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View Full Version : Rank and File Republicans Tell Party Elites...

03-05-2016, 12:05 PM
Only breaking up portions of the article because I want to point out mostly what 'the people' are thinking about a possible brokered convention, and about the elites, the establishment and those that think they know more than the voice of the people that have a vote.


From Michigan to Louisiana to California on Friday, rank-and-file Republicans expressed mystification, dismissal and contempt regarding the instructions that their party’s most high-profile leaders were urgently handing down to them: Reject and defeat Donald J. Trump.

Their angry reactions, in the 24 hours since Mitt Romney and John McCain urged millions of voters to cooperate in a grand strategy to undermine Mr. Trump’s candidacy, have captured the seemingly inexorable force of a movement that still puzzles the Republican elite and now threatens to unravel the party they hold dear.

In interviews, even lifelong Republicans who cast a ballot for Mr. Romney four years ago rebelled against his message and plan. “I personally am disgusted by it — I think it’s disgraceful,” said Lola Butler, 71, a retiree from Mandeville, La., who voted for Mr. Romney in 2012. “You’re telling me who to vote for and who not to vote for? Please.”


The furious campaign now underway to stop Mr. Trump and the equally forceful rebellion against it captured the essence of the party’s breakdown over the past several weeks: Its most prominent guardians, misunderstanding their own voters, antagonize them as they try to reason with them, driving them even more energetically to Mr. Trump’s side.


I disagree with this one. I don't WANT to do damage, but it will.

The problem, for figures like Mr. Forbes and Mr. Romney, is that Mr. Trump’s supporters seem profoundly uninterested at the moment with the image, expectations or traditions of the Republican Party, according to interviews with more than three dozen voters, elected officials and operatives. They are, in many cases, hostile to it.

“I want to see Trump go up there and do damage to the Republican Party,” said Jeff Walls, 53, of Flowood, Miss.


From the moment Mr. Romney delivered it in a speech on Thursday from Salt Lake City, his entreaty to voters struck many in the party as high-minded and impractical: He all but begged them to vote for Mr. Trump’s rivals, thereby denying Mr. Trump enough delegates to clinch the nomination and force a contested convention this summer. Voters have not taken kindly to the recommendation, describing the request as a patronizing directive from an elite figure who thoroughly misunderstands their feelings of alienation from the political system. (Soon after, Mr. McCain endorsed his remarks.)

Conservative talk radio shows lit up Friday with incensed callers who said they were “livid,” “mad” and “on the verge of tears” as they listened to Mr. Romney scoldingly describe what he called Mr. Trump’s misogyny, vulgarity and dishonesty, and urged them to abandon him.

“The Trumpists out there,” predicted Rush Limbaugh, “are going to feel like the establishment is trying to manipulate them, sucker them, and they’re just going to dig in deeper.”

They did.


Kathy, from Sun City, Ariz., told Mr. Limbaugh she was “absolutely livid by the Romney speech. He’s condescending,” she said, adding that he sounded like a “Democrat the whole time.” Steve from Temecula, Calif., said he had a message for Mr. Romney: “The Republican electorate is not a bunch of completely ignorant fools.”


In interviews across the country, Republican voters suggested that Mr. Romney’s move was presumptuous and described him as out of touch and ineffectual. “They want to control the election because they don’t like Trump,” said Joann Hirschmann of Shelby Township, Mich., a supporter of Gov. John Kasich of Ohio. “And I can understand that. But you have to let the people speak.”

Frustrated Republicans seized on Mr. Romney’s status as a party insider who was insulated from the realities, indignities and rage of average Americans headed to the polls this year. “He’s an establishment figure,” said Faith Sheptoski-Forbush of Romulus, Mich. “So that’s what you get.”

She called Mr. Romney’s diatribe against Mr. Trump “a desperate attempt” that left her deeply disappointed in him.

“What we need is the voice of the people,” Ms. Sheptoski-Forbush said. “The voice of the people want Trump.”


03-05-2016, 12:10 PM
I think that's what the feelings are. A bit less than 40% of the GOP will go with Trump, no matter what. In the general, I'd expect that many will stay home. Of the remaining some will go for Trump, some will vote for someone else. How that washes out? We'll have to see.

There's a slim chance that many of those opposed to Trump will show up and vote against him, they will be blamed for Hillary, but that would be wrong. Blame the candidates.

03-05-2016, 12:15 PM
And of course Ross Perot had nothing to do with any election either, it was 100% the candidates fault.

There are record numbers in most states, and in most of those states they have voted a majority to Trump. Those folks aren't going to disappear. And no way that every single voter for Cruz/Rubio stay home or ignore Trump. But if they do, so be it.

And some said that if Hillary does in fact take office, that it would be Trump's fault, and those who supported him over Rubio or Cruz.

03-05-2016, 12:19 PM
And of course Ross Perot had nothing to do with any election either, it was 100% the candidates fault.

There are record numbers in most states, and in most of those states they have voted a majority to Trump. Those folks aren't going to disappear. And no way that every single voter for Cruz/Rubio stay home or ignore Trump. But if they do, so be it.

And some said that if Hillary does in fact take office, that it would be Trump's fault, and those who supported him over Rubio or Cruz.

Trump has less than 1/4 of the delegates. He has received an average of 37% of ballots cast. That amount is greater than any other 1 candidate has garnered. Thus he leads, significantly. What gives credence to the problem of Trump, is not that those voting for the other candidates will 'all stay home,' anything but. Some will, the big concern for GOP is that they won't.

03-05-2016, 12:22 PM
Trump has been consistently polling with 40% of support from republicans, and that's with the others still in the race. I can't imagine that going down, or remaining the same if the others are out of the race. Will some stay home? No doubt, just like every other election. Will ALL of them stay home? Nope. So it's just a matter of how many switch to Trump, if he gets the nomination of course. I think that number goes up an awful lot when it's narrowed down, and Hillary is the alternative.

03-05-2016, 12:25 PM
Trump has been consistently polling with 40% of support from republicans, and that's with the others still in the race. I can't imagine that going down, or remaining the same if the others are out of the race. Will some stay home? No doubt, just like every other election. Will ALL of them stay home? Nope. So it's just a matter of how many switch to Trump, if he gets the nomination of course. I think that number goes up an awful lot when it's narrowed down, and Hillary is the alternative.

That's where I was for the past few weeks, seems though that there is a growing numbers that aren't going to walk away from the party they thought held their principles without a protest. They will likely still walk away afterwards, I see a great swell in 2020 in the 'independents' column. Many will be from old GOP, many burned Bernie supporters.

03-05-2016, 12:28 PM
This started before Trump. Many were stating for the past few years "I haven't left the party, the party has left me".

And that's more or less true, depending on your vantage point. So folks were already scattering and looking for alternatives for what/who is in Washington.

03-05-2016, 12:33 PM
This started before Trump. Many were stating for the past few years "I haven't left the party, the party has left me".

And that's more or less true, depending on your vantage point. So folks were already scattering and looking for alternatives for what/who is in Washington.

While I agree that just about everyone is disgusted with what the politicians have done and haven't done the bottom line is there is at least 2 great schisms forming-those that want to put in someone who will 'smash' and rule; those that want the system to be reformed in the way the founders set it up. The two aren't going to be reconciled-will it show up in the general? I don't know.

03-05-2016, 12:47 PM
IMO Bottom line, If the establishment GOP continues it's fight above ground just using their money, corporate platforms and public mouth pieces like they have so far. Trump will win the GOP nomination and probably the white house.

But if the the establishment starts cheating with the rules, pressuring or bribing delegates, fixing the voting machines and counts and other corrupt trickery then Trump doesn't have a prayer. Plus the Trump supporters will be called conspiracy theorist and will be said to have sour grapes if they ask for investigations and recounts or complain with any passion.

Also if Drumpf does win the GOP nod by popular votes then i'd expect long time GOP establishment money to all be pulled from the republican party and instead pour into Hillary's campaign ... NOT a 3rd party's. And the money won't "stay at home" . They will NOT be "faithful" to the party as many rank and file somehow demand others to be. The establishment rich know they can get almost as much from her as they could from a compliant/bought GOP president.

03-05-2016, 08:25 PM
I think that's what the feelings are. A bit less than 40% of the GOP will go with Trump, no matter what. In the general, I'd expect that many will stay home. Of the remaining some will go for Trump, some will vote for someone else. How that washes out? We'll have to see.

There's a slim chance that many of those opposed to Trump will show up and vote against him, they will be blamed for Hillary, but that would be wrong. Blame the candidates.

Oh, I am very familiar with that mentality. "It's not my fault." "The devil made me do it."

It's not the voters' fault that Obama won. It is the Republicans' fault.

"It's not my fault for my actions", said the rapist. It is the girl's fault for wearing that short dress.

The voters need to take personal responsibility and not shift the blame onto something else.


03-05-2016, 08:41 PM
Oh, I am very familiar with that mentality. "It's not my fault." "The devil made me do it."

It's not the voters' fault that Obama won. It is the Republicans' fault.

"It's not my fault for my actions", said the rapist. It is the girl's fault for wearing that short dress.

The voters need to take personal responsibility and not shift the blame onto something else.


and I care of your opinion of my opinion, why? :laugh:

03-05-2016, 09:00 PM
and I care of your opinion of my opinion, why? :laugh:

Granted, we have no love for each other.

03-05-2016, 09:06 PM
Granted, we have no love for each other.

I haven't a problem with you. :thumb:

Black Diamond
03-05-2016, 09:47 PM
and I care of your opinion of my opinion, why? :laugh:

I care of your opinion of her opinion :cool:

03-05-2016, 09:52 PM
I care of your opinion of her opinion :cool:

I care of my opinion of his opinion of her opinion of her opinion...:cool::cool:

03-05-2016, 09:57 PM
I care of my opinion of his opinion of her opinion of her opinion...:cool::cool:

Closest. My opinion is what matters-to me. ;)

03-05-2016, 10:27 PM
Closest. My opinion is what matters-to me. ;)


Were just all laid back...bored..waiting...watching and enjoying our Saturday night....and that is my opinion...which matters to me....:laugh2:

How are you doing this evening Kat? Myself...doing fine...surfing a bit...popping in and out of "DP"...and enjoying some good Brandy!:thumb:

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-06-2016, 10:16 AM
I care of my opinion of his opinion of her opinion of her opinion...:cool::cool:

I care of my opinion on your opinion of his opinion of her opinion and my opinion of her opinion
of my opinion on your opinion of Black Diamond's opinion.. ;)--TYR

03-06-2016, 10:26 AM
I care of my opinion on your opinion of his opinion of her opinion and my opinion of her opinion
of my opinion on your opinion of Black Diamond's opinion.. ;)--TYR

....Soon we will need an Opinion computer...:laugh:
