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View Full Version : Trump is now unstoppable. It's game over for Cruz, Rubio, Kasich and Carson

03-02-2016, 10:49 AM
It's over. The fat lady is singing. Put a fork in them, unless the shenanigans get worse. All that's left is Trump Vs. Clinton - or giving it to Clinton.


Game over! This was a rout, America. Winning seven states and the vast majority of delegates is a landslide. Donald Trump and the millions of his supporters have changed American politics and the Republican Party for the foreseeable future.

The nomination is within his grasp and if he does what he said he would do Tuesday night: "[I will] be a unifier!" he may be a very viable candidate against Hillary Clinton in the fall.

After his victories Tuesday night in multiple states and his second place finish in others , Trump is in an unstoppable position. Whether the junior senators from Texas and Florida choose to pursue him, it doesn’t matter, the end is near.

Trump, who is an unconventional candidate, to say the least, has tapped into the anger and frustration across America and has mobilized voters to turn out in record numbers.

Love him or hate him, be inspired by him or be appalled by him, Trump has totally dominated a political cycle like no other politician I’ve seen in decades.

I admit I was a total skeptic, like many others.

At first, I didn’t think he would run.

Then I thought there was no way he could beat the all-star cast of elected officials running against him.

Then I underestimated his lack of substance and trite answers in the debates.

Then I underestimated his lack of a real campaign.

Then I was convinced the political establishment was going to spend millions and take him out. And like the Energizer bunny he just keeps going and winning!


03-02-2016, 10:54 AM
While I agree with the outcome, the game isn't over. Besides that, we all have front row seats to how this plays out in its entirety over the coming 4 years. Let's all hope it's for the best!

03-02-2016, 11:00 AM
While I agree with the outcome, the game isn't over. Besides that, we all have front row seats to how this plays out in its entirety over the coming 4 years. Let's all hope it's for the best!

That's correct, the games via the RNC and others only appear to be beginning. They don't like what the American people are voting for, so it appears they may be doing things in dark rooms to work against what the people want.

03-02-2016, 11:05 AM
That's correct, the games via the RNC and others only appear to be beginning. They don't like what the American people are voting for, so it appears they may be doing things in dark rooms to work against what the people want.

If that does come to fruition; that they are actually going to try any of the scenarios under speculation; it will only hurt the traditional party now known as the GOP. That would be devastating in the long term, should a new conservative party-that which actually backs traditional 'liberal' values of smaller government, based on the Constitution. The leadership that thwarted the actual votes cast, would not be well received by those leaving that party. It's becoming clear that there is a real split coming, whether it swells the ranks of 'independents' or leads to a 3rd party remains to be seen.

Abbey Marie
03-02-2016, 11:06 AM
That's correct, the games via the RNC and others only appear to be beginning. They don't like what the American people are voting for, so it appears they may be doing things in dark rooms to work against what the people want.

Like Trump or not, that is not cool.

Though if it was being used to stop Bernie... ;)

03-02-2016, 11:23 AM
Apparently, it was all a big ruse, perpetrated by the RNC and Mitch McConnell. They actually wanted Trump so he could destroy the Tea Party. Yes, that's it.

Goofiest article ever. I advise no one to read it as you will be less intelligent after reading it. American Thinker, lol.


03-02-2016, 11:24 AM
Apparently, it was all a big ruse, perpetrated by the RNC and Mitch McConnell. They actually wanted Trump so he could destroy the Tea Party. Yes, that's it.

Goofiest article ever. I advise no one to read it as you will be less intelligent after reading it. American Thinker, lol.


I caught it the first time, thanks! I agree that the article leaves a bit to be desired.

03-02-2016, 11:28 AM
I caught it the first time, thanks! I agree that the article leaves a bit to be desired.

Oh, geez, I DID post that. I thought I had changed my mind and didn't post it. LOL, dementia at me again! hahahah

03-02-2016, 01:15 PM
That's correct, the games via the RNC and others only appear to be beginning. They don't like what the American people are voting for, so it appears they may be doing things in dark rooms to work against what the people want.

Seems some folks have mentioned things like that going on in previous primaries and conventions but they were told it was "sour grapes" and conspiracy theory to think the GOP would do such a thing.
Reminded that the GOP is fair, balanced and good. And that it's just supporters imagining things and stirring up crap for a kook, "racist" candidate. Also the supporters were being too loud when they should shut up and be civil no matter what happens.

But you think conspiracy is a relevant issue now huh?

03-02-2016, 01:33 PM
Seems some folks have mentioned things like that going on in previous primaries and conventions but they were told it was "sour grapes" and conspiracy theory to think the GOP would do such a thing.
Reminded that the GOP is fair, balanced and good. And that it's just supporters imagining things and stirring up crap for a kook, "racist" candidate. Also the supporters were being too loud when they should shut up and be civil no matter what happens.

But you think conspiracy is a relevant issue now huh?

Point out to me where legitimate candidates were apparently being a target by back room tactics, and that I called it a conspiracy theory?

And save it if you're talking about Ron Paul - he never even came remotely close to being the presumptive nominee and then having the party try to eliminate him with such tactics. But once you point out which post of mine you are speaking of, I can then answer better.

03-02-2016, 01:49 PM
Point out to me where legitimate candidates were apparently being a target by back room tactics, and that I called it a conspiracy theory?

And save it if you're talking about Ron Paul - he never even came remotely close to being the presumptive nominee and then having the party try to eliminate him with such tactics. But once you point out which post of mine you are speaking of, I can then answer better.

"save it" "presumptive nominee" that's funny.
So the fact that ANY candidate is targeted with back room GOP deals or closed door maneuvers ...conspiracy... is OK with you then?
you feel justified in ignoring corruption as long as you think it doesn't matter.
the laws not the law and rules arent rules if your not a front runner... or if your a "racist" candidate.

Also seems it's ok if you just imagine conspiracy BEFORE HAND against Trump. without any evidence mentioned at all. just rumor.

just saying Jim.

03-02-2016, 01:52 PM
"save it" "presumptive nominee" that's funny.
So the fact that ANY candidate is targeted with back room GOP deals or closed door maneuvers ...conspiracy... is OK with you then?
you feel justified in ignoring corruption as long as you think it doesn't matter.
the laws not the law and rules arent rules if your not a front runner... or if your a "racist" candidate.

Also seems it's ok if you just imagine conspiracy BEFORE HAND against Trump. without any evidence mentioned at all. just rumor.

just saying Jim.

Link to what you claim I said/did?

Black Diamond
03-02-2016, 01:57 PM
"save it" "presumptive nominee" that's funny.
So the fact that ANY candidate is targeted with back room GOP deals or closed door maneuvers ...conspiracy... is OK with you then?
you feel justified in ignoring corruption as long as you think it doesn't matter.
the laws not the law and rules arent rules if your not a front runner... or if your a "racist" candidate.

Also seems it's ok if you just imagine conspiracy BEFORE HAND against Trump. without any evidence mentioned at all. just rumor.

just saying Jim.
It may just be rumor now. But this "rumor" may explain Romney's behavior.

03-02-2016, 01:58 PM
Link to what you claim I said/did?

Funny watching Rev quickly did through so many old threads right now. One would think he would have it posted by now, considering he knows what I said, and about what exactly. :dunno:

03-02-2016, 01:59 PM
It may just be rumor now. But this "rumor" may explain Romney's behavior.

Koch brothers have already stated they want to eliminate Trump and will bankroll Romney if Rubio fails in Florida.

Black Diamond
03-02-2016, 02:02 PM
Koch brothers have already stated they want to eliminate Trump and will bankroll Romney if Rubio fails in Florida.

They're assuming Romney doesn't take votes away from Cruz and Rubio. And that Rubio would actually drop out after Florida.

03-02-2016, 02:06 PM
Koch brothers have already stated they want to eliminate Trump and will bankroll Romney if Rubio fails in Florida.

I've read they said they would fund, but not from any reputable site. Why would they need to anyways? Romney has plenty of his own bankroll.

I just did a search, other than Breitbart which admits the Koch Bros denied it, can't find anything more credible.

03-02-2016, 02:06 PM
They're assuming Romney doesn't take votes away from Cruz and Rubio. And that Rubio would actually drop out after Florida.

I have never seen a political party work so hard to try and stop a front runner from moving forward and winning an election. Maybe a 5%'er, but not someone at 40% and above.

03-02-2016, 02:11 PM
I've read they said they would fund, but not from any reputable site. Why would they need to anyways? Romney has plenty of his own bankroll.

I just did a search, other than Breitbart which admits the Koch Bros denied it, can't find anything more credible.

Well, I guess it's not reputable then, what can I say.

Most candidates aren't going to want to spend $75 million of their own money, it's much more attractive if some billionaires wouldn't mind that type of funding.

If he runs, I wonder if the same folks will ask HIM to provide his tax returns? Maybe to include things he omitted in the past. I don't think it would matter though, as such a recipe can only put Hillary in office.

03-02-2016, 02:12 PM
Well, I guess it's not reputable then, what can I say.

Most candidates aren't going to want to spend $75 million of their own money, it's much more attractive if some billionaires wouldn't mind that type of funding.

If he runs, I wonder if the same folks will ask HIM to provide his tax returns? Maybe to include things he omitted in the past. I don't think it would matter though, as such a recipe can only put Hillary in office.

Did I miss a link? I thought you saw something I didn't.

Black Diamond
03-02-2016, 02:13 PM
Well, I guess it's not reputable then, what can I say.

Most candidates aren't going to want to spend $75 million of their own money, it's much more attractive if some billionaires wouldn't mind that type of funding.

If he runs, I wonder if the same folks will ask HIM to provide his tax returns? Maybe to include things he omitted in the past. I don't think it would matter though, as such a recipe can only put Hillary in office.
They may be willing to sacrifice an election in order to "save the party".

Black Diamond
03-02-2016, 02:14 PM
I have never seen a political party work so hard to try and stop a front runner from moving forward and winning an election. Maybe a 5%'er, but not someone at 40% and above.

It may be the same reason for each. They don't like what the candidate is saying.

03-02-2016, 02:19 PM
Did I miss a link? I thought you saw something I didn't.

I saw the reports of the Koch brothers desires on many a site, but apparently not reputable. I was reading things like this even before NH. And considering they would want Trump out, it makes sense to me that they would prefer to support someone else. And considering they planned on spending near a billion dollars on this election, none would surprise me.


The Kochs had initially opted against engaging in the primaries, both because there was no consensus pick within their network or a single candidate who encapsulated their views. (The closest one, ideologically, was Rand Paul, who dropped out of the race on Wednesday.) But for months, the Koch network has considered diverting a portion of its massive war chest to a campaign targeting Trump, even at the risk of alienating a handful of their members who support the candidate. Koch officials say they will move forward with this plan based on how the early primaries shake out. (Ted Cruz’s caucus win on Monday must have come as a mild relief.)

But Trump’s second-place Iowa finish was more a blow to his ego, in some respect, than the viability of his campaign. If he prevails in New Hampshire, where he’s maintaining a huge lead in the polls, pressure is likely to mount within the Koch network to launch an offensive before a march to the nomination gains formidable momentum. When the Kochs and several hundred of their allies gathered last weekend for another summit, halting Trump was a major topic of discussion.

What form might this attack take? According to The Hill, the Kochs’ operatives have carefully assessed Trump’s vulnerabilities—and those of the other candidates—and determined that highlighting his track record of bankruptcies and predatory business deals harms his standing with likely voters. (The Democrats deployed a similar strategy, to great effect, against Romney’s “vulture capitalism.”) “As to whether we would mount something like that, everything is on the table,” one senior Koch official told me. “But there’s no real plan. In all of our meetings we’ve discussed it.”


The Koch brothers’ announcement that they will spend $889 million supporting conservative campaigns in 2016 has been described as “whopping,” “staggering” and “historic.”


03-02-2016, 02:20 PM

"...All in all, it sounds more and more like sour grapes...."
#11 (http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?34274-Ron-Paul-to-Win-Maine&p=526365#post526365)

Appearing on MSNBC’s The Rachel Maddow Show on Monday night, Ron Paul supporter and former Massachusetts Republican Party delegate Evan Kenney explained how the party’s “elite power brokers” actually made their own rules up on the spot in order to keep him and other Paul supporters out of the Republican National Convention in August.
After Kenney, an 18-year-old, was elected to represent Massachusetts Republicans at the national convention, party officials suddenly began requiring a written affidavit swearing to vote for Mitt Romney “under pain and penalty of perjury” — a move they’d never tried before.
“My reaction was like, ‘Well, okay,’” Kenney told Maddow. “I didn’t know the rules. I was ready [to swear to vote for Mitt Romney] until my mom pointed out to me… ‘You can’t swear under pain and penalty of perjury to do something in the future, because it would never hold up in court.’”
“So I thought, you’re right, maybe I should be careful,” he explained. “After consulting with the Mass Liberty caucus (http://www.rlc.org/2011/05/21/ma-de-2011/), we decided to send in an affidavit that says we’re gonna follow your rules, we’re going to follow Massachusetts general law, and we’re going to follow GOP rules, which means we’re going to vote for Mitt Romney on the first ballot. But that was not enough, even though I got it in on time.”
Three days later, he claims the Massachusetts Republican Party’s chairman sent him a letter that explained Romney for President, Inc. had “just cause and irrefutable evidence that I would not vote for Mitt Romney on the first ballot. But I had a legally notarized affidavit, two of them, as well as a verbal pledge. All that was required was the verbal pledge. So, I pledged three times to vote for Mitt Romney.”
Kenney went on to blame leadership within the Massachusetts Republican Party. “These are only a few corrupt power brokers in the leadership who want to keep the party to themselves,” he said. “They don’t care that it’s 11 percent voter registration, and shrinking, in Massachusetts in the Republican Party. They just want to keep the power to themselves.”

"...I don't see what's taken place this year as "vote fixing".... Lots of sour grapes from RP fans...."

03-02-2016, 02:25 PM

"...All in all, it sounds more and more like sour grapes...."
#11 (http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?34274-Ron-Paul-to-Win-Maine&p=526365#post526365)

...I don't see what's taken place this year as "vote fixing". There wouldn't have been a difference with or without any changes. Lots of sour grapes from RP fans....

So I didn't see evidence of vote fixing, and it sounded like sour grapes - and that's somehow evidence of back room deals and me calling it conspiracies?

I'll repeat myself 4 years later - SOUR GRAPES.

Paul didn't go anywhere and there would be little need to work against someone who could never gain more than 10% nationally. You STILL can't deal with the fact that the majority of the nation had no use for him.

03-02-2016, 02:29 PM
They did not deliver affidavit in support of Mitt Romney on time

By Stephanie Ebbert Globe Staff June 24, 2012 AP/File
In Massachusetts, Ron Paul’s Liberty Slate swept the Republican caucuses in April, stealing delegate spots that were expected to go to Mitt Romney’s friends and allies, whom he had selected.
Evan Kenney had just turned 18 and registered to vote for the first time when he campaigned to be an alternate delegate to the Republican National Convention. Lauding Ronald Reagan’s principles and blasting Keynesian economics at the Lynnfield caucus in April, the Wakefield High School senior beat out several well-known Massachusetts Republicans, including the party’s most recent nominee for governor, Charles D. Baker Jr.
But earlier this month, Kenney was one of 17 delegates and alternates disqualified by a Republican committee deciding who gets to represent Massachusetts Republicans at the national convention in Tampa. Kenney and others had failed to deliver in time an affidavit swearing, under the penalty of perjury, that they would support Mitt Romney’s nomination for president.
An affidavit is never mentioned in the Republican Party’s rules for selecting delegates and has never been required of delegates in the past, GOP critics say. Suspicions are steep this year because Kenney and the others are supporters of Ron Paul, the libertarian candidate whose quixotic campaign for president culminated in an effort to take over state caucuses nationwide. The delegates must vote for Romney, based on his strong primary win in Massachusetts, but Paul’s supporters hope to use the convention to draw attention to his agenda, including auditing the Federal Reserve and requiring wars to be declared by Congress.
In Massachusetts, Paul’s Liberty Slate swept the Republican caucuses in April, stealing delegate spots that were expected to go to Romney’s friends and allies, whom he had selected. Massachusetts, a state dominated by Democrats and typically marginalized at national Republican events, could have an unusual share of the limelight at this year’s convention, since its former governor is the party’s expected presidential nominee.
Some libertarian-leaning delegates balked at the notion of signing legal affidavits pledging what they had committed verbally at the caucuses where they were elected. Many later submitted them, but not until after the deadline.
As a result, the committee disqualified them, winnowing the number of Liberty delegates and alternates to the convention from 35 to 19, said organizer Brad Wyatt. (One Liberty delegate was added due to the changes in the roster.)

“I’ve been rudely awakened to the realities of politics. I feel I’ve been cheated.” <cite style="font-style: inherit;">Evan Kenney</cite>

A spokesman for the Massachusetts Republican Party would not say why the affidavits were required of delegates this year, and the chairman of the Allocations Committee would not agree to an interview. Instead, the chairman offered an e-mailed statement saying that the Romney campaign, through its representative on his committee, had the right to reject delegates for “just cause.”

“Governor Romney’s campaign, through its representative on the Allocation Committee, made the decision not to certify certain delegates and alternate delegates who were unwilling to sign and return on time the affidavit,” McGrath said in the statement. “The Allocation Committee agreed, by a unanimous vote, that these individuals’ failure to sign and return the correct affidavit on time constituted “just cause” for not being certified as national delegates.”
The actions by the GOP establishment in Massachusetts are further disenchanting some libertarians and conservatives who have traditionally been suspicious of the party’s top-down leadership. In a state where Republican registration has dwindled to just 11 percent of registered voters, the party can hardly afford to alienate enthusiastic activists, they say.
“I’m very disappointed and disheartened about the way we’ve been treated,” Wyatt said. “It’s almost unbelievable.”
Among the new activists is Carol Claros, a Worcester single mother and nurse who represents the first generation of her Colombian family to be born in the United States.
In the weeks leading up to the caucuses, Claros, who got interested in politics through Paul several years ago, worked with Wyatt and other activists to drum up attendance and support for the Liberty delegates. They did it “the old-fashioned way,” Claros said. “We reached out to our voters. We got a list of Republican donors . . . we must have called 2,000 people in the state. I was like a phone warrior.”
At her caucus, attended by more than 200 people, she was the nervous first speaker — but the second-highest vote-getter, she said. Even that day, though, she said, she heard that Romney’s chosen delegates were being advised they should plan to go to Tampa.
The Paul delegates were going to be challenged.
The party has decided not to count the provisional ballots provided to voters whose registration couldn’t be confirmed on the day of the caucuses.
And a Republican challenged on a technicality the election of six Liberty delegates and alternates in Romney’s Congressional district. That challenge was dismissed by the Allocations Committee.

03-02-2016, 02:30 PM
I saw the reports of the Koch brothers desires on many a site, but apparently not reputable. I was reading things like this even before NH. And considering they would want Trump out, it makes sense to me that they would prefer to support someone else. And considering they planned on spending near a billion dollars on this election, none would surprise me.


The Kochs had initially opted against engaging in the primaries, both because there was no consensus pick within their network or a single candidate who encapsulated their views. (The closest one, ideologically, was Rand Paul, who dropped out of the race on Wednesday.) But for months, the Koch network has considered diverting a portion of its massive war chest to a campaign targeting Trump, even at the risk of alienating a handful of their members who support the candidate. Koch officials say they will move forward with this plan based on how the early primaries shake out. (Ted Cruz’s caucus win on Monday must have come as a mild relief.)

But Trump’s second-place Iowa finish was more a blow to his ego, in some respect, than the viability of his campaign. If he prevails in New Hampshire, where he’s maintaining a huge lead in the polls, pressure is likely to mount within the Koch network to launch an offensive before a march to the nomination gains formidable momentum. When the Kochs and several hundred of their allies gathered last weekend for another summit, halting Trump was a major topic of discussion.

What form might this attack take? According to The Hill, the Kochs’ operatives have carefully assessed Trump’s vulnerabilities—and those of the other candidates—and determined that highlighting his track record of bankruptcies and predatory business deals harms his standing with likely voters. (The Democrats deployed a similar strategy, to great effect, against Romney’s “vulture capitalism.”) “As to whether we would mount something like that, everything is on the table,” one senior Koch official told me. “But there’s no real plan. In all of our meetings we’ve discussed it.”


The Koch brothers’ announcement that they will spend $889 million supporting conservative campaigns in 2016 has been described as “whopping,” “staggering” and “historic.”


I am against any 'shenanigans' to get Trump out at this point in time. The ABC link was from Jan. last year, before Trump announced. It was about getting a Republican to beat Hillary and end the continuation of Obama.

The Vanity Fair piece, is more about how the Koch Bros have failed to have the influence that their money would seem to buy. They failed with Romney the first time and they didn't act against Trump when they might have.

Now maybe I'm reading these wrong?

03-02-2016, 02:36 PM
I am against any 'shenanigans' to get Trump out at this point in time. The ABC link was from Jan. last year, before Trump announced. It was about getting a Republican to beat Hillary and end the continuation of Obama.

The Vanity Fair piece, is more about how the Koch Bros have failed to have the influence that their money would seem to buy. They failed with Romney the first time and they didn't act against Trump when they might have.

Now maybe I'm reading these wrong?

Of course the article was older, it was about how much they PLANNED on spending on the election. I posted it to show that they had every intention of spending a fortune on this election

These are more about plans than they are someone stating they didn't act or failed to have influence. These are stated plans of what they may do should the early primaries not go as planned. It sounds a LOT more like things going forward, not about how they failed to have influence.

But for months, the Koch network has considered diverting a portion of its massive war chest to a campaign targeting Trump, even at the risk of alienating a handful of their members who support the candidate. Koch officials say they will move forward with this plan based on how the early primaries shake out.

pressure is likely to mount within the Koch network to launch an offensive before a march to the nomination gains formidable momentum. When the Kochs and several hundred of their allies gathered last weekend for another summit, halting Trump was a major topic of discussion.

03-02-2016, 02:37 PM
So I didn't see evidence of vote fixing, and it sounded like sour grapes - and that's somehow evidence of back room deals and me calling it conspiracies?
I'll repeat myself 4 years later - SOUR GRAPES.

Paul didn't go anywhere and there would be little need to work against someone who could never gain more than 10% nationally. You STILL can't deal with the fact that the majority of the nation had no use for him.Jim no problem,
look just shut your pie hole about non-existent "back room" conspiracy deals against Trump if you were too blind to see any 4 years ago and your still too blind today.

or just own your double standard.
either way I'm just pointing out the way you roll.

you don't really care unless your ox is gord,
law and order, GOP rules, the constitution doesn't really count ALL of the time for some folk is all.
same ol story. and my only real problem with you.

03-02-2016, 02:42 PM
Jim no problem,
look just shut your pie hole about non-existent "back room" conspiracy deals against Trump if you were too blind to see any 4 years ago and your still too blind today.

or just own your double standard.
either way I'm just pointing out the way you roll.

you don't really care unless your ox is gord,
law and order, GOP rules, the constitution doesn't really count ALL of the time for some folk is all.
same ol story. and my only real problem with you.

Shut my piehole?

Look, how about YOU shut your retarded conspiracy crap, made up quotes and too stupid inability to use the quote function. I've posted things about this meeting and what was said with the Kocj brothers. it is NOT non-existent you fucking drooling retard.

Abbey Marie
03-02-2016, 02:42 PM
Maybe my expressed wish that we could have an election with no ads, etc., is looking a little bit better by now.

I loathe the thought of some puppet master buying or destroying a candidate's election. Democracy is a phantom.

03-02-2016, 02:45 PM
Maybe my expressed wish that we could have an election with no ads, etc., is looking a little bit better by now.

I loathe the thought of some puppet master buying or destroying a candidate's election. Democracy is a phantom.

I think you need to shut your piehole! How dare you state such crap when you refused to do so with the dumbass in 2012, the nerve!!

Black Diamond
03-02-2016, 02:46 PM
Maybe my expressed wish that we could have an election with no ads, etc., is looking a little bit better by now.

I loathe the thought of some puppet master buying or destroying a candidate's election. Democracy is a phantom.
It's a whole new ballgame if what the people clearly want is thwarted.

03-02-2016, 02:47 PM
It's a whole new ballgame if what the people clearly want is thwarted.

Did you condemn the conspiracies in 2012? If not, shut the piehole! :laugh:

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-02-2016, 02:47 PM
It's over. The fat lady is singing. Put a fork in them, unless the shenanigans get worse. All that's left is Trump Vs. Clinton - or giving it to Clinton.


Game over! This was a rout, America. Winning seven states and the vast majority of delegates is a landslide. Donald Trump and the millions of his supporters have changed American politics and the Republican Party for the foreseeable future.

The nomination is within his grasp and if he does what he said he would do Tuesday night: "[I will] be a unifier!" he may be a very viable candidate against Hillary Clinton in the fall.

After his victories Tuesday night in multiple states and his second place finish in others , Trump is in an unstoppable position. Whether the junior senators from Texas and Florida choose to pursue him, it doesn’t matter, the end is near.

Trump, who is an unconventional candidate, to say the least, has tapped into the anger and frustration across America and has mobilized voters to turn out in record numbers.

Love him or hate him, be inspired by him or be appalled by him, Trump has totally dominated a political cycle like no other politician I’ve seen in decades.

I admit I was a total skeptic, like many others.

At first, I didn’t think he would run.

Then I thought there was no way he could beat the all-star cast of elected officials running against him.

Then I underestimated his lack of substance and trite answers in the debates.

Then I underestimated his lack of a real campaign.

Then I was convinced the political establishment was going to spend millions and take him out. And like the Energizer bunny he just keeps going and winning!


Trump is crazy if he thinks the globalists will not try to have him murdered , if it comes to that.
Nobody is beyond them having eliminated.
They just had Scalia murdered and nobody bats an eye.
He was one of the two that Gaffer and I predicted that obama(globalist puppet) would have murdered. -Tyr

03-02-2016, 02:50 PM
Trump is crazy if he thinks the globalists will not try to have him murdered , if it comes to that.
Nobody is beyond them having eliminated.
They just had Scalia murdered and nobody bats an eye.
He was one of the two that Gaffer and I predicted that obama(globalist puppet) would have murdered. -Tyr

Piehole, you need to close it!! :2up:

03-02-2016, 02:52 PM
Jim, we won't have anyone left if you keep telling every to shut his/her pie hole. :)

03-02-2016, 02:58 PM
Jim, we won't have anyone left if you keep telling every to shut his/her pie hole. :)

Well, if you don't think that Ron Paul was shut down from being able to win in 2012, regardless of his lack of support, then you need to shut your piehole about anyone trying to stop Trump this year. I didn't make the rules!

03-02-2016, 03:02 PM
Don't bother looking, just a conspiracy that the elites would want to get rid of the frontrunner!!


The scenario Karl Rove outlined was bleak.

Addressing a luncheon of Republican governors and donors in Washington on Feb. 19, he warned that Donald J. Trump’s increasingly likely nomination would be catastrophic, dooming the party in November. But Mr. Rove, the master strategist of George W. Bush’s campaigns, insisted it was not too late for them to stop Mr. Trump, according to three people present.

At a meeting of Republican governors the next morning, Paul R. LePage of Maine called for action. Seated at a long boardroom table at the Willard Hotel, he erupted in frustration over the state of the 2016 race, saying Mr. Trump’s nomination would deeply wound the Republican Party. Mr. LePage urged the governors to draft an open letter “to the people,” disavowing Mr. Trump and his divisive brand of politics.

The suggestion was not taken up. Since then, Mr. Trump has only gotten stronger, winning two more state contests and collecting the endorsement of Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey.

In public, there were calls for the party to unite behind a single candidate. In dozens of interviews, elected officials, political strategists and donors described a frantic, last-ditch campaign to block Mr. Trump — and the agonizing reasons that many of them have become convinced it will fail. Behind the scenes, a desperate mission to save the party sputtered and stalled at every turn.

Efforts to unite warring candidates behind one failed spectacularly: An overture from Senator Marco Rubio to Mr. Christie angered and insulted the governor. An unsubtle appeal from Mitt Romney to John Kasich, about the party’s need to consolidate behind one rival to Mr. Trump, fell on deaf ears.

At least two campaigns have drafted plans to overtake Mr. Trump in a brokered convention, and the Senate majority leader, Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, has laid out a plan that would have lawmakers break with Mr. Trump explicitly in a general election.

Despite all the forces arrayed against Mr. Trump, the interviews show, the party has been gripped by a nearly incapacitating leadership vacuum and a paralytic sense of indecision and despair, as he has won smashing victories in South Carolina and Nevada. Donors have dreaded the consequences of clashing with Mr. Trump directly. Elected officials have balked at attacking him out of concern that they might unintentionally fuel his populist revolt. And Republicans have lacked someone from outside the presidential race who could help set the terms of debate from afar.


03-02-2016, 03:02 PM
It's over. The fat lady is singing. Put a fork in them, unless the shenanigans get worse. All that's left is Trump Vs. Clinton - or giving it to Clinton.


Trump, who is an unconventional candidate, to say the least, has tapped into the anger and frustration across America and has mobilized voters to turn out in record numbers.

That sums it up, Jimmy.

I do not care for his bombast very much, but he is playing his cards right -
Both telling people what they need to hear and what they want to hear from a leader.

Perhaps this is a very good thing and an awakening to chop back the Liberal
'Give Me' mentality that has wrecked this Nation.

03-02-2016, 03:03 PM
Well, if you don't think that Ron Paul was shut down from being able to win in 2012, regardless of his lack of support, then you need to shut your piehole about anyone trying to stop Trump this year. I didn't make the rules!

I have noticed Ron Paul supporters to be an odd bunch. I am not knocking them, but oh my gosh are they loyal!

03-02-2016, 03:10 PM
Shut my piehole?

Look, BOY, how about YOU shut your retarded conspiracy crap, made up quotes and too stupid inability to use the quote function. I've posted things about this meeting and what was said with the Kocj brothers. it is NOT non-existent you fucking drooling retard.

Take it Easy, Jimmy! You own this bar room!

Rev loves conspiracy themes!

You do not have to back down to anyone:
and for the rest of you....I am no frikkin' ass-kisser

03-02-2016, 03:11 PM
And another to show that this is a reputable story of their intentions and that it's no conspiracy.

But before I continue on these articles - a reminder - look just shut your pie hole about non-existent "back room" conspiracy deals against Trump

Koch Brothers' Network Considering Anti-Trump Campaign

INDIAN WELLS, California — Most of the 500 wealthy conservatives gathered at a Southern California retreat this week know they want to see a Republican back in the White House, but many don't know what to do with the billionaire who wants to "make America great again."

Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump was not at the biannual Charles and David Koch-organized conference over the weekend, but he was a constant presence on the minds of many here at the seminar hosted by the billionaire executives known for their active role in Republican politics.

"We had a bet — I think I'm losing right now — how far we could go before the name of the Republican front-runner was mentioned," said Sen. Ben Sasse of Nebraska, a Trump critic who participated in a panel discussion at the opening dinner Saturday evening.

The Koch network is unlikely to endorse a Republican presidential candidate in the primary, but what is less clear is if the conservative activists who spent $400 million in the last presidential election will actively try to defeat Trump in the primary. It's possible that they will and it's a decision that will be made after the early primary states have voted, a senior official at the Koch-backed political action committee Freedom Partners Action Fund told NBC News.

This was only the second seminar that has allowed reporters. A small number of journalists were invited to cover the event. Six news organizations, including NBC News, accepted in exchange for following some guidelines that included preserving participants' identity. Attendees were able to speak to the press if they chose.


03-02-2016, 03:13 PM
Take it Easy, Jimmy! You own this bar room!

Rev loves conspiracy themes!

You do not have to back down to anyone:
and for the rest of you....I am no frikkin' ass-kisser

Oh, you know I don't back down. But if I'm told to shut up, or told that I'm posting non-existent stories, then I'm happy to prove Rev wrong, as usual.

03-02-2016, 03:13 PM
I have noticed Ron Paul supporters to be an odd bunch. I am not knocking them, but oh my gosh are they loyal!

Ron Paul and his son were oddballs that tended to preach on an end of the spectrum that was
impossible to stomach by the majority. Only idiot sheeple would follow their drivel.

03-02-2016, 03:16 PM
Ron Paul and his son were oddballs that tended to preach on an end of the spectrum that was
impossible to stomach by the majority. Only idiot sheeple would follow their drivel.

Oh boy, while I agree with you 100%, you better get your piehole prepared!! :laugh2:

03-02-2016, 03:30 PM
I think Cruz is still alive. If the others step aside and endorse him...

03-02-2016, 03:37 PM
I think Cruz is still alive. If the others step aside and endorse him...

That's kinda my thinking for the past few weeks, but I don't see Rubio bailing.

Abbey Marie
03-02-2016, 03:39 PM
That's kinda my thinking for the past few weeks, but I don't see Rubio bailing.

I don't see him giving up unless and until he loses Florida. Then he would really have to.

03-02-2016, 03:43 PM
I don't see him giving up unless and until he loses Florida. Then he would really have to.

Looks to be about another 300-350 delegates will be handed out before we get to Florida. If there is any hint of Rubio or Cruz dropping and perhaps endorsing the other, I'm afraid that really will be too late. But maybe not too late for any shenanigans. Nothing would surprise me in this race.

Abbey Marie
03-02-2016, 03:45 PM
Meanwhile, back at the ranch, she's pretty happy. :rolleyes:


03-02-2016, 03:48 PM
I so wish I could see her in cuffs someday. Or after she gets bit by a nasty spider. But hopefully watching the witch lose another election will keep me happy.

03-02-2016, 03:51 PM
That's kinda my thinking for the past few weeks, but I don't see Rubio bailing.

The delegate count is:

Trump 319
Cruz 226
Rubio 110
Kaisch 25
Carson 8

If Rubio endorsed Cruz things could turn around very quickly. Since Rubio is the "establishment" candidate, and they have to know he can't win this, he has to be getting a lot of pressure from them. Who does the establishment hate less, Cruz or Trump?

03-02-2016, 04:00 PM
The delegate count is:

Trump 319
Cruz 226
Rubio 110
Kaisch 25
Carson 8

If Rubio endorsed Cruz things could turn around very quickly. Since Rubio is the "establishment" candidate, and they have to know he can't win this, he has to be getting a lot of pressure from them. Who does the establishment hate less, Cruz or Trump?

Without a doubt they hate Cruz less. But I hear more talk about other candidates than I do any type of 'full' support for Cruz. But it very well may be the best option if they want to keep Trump out of office, certainly would be better than an attempt with Romney, IMO.

Black Diamond
03-02-2016, 04:06 PM
Without a doubt they hate Cruz less. But I hear more talk about other candidates than I do any type of 'full' support for Cruz. But it very well may be the best option if they want to keep Trump out of office, certainly would be better than an attempt with Romney, IMO.

Hillary would beat Romney head to head in a two person race, let alone three.

03-02-2016, 04:29 PM
Without a doubt they hate Cruz less. But I hear more talk about other candidates than I do any type of 'full' support for Cruz. But it very well may be the best option if they want to keep Trump out of office, certainly would be better than an attempt with Romney, IMO.

I actually think they hate Cruz more, he has his own people and a proven record of not playing nice with the elite. From the outside at least, Trump seems more malleable to those giving flattery and deference. It may not be true, but looks that way.

03-02-2016, 07:44 PM
Shut my piehole?

Look, how about ....

part of your problem is you can't read beyond what you want to see, but you want every caveat and nuance to apply to your words Jim.

my whole quote was
"look just shut your pie hole about non-existent "back room" conspiracy deals against Trump..."

So the Koch Bros had a meeting, that you know about, to plan ADVERTISING against Trump.
Ads against trump that's a back room deal, conspiracy? really?

nope that's strait politics.

Changing votes in primaries is corruption and conspiracy if more than one person is involved.
just so you understand the difference.

Black Diamond
03-02-2016, 08:00 PM
part of your problem is you can't read beyond what you want to see, but you want every caveat and nuance to apply to your words Jim.

my whole quote was
"look just shut your pie hole about non-existent "back room" conspiracy deals against Trump..."

So the Koch Bros had a meeting, that you know about, to plan ADVERTISING against Trump.
Ads against trump that's a back room deal, conspiracy? really?

nope that's strait politics.

Changing votes in primaries is corruption and conspiracy if more than one person is involved.
just so you understand the difference.

It would all explain Romney's ignorant mouth. Please

Black Diamond
03-02-2016, 08:20 PM
I actually think they hate Cruz more, he has his own people and a proven record of not playing nice with the elite. From the outside at least, Trump seems more malleable to those giving flattery and deference. It may not be true, but looks that way.

That would explain, why if true, the koch brothers will get behind Romney when Rubio fails instesd of pouring their money into Cruz

03-03-2016, 12:52 AM

03-03-2016, 02:32 PM
It's over. The fat lady is singing. Put a fork in them, unless the shenanigans get worse. All that's left is Trump Vs. Clinton - or giving it to Clinton.


Game over! This was a rout, America. Winning seven states and the vast majority of delegates is a landslide. Donald Trump and the millions of his supporters have changed American politics and the Republican Party for the foreseeable future.

The nomination is within his grasp and if he does what he said he would do Tuesday night: "[I will] be a unifier!" he may be a very viable candidate against Hillary Clinton in the fall.

After his victories Tuesday night in multiple states and his second place finish in others , Trump is in an unstoppable position. Whether the junior senators from Texas and Florida choose to pursue him, it doesn’t matter, the end is near.

Trump, who is an unconventional candidate, to say the least, has tapped into the anger and frustration across America and has mobilized voters to turn out in record numbers.

Love him or hate him, be inspired by him or be appalled by him, Trump has totally dominated a political cycle like no other politician I’ve seen in decades.

I admit I was a total skeptic, like many others.

At first, I didn’t think he would run.

Then I thought there was no way he could beat the all-star cast of elected officials running against him.

Then I underestimated his lack of substance and trite answers in the debates.

Then I underestimated his lack of a real campaign.

Then I was convinced the political establishment was going to spend millions and take him out. And like the Energizer bunny he just keeps going and winning!


Nope. Michelle Obama hasn't sung quite yet. But yeah, if Trump does win the nom, Hillary will be our next president.

Read this....


03-03-2016, 02:35 PM
Nope. Michelle Obama hasn't sung quite yet. But yeah, if Trump does win the nom, Hillary will be our next president.

Read this....


I think Kath posted that or similar a few days back. I suppose anything can happen! But I don't think ANY of those on the right lose to Hillary. And especially considering it's looking more and more like charges will be recommended to the DOJ. If that happens, regardless of the outcome, she's done.

03-03-2016, 02:35 PM
I think whoever runs on the Democratic side wins.

Abbey Marie
03-03-2016, 02:36 PM
I think whoever runs on the Democratic side wins.

Yo tambien

03-03-2016, 02:36 PM
I think whoever runs on the Democratic side wins.

Why do you think either one of them can beat any of the R's? Because they are better, or because the right candidates suck?

03-03-2016, 02:37 PM
I think whoever runs on the Democratic side wins.

Yo tambien

Do you guys feel the same if Hillary should have charges recommended against her from the FBI?

Abbey Marie
03-03-2016, 02:38 PM
Why do you think either one of them can beat any of the R's? Because they are better, or because the right candidates suck?

Raises hand:

Because the Dems cheat. They are Cheatin' Cheaty McCheatsters.

03-03-2016, 02:39 PM
Raises hand:

Because the Dems cheat. They are Cheatin' Cheaty McCheatsters.

Are you saying that they employ the New England Patriots?

Abbey Marie
03-03-2016, 02:39 PM
Do you guys feel the same if Hillary should have charges recommended against her from the FBI?

I just refuse to believe that we would elect Weekend at Bernie's.

Abbey Marie
03-03-2016, 02:40 PM
Are you saying that they employ the New England Patriots?

Ha! They are not as good at it as Belicheat, no way!

03-03-2016, 02:40 PM
I think Kath posted that or similar a few days back. I suppose anything can happen! But I don't think ANY of those on the right lose to Hillary. And especially considering it's looking more and more like charges will be recommended to the DOJ. If that happens, regardless of the outcome, she's done.

Here's the problem. Even if a miracle does occur and Hillary is actually held legally accountable for her actions (a first in the universe).....the left will put Elizabeth Warren in Hillary's place and hope nobody notices the switch (not kidding here).

Meanwhile....Trump's unfavorability rating is over 60%, according to a recent Gallop Poll (http://www.gallup.com/opinion/polling-matters/188936/trump-negative-image.aspx). That means that most Americans will probably sit home on election nite and refuse to vote for Trump, should he win the Republican nomination....effectively handing it to whatever DemocRat ho is running.

Dems da facts, sadly.

03-03-2016, 02:41 PM
Why do you think either one of them can beat any of the R's? Because they are better, or because the right candidates suck?

Do you guys feel the same if Hillary should have charges recommended against her from the FBI?

Jim, the Democrats played this perfectly starting 1n 1965. Bring in enough Democratic voters and they will win presidential election after presidential election. We are running out of conservative people and being replaced by immigrants who vote for Democrats.

I told my daughter that George W. Bush was the last Republican I will ever see as president. I told her that after he won the second time, in 2004.

03-03-2016, 02:47 PM
Here's the problem. Even if a miracle does occur and Hillary is actually held legally accountable for her actions (a first in the universe).....the left will put Elizabeth Warren in Hillary's place and hope nobody notices the switch (not kidding here).

Meanwhile....Trump's unfavorability rating is over 60%, according to a recent Gallop Poll (http://www.gallup.com/opinion/polling-matters/188936/trump-negative-image.aspx). That means that most Americans will probably sit home on election nite and refuse to vote for Trump, should he win the Republican nomination....effectively handing it to whatever DemocRat ho is running.

Dems da facts, sadly.

The voter turnout thus far is breaking records. Folks are angry, and I don't think we'll see folks sitting home, I think we see much higher voting numbers than we did 4 years ago. As for the unfavorability rating - that includes ALL Americans as I read it, so include the scheming Democrats in there too. And Hillary doesn't fare much better at 52%.

I think a lot would change if he got the nod, I think a fair amount will group behind him. I think it's hard to judge a head-head competition between such candidates when they haven't even really begun yet. Trump will pound her non-stop about her scandals, lies and criminal activity. In the past, we would hear a few peeps here and there, maybe a commercial or 2, and that's it.

03-03-2016, 03:06 PM
As to the open/closed primaries. Here are upcoming primaries and where the polls stand.

Polling Data - Michigan






RCP Average
2/22 - 3/1
Trump +15.4

FOX 2 Detroit/Mitchell (http://www.realclearpolitics.com/docs/2016/Mitchell_Poll_FOX_2_GOP_Primary_3-2-16.pdf)
3/1 - 3/1
679 LV
Trump +20

EPIC-MRA (http://www.freep.com/story/news/politics/2016/03/02/trump-holds-10-point-lead-michigan-gop-primary/81200942/)
2/27 - 2/29
400 LV
Trump +10

MRG (http://www.realclearpolitics.com/docs/2016/MRG_MI_Poll_Spring_16_Pres_Prim-FINAL.pdf)
2/22 - 2/27
217 LV
Trump +15


Polling Data - Florida






RCP Average
2/21 - 2/25
Trump +18.7

PPP (D) (http://www.publicpolicypolling.com/pdf/2015/PPP_Release_FL_22516.pdf)
2/24 - 2/25
464 LV
Trump +20

Gravis (http://www.oann.com/pollflorida/)
2/24 - 2/24
751 LV
Trump +20

Quinnipiac (http://www.quinnipiac.edu/images/polling/fl/fl02252016_FmH23kg.pdf)
2/21 - 2/24
705 LV
Trump +16


Polling Data - Ohio






Quinnipiac (http://www.quinnipiac.edu/images/polling/oh/oh02232016_Osm46vb.pdf)
2/16 - 2/20
759 LV
Trump +5

Quinnipiac (http://www.quinnipiac.edu/images/polling/ps/ps10072015_S73fgbv.pdf)
9/25 - 10/5
433 RV
Trump +5

Quinnipiac (http://www.quinnipiac.edu/images/polling/ps/ps08202015_Sdeg82k.pdf)
8/7 - 8/18
371 RV
Kasich +6

Quinnipiac (http://www.quinnipiac.edu/images/polling/ps/ps06182015_Sk32gth.pdf)
6/4 - 6/15
434 RV
Kasich +10

PPP (D) (http://www.publicpolicypolling.com/pdf/2015/PPP_Release_OH_61015.pdf)
6/4 - 6/7
411 RV
Kasich +6

Quinnipiac (http://www.quinnipiac.edu/news-and-events/quinnipiac-university-poll/2016-presidential-swing-state-polls/release-detail?ReleaseID=2182)
3/17 - 3/28
404 RV
Kasich +11

Quinnipiac (http://www.quinnipiac.edu/news-and-events/quinnipiac-university-poll/2016-presidential-swing-state-polls/release-detail?ReleaseID=2131)
1/22 - 2/1
337 RV
Kasich +3

Magellan (R) (http://www.realclearpolitics.com/docs/2014/Magellan_Ohio_0414.pdf)
4/14 - 4/15
Huckabee +2

PPP (D) (http://www.publicpolicypolling.com/pdf/2011/PPP_Release_OH_822.pdf)
8/16 - 8/19
357 RV


Polling Data - North Carolina






RCP Average
1/30 - 2/17
Trump +10.3

Elon University (http://www.elon.edu/images/e-web/elonpoll/022216_ElonPoll_ExecSummary.pdf)
2/15 - 2/17
733 LV
Trump +9

SurveyUSA (http://www.surveyusa.com/client/PollReport.aspx?g=6581a9ab-f961-4f38-8e5f-c23fc53d1736)
2/14 - 2/16
437 LV
Trump +18

PPP (D) (http://www.publicpolicypolling.com/pdf/2015/PPP_Release_NC_21716.pdf)
2/14 - 2/16
597 LV
Trump +10

High Point (http://www.highpoint.edu/blog/2016/02/hpu-poll-clinton-leads-democratic-primary-trump-cruz-and-rubio-have-most-gop-support/)
1/30 - 2/4
477 LV
Trump +4


Polling Data - Mississippi






Magellan Strategies (R) (http://www.realclearpolitics.com/docs/2016/Magellan_MS_GOP_2016.pdf)
2/29 - 2/29
995 LV
Trump +24

Opinion Savvy (http://opinionsavvy.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/MS-Pres-Prim-8.4.15.pdf)
8/2 - 8/2
444 LV
Trump +7


Polling Data - Louisiana






RCP Average
3/1 - 3/2
Trump +19.0

Trafalgar Group (R) (http://www.realclearpolitics.com/docs/2016/Trafalgar_Group_LA_Poll_March_2016.pdf)
3/1 - 3/2
1509 LV
Trump +18

Magellan Strategies (R) (http://thehayride.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/LA-PRESPRIM-030116-TOPLINES.pdf)
3/1 - 3/1
609 LV
Trump +20


03-03-2016, 03:19 PM
Trump will stomp Hellary into the dirt when the General Election starts. Those debates will be first rate TV, because he's not going to pull punches.

And that's assuming she isn't going to a courtroom 5 days a week trying to beat the rap, which is awfully likely.

Why are you guys worried? This Democrat lineup and circumstances are a slam dunk for us.

03-03-2016, 03:22 PM
Trump will stomp Hellary into the dirt when the General Election starts. Those debates will be first rate TV, because he's not going to pull punches.

And that's assuming she isn't going to a courtroom 5 days a week trying to beat the rap, which is awfully likely.

Why are you guys worried? This Democrat lineup and circumstances are a slam dunk for us.

I think that is fear too! Pessimism, past history, people getting used to getting screwed, blued and tattooed, and now assume the elites will steal things and screw us somehow again.

03-03-2016, 03:35 PM
I think that is fear too! Pessimism, past history, people getting used to getting screwed, blued and tattooed, and now assume the elites will steal things and screw us somehow again.

I'll admit to being dumbfounded with Bambam's two elections. I think there was rampant voter fraud and a lot of really stupid people.

But this time we have a known criminal and a commie on the bad guy side of the stage.

I think even Romney could win this election. Or Rand Paul.

03-03-2016, 03:49 PM
Why do you think either one of them can beat any of the R's? Because they are better, or because the right candidates suck?

Re: the primary, DemocRats are crossing over and voting for Trump because they know even Hillary would beat him (just as they did in 2008 re: voting for McCain and in 2012 re: voting for Romney). It's our fault for being stupid enough to allow open primaries in the first place. And unfortunately, our side is not dishonest enough to do the same to them re: crossing over and voting for their weakest candidate in those open primary states (as Limbaugh once jokingly proposed).