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View Full Version : Loser Romney 'Begged' for My Endorsement 4 Years ago

03-03-2016, 09:06 AM
I saw a picture this morning of Trump on stage with Romney after endorsing him, but can't find it now.

While former Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney is set to tear into front-runner Donald Trump during a speech at the Hinckley Institute of Politics Forum in Utah Thursday, where he will reportedly call the real estate mogul a "phony" and a "fraud," Trump took to Twitter noting Romney's desperation for his endorsement just four years ago.

Trump tweeted:

Why did Mitt Romney BEG me for my endorsement four years ago?

On NBC's "Today Show," Trump followed up on his tweet saying Romney "literally begged me and he is a failed candidate. I backed him. He failed. He was a horrible candidate. He disappeared in the last month before the election."
According to NBC, the excerpts released ahead of Romney's speech show he will go a step further in his attacks on the real estate mogul. But when Trump was asked if Romney's speech will have an impact on his campaign, he replied, "Romney is a stiff."

Trump added on Twitter:

Failed candidate Mitt Romney,who ran one of the worst races in presidential history,is working with the establishment to bury a big "R" win!


03-03-2016, 09:20 AM
I don't get what Romney is trying to do here. List what Trump has said? List what he's flip flopped about? Call him crude, rude, a misogynist? I've done the same, wouldn't call it a major speech.

He's not going to 'announce' his own candidacy. He's not going to endorse anyone else. Why is this a news story, beyond a column of 'What Mitt Thinks?'

If he's trying to position himself for a late entry, total failure. Save the lists for when he has the guts to go full on.

Black Diamond
03-03-2016, 09:48 AM
I don't get what Romney is trying to do here. List what Trump has said? List what he's flip flopped about? Call him crude, rude, a misogynist? I've done the same, wouldn't call it a major speech.

He's not going to 'announce' his own candidacy. He's not going to endorse anyone else. Why is this a news story, beyond a column of 'What Mitt Thinks?'

If he's trying to position himself for a late entry, total failure. Save the lists for when he has the guts to go full on.
Mitt Romney going after trump for flip-flopping? Pot meet kettle. Mitt changed positions more often than Perianne changes her avatar.

03-03-2016, 09:55 AM
Mitt Romney going after trump for flip-flopping? Pot meet kettle. Mitt changed positions more often than Perianne changes her avatar.

Don't have time to crunch those numbers, but unlikely. He still sucked, but not the same way.

Black Diamond
03-03-2016, 09:57 AM
Don't have time to crunch those numbers, but unlikely. He still sucked, but not the same way.

So not as often as Perianne's avatar? I guess that would be quite a bit. :lol:

03-03-2016, 09:58 AM
Possible answer to what Mitt hopes to accomplish? He still doesn't get it:


03-03-2016, 10:01 AM
Romney had a presidency if he just played hard ball, as did quite a few Republicans over the years, but they always seem afraid to sling sheot back at there Dem rival, well I believe this is were Trump wins, he is gonna beat Hillary to death talking about all the scandals she has been involved in, seems to me like Romney might take notes, he may learn something.

Black Diamond
03-03-2016, 10:03 AM
Possible answer to what Mitt hopes to accomplish? He still doesn't get it:


Has he ever? I supported that idiot over Newt, who would have been a better President. I voted solely on electability. Felt like crap when Romney lost anyway. I'm still bitter.

Black Diamond
03-03-2016, 10:04 AM
Romney had a presidency if he just played hard ball, as did quite a few Republicans over the years, but they always seem afraid to sling sheot back at there Dem rival, well I believe this is were Trump wins, he is gonna beat Hillary to death talking about all the scandals she has been involved in, seems to me like Romney might take notes, he may learn something.

I got the impression Ann Romney has more stones than mitt.

03-03-2016, 10:13 AM
I got the impression Ann Romney has more stones than mitt.

I think your right and to think at one point I liked the guy.

03-03-2016, 11:20 AM
I think your right and to think at one point I liked the guy.

I think he would have been a good president.

It's just sad that he is taking this route. It would have maybe been okay if he had won, but a loser criticizing Trump is just simply bad taste.

03-03-2016, 11:52 AM
While I agree with what he said, he's not running. If he wanted to wade in he should have put it in an op-ed in a major newspaper.

A good, even great speech for a candidate, not so much from a former candidate.

03-03-2016, 12:06 PM
Here's a logical explanation of 'why' Romney, why today. I still can't say I like it, but then again we aren't normal regarding information on the political arena. Notice 'we,' not just me. ;)


03-03-2016, 12:07 PM
I listened to it. It was in poor taste in my opinion. Like Kathianne said, write it in an op-ed.

If you want to watch the speech, here it is.


03-03-2016, 12:11 PM
Honestly? I see this not doing much. I believe he's repeating a lot of what we all have heard already. I don't think this is going to make folks run away from Trump.

03-03-2016, 12:12 PM
Honestly? I see this not doing much. I believe he's repeating a lot of what we all have heard already. I don't think this is going to make folks run away from Trump.

Really? LOL!

03-03-2016, 12:13 PM
I listened to it. It was in poor taste in my opinion. Like Kathianne said, write it in an op-ed.

If you want to watch the speech, here it is.


Is that live waiting to happen, or did he do the speech already?

Nevermind, FF to Romney and watching now...

03-03-2016, 12:14 PM
Is that live waiting to happen, or did he do the speech already?

Nevermind, FF to Romney and watching now...

The latter part is worst than the first part. I dislike Romney now. He is officially a poopoo head.

03-03-2016, 12:17 PM
"momentous occasion" :laugh:

03-03-2016, 12:19 PM
Oh. Ya'll have got to watch this from liar Romney. Or rather, did he change his position yet again? jimnyc


Black Diamond
03-03-2016, 12:25 PM
Oh. Ya'll have got to watch this from liar Romney. Or rather, did he change his position yet again? jimnyc


You changed your avatar. He must have flip-flopped again.

03-03-2016, 12:27 PM
Romney in reference to Trump's businesses - that he isn't a success and doesn't know what he's doing.

"Isn't he a huge business success?" "Doesn't he know what he's talking about?"

"No he isn't, and no he doesn't"

Look, even if you hate Trump and his businesses and how he handles himself - going from $1 million to somewhere between $4-10 billion IS successful, hate him or not.

Black Diamond
03-03-2016, 12:29 PM
Romney in reference to Trump's businesses - that he isn't a success and doesn't know what he's doing.

"Isn't he a huge business success?" "Doesn't he know what he's talking about?"

"No he isn't, and no he doesn't"

Look, even if you hate Trump and his businesses and how he handles himself - going from $1 million to somewhere between $4-10 billion IS successful, hate him or not.Romney couldn't convince America to vote against Obama. What makes him think he can get her to vote against trump?

03-03-2016, 12:33 PM
Nearly done. What a waste. He must think his good looks are going to sway people - as he really didn't say anything different. He looked like a candidate at a debate, but one with no one there to contest what he is saying. This didn't even remotely have me look at things differently. He looked like someone on stage, with desperation, some sour grapes that someone he likes isn't winning.

03-03-2016, 01:33 PM
I don't get what Romney is trying to do here. List what Trump has said? List what he's flip flopped about? Call him crude, rude, a misogynist? I've done the same, wouldn't call it a major speech.

He's not going to 'announce' his own candidacy. He's not going to endorse anyone else. Why is this a news story, beyond a column of 'What Mitt Thinks?'

If he's trying to position himself for a late entry, total failure. Save the lists for when he has the guts to go full on.

It's just the latest "Hit Trump" attempt by the establishment GOP. Although most of what he says about Trump is true, IMO....my big question to Mitt is....

what the hell took you so long to squeak up? Where ya been? Where did you disappear to in 2012??? Is it nicer on that other planet? (you get the drift)

03-03-2016, 01:34 PM
It's just the latest "Hit Trump" attempt by the establishment GOP. Although most of what he says about Trump is true, IMO....my big question to Mitt is....

what the hell took you so long to squeak up? Where ya been? Where did you disappear to in 2012??? Is it nicer on that other planet? (you get the drift)

Good to see you, DLT. I wish you would post more often. I need some backup here!

03-03-2016, 01:40 PM
Good to see you, DLT. I wish you would post more often. I need some backup here!

Yeah..I will try to post more here now, thanks. It's been a helluva battle elsewhere (getting nasty out there). Apparently....if you are a solid conservative supporting Ted Cruz, you are "supposedly" part of the problem and an establishment stooge....according to many of the Trumpist morons....lol. Which has only made me more anti-Trump along the way.

Silly me. Here I thought that we, as righties, were all on the same side against the Democrats. But just like Obama, Trump's run has managed to divide even us righties sufficiently enough to destroy us from within (in process as we speak).

[shaking head]

03-03-2016, 01:56 PM
Yeah..I will try to post more here now, thanks. It's been a helluva battle elsewhere (getting nasty out there). Apparently....if you are a solid conservative supporting Ted Cruz, you are "supposedly" part of the problem and an establishment stooge....according to many of the Trumpist morons....lol. Which has only made me more anti-Trump along the way.

Silly me. Here I thought that we, as righties, were all on the same side against the Democrats. But just like Obama, Trump's run has managed to divide even us righties sufficiently enough to destroy us from within (in process as we speak).

[shaking head]

Are you still where we first met? If so, how are things there? DLT

03-03-2016, 02:08 PM
Are you still where we first met? If so, how are things there? DLT

Yeah, but that's not where I've been getting attacked (well, not as much). I've been getting viciously attacked for being a Cruz supporter at, of all places, Free Republic. It has devolved into a Trump cult fest whereby the owner not only allows Cruz conservatives to be attacked, but where he also attacks them and locks up their anti-Trump threads, labeling them trash. Several righties that have posted many anti-Trump threads have been banned in the past few days...and there's an official threat to others that there is more zots to come if/when Trump wins the nomination if anyone still 'dares' to diss The Donald. I'm having a hard time believing what I'm seeing with my own eyes these days.

03-03-2016, 02:13 PM
Yeah, but that's not where I've been getting attacked (well, not as much). I've been getting viciously attacked for being a Cruz supporter at, of all places, Free Republic. It has devolved into a Trump cult fest whereby the owner not only allows Cruz conservatives to be attacked, but where he also attacks them and locks up their anti-Trump threads, labeling them trash. Several righties that have posted many anti-Trump threads have been banned in the past few days...and there's an official threat to others that there is more zots to come if/when Trump wins the nomination if anyone still 'dares' to diss The Donald. I'm having a hard time believing what I'm seeing with my own eyes these days.

Egad. I will stay away from that place. But I suspect you are holding your own there, :)

We have a lot of Trump people here, but no one is being hateful about it. I am for Cruz, but I also, kinda, am okay with Trump.

03-03-2016, 02:31 PM
Yeah, but that's not where I've been getting attacked (well, not as much). I've been getting viciously attacked for being a Cruz supporter at, of all places, Free Republic. It has devolved into a Trump cult fest whereby the owner not only allows Cruz conservatives to be attacked, but where he also attacks them and locks up their anti-Trump threads, labeling them trash. Several righties that have posted many anti-Trump threads have been banned in the past few days...and there's an official threat to others that there is more zots to come if/when Trump wins the nomination if anyone still 'dares' to diss The Donald. I'm having a hard time believing what I'm seeing with my own eyes these days.

I like Cruz. I think most here appreciate all of the candidates, especially in comparison to the alternatives on the (D) side. While I'm solidly for Trump, I really like a lot about Cruz too.

03-04-2016, 10:15 PM
Well reading through this, Cruz seems the most likely 'unifier.' I prefer Rubio, as I've said, but this bodes well for him. Screw 'brokered' convention, (bye Mitt); a contested nomination is within the rules. Will that happen? All depends on the next few weeks:


March 04, 2016, 05:28 pmCruz: Brokered convention would lead to voter 'revolt'
By Ben Kamisar (http://thehill.com/author/ben-kamisar)

Ted Cruz (http://thehill.com/people/ted-cruz) poured cold water on the calls to stop GOP presidential front-runner Donald Trump (http://thehill.com/people/donald-trump)during a brokered convention, warning that there could be hell to pay with the grass roots if they believe their will is being disregarded.

"Any time you hear someone talking about a brokered convention, it is the Washington establishment in a fevered frenzy, they are really frustrated because all their chosen candidates, their golden children, the voters keep rejecting," Cruz said Friday at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC).

"So they seize on this plan of a brokered convention, and the D.C. power brokers will drop someone in who is exactly to the liking of the Washington establishment. If that would happen, we would have a manifest revolt on our hands all across this country."

In Cruz's mind, there's one way to beat Donald Trump: "with the voters."
