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View Full Version : GOP Insiders Plan to Steal the Nod From Trump

03-01-2016, 02:57 PM
Despite a growing string of victories in the Republican primaries ,the DC-Wall Street cabal that has dominated the GOP since 1988 has no intention of letting the billionaire real estate mogul be nominated. None other than Karl Rove has insisted the stop-Trump effort is not too late and can succeed.

A new superPAC has dumped $10 million dollars into blistering negative TV ads against Trump in the last three days. The Koch brothers and their associates deny funding the effort but they denials are questionable at best. The New York Times reported Sunday that the Rubio and Kasich campaigns are now openly planning on a ‘brokered convention” to stop Trump in the back rooms in Cleveland. The New York Daily News reported that Barbara Bush has vowed revenge against Trump for ending the “low energy” campaign of her son Jeb, the anointed one and that the Bush clan is all-in in the effort to stop Trump. The News reported that Jeb may transfer the $25 to $30 million in SuperPAC funds he has left to an anti-Trump effort

The power-brokers short term game is clear; stall Trump just short of the magic number of delegates needed to be nominated on the first ballot with the knowledge that many delegates bound on the first ballot by Trump primary and caucus victories would be unbound on a second ballot. Much in the way the RNC stacked the galleries with anti-Trump partisans in the last two debates, anti-Trump quislings are be planted in various delegations that will be free to betray Trump on subsequent ballots.

If Cruz prevails in Texas and Kasich can hold Ohio the insiders game of “keep away “could get some legs. The cabal of billionaires who are bankrolling Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL)
have served notice on the young Senator that he must win his home state of Florida on March 15 or get the hook. Mitt Romney, who passed up the 2016 race because he deemed Jeb Bush unstoppable (!) is suited up to enter late primaries in California, New Jersey and elsewhere in the hopes that the party would turn to him on a second ballot. This explains why Romney has suddenly emerged as a twitter critic of Trump’s chiding him for not releasing his tax returns in the middle of an IRS audit and not renouncing the support of former KKK Grand Wizard David Duke fast enough.

The Republican nomination process was already rigged: the campaigns of the four early states (Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina, Nevada) have been traditionally controlled by high paid consultants and party leaders who convince candidates to spend hundreds of millions on media, staff and early state “necessities.” The big money needed has to come from somewhere–namely from special interests who demand loyalty on key issues: government handouts/bailouts, open borders, and especially big government. The demands of early big money usually clear the field of anyone unacceptable to the Republican Racketeers: when Newt or Santorum didn’t play along in 2012, they were swamped under by big money.

In 2016, Trump doesn’t need the racketeers money because he has the Republican grassroots, but the racketeers have one last play: fix the Rules of the Conventions. For example, do you know how many delegates Trump must get to be nominated for president today? Zero. Cruz, Rubio, and all the rest? Also zero. Why? Because the Rule that allows them to be nominated (Rule 40) requires “permanently seated delegates” for nomination. But that won’t happen until the Credentials Committee meets at the convention!

Then there is rule 40-B.Please note that Rule 40 as it is currently written expires on the day before the convention when the Rules Committee meets to make up the new Rules of the Convention and for the Republican Party for the next 4 years. Rule 40-B currently requires a nominee to have “the “majority of the permanently seated delegates from at least 8 states.” Romney lawyer Ben Ginsberg was able to change Rule 40 from “plurality of the delegates from at least 5 states” to the current rule. The potential for skullduggery is clear. Even if Trump runs the tables in the primaries winning a plurality in virtually every state the rule can be tailored by a controlled Rules Committee to prevent a Trump nomination.

Rule 40-B used to require a majority in six states but when Congressman Ron Paul met that goal it was quickly changed to eight states. Under control of the insiders the number of states required can be amended to any number to block Trump.


03-01-2016, 03:20 PM
A move like that will burn the GOP house down.

Trump knew the potential for rigging the primary election, and that's why he has that caveat in the pledge : He'll run as Republican as long as he's treated fairly.

I don't think the establishment has the balls to make a move like that... but I could be wrong.

A scenario like that would be the only way I can see the Democrats might win the White House. The GOP would lose vast numbers of voters and give rise to an impressive sized Independent base, but now you've got a Perot situation on steroids.

Black Diamond
03-01-2016, 03:47 PM
Mother Hen Barbara coming in to avenge what was "taken" from her son. That's funny.

03-01-2016, 03:51 PM
A move like that will burn the GOP house down.

Trump knew the potential for rigging the primary election, and that's why he has that caveat in the pledge : He'll run as Republican as long as he's treated fairly.

I don't think the establishment has the balls to make a move like that... but I could be wrong.

A scenario like that would be the only way I can see the Democrats might win the White House. The GOP would lose vast numbers of voters and give rise to an impressive sized Independent base, but now you've got a Perot situation on steroids.

I disagree, NightTrain. I think the GOP has hubris galore and sees the nomination as one who THEY appoint. Some of them would rather lose the election than see Trump win, because as they see it, both Hillary AND Trump are the enemy. But Trump is more the enemy because he eliminated their chosen boy(s).

We'll see.

Black Diamond
03-01-2016, 03:53 PM
If they do this, trump will run third party.

03-01-2016, 04:01 PM
If they do this, trump will run third party.

And I wouldn't blame him.

03-01-2016, 04:37 PM
The RNC establishment chose Bush. After he went down in flames the chose Rubio. Only Cruz has any chance of beating Trump, yet the RNC hates him as much as, or more than, they hate Trump.

This is going to be entertaining watching the RNC burn.

Black Diamond
03-01-2016, 04:49 PM
The RNC establishment chose Bush. After he went down in flames the chose Rubio. Only Cruz has any chance of beating Trump, yet the RNC hates him as much as, or more than, they hate Trump.


Black Diamond
03-01-2016, 04:50 PM
This is going to be entertaining watching the RNC burn.

Assuming they don't bring trump down with them.

03-01-2016, 05:54 PM
Do that and you hand it to the Democrats...

Rove needs to step back and shut up...

I dont like Trump as my Ideal Candidate... But he resonates with people on both sides of the Aisle.

To usurp the Process hurts the GOP..

It's over after tonight.

Trump the nod for Prez
Cruz gets the VP Nod to lock down the Base...

Black Diamond
03-01-2016, 07:30 PM
Maybe trump was onto something when he wouldn't promise to not run third party.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-01-2016, 07:52 PM
Despite a growing string of victories in the Republican primaries ,the DC-Wall Street cabal that has dominated the GOP since 1988 has no intention of letting the billionaire real estate mogul be nominated. None other than Karl Rove has insisted the stop-Trump effort is not too late and can succeed.

A new superPAC has dumped $10 million dollars into blistering negative TV ads against Trump in the last three days. The Koch brothers and their associates deny funding the effort but they denials are questionable at best. The New York Times reported Sunday that the Rubio and Kasich campaigns are now openly planning on a ‘brokered convention” to stop Trump in the back rooms in Cleveland. The New York Daily News reported that Barbara Bush has vowed revenge against Trump for ending the “low energy” campaign of her son Jeb, the anointed one and that the Bush clan is all-in in the effort to stop Trump. The News reported that Jeb may transfer the $25 to $30 million in SuperPAC funds he has left to an anti-Trump effort

The power-brokers short term game is clear; stall Trump just short of the magic number of delegates needed to be nominated on the first ballot with the knowledge that many delegates bound on the first ballot by Trump primary and caucus victories would be unbound on a second ballot. Much in the way the RNC stacked the galleries with anti-Trump partisans in the last two debates, anti-Trump quislings are be planted in various delegations that will be free to betray Trump on subsequent ballots.

If Cruz prevails in Texas and Kasich can hold Ohio the insiders game of “keep away “could get some legs. The cabal of billionaires who are bankrolling Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL)
have served notice on the young Senator that he must win his home state of Florida on March 15 or get the hook. Mitt Romney, who passed up the 2016 race because he deemed Jeb Bush unstoppable (!) is suited up to enter late primaries in California, New Jersey and elsewhere in the hopes that the party would turn to him on a second ballot. This explains why Romney has suddenly emerged as a twitter critic of Trump’s chiding him for not releasing his tax returns in the middle of an IRS audit and not renouncing the support of former KKK Grand Wizard David Duke fast enough.

The Republican nomination process was already rigged: the campaigns of the four early states (Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina, Nevada) have been traditionally controlled by high paid consultants and party leaders who convince candidates to spend hundreds of millions on media, staff and early state “necessities.” The big money needed has to come from somewhere–namely from special interests who demand loyalty on key issues: government handouts/bailouts, open borders, and especially big government. The demands of early big money usually clear the field of anyone unacceptable to the Republican Racketeers: when Newt or Santorum didn’t play along in 2012, they were swamped under by big money.

In 2016, Trump doesn’t need the racketeers money because he has the Republican grassroots, but the racketeers have one last play: fix the Rules of the Conventions. For example, do you know how many delegates Trump must get to be nominated for president today? Zero. Cruz, Rubio, and all the rest? Also zero. Why? Because the Rule that allows them to be nominated (Rule 40) requires “permanently seated delegates” for nomination. But that won’t happen until the Credentials Committee meets at the convention!

Then there is rule 40-B.Please note that Rule 40 as it is currently written expires on the day before the convention when the Rules Committee meets to make up the new Rules of the Convention and for the Republican Party for the next 4 years. Rule 40-B currently requires a nominee to have “the “majority of the permanently seated delegates from at least 8 states.” Romney lawyer Ben Ginsberg was able to change Rule 40 from “plurality of the delegates from at least 5 states” to the current rule. The potential for skullduggery is clear. Even if Trump runs the tables in the primaries winning a plurality in virtually every state the rule can be tailored by a controlled Rules Committee to prevent a Trump nomination.

Rule 40-B used to require a majority in six states but when Congressman Ron Paul met that goal it was quickly changed to eight states. Under control of the insiders the number of states required can be amended to any number to block Trump.


Can you imagine the carnage(rioting etc.) if the dems had tried this type crap to deny the obama?
Well, if our leadership does it to the people's choice, I hope all hell breaks loose at that convention and most of the bastards doing it to we the people are then broke in half.
And I do mean half(as in no longer breathing)...
Folks, this is the break or make of this nation, we'd best not let the traitors regardless of which political party they belong to win out. --Tyr

03-03-2016, 12:57 AM
Well there it is:


Wed Mar 2, 2016 8:01pm ESTExclusive: Koch brothers will not use funds to try to block Trump nominationNEW YORK | BY MICHELLE CONLIN (http://www.reuters.com/journalists/michelle-conlin)

The Koch brothers, the most powerful conservative mega donors in the United States, will not use their $400 million political arsenal to try to block Republican front-runner Donald Trump's path to the presidential nomination, a spokesman told Reuters on Wednesday.

The decision by the billionaire industrialists is another setback to Republican establishment efforts to derail the New York real estate mogul's bid for the White House, and follows speculation the Kochs would soon launch a "Trump Intervention."

"We have no plans to get involved in the primary," said James Davis, spokesman for Freedom Partners, the Koch brothers’ political umbrella group. He would not elaborate on what the brothers' strategy would be for the Nov. 8 election to succeed Democratic President Barack Obama.

Three sources close to the Kochs said the brothers made the decision because they were concerned that spending millions of dollars attacking Trump would be money wasted, since they had not yet seen any attack on Trump stick.

The Koch brothers are also smarting from the millions of dollars they pumped into the failed 2012 Republican presidential bids of Newt Gingrich and Mitt Romney, the sources said.

Donors and media reports have speculated since January, when the Kochs gathered 500 of America’s wealthiest political donors at a California resort, that they would deploy their vast political network to target Trump.

The Kochs oppose his protectionist trade rhetoric and hardline views on immigration - which include building a wall along the U.S. border with Mexico and deporting millions of illegal immigrants.

Many Republican figures and business backers are eager to see Trump, a political outsider who has tapped into rising anti-establishment sentiment, fail in his bid for the nomination. They prefer instead a more traditional candidate like U.S. Senator Marco Rubio of Florida.

But with Trump racking up a series of wins in the early nominating contests against opponents including Rubio and U.S. Senator Ted Cruz of Texas, there is a growing sense of inevitability that he will win the party's mantle.

03-03-2016, 09:01 AM
Well there it is:


Read this last night myself. Hopefully they can be trusted with their word. But anyone with billions and talk of investing many many millions in a contest - it would be very easy to place money out there and no one know any better. But I take them at their word, I never really had an issue with them before. I suppose we'll know 300% for sure if Romney ever enters and we see millions of dollars into attacks on Trump.

03-17-2016, 07:05 AM

RNC weighs scrapping convention rule book to head off anti-Trump maneuvers

Switch to Robert’s Rules of Order would ensure more transparency

By Ralph Z. Hallow (http://www.washingtontimes.com/staff/ralph-z-hallow/) - The Washington Times - Wednesday, March 16, 2016
Top Republicans will try to force more transparency at the party’s national convention in July, aiming to scrap their 1,500-page rule book in favor of simpler procedures that they hope will head off arcane maneuvers designed to deny Donald Trump (http://www.washingtontimes.com/topics/donald-trump/) the presidential nomination.

The changes wouldn’t guarantee Mr. Trump (http://www.washingtontimes.com/topics/donald-trump/) the nod but would make it easier for all sides to see what sorts of changes anti-Trump (http://www.washingtontimes.com/topics/donald-trump/) factions are attempting.


Perhaps that will help keep some pro-Trump folks in the fold, but not so likely those who are opposed:


Sometimes I do see things with politics:


Letting conservatives form their own third party potentially solves that dilemma by having Trump and his fans “borrow” the party this year, but that has risks all its own. If the third party sinks him in November, Trumpers will have their revenge by forming their own third party (https://twitter.com/SeanTrende/status/710077272741511168) in elections going forward. If it doesn’t sink him, it proves that the GOP doesn’t need conservatives to win. Conservatives might even find that they like their new, more idealistic third party better than the GOP even though it has less of a chance of winning national elections. The Republican Party may end up as a rump with a few populist adherents here and there and a few conservative adherents here and there but without enough of either to win major races. The prudent thing, it would seem, would be to forego a third party this summer and let anti-Trump conservatives each go their own way — some reluctantly backing Trump, others staying home, others voting libertarian or some other existing third-party, some even voting Hillary. The risk in that case, though, is that a diffuse and scattershot anti-Trump effort wouldn’t be enough to stop him. If, as #NeverTrumpers claim, blocking a vulgar authoritarian is a matter of patriotic duty, they’re probably better off having their own nominee and party out there rallying the public for that cause. There’s no good solution to this problem anymore, I think. It’s Trump or schism. Pick your poison.

03-17-2016, 07:23 AM
And I wouldn't blame him.

When did you become pro amnesty? Pro choice? Pro taxation, and pro illegal immigration and pro single payer?

03-17-2016, 07:32 AM
When did you become pro amnesty? Pro choice? Pro taxation, and pro illegal immigration and pro single payer?

Ah, he's changed his mind on all of these, shows his looking more deeply at these issues. He's evolved. Others flip flop.

03-17-2016, 07:43 AM
When did you become pro amnesty? Pro choice? Pro taxation, and pro illegal immigration and pro single payer?

You're misinformed.

Read for yourself : https://www.donaldjtrump.com/positions

Abbey Marie
03-17-2016, 07:56 AM
We can't really know what anyone will do once elected. Despite what Trump says, or how he's changed his mind, it seems pretty clear to me that he doesn't particularly care about social issues. I would be very pleasantly surprised if he does anything against abortion, for example, regardless what he says. I do believe he will attempt to build a wall, and work on trade imbalances with China. I try to look at the more subtle cues, and the kind of man he has been most of his life, and they lead me to my suppositions.

03-17-2016, 08:18 AM
You're misinformed.

Read for yourself : https://www.donaldjtrump.com/positions

I don't think so. I think I have the ability to separate the wheat from the chaff and not vote just because I am pissed with the Republicans. Trump is not stupid, he is telling you exactly what you want to hear. But if you really look into his not so distant past? Well, he's a liberal Democrat.


03-17-2016, 08:22 AM
I don't think so. I think I have the ability to separate the wheat from the chaff and not vote just because I am pissed with the Republicans. Trump is not stupid, he is telling you exactly what you want to hear. But if you really look into his not so distant past? Well, he's a liberal Democrat.


Well, if you firmly believe that everything the man says is a lie, then there's nothing to discuss.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-17-2016, 09:00 AM
Well, if you firmly believe that everything the man says is a lie, then there's nothing to discuss.

People now so willing to say everything a candidate says or promises is a lie-yet when the bambastard ran it was just the opposite-as they suddenly they believed every word the scum said.
The problem is, obama is a democrat (muslim-in-hiding) and ran as democrat--thus his lies are basically ignored while Trump is then tarnished with the brush that should have been used on the bam bastard!
No politician tells the truth 100% of the time, yet according to some now Trump is lying 100% of the time.
Quite telling about human nature methinks.. - Tyr

03-17-2016, 09:24 AM
I read this article last night and it was written by a liberal BS writer, he explained how now Trump is threatening the Country with violence :rolleyes: I believe what he says 100% correct, if he goes to Cleveland just shy of the delegates he needs to lock it up and they some how give it to someone else I believe there will be all kinds of hell breaking loose. I personally feel Trump is winning simply because people are pissed which way the Country is going, and to be honest I believe this is a peaceful Revolution. If they try and railroad him out of the nomination then I believe we will see a Revolution that nobody wants to see, and as for Trump threatening people by saying this, I call BS, I believe a blind man can see the hand writing on the wall.

Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump said Wednesday that a contested GOP convention (https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2016/03/14/why-a-contested-gop-convention-may-be-more-likely-than-a-donald-trump-nomination-by-wednesday/) could be a disaster if he goes to Cleveland a few delegates shy of 1,237 — and doesn't leave as the party's nominee.
"I think you'd have riots," Trump said on CNN.
Noting that he's "representing many millions of people," Trump told host Chris Cuomo: "If you disenfranchise those people, and you say, 'I'm sorry, you're 100 votes short' ... I think you'd have problems like you've never seen before. I think bad things would happen."


03-17-2016, 09:26 AM
Well, if you firmly believe that everything the man says is a lie, then there's nothing to discuss.

Why would you think he's not lying? He actively hires illegal immigrant and as much as he spews unfair trade practices he actively has his clothing lines manufactured in China and Mexico? Next, on that wall, what do you think he is going to do? Seize all the privately owned property along the border? What do you think he means when he says he will deport them all then expedite their return? Do you believe his words or his actions? What do you think he's talking about when he says we are absolutely going to take care of everyone? How about that 14.5% tax hike? You good with that?

03-17-2016, 09:31 AM
People now so willing to say everything a candidate says or promises is a lie-yet when the bambastard ran it was just the opposite-as they suddenly they believed every word the scum said.
The problem is, obama is a democrat (muslim-in-hiding) and ran as democrat--thus his lies are basically ignored while Trump is then tarnished with the brush that should have been used on the bam bastard!
No politician tells the truth 100% of the time, yet according to some now Trump is lying 100% of the time.
Quite telling about human nature methinks.. - Tyr

I didn't vote for Obama either!

03-17-2016, 09:38 AM
People now so willing to say everything a candidate says or promises is a lie-yet when the bambastard ran it was just the opposite-as they suddenly they believed every word the scum said.
The problem is, obama is a democrat (muslim-in-hiding) and ran as democrat--thus his lies are basically ignored while Trump is then tarnished with the brush that should have been used on the bam bastard!
No politician tells the truth 100% of the time, yet according to some now Trump is lying 100% of the time.
Quite telling about human nature methinks.. - Tyr

There's plenty of examples of 'human nature' abounding this election cycle. The example you cite being one, so are the plethora of examples of those that are normally skeptical suspending belief over the past and present actions and words coming from the Trump megaphones.

There's also the scorn at 'racism/violence labels' thrown at Trump and his supporters; yet the same happily call 'political correctness' at any calls for civility in public areas.

None of us are wholly consistent in what we're accusing others of.

03-17-2016, 09:48 AM
People now so willing to say everything a candidate says or promises is a lie-yet when the bambastard ran it was just the opposite-as they suddenly they believed every word the scum said.
The problem is, obama is a democrat (muslim-in-hiding) and ran as democrat--thus his lies are basically ignored while Trump is then tarnished with the brush that should have been used on the bam bastard!
No politician tells the truth 100% of the time, yet according to some now Trump is lying 100% of the time.
Quite telling about human nature methinks.. - Tyr

Yeah. I'm not a fan of Obama's by any means, but I'm not so silly as to think that EVERYTHING he says is a lie. He's probably closer to 90% lie factor. :eek:

But seriously, running around accusing Trump of lying with no proof, or pointing to different positions he held years ago seems awfully flimsy.

It smacks of a personal gut-reaction rather than logic. I can understand the gut-reaction thing, even if I don't agree with it in this instance, but I wish people would be more honest about it.

There's nothing wrong with going on instincts that you can't really put a finger on - it's saved my ass out in the boonies more than a few times and I've learned to trust those spidey senses.

If someone asks me why I don't like a person that I naturally am repelled by, I'll just say "Don't know. There's something wrong about him." instead of saying his eyes looked wrong, or his body language wasn't right, or I saw him react really weird to something that happened.

I suspect there's a lot of the gut-reaction dislike from the anti-Trump crowd and not much honesty about why they feel that way.

And before anyone jumps me in a self-righteous fury, this isn't directed at anyone here. I'm speaking generally as I've observed a lot of discussion all over the 'net and IRL - there's almost never anything concrete, just nebulous notions of stance-changing over the years or the fact that he gave money to politicians that we all dislike, despite the fact that everyone knows that's how the big boys play the game. You don't pay off the Mayor of Chicago, you don't get the permits to build that structure on Main Street.

A while back Trump pissed me off in that debate where he attacked Dubya. I backed away from him and for me the players were all open to reconsideration for me, and in my mind, that was a logical, valid reason. I didn't beat around the bush about it. I've reconsidered and Trump is my guy again, but that doesn't mean that I don't very strongly disagree with what he said on the stage that night, even though he was using it to attack Jeb.

I, for one, can't wait for this primary to be over so the divisiveness can evaporate to a large extent. The anger and vitriol needs to be directed where it's deserved : the Commie and Criminal on the other side of the aisle.

03-17-2016, 10:06 AM
Why would you think he's not lying? He actively hires illegal immigrant and as much as he spews unfair trade practices he actively has his clothing lines manufactured in China and Mexico? Next, on that wall, what do you think he is going to do? Seize all the privately owned property along the border? What do you think he means when he says he will deport them all then expedite their return? Do you believe his words or his actions? What do you think he's talking about when he says we are absolutely going to take care of everyone?

He is speaking as a business man, because that's what he is. He didn't make the laws. He didn't make the rules. He didn't set the trade policies. He didn't make the treaties.

Given that there is a set law or set of rules in place, it is his duty to make the best of them to his advantage. You don't seem to grasp the concept that a businessman does all he can to make his dealings as profitable and advantageous as humanly possible - whether or not he thinks it's good for America doesn't enter the equation.

Now with a businessman who freely admits that he has exploited every possible aspect of the laws and rules in place, don't you think he is 100% aware of what laws are bad for America and which ones need to be fixed ASAP?

He's a player in the big leagues. He knows what is exploited. He knows what needs to be fixed on a firsthand basis.

Who is going to FIX problems - a businessman exploiting stupid laws & rules or a President who knows exactly where the stupid laws & rules need to be changed?

How about that 14.5% tax hike? You good with that?


I don't know about you, but right now I'm paying 33%+. Trump's MAXIMUM tax rate is 25%, but I would probably fall under the 15% or 20% bracket. How the hell is that an increase?

You would know this if you actually read his website where he states this, instead of taking someone's word for it.

03-17-2016, 10:09 AM
Noooooo!! We WANT Trump to get the GOP nomination!!
But only following a bloody and extremely divisive convention fight that threatens to disintegrate the Republican Party. :argue: :catfight:

03-17-2016, 10:15 AM
When did you become pro amnesty? Pro choice? Pro taxation, and pro illegal immigration and pro single payer?

I don't think so. I think I have the ability to separate the wheat from the chaff and not vote just because I am pissed with the Republicans. Trump is not stupid, he is telling you exactly what you want to hear. But if you really look into his not so distant past? Well, he's a liberal Democrat.


Shall I point out the top 10 flip flops of Ted Cruz again to mostly be ignored and have a different attitude towards?

Perhaps folks aren't all voting the same, but at least be honest and condemn the same. Funny as hell to me either way!

03-17-2016, 10:17 AM
Well, if you firmly believe that everything the man says is a lie, then there's nothing to discuss.

And that's about the gist of the majority of it. There are some that it's extremely obvious they hate and have no desire to learn or discuss a candidate, and in those cases it's better to shrug the 'ol shoulders and move along to the next subject.

03-17-2016, 10:32 AM
And that's about the gist of the majority of it. There are some that it's extremely obvious they hate and have no desire to learn or discuss a candidate, and in those cases it's better to shrug the 'ol shoulders and move along to the next subject.

I'm pretty much there.

That's why I'm rarely even getting into the Trump discussions anymore... I've got a real handy wall right here in my kitchen to bash my head against.

03-17-2016, 10:32 AM
And that's about the gist of the majority of it. There are some that it's extremely obvious they hate and have no desire to learn or discuss a candidate, and in those cases it's better to shrug the 'ol shoulders and move along to the next subject.

Are you accusing me of hate? Wow!

03-17-2016, 10:36 AM
Are you accusing me of hate? Wow!

Don't be shocked when others see the non-stop hatred towards Trump. It's not exactly like anyone is making some sort of effort to hide it.

03-17-2016, 10:38 AM
I'm pretty much there.

That's why I'm rarely even getting into the Trump discussions anymore... I've got a real handy wall right here in my kitchen to bash my head against.

I have a mini baseball bat here they gave out when I went to a Yankees game!

03-17-2016, 10:42 AM
Are you accusing me of hate? Wow!

What else can you call it when you refuse to read the site for yourself?

You have no idea what you're bitching about even though I gave you the direct link so you wouldn't be taking my word for it.

That, my friend, is irrational & illogical hate with no regard for finding out the truth for yourself.

03-17-2016, 10:50 AM

I don't know about you, but right now I'm paying 33%+. Trump's MAXIMUM tax rate is 25%, but I would probably fall under the 15% or 20% bracket. How the hell is that an increase?

You would know this if you actually read his website where he states this, instead of taking someone's word for it.

I searched Google, Yahoo and MSN, and all I could find was reference to him and a 14.25 tax hike - on the assets and trusts worth more than 10 million dollars. This was a one time deal to offset another repeal.

Oh, and this was 16 years ago, and obviously had nothing to do with income. Nor anything that would remotely touch any of us.

03-17-2016, 10:52 AM
Don't be shocked when others see the non-stop hatred towards Trump. It's not exactly like anyone is making some sort of effort to hide it.

Oh, okay! That's a remark " hate" that I would expect from liberal dunderheads!

03-17-2016, 10:54 AM
Only other reference I could find about 14.5

Rand Paul, R-Ky., would "blow up the tax code and start over (https://www.randpaul.com/issue/taxes)" with, among other things, a 14.5 percent flat tax.

03-17-2016, 10:55 AM
What else can you call it when you refuse to read the site for yourself?

You have no idea what you're bitching about even though I gave you the direct link so you wouldn't be taking my word for it.

That, my friend, is irrational & illogical hate with no regard for finding out the truth for yourself.

So, in alignment with all liberals, if I don't agree with you them I Hate. I think I have it. You won't hear another word out of me about Trump. I can tell this is not a forum for discussion. Don't feel badly though, so many aren't.

03-17-2016, 10:55 AM
Oh, okay! That's a remark " hate" that I would expect from liberal dunderheads!

Ok, my bad then, you have my apologies. I was wrong.

And in addition to Trump, I look forward to having good discussions with you around the topic of Cruz and his many flip flops! :)

03-17-2016, 10:56 AM
So, in alignment with all liberals, if I don't agree with you them I Hate. I think I have it. You won't hear another word out of me about Trump. I can tell this is not a forum for discussion. Don't feel badly though, so many aren't.

Care to link to this 14.5% hike?

And sure, not a forum for discussion! LOL In other words, your stuff was simply pointed out, and somehow, someway, that means we stomp on free discussion here! :laugh2:

03-17-2016, 10:57 AM
I searched Google, Yahoo and MSN, and all I could find was reference to him and a 14.25 tax hike - on the assets and trusts worth more than 10 million dollars. This was a one time deal to offset another repeal.

Oh, and this was 16 years ago, and obviously had nothing to do with income. Nor anything that would remotely touch any of us.

I can't find anything that says 14.5% tax hike for me as a working man. Or any other kind of man.

Where did you get that figure, Olivia?

03-17-2016, 11:00 AM
Care to link to this 14.5% hike?

And sure, not a forum for discussion! LOL In other words, your stuff was simply pointed out, and somehow, someway, that means we stomp on free discussion here! :laugh2:

Yes, pretty much, when you assign my opposition as hate it pretty much stifles any discussion. I have in good faith stated my objections to him and provided sources for my opinions and you assign my motives as hate. It's a deal breaker.

03-17-2016, 11:01 AM
Yes, pretty much, when you assign my opposition as hate it pretty much stifles any discussion. I have in good faith stated my objections to him and provided sources for my opinions and you assign my motives as hate. It's a deal breaker.

I'm still waiting on a source for this 14.5 % tax hike.

03-17-2016, 11:05 AM
So, in alignment with all liberals, if I don't agree with you them I Hate. I think I have it. You won't hear another word out of me about Trump. I can tell this is not a forum for discussion. Don't feel badly though, so many aren't.

Not at all.

When you jump out there with a demand to know how I feel about a fictitious 14.5% tax hike from Trump, be prepared to be called on it. That's how debate forums like this work.

It would have been pretty stupid of me to let it slide, don't you think?

It doesn't matter who said something preposterous like that, I would have called them on it.

You're making bold statements without knowing the facts - and you can't be bothered to educate yourself about the facts, instead you're willfully engaging in ill-informed statements presented as fact. What does that tell you about your emotions regarding Trump?

Honestly, the people that engage in that kind of behavior are those like Gabby or Pete. I don't run across too many conservatives that display that kind of willful ignorance.

03-17-2016, 11:08 AM
Not at all.

When you jump out there with a demand to know how I feel about a fictitious 14.5% tax hike from Trump, be prepared to be called on it. That's how debate forums like this work.

It would have been pretty stupid of me to let it slide, don't you think?

It doesn't matter who said something preposterous like that, I would have called them on it.

You're making bold statements without knowing the facts - and you can't be bothered to educate yourself about the facts, instead you're willfully engaging in ill-informed statements presented as fact. What does that tell you about your emotions regarding Trump?

Honestly, the people that engage in that kind of behavior are those like Gabby or Pete. I don't run across too many conservatives that display that kind of willful ignorance.

You can challenge me on the tax hike. You cannot call me
ea hater. It's a deal breaker. Now you guys carry on your "conversation" about Trump. This hater ain't playing.

here's your link, now fuck it!


03-17-2016, 11:12 AM
here's your link, now fuck it!


Yes, exactly what I posted that he said 16 years back. And it's a one time wealth tax, not a tax increase.

03-17-2016, 11:12 AM
You can challenge me on the tax hike.

I already did. So did Jim.

Where's your backup?

You cannot call me
ea hater. It's a deal breaker. Now you guys carry on your "conversation" about Trump. This hater ain't playing.

If it isn't hate, then what is your aversion to reading Trump's site for yourself and getting information directly from the horse's mouth?

I'm genuinely curious. You say you don't hate, okay. Then what is it?

03-17-2016, 11:14 AM
Perhaps, JUST PERHAPS, folks think your "hatred" stems from the FACT that you stated outright that you HATE Trump. But sure, we somehow invented your hatred towards him. :rolleyes:

I hate Trump. Now what do I do? Stay home? Vote Hillary!


03-17-2016, 11:18 AM
here's your link, now fuck it!


An idea 17 years ago regarding people worth $10+ million?

How the hell does that even apply today, let alone to me?

Oddly enough, that isn't mentioned on Trump's website. How is that relevant?

Fun Fact : I'm not worth $10,000,000. Not even in the ballpark.

Another Fun Fact : That was an idea he floated a long time ago and isn't even being discussed.

03-17-2016, 11:20 AM
Perhaps, JUST PERHAPS, folks think your "hatred" stems from the FACT that you stated outright that you HATE Trump. But sure, we somehow invented your hatred towards him. :rolleyes:


Okay! You got me. I said I hated Trump. Now forget about me. I will no longer discipuss him. I did read what his site says now and I know what he said then. I have my opinion. You, like the typical liberal call me a hater. Discussion is over!

03-17-2016, 11:26 AM
Okay! You got me. I said I hated Trump. Now forget about me. I will no longer discipuss him. I did read what his site says now and I know what he said then. I have my opinion. You, like the typical liberal call me a hater. Discussion is over!

Sorry, not like liberals. You deem yourself a hater of the man, then toss out incorrect information. Then you want to call us typical liberals for pointing out your hatred of the man, which you have already admitted to. If that's how you post, and then react when folks call you out on it - then adios and have fun in another thread/elsewhere!

03-17-2016, 11:28 AM
An idea 17 years ago regarding people worth $10+ million?

How the hell does that even apply today, let alone to me?

Oddly enough, that isn't mentioned on Trump's website. How is that relevant?

Fun Fact : I'm not worth $10,000,000. Not even in the ballpark.

Another Fun Fact : That was an idea he floated a long time ago and isn't even being discussed.

And he lied about it, don't forget!! :slap:

03-17-2016, 01:25 PM
Sorry, not like liberals. You deem yourself a hater of the man, then toss out incorrect information. Then you want to call us typical liberals for pointing out your hatred of the man, which you have already admitted to. If that's how you post, and then react when folks call you out on it - then adios and have fun in another thread/elsewhere!

The information was correct. You spewed vile shit about Rubio and I don't recall responding with " hater" what an asswipe!

03-17-2016, 01:27 PM
Fuck you pansy assed men who cannot take criticism about your pansy assed liberal candidate!

03-17-2016, 01:28 PM
The information was correct.

You seem awfully angry.

What information that you provided was correct?

You spewed vile shit about Rubio and I don't recall responding with " hater" what an asswipe!

Vile shit about Rubio? Where?

03-17-2016, 01:30 PM
Fuck you pansy assed men who cannot take criticism about your pansy assed liberal candidate!

If you mean "ignorant bullshit spewed by Olivia", then you're right.

Discuss the facts. That's where the rubber meets the road.

03-17-2016, 01:30 PM
The information was correct. You spewed vile shit about Rubio and I don't recall responding with " hater" what an asswipe!

So now you want to go directly to personal insults. I have no need to even bother with you then. You're no more than a lame waste of space and air. Feel free to go back where you once came. Oh, you can't, they banned you. I would never venture a guess as to why, as you're so lovely!

03-17-2016, 01:31 PM
If you mean "ignorant bullshit spewed by Olivia", then you're right.

Discuss the facts. That's where the rubber meets the road.

She said she was an old timer. Must have forgot the dementia pills. Ever see how the old timers start losing it and start cussing like they were teenagers again? :laugh: I simply find it comical.

03-17-2016, 01:34 PM
She said she was an old timer. Must have forgot the dementia pills. Ever see how the old timers start losing it and start cussing like they were teenagers again? :laugh: I simply find it comical.

I wonder if she's really pissed because Rubio got destroyed in Florida?

That would be your fault, Olivia. We can't vote in your elections down there.

03-17-2016, 01:36 PM
I wonder if she's really pissed because Rubio got destroyed in Florida?

That would be your fault, Olivia. We can't vote in your elections down there.

Who knows. Just funny how an hour ago one is SO offended because she was called a hater. But then comes back like she just got off a navy ship, or just left a bar drunkenly.

03-17-2016, 01:39 PM
Who knows. Just funny how an hour ago one is SO offended because she was called a hater. But then comes back like she just got off a navy ship, or just left a bar drunkenly.

Her aggression seems a bit over the top.

Personally, I always thank people when they correct me.

03-17-2016, 01:41 PM
Her aggression seems a bit over the top.

Personally, I always thank people when they correct me.

I'd love to see where this "vile" stuff is as well. I know I :poke:at Rubio at times, and enjoyed him dropping, but I can't recall what it is that I may have posted that went too far. I won't deny it, just don't recall it. I'll peek around my own posts...

03-17-2016, 01:58 PM
So I searched and only did so for a few months back though. I suppose if you consider "adios, amigo" to be vile, perhaps she is right. Or maybe when I called him "Little Marco" and posted a little picture of him. I guess some might call that vile. :dunno:

And although there's a possibility, because we all know I'm an asshole most of the time - I'm still going with door #1, her just inventing shit in her head. And likely because I pointed out her own words where she said she hates Trump, after being offended by being called a hater, and where she said she will vote Hillary.

I looked around and can't find it, but could have sworn she said she was taking her ball home too. :)

03-17-2016, 02:14 PM
So I searched and only did so for a few months back though. I suppose if you consider "adios, amigo" to be vile, perhaps she is right. Or maybe when I called him "Little Marco" and posted a little picture of him. I guess some might call that vile. :dunno:

And although there's a possibility, because we all know I'm an asshole most of the time - I'm still going with door #1, her just inventing shit in her head. And likely because I pointed out her own words where she said she hates Trump, after being offended by being called a hater, and where she said she will vote Hillary.

I looked around and can't find it, but could have sworn she said she was taking her ball home too. :)

There wasn't any basis to it.

Other members have said some cutting things about Rubio, but you haven't that I've seen. I certainly haven't.

Maybe she was confused about what site she was posting on? After seeing the 14.5% thing and the Hate thing, though, I rather doubt it.

03-17-2016, 03:41 PM
You seem awfully angry.

What information that you provided was correct?

Vile shit about Rubio? Where?

So so you negative repped me and called me a loser and you think I'm angry? What a laugh!

03-17-2016, 03:43 PM
So so you negative repped me and called me a loser and you think I'm angry? What a laugh!

That was me actually, not NT. And divulging contents of PM's and/or Reps are against the rules. But you strike me as the type that couldn't care less about those pesky little things.

03-17-2016, 03:48 PM
That was me actually, not NT. And divulging contents of PM's and/or Reps are against the rules. But you strike me as the type that couldn't care less about those pesky little things.

I got to teach Perianne not to divulge personal information about getting banned because assholes like you always throw it in someone's face, and then negative rep. Because you're a hater and now what? You gonna bring down the ban Hammer? And secondly comments attached to rep in most forums do not count as private messages. Does it on this forum?

03-17-2016, 03:49 PM
That was me actually, not NT. And divulging contents of PM's and/or Reps are against the rules. But you strike me as the type that couldn't care less about those pesky little things.

Why don't you just get busy and zero out my rep? Such a powerful tool that rep!

03-17-2016, 03:49 PM
I got to teach Perianne not to divulge personal information about getting banned because assholes like you always throw it in someone's face, and then negative rep. Because you're a hater and now what? You gonna bring down the ban Hammer? And secondly comments attached to rep in most forums do not count as private messages. Does it on this forum?

Nope, I don't ban like that, not my style. Disappointed?

If you are unclear about PM's/Reps and what the rules are here - it may be helpful to read the rules here!

Care to point out where I made vile comments about Rubio?

03-17-2016, 03:50 PM
Why don't you just get busy and zero out my rep? Such a powerful tool that rep!

I don't play games, but sounds like you may be familiar with them. Again, sorry to disappoint.

03-17-2016, 03:53 PM
Nope, I don't ban like that, not my style. Disappointed?

If you are unclear about PM's/Reps and what the rules are here - it may be helpful to read the rules here!

Care to point out where I made vile comments about Rubio?

I read the rules. I said nothing about any comment only that you gave me negative rep! That against the rules too?

03-17-2016, 03:54 PM
So so you negative repped me and called me a loser and you think I'm angry? What a laugh!

I read the rules. I said nothing about any comment only that you gave me negative rep! That against the rules too?

You're not exactly batting 1000 today!

03-17-2016, 03:55 PM
AGAIN - can you please point out where I made vile comments about Rubio, since you made the accusation, Olivia?

03-17-2016, 03:57 PM
You're not exactly batting 1000 today!

Neither are you. A loser is someone who has to hide behind his rules to call a member a loser. No wonder your board has about six posters! Now what?

03-17-2016, 03:58 PM
Neither are you. A loser is someone who has to hide behind his rules to call a member a loser. No wonder your board has about six posters! Now what?

Now we only have 6 members. Ok.

Anyway, put that aside. Care to make me look foolish and point out where I made vile comments about Rubio?

03-17-2016, 04:01 PM
Now we only have 6 members. Ok.

Anyway, put that aside. Care to make me look foolish and point out where I made vile comments about Rubio?

No. I don't. And not only that I think I will refrain talking politics with you at all, you lose all sense of decency when Trumpy dump is attacked. You and night train have at it. And if you neg rep me again and call me a loser I will break the rules and you can ban me. Calling me a hater and a loser in one day is so much fun. Banning me will be even better!

03-17-2016, 04:06 PM
No. I don't. And not only that I think I will refrain talking politics with you at all, you lose all sense of decency when Trumpy dump is attacked. You and night train have at it. And if you beg rep me again and call me a loser I will break the rules and you can ban me. Calling me a hater and a loser in one day is so much fun. Banning me will be even better!

SO SO full of hate. And such a liar as well. And that's why I call you a loser. You simply make shit up, blame others for supposed vile comments, and then come back here talking like a pig! And then continue on with the lie and refuse to address it, and then lie about having written a comment on the board. Can't blame anyone other than yourself when you lie on a board in front of everyone.

And then the typical ban me martyr game that those come out with when they are asked to address things, they prefer to be a problem and demand to be banned, instead of addressing their own comments. How original!

03-17-2016, 04:08 PM
Neither are you. A loser is someone who has to hide behind his rules to call a member a loser. No wonder your board has about six posters! Now what?

You should redo your math and stop being a cry baby..we all have strong emotions and feeling here..big deal....and yet we all put up with each other....and still try to have fun...*just to let you know..most of us here like you including myself..hell I even like to play with Gabby..:laugh:...

Things are really not that bad Olivia...enjoy the ride..and roll with it...as far as the election...see what happens and let the voters decide...not a damn thing here any one of us can do about it...Today's Thursday..weekend is coming up... comb your hair..do your nails and have some coffee...life is to short to stay miserable...all will be well...

Love and Kisses... LTG... :)

03-17-2016, 04:09 PM
SO SO full of hate. And such a liar as well. And that's why I call you a loser. You simply make shit up, blame others for supposed vile comments, and then come back here talking like a pig! And then continue on with the lie and refuse to address it, and then lie wabout having written a comment on the board. Can't blame anyone other than yourself when you lie on a board in front of everyone.

And then the typical ban me martyr game that those come out with when they are asked to address things, they prefer to be a problem and demand to be banned, instead of addressing their own comments. How original!

it's your deal Dudley. Neg rep me again and zero it out then we can get that angry passive aggressive bullshit behind us.

03-17-2016, 04:11 PM
it's your deal Dudley. Neg rep me again and zero it out then we can get that angry passive aggressive bullshit behind us.

I don't play your games, sorry. I don't lie about other members, sorry.

03-17-2016, 04:12 PM
Love and Kisses... LTG... :)

I'm just letting you know in advance, if you send love and kisses in my direction, we're gonna have a problem! :laugh:

03-17-2016, 04:14 PM
I don't play your games, sorry. I don't lie about other members, sorry.

I haven't lied about a single thing. You're into name calling then whine about personal insults. Now what?

03-17-2016, 04:18 PM
The information was correct. You spewed vile shit about Rubio and I don't recall responding with " hater" what an asswipe!

Fuck you pansy assed men who cannot take criticism about your pansy assed liberal candidate!

I haven't lied about a single thing. You're into name calling then whine about personal insults. Now what?

At least I'm honest.

03-17-2016, 04:22 PM
At least I'm honest.

Nope! You're a coward, you went to Reputation neg repped me and called me a loser. What you are is an asshole, now what?

03-17-2016, 04:24 PM

03-17-2016, 04:30 PM
Nope! You're a coward, you went to Reputation neg repped me and called me a loser. What you are is an asshole, now what?

Now what? What are you expecting? Do you think you're the first to call me an asshole?

But you still made a claim that you refuse to backup, because you CANNOT back it up and everyone knows that. Then you come back talking like a pig. Then again lie by claiming you never wrote a comment. So you openly lied several times, and aren't afraid of showing you speak like a pig. Then you start pushing to be banned.

And you wonder why someone would think you're full of hatred. And to think you would whine about being called a hater. Not surprising to me that you were banned elsewhere recently.

03-17-2016, 04:31 PM

I hate you! :poke: :laugh2:

03-17-2016, 04:36 PM
Now what? What are you expecting? Do you think you're the first to call me an asshole?

But you still made a claim that you refuse to backup, because you CANNOT back it up and everyone knows that. Then you come back talking like a pig. Then again lie by claiming you never wrote a comment. So you openly lied several times, and aren't afraid of showing you speak like a pig. Then you start pushing to be banned.

And you wonder why someone would think you're full of hatred. And to think you would whine about being called a hater. Not surprising to me that you were banned elsewhere recently.

So so do you call every member who says fuck a pig or just me? Is the word fuck a banned word on this forum?

03-17-2016, 04:39 PM
In addition, immediately running to another thread to whine about rules/Trump/being shut down. :rolleyes:

And nope, we have ONE word banned for the board, the C word. No one is saying that anyone can't say whatever it is their little heart desires. But I judge folks accordingly, and why they say such things, to whom...

03-17-2016, 04:40 PM
Oh no, I think fuck is used a lot here by the six or so people. So it must be my opposition to Trump dump that has caused this cataclysmic meltdown. I can tell you one thing though, having been banned from two boards, I never resorted to negative repping and name calling. Such an assholian way to behave! Now what?

03-17-2016, 04:40 PM
Back to the original topic: Is the nomination "stolen" if Trump falls 50 delegates short of 1237 and Cruz gets the nomination on the fourth ballot?

03-17-2016, 04:42 PM
In addition, immediately running to another thread to whine about rules/Trump/being shut down. :rolleyes:

And nope, we have ONE word banned for the board, the C word. No one is saying that anyone can't say whatever it is their little heart desires. But I judge folks accordingly, and why they say such things, to whom...

You poor little angry little thang!

03-17-2016, 04:43 PM
Back to the original topic: Is the nomination "stolen" if Trump falls 50 delegates short of 1237 and Cruz gets the nomination on the fourth ballot?

So, now what? The Republicans are expected to suspend the rules of the convention to accommodate Trump? Am I allowed to talk to you about Trump or will you have a meltdown too?

03-17-2016, 04:46 PM
Oh no, I think fuck is used a lot here by the six or so people. So it must be my opposition to Trump dump that has caused this cataclysmic meltdown. I can tell you one thing though, having been banned from two boards, I never resorted to negative repping and name calling. Such an assholian way to behave! Now what?


03-17-2016, 04:48 PM
So, now what? The Republicans are expected to suspend the rules of the convention to accommodate Trump? Am I allowed to talk to you about Trump or will you have a meltdown too?

The current rules call for additional ballots if no candidate has 1237. Reading is fundamental. Look at my signature below.

03-17-2016, 04:53 PM
Back to the original topic: Is the nomination "stolen" if Trump falls 50 delegates short of 1237 and Cruz gets the nomination on the fourth ballot?

It would not be stolen in the literal sense. Many would call it stolen in the sense that there would be steps taken that would be almost unprecedented in nature, in order to prevent the frontrunner, with the overwhelming majority of delegates, from taking the nomination.

03-17-2016, 04:54 PM
In addition, immediately running to another thread to whine about rules/Trump/being shut down. :rolleyes:

And nope, we have ONE word banned for the board, the C word. No one is saying that anyone can't say whatever it is their little heart desires. But I judge folks accordingly, and why they say such things, to whom...


03-17-2016, 04:55 PM
:lol: That's grand!

03-17-2016, 05:01 PM
From the rules!

Freedom of Speech - This has been, and always will be, the main vision of mine for the community. All points of view are tolerated here, and liberals and conservatives are equally welcome. Members will never be punished in any way because of their political affiliation. Freedom of speech does not mean things can be posted that are detrimental to the board.

ha! This should read Tolerated as long as you agree with jimmy cause otherwise he will in fact punish you with his smarmy little negative rep and name calling.

03-17-2016, 05:05 PM
From the rules!

Freedom of Speech - This has been, and always will be, the main vision of mine for the community. All points of view are tolerated here, and liberals and conservatives are equally welcome. Members will never be punished in any way because of their political affiliation. Freedom of speech does not mean things can be posted that are detrimental to the board.

ha! This should read Tolerated as long as you agree with jimmy cause otherwise he will in fact punish you with his smarmy little negative rep and name calling.

That's the rules, unless of course you come here and reveal that you're not much more than a foul trouble making pig. You got negative rep because you're a no good little piggy who lied. You get banned wherever you go and it's pretty obvious why.

03-17-2016, 05:08 PM
That's the rules, unless of course you come here and reveal that you're not much more than a foul trouble making pig. You got negative rep because you're a no good little piggy who lied. You get banned wherever you go and it's pretty obvious why.

You are a liar. I belong to many boards and have for years. You are a foul cheap assed lying bastard. Now what?

03-17-2016, 05:13 PM
You are a liar. I belong to many boards and have for years. You are a foul cheap assed lying bastard. Now what?

And yet have been banned from others, so now you're lying by ignoring those boards.

I don't think I'm cheap, I'm actually generous to a fault. I don't lie. I'm too honest to a fault, unless it's a white lie so as not to insult a woman. I am in fact a bastard though, ya got me there!!!

Why end your posts with "Now what?" Can you make it any clearer that you want to be a martyr wanting to get banned, while ignoring your behavior, and refusing to backup accusations you make towards others?

03-17-2016, 05:14 PM
You are a liar. I belong to many boards and have for years. You are a foul cheap assed lying bastard. Now what?

If Olivia is halfway good looking, Jim, you could always ask her to send you topless pics. You have stated in the past that you like those. Every halfway good looking woman is at least good for something.

03-17-2016, 05:17 PM
If Olivia is halfway good looking, Jim, you could always ask her to send you topless pics. You have stated in the past that you like those. Every halfway good looking woman is at least good for something.

No thanks to that one! Believe it or not, while I love to talk about them, and of course see them - a bad attitude can turn one off so bad that they couldn't care less. I've seen some of the most beautiful women in the world, but they were complete jerks, and then I lose interest. Most of the time. :)

03-17-2016, 05:26 PM
No thanks to that one! Believe it or not, while I love to talk about them, and of course see them - a bad attitude can turn one off so bad that they couldn't care less. I've seen some of the most beautiful women in the world, but they were complete jerks, and then I lose interest. Most of the time. :)

In college I knew a couple of female jerks willing to put out in exchange for doing 90% of.their work on a couple of graded projects. Their personality didn't matter. I didn't like them at all, but still enjoyed them.

The key is zero trust. Demand favors as key progress points of the project are complete.

Black Diamond
03-17-2016, 05:26 PM
It would not be stolen in the literal sense. Many would call it stolen in the sense that there would be steps taken that would be almost unprecedented in nature, in order to prevent the frontrunner, with the overwhelming majority of delegates, from taking the nomination.

Legally stolen....

03-17-2016, 05:30 PM
So, @Perianne (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=2722), I know you meant well in your introduction of me but I hope you have learned never to reveal personal information as there are assholes like jimmy c who will use it to attack. Yes, I have been banned from two boards. He attacked me first calling me a hater, and has worked me into the pig status, won't surprise me if he dosen't sneak into neg rep again and call me a **** so he'll be protected by his privacy rules. No one told me I wasn't allowed to soak freely, you should have warned me that only pro Trump members were allowed to speak freely.p

03-17-2016, 05:33 PM
You're welcome to leave if you don't like it here. In fact, would make little sense to me at all if you remained.

03-17-2016, 05:37 PM
You're welcome to leave if you don't like it here. In fact, would make little sense to me at all if you remained.

Ban me Then! Show the folks your power play! Then if you are the honest guy you claim to be announce that only Trump supporters are welcome here!

03-17-2016, 05:42 PM
Ban me Then! Show the folks your power play! Then if you are the honest guy you claim to be announce that only Trump supporters are welcome here!

I will spell it out for you since you seem illiterate. I'm a Cruz donor and volunteer.

03-17-2016, 05:43 PM
Ban me Then! Show the folks your power play! Then if you are the honest guy you claim to be announce that only Trump supporters are welcome here!

Weird, we've all been discussing/arguing and such about Trump since he announced he was running. A few of our staff members aren't fond of him and one of them posts about him all the time. Maybe I should ban her? Hmmm... :laugh:

Nope, we've ALL seen this rodeo before. Someone who embarrasses themselves, gets called out, refuses to answer and then runs rampant with trouble instead of owning up and answering to their accusation. So they play this game and demand to be banned, all while crying censorship, when no censorship ever took place. And you state ahead of time that it would be because only Trump supporters are allowed to speak here.

It's quite lame. Truly.

Yes, we have a few Trump supporters here. We also have a few Cruz supporters. Had a few Rubio supporters prior to his dropping. A few supported Carson and Fiorina at one point. All had no issue posting about those candidates.

But do continue to play your games. We'll have fun watching. At least I will.

03-17-2016, 05:45 PM
I will spell it out for you since you seem illiterate. I'm a Cruz donor and volunteer.

And you are loud and proud about it I might add. And rather loud about how much your dislike for Trump is.

However did you survive here without getting banned? :laugh:

03-17-2016, 05:45 PM
I will spell it out for you since you seem illiterate. I'm a Cruz donor and volunteer.

So? Have you been called a loser? A pig? Tell me? Are you allowed to say fuck? Is there a double standard here?

03-17-2016, 05:46 PM
That would be THE biggest mistake they ever made. They have made many. I have lost all respect for Kasich. I don't think it has anythig to do with them having balls. I think it is the fact that they have become so elitist, that they think that will help them? I call that stupid and underestimating we the people. I would leave the party if they actually do that. I have been a republican from day 1. I will leave the party. I will not vote in the general if they do that. The American people are not naive, we are aware more than ever

03-17-2016, 05:47 PM
Weird, we've all been discussing/arguing and such about Trump since he announced he was running. A few of our staff members aren't fond of him and one of them posts about him all the time. Maybe I should ban her? Hmmm... :laugh:

Nope, we've ALL seen this rodeo before. Someone who embarrasses themselves, gets called out, refuses to answer and then runs rampant with trouble instead of owning up and answering to their accusation. So they play this game and demand to be banned, all while crying censorship, when no censorship ever took place. And you state ahead of time that it would be because only Trump supporters are allowed to speak here.

It's quite lame. Truly.

Yes, we have a few Trump supporters here. We also have a few Cruz supporters. Had a few Rubio supporters prior to his dropping. A few supported Carson and Fiorina at one point. All had no issue posting about those candidates.

But do continue to play your games. We'll have fun watching. At least I will.

Well, asswipe. What is it you think I haven't owned up to? Being a pig?

03-17-2016, 05:47 PM
So? Have you been called a loser? A pig? Tell me? Are you allowed to say fuck? Is there a double standard here?

Nope, he simply doesn't act like you. Context is everything. In fact, I can't think of any member here that acts like you do? For sure we have some that like to tell me off at times, and I'm cool with that. But they tend to be honest, and don't curse me out when I ask them to please show where I said something.

03-17-2016, 05:49 PM
So? Have you been called a loser? A pig? Tell me? Are you allowed to say fuck? Is there a double standard here?

Ask my best buddy, Voted4Reagan. :laugh:

I dish it out tit-for-tat. There are likely some guys on the board that want to fuck, but you'll have to come to their town and meet them at a rest area bathroom because they can't afford a room.

03-17-2016, 05:49 PM
Well, asswipe. What is it you think I haven't owned up to? Being a pig?

Please point out where I made vile statements about Rubio, or just own up to making shit up. Either way, I couldn't care less at this point.

03-17-2016, 05:50 PM
Oh, and btw asshole, I am not insisting on being banned, I was only telling Perianne what a rat bastard you can be with personal information. Lots of people have been banned from other boards.

03-17-2016, 05:52 PM
Oh, and btw asshole, I am not insisting on being banned, I was only telling Perianne what a rat bastard you can be with personal information. Lots of people have been banned from other boards.

I truly don't care. And feel free to continue on with any lies that please you now, I'm off to waste my time on normal folks, and then to feed my fat face some dinner.

03-17-2016, 05:54 PM
I truly don't care. And feel free to continue on with any lies that please you now, I'm off to waste my time on normal folks, and then to feed my fat face some dinner.

Sure, I know, that's why you made such a big deal of it. Enjoy being a rat bastard much?

03-17-2016, 05:54 PM
Back to the original topic: Is the nomination "stolen" if Trump falls 50 delegates short of 1237 and Cruz gets the nomination on the fourth ballot?

The party should support the candidate who has the most delegates even if it is 100 short. Because apparently that would be the choice of the people. There have been way too many candidates in this primary. 4 is one thing...but 17? All of them have at least 1. That is simply ridiculous

Abbey Marie
03-17-2016, 05:57 PM
So, how about those Cleveland Cavaliers?

If the Republicans try to pull a fast one in this year of "down with the establishment", they are certifiably insane. Very few of us will stand for it.

03-17-2016, 06:00 PM
Sure, I know, that's why you made such a big deal of it. Enjoy being a rat bastard much?

Leave the rats out of this. The rats and the maze they run in are MY property. I will let you borrow them if you bring the stinky cheese.

03-17-2016, 06:08 PM
I have a mini baseball bat here they gave out when I went to a Yankees game!

Q - What's the most dangerous day in Major League Baseball?
A - "Bat Day" at Yankee Stadium

03-17-2016, 06:14 PM
Fuck you pansy assed men who cannot take criticism about your pansy assed liberal candidate!

Olivia, I have to say you got spunk!

03-17-2016, 06:16 PM
So, how about those Cleveland Cavaliers?

If the Republicans try to pull a fast one in this year of "down with the establishment", they are certifiably insane. Very few of us will stand for it.

I'm not sure how the whole thing will go or how I'd feel about it if Trump doesn't hit the mark. I assume he will, unless something happens where he starts losing more than wins?

There are a lot of delegates out there committed to those that have dropped out. Whether the candidate endorsed Trump or not, they are not bound to the delegate beyond the first vote.

On the other hand, if somehow he's way ahead, but just short? I agree there will be hell to pay. Ok, let's face it, no matter who 'wins' there is hell to pay anyways-there is going to be a small number that will vote 3rd party or Hillary, more that will just stay home if Trump wins.

Either way, the path is going to be much easier for Hillary than whomever ends up with RNC endorsement.

03-17-2016, 06:48 PM
Oh, and btw asshole, I am not insisting on being banned, I was only telling Perianne what a rat bastard you can be with personal information. Lots of people have been banned from other boards.

I've never been banned.

What are you so angry about? That you got caught talking out of your ass?

You should be grateful that you know better, now, and won't embarrass yourself elsewhere by repeating untrue statements.

What else don't you like about Trump? Once you get all learned up, you'll be sitting beside Jeff on the Trump Train. I'm here to help.

03-17-2016, 06:52 PM
I've never been banned.

What are you so angry about? That you got caught talking out of your ass?

You should be grateful that you know better, now, and won't embarrass yourself elsewhere by repeating untrue statements.

What else don't you like about Trump? Once you get all learned up, you'll be sitting beside Jeff on the Trump Train. I'm here to help.

Nothing you can ever say will get me to like Trump. It started when he call the war prisoner a loser! Can ya dig it? Some asshole billionaire calling a Vietnam war prisoner a loser? You go ahead and kiss his ass I won't do it. Now what?

03-17-2016, 06:57 PM
I'm here to help.

I'm afraid that unless you are Dr. Gregory House; M.D., that your help is a futile venture. It's kinda like that whole humpty dumpty thing. Once it's gone, it's gone. IF ya know what I mean. :cuckoo:

03-17-2016, 06:57 PM
Nothing you can ever say will get me to like Trump. It started when he call the war prisoner a loser! Can ya dig it? Some asshole billionaire calling a Vietnam war prisoner a loser? You go ahead and kiss his ass I won't do it. Now what?

Attagirl! Now we're getting somewhere.

Why didn't you just say that in the first place?

Making things up and posting bullshit stats isn't going to get you any traction because there's going to be many people that fact check you, whether or not they announce it.

So you don't like his tax cut?

03-17-2016, 07:00 PM
Attagirl! Now we're getting somewhere.

Why didn't you just say that in the first place?

Making things up and posting bullshit stats isn't going to get you any traction because there's going to be many people that fact check you, whether or not they announce it.

So you don't like his tax cut?

i don't like a damn thing about his lying ass! Now what?

03-17-2016, 07:05 PM
Anyone see that Cesar Milan, the dog whisperer, taught a dog to get along with a piggy? True Story!! - http://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-ln-cesar-milan-pit-bull-lawsuit-20150204-story.html

03-17-2016, 07:05 PM
i don't like a damn thing about his lying ass! Now what?

I think it's quite clear that you're the only one around here lying. We've already proven that. That's what. :smoke:

First you were barking about a Tax Hike, and now you're pissed about a Tax Break? That doesn't sound like a productive working American talking.

Are you sure you're not against him because it's likely the Welfare Train is about to be derailed? Are you here legally?

03-17-2016, 07:07 PM
Are you here legally?

You know, a lot of folks did swim to Florida, or arrive in makeshift rafts and tubs.

03-17-2016, 07:08 PM
I think it's quite clear that you're the only one around here lying. We've already proven that. That's what. :smoke:

First you were barking about a Tax Hike, and now you're pissed about a Tax Break? That doesn't sound like a productive working American talking.

Are you sure you're not against him because it's likely the Welfare Train is about to be derailed? Are you here legally?

Sorry! You're the liar and a little jimmy clone. So instead of discussing Trump you attack. Well fuck you and the little jimmy jackass you rode in on. Now what?

03-17-2016, 07:11 PM
Sorry! You're the liar and a little jimmy clone. So instead of discussing Trump you attack. Well fuck you and the little jimmy jackass you rode in on. Now what?

I lied?

Show me.

You're a nasty one, aren't you? Did you pick up that truckstop mouth in Juarez?

03-17-2016, 07:15 PM
I lied?

Show me.

You're a nasty one, aren't you? Did you pick up that truckstop mouth in Juarez?

What? You think I just should sit here and take your shit? You drink at jimmy's bar?

03-17-2016, 07:19 PM
I can picture someone snarling a little, maybe even shaking a little from the hatred. It's all a little too much for little olivia to handle. So she lashes out. Makes things up. Points fingers at others. Types a mile a minute until her fingers are sore and starting to bleed. Continues to lie. Gets even more angry. And then...


03-17-2016, 07:20 PM
I lied?

Show me.

You're a nasty one, aren't you? Did you pick up that truckstop mouth in Juarez?

I think you may have that all mixed up a tad. While the mouth was at a truck stop in Juarez, I don't think it was there for learning dirty language! :coffee:

03-17-2016, 07:21 PM
I can picture someone snarling a little, maybe even shaking a little from the hatred. It's all a little too much for little olivia to handle. So she lashes out. Makes things up. Points fingers at others. Types a mile a minute until her fingers are sore and starting to bleed. Continues to lie. Gets even more angry. And then...


And yet, you are the attacker. You're just not used to getting your shit handed back to you are you?

03-17-2016, 07:23 PM
Why don't you Trump ass lickers tell the forum what I lied about?

03-17-2016, 07:25 PM
And yet, you are the attacker. You're just not used to getting your shit handed back to you are you?

Been getting things handed back and taking abuse since 2003. You don't phase me and don't kid yourself. I've dealt with your type, and worse, many times before. Losers find their way around. You're nothing more than a whiny little bitch, who speaks like a pig & then somehow thinks that makes her superior.

The attacker was you, the minute you lied about me and then refused to back it up. I just returned it better and now your bitchy little ass wants to think you're cool because you can demand to be banned and make an ass out of yourself if that doesn't happen. I'm cool with watching you show everyone the ass that you are.

03-17-2016, 07:27 PM
What? You think I just should sit here and take your shit? You drink at jimmy's bar?

You said I lied.


Come on, Juanita. You can do it. I believe in you.

03-17-2016, 07:28 PM
Been getting things handed back and taking abuse since 2003. You don't phase me and don't kid yourself. I've dealt with your type, and worse, many times before. Losers find their way around. You're nothing more than a whiny little bitch, who speaks like a pig & then somehow thinks that makes her superior.

The attacker was you, the minute you lied about me and then refused to back it up. I just returned it better and now your bitchy little ass wants to think you're cool because you can demand to be banned and make an ass out of yourself if that doesn't happen. I'm cool with watching you show everyone the ass that you are.

Refresh our our memory Asshole? What lie did I tell about you? No! You attacked first calling me a hater because I do not support Trump! Could you be any more petty? Have you always been such an asshole? Is that why your board is so slow?

03-17-2016, 07:29 PM
You spewed vile shit about Rubio

Why don't you Trump ass lickers tell the forum what I lied about?

That's cool. I can only imagine you think of weird stuff like that from experience. In addition to earlier comments, you're also obviously a lowlife scumbag in addition. This stuff seems to come awfully natural from you.

03-17-2016, 07:29 PM
You said I lied.


Come on, Juanita. You can do it. I believe in you.

You lied jimmy's bitch, when you called me a liar! Now what?

03-17-2016, 07:30 PM
Refresh our our memory Asshole? What lie did I tell about you? No! You attacked first calling me a hater because I do not support Trump! Could you be any more petty? Have you always been such an asshole? Is that why your board is so slow?

Even the server running the software here thinks you're a no good piece of shit and is refusing to spit out the data quickly enough.

03-17-2016, 07:41 PM
Jimmy....she likes Trump....:thumb:

http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-TEO62ab6GnI/VGazxWxg7tI/AAAAAAABZ80/E4u0hww3WkA/s1600/Kimberly_Guilfoyle_victoriassecret.filminspector.c om_7.jpg

Kimberly Guilfoyle, Legal Model (http://victoriassecret.filminspector.com/2014/11/kimberly-guilfoyle-legal-model.html)

https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-qJ5eCKUAW80/VUzgl6YHFeI/AAAAAAABlUI/kPZM40i5B1Y/s640/Kimberly_Guilfoyle_victoriassecret.filminspector.c om_28.jpg

Kimberly Ann Guilfoyle (born March 9, 1969) is an American cable news personality who briefly modelled Victoria's Secret lingerie in a bridal magazine.

https://4.bp.blogspot.com/--6QR8JHVALg/VlWRa_DttcI/AAAAAAABqs4/k9BXGA_dRMc/s1600/Kimberly_Guilfoyle_victoriassecret.filminspector.c om_40.JPG

https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-kBChsjqezXI/VYIwLvecXvI/AAAAAAABmFo/w_p72URdEnE/s1600/Kimberly_Guilfoyle_victoriassecret.filminspector.c om_30.jpg
Kimberly now is based in New York City, where she lives with her son, Ronan.

Kimberly evokes strong feelings in people. Partly that is just because of her beauty, but it also is partly because she has political views and is not afraid to speak about them.
https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-zQYrjI3279Y/VpQ7-ZOB5FI/AAAAAAABtIc/-h8HdiojBQw/s1600/Kimberly_Guilfoyle_victoriassecret.filminspector.c om_43.jpg
https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-D9-K6iho5oU/VGazi4mqhGI/AAAAAAABZ6k/P2_ZGHcKuHU/s1600/Kimberly_Guilfoyle_victoriassecret.filminspector.c om_12.JPG
Kimberly got into a heated discussion about young women and politics. She said:
"But when you're young like that, you think—same reason why young women on juries are not a good idea, they don't get it. They're not in that same life experience of paying the bills, doing the mortgage, kids, community, crime, education, healthcare. They're like healthy and hot and running around without a care in the world."
She concluded that courts should be willing to excuse young women for more important tasks: "I just think, excuse them so they can go back on Tinder and Match.com."

https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-VpYwrKl1cJ4/VGazmUG278I/AAAAAAABZ7Q/__KKZIJEqw4/s1600/Kimberly_Guilfoyle_victoriassecret.filminspector.c om_16.jpg
So, you can see that Kimberly is not afraid to "push the envelope." That's what makes her show so much fun, and that's why we love our Kimberly.

https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-viXC7rNo8Ks/VlWM7cHZ0OI/AAAAAAABqsQ/zGcc7gvvWs0/s1600/Kimberly_Guilfoyle_victoriassecret.filminspector.c om_36.png
Carry on....:coffee:

03-17-2016, 07:43 PM
Ask my best buddy, @Voted4Reagan (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=2278). :laugh:

I dish it out tit-for-tat. There are likely some guys on the board that want to fuck, but you'll have to come to their town and meet them at a rest area bathroom because they can't afford a room.

Do you have something to say or are you going to troll me?

Take your trolling to the appropriate section of this board...

I can ignore you there as well

03-17-2016, 07:50 PM
You lied jimmy's bitch, when you called me a liar! Now what?

You don't remember claiming Trump is pitching a 14.5% Tax Hike?

You don't remember saying you didn't HATE Trump, and then had to eat your words when Jim quoted you? You don't remember admitting that you DO, in fact, hate Trump when presented with that proof?

You either fell out of the Stupid Tree and hit every branch on the way down, or are drunkenly snarling incoherently in the corner. Which is it?

03-17-2016, 07:55 PM
Even the server running the software here thinks you're a no good piece of shit and is refusing to spit out the data quickly enough.

I think the same of you, you're a piece of shit and your server is too.

03-17-2016, 07:57 PM
You don't remember claiming Trump is pitching a 14.5% Tax Hike?

You don't remember saying you didn't HATE Trump, and then had to eat your words when Jim quoted you? You don't remember admitting that you DO, in fact, hate Trump when presented with that proof?

You either fell out of the Stupid Tree and hit every branch on the way down, or are drunkenly snarling incoherently in the corner. Which is it?

No, I claimed he pitched a 14.5% tax increase, exactly as all liberals do. Are you retarded from lack of oxygen?

03-17-2016, 07:58 PM
No, I claimed he pitched a 14.5% tax increase, exactly as all liberals do. Are you retarded from lack of oxygen?

So you admit that you're a liberal.

Attagirl. This clears everything up.

You should have just come right out and said that in the first place and saved everyone a lot of time.

03-17-2016, 08:01 PM
So you admit that you're a liberal.

Attagirl. This clears everything up.

You should have just come right out and said that in the first place and saved everyone a lot of time.

No asshole, that would be ewe and little jimmyc. I will not be voting for old new yawk liberal Trumpy dumpy! But, you go right ahead.

03-17-2016, 08:05 PM
No asshole, that would be ewe and little jimmyc. I will not be voting for old new yawk liberal Trumpy dumpy! But, you go right ahead.

How many guys all told was it in Juarez?

03-17-2016, 08:10 PM
How many guys all told was it in Juarez?

You are not very good at this are ewe? You are a very petty person.

Black Diamond
03-17-2016, 08:11 PM
I've never been banned.

What are you so angry about? That you got caught talking out of your ass?

You should be grateful that you know better, now, and won't embarrass yourself elsewhere by repeating untrue statements.

What else don't you like about Trump? Once you get all learned up, you'll be sitting beside Jeff on the Trump Train. I'm here to help.
You haven't lived till you've been banned.

03-17-2016, 08:13 PM
You are not very good at this are ewe? You are a very petty person.

Eat shit.

03-17-2016, 08:34 PM
Do you have something to say or are you going to troll me?

Take your trolling to the appropriate section of this board...

I can ignore you there as well

There you go, Olivia. I hope that answers your question.

03-17-2016, 09:15 PM
*shit is getting old !



03-17-2016, 09:33 PM
You are not very good at this are ewe? You are a very petty person.

One awesome thing about Jim is that every day is a new day. I would suggest that you log off for the day, come back tomorrow and pretend this little exchange never happened.

03-18-2016, 07:29 AM
So? Have you been called a loser? A pig? Tell me? Are you allowed to say fuck? Is there a double standard here?

Actually TF has been called much worse, by me alone. He stands his ground and fights for what he believes in, I give him that credit whether I agree with his opinion or not he doesn't cry like a beotch cause he was called a hater.

03-18-2016, 08:03 AM
Eat shit....and die.

03-18-2016, 09:23 AM
I wonder how that St. Patty's Day hangover is doing this morning? :coffee:

I expect that it's a doozy!

03-18-2016, 09:31 AM
I wonder how that St. Patty's Day hangover is doing this morning? :coffee:

I expect that it's a doozy!

http://rlv.zcache.ca/funny_leprechaun_lady_serving_beer_photo_cut_out-r3fb26c8bca104e47814147006ba0f149_x7sa6_8byvr_512. jpg