:23 AM
Trump vs scum
Trump vs establishment
Trump vs same old sh*t