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07-16-2007, 06:20 PM

Dear Don,

Last week was a historic one for our grassroots campaign to secure our borders and take back our Party!

On Wednesday, I unveiled my “OVERDUE Immigration Reform Bill” at the U.S. Capitol, a multi-faceted legislative plan to enforce our existing immigration laws, tighten our broken visa system, and secure our borders…..all without amnesty for illegal aliens!

This bill is my concrete response to the “open borders” whiners here in Washington who kept telling us that, if we had a better idea than their amnesty bill, we should put it forward. That’s exactly what I have done!

Then on Thursday, I traveled to Detroit and spoke to the annual convention of the NAACP. All Republican and Democratic presidential candidates were invited to attend. I was the only Republican who showed up! Someone might want to tell my GOP opponents that if they think they can win the presidency just by talking to Republicans, they’re in for a mighty big surprise next year!

I have to tell you, I had a great reception from the audience, with standing ovations when I came in and at the end of my remarks to them. Rest assured….there was no pandering either. I spoke with them the same as I would to the Republicans of Iowa and the delegates of this convention were just as receptive. Our message—that out of control illegal immigration is the greatest threat our nation faces today, security-wise, socially and economically—is for all Americans. And what’s more, the wider we spread it the stronger we are.

Now, we really are turning our complete focus to the upcoming Iowa Straw Poll on August 11 and we could sure use your help. Will you make a special contribution today to help us?

We are getting great crowds in Iowa, and now we just need to be sure we have the resources to get our supporters to Ames on August 11. Your special gift today will be such a great help to us!

Thanks as always for your great support. I’ll be back in touch later this week!

Tom Tancredo

07-16-2007, 08:27 PM
i dont think anyone expects to win the election only talking to Republicans. but they do expect to win the nomination talking to Republicans. There is plenty of time to talk to everyone else afterwards.

07-16-2007, 08:40 PM
i dont think anyone expects to win the election only talking to Republicans. but they do expect to win the nomination talking to Republicans. There is plenty of time to talk to everyone else afterwards.

Mayve he's trying to get the Dem's to transfer from the Dark Side to the Light Side?