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View Full Version : Trump Phenomenon Is the Cork Popping After Years of Political Correctness....

03-04-2016, 05:27 PM
"They are fed up with touchy-feely, no competition, no winners, no losers, forced equality, engineered outcomes. It

stands in the way of the very definition of the country. It blows up the whole concept of rugged individualism. It brings

in, ushers in the idea that some central authority made up of touchy-feely wimps is gonna determine who wins and

loses under the precept that nobody's gonna lose, when the fact everybody loses and they win, people who set the rules.
.....So here comes Trump, and Trump is no more an average guy. Trump's speaking in ways that men today still speak,

when they're not hounded by the modern eclipse of feminism and its supporters. Men speak this way to each other.

They crack jokes this way to each other. It does not make them bad people. And I think there's a yearning for it among

a whole segment of the population, women, men, they want this kind of gruff, fearless, tell-it-like-it-is persona. They

don't think it's destructive.

They don't think it says anything bad about the country. They don't think it says anything bad about the people who

speak it.....The proof of this is that debate last night. That debate last night was the second debate in a row where we

actually had the subject of penis ( Rubio`s hand comment)... length discussed in a presidential debate, related to the

size of a candidate's hands. And it was discussed as something to be proud of. Now you might think that's aboveboard,

you might think that's going a bit too far, and I'm hearing all kinds of people, "I couldn't have my children listen to this."

And it may be over the top, but the reason it's happening is because there have been so many invisible shackles put on

people who are walking around on eggshells in this country for the last 30 years, afraid to be themselves, afraid to say

what they really think, be who they really are, for fear they're gonna get fired, for fear that somebody's gonna lodge a

complaint against 'em and be called before some tribunal to explain themselves, when there's nothing wrong with them.....


So here comes Trump. And he's basically doing a (raspberry) to everybody, and he's just discombobulating them and

they're wringing their hands, and they don't know how to deal with it, and he's even be applauded because of that. But

again, the reason that he gets away with it is substantive. Whether his supporters are right or wrong, his supporters

believe that he is going to fix what they think is wrong, and they don't care what kind of personality -- in fact.....***

the more in your face and the more abrasive he is to people who tell him he can't get it done, the prouder of him they

are....They don't have the freedom or the ability to behave this way in their lives because somebody's gonna come

down on 'em, somebody's gonna fire them, somebody's gonna call them before some tribunal at the company, give 'em

a bad recommendation or something. (interruption) No, I'm just trying to explain how it is happening, and why......"


http://www.rushlimbaugh.com/daily/2016/03/04/trump_phenomenon_is_the_cork_popping_after_years_o f_political_correctness

03-04-2016, 07:50 PM
Hell, I know I'll be popping a cork if Trump wins the election! I'll surely be doing so if either Cruz or Rubio win the election too. So long as Hillary remains out of the WH, I will be celebrating. More so if all my wishes fall in line, but I'll be thrilled to support any of the GOP candidates! :thumb: