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View Full Version : Trump Cancels At CPAC

03-04-2016, 12:39 PM
he'd have faced opposition, but also supporters. Seems he just is that thin-skinned.


03-04-2016, 12:50 PM
he'd have faced opposition, but also supporters. Seems he just is that thin-skinned.


No doubt about it. And notice how the most thin-skinned twits can dish it out all day and twice on Sunday....but they sure as hell can't take it when it's dished back at them. Trump has relied on his fortune for so long now to 'hit back' at his enemies and opponents, that he has become the very personification of a schoolyard bully.

All he needs (and wants) now is the absolute power that the presidency represents. He's got the cash, the name, the celebrity status and the reputation. Electing Trump would probably be an even bigger mistake than the election of Barack Hussein Obama was. And I never, ever thought that would even be possible for me to say.

I stand corrected....and amazed (daily, almost, these days).

03-04-2016, 12:51 PM
No doubt about it. And notice how the most thin-skinned twits can dish it out all day and twice on Sunday....but they sure as hell can't take it when it's dished back at them. Trump has relied on his fortune for so long now to 'hit back' at his enemies and opponents, that he has become the very personification of a schoolyard bully.

All he needs (and wants) now is the absolute power that the presidency represents. He's got the cash, the name, the celebrity status and the reputation. Electing Trump would probably be an even bigger mistake than the election of Barack Hussein Obama was. And I never, ever thought that would even be possible for me to say.

I stand corrected....and amazed (daily, almost, these days).


03-04-2016, 04:21 PM
Donald was brought up to think, and believe...ONLY HE is smarter than everyone else.

Personally, though I first liked what he was saying. He now sounds more like the Liberal he once was, and claimed NEVER to be.
The rest of the World, and the Nation are enjoying his BULLY tactics, and the one I feel who will benefit the most from his CHILDLIKE attitudes, words, and faces will be HILLARY.

03-04-2016, 07:58 PM
I would prefer to see Condi Rice toss her hat, with its full wisdom and experience, into the ring.
Paul Ryan is a unifying presence and could hopefully see the light and jump in.

Trump rakes out the thoughts of many non-leftists and has raised an audience.
That has been his best accomplishment, putting the Liberals on notice that their
selfish 'steal from the workers and give to the non-workers' and uncompromising
support of illegal immigration is being viewed as destroying OUR Nation!

However, his bombast and insults - add ego - make him extremely divisive and
I do not give a hoot in hell about party affiliation.

Any unity to keep the Clintons out of the White House is a best bet.