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View Full Version : Gingrich: Trump right to skip CPAC

03-04-2016, 08:57 PM
Perhaps others will see various reasons for him not going, but I too think the voters are more important. Some want a brokered convention and have publicly called for anything but Trump in order to achieve that. I think it's smart for him to avoid being a target AND try and attract as many voters as possible, to win as many states/delegates as possible and hopefully avoid the convention issue.


Former Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.) on Friday praised Donald Trump for his last-minute decision to skip the annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC).

Newt on Twitter: Trump was right to skip CPAC. The votes are in Kansas not Washington. Why give the anti-trump activists a target


03-04-2016, 08:59 PM
CPAC is the conservative event of the year. So much for the great unifier.

03-04-2016, 09:06 PM
He's running for the people, not those there that would like to make a point about him. GOOD for him for not giving them the opportunity, and spending more time with the people. Those within the party that have hatred oozing from them and wanting to make points, they're likely the reason he won't attend. And he's right. It's not a place to have lame pre-planned attacks and staged walkouts and lame back turning and what not. But if that's what some of them would like, then he is spending his time more wisely.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-04-2016, 09:46 PM
He's running for the people, not those there that would like to make a point about him. GOOD for him for not giving them the opportunity, and spending more time with the people. Those within the party that have hatred oozing from them and wanting to make points, they're likely the reason he won't attend. And he's right. It's not a place to have lame pre-planned attacks and staged walkouts and lame back turning and what not. But if that's what some of them would like, then he is spending his time more wisely.

He is dead on right and it shows wise and prudent judgment on his part--so much for the cry how that he is just a nitwit with money!
So far he has outsmarted both parties, media, vested anti-Trump interests and legions that follow his every move trying to destroy him. Not one other Republican candidate could have survived whats been aligned against him(massive opposition from both ffing political parties)-yet he did and actually thrived while doing so.
Nobody else could have pulled that off!!!
Yet his critics toss every ffing thing that they can at him and it bounces off.
Thats because he really will shaft the corrupt bastards destroying this nation, they know but even more important we voters that are wise and not blinded by hate and/or propaganda know it too!

Let 'em all cry in their damn fruit loops says I..
My big worry is that they will try to murder him.
Think thats not a real possibility, you are either blind, naive as hell or ignorant IMHO.
They've murdered people for far less cause and far less profit.-Tyr

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-04-2016, 09:51 PM
CPAC is the conservative event of the year. So much for the great unifier.
He has already unified enough people to be the front-runner and far out in the lead.
I guess we voters supporting him don't count, eh?
Thats what the dems say too.- that we Trump supporters don't count.
They had better look at the numbers again because we do count and thats whats got them so damn mad and batshit crazy. :laugh: Tyr

03-04-2016, 09:55 PM
He has already unified enough people to be the front-runner and far out in the lead.
I guess we voters supporting him don't count, eh?
Thats what the dems say too.- that we Trump supporters don't count.
They had better look at the numbers again because we do count and thats whats got them so damn mad and batshit crazy. :laugh: Tyr

No problem. Trump doesn't need any votes beyond those he has. Good luck with that. Seems that big, strongman is a bit afraid of those that disagree or even want answers to questions.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-04-2016, 10:06 PM
No problem. Trump doesn't need any votes beyond those he has. Good luck with that. Seems that big, strongman is a bit afraid of those that disagree or even want answers to questions.

Actually its not fear, but instead its his wisdom being shown.
Why put ones head in a noose or ass on the line to be shot at when already winning.
Nobody ever called me a coward for being wise enough not to jump in a pit of vipers my friend.
He has made a very, very wise and strategic decision and still gets blasted for it-- how ironic.
Myself, I try to keep emotion out of my supporting him as I found he was the best (Cruz second)and most likely to destroy what obama did to this nation--just that simple.-Tyr

03-05-2016, 06:48 AM
Yup, same with him. And with others having eyes on pushing for the contested convention, it makes even more sense.

Pat Buchanan: Trump Cannot Be Faulted for Skipping CPAC

Donald Trump made the right decision to skip the Conservative Political Action Conference to campaign in Kansas and Florida because he needs to win those states — along with Ohio, conservative commentator Pat Buchanan told Newsmax TV on Friday.
"The Florida primary, which is March 15, is going to be crucial — and it may even be decisive in terms of whether Marco Rubio continues in this race," Buchanan, who ran for the White House three times, told "Newsmax Prime" host J.D. Hayworth.

Kansas holds its caucus on Saturday. Ohio's primary is also held on March 15.

"If Donald Trump can win Florida and Ohio, which is much closer right now, where Gov. [John] Kasich is running — if he wins those two, it's a straight glide to the nomination," Buchanan said.
"If he loses those two, we are going to have a contested convention."
