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View Full Version : Great point for Trump haters or ANY democrat supporter

03-07-2016, 01:53 AM
Found this on FB today.


03-07-2016, 07:24 AM
The media is not ripping Trump apart 24 hours a day. Hardly. 'He had an off night' is as rough as it gets for the most part.

It will get rough, once he's nominated no doubt.

Actually 'all bad acts and actors' create problems we all pay for and good people that we all benefit from. The government for the most part gets some of our attention-come 4/15 or election times. Bankruptcies have costs; as well run enterprises provide dividends Fraud has a price beyond those directly taken in; ethically based businesses support not only their direct owners, but also their customers in good will and as a community example.

03-07-2016, 07:26 AM
Really terrible logic here. Exactly what I'd expect to find on FB.

03-07-2016, 07:43 AM
From my side of the Pond, it's good to see that the BBC is being less strident in its anti-Trump rhetoric. I think they're genuinely surprised at Trump's successes .. and maybe, now, a little bit worried ?

I'm enjoying that ...... :laugh:

03-07-2016, 07:51 AM
Never even mind the news part, who cares. But the rest is spot on. And not all is "terrible logic", a lot of it is just downright facts of what transpired.

03-07-2016, 08:48 AM
Really terrible logic here. Exactly what I'd expect to find on FB.

Except it's close enough to make reasonable people consider the facts.

03-07-2016, 09:08 AM
Never even mind the news part, who cares. But the rest is spot on. And not all is "terrible logic", a lot of it is just downright facts of what transpired.

These "facts" are not an argument to support Trump. It's really just silly to assert that. One could make an equally damning FB graphic on negatives of Trump.

03-07-2016, 09:24 AM
These "facts" are not an argument to support Trump. It's really just silly to assert that. One could make an equally damning FB graphic on negatives of Trump.

Huh? I didn't mention Trump. How do you think I asserted ANYTHING about Trump?

03-07-2016, 09:29 AM
From my side of the Pond, it's good to see that the BBC is being less strident in its anti-Trump rhetoric. I think they're genuinely surprised at Trump's successes .. and maybe, now, a little bit worried ?

I'm enjoying that ...... :laugh:



03-07-2016, 09:48 AM
Here's a question some of y'all might want to give your best shot at explaining ....

Why does one have to "hate Trump" to not want him as President? I don't hate him. I could care less about him, matter of fact. Except he's trying to ruin the place.

I just watched a movie with my GF last night and I can tell you this ... Trump, IMO, is Robert Redford in the Winter Soldier. That's EXACTLY what I think of him. Just a corporate jerk with a bad hair do.

Why any of y'all take it personally that I don't like him beats the crap out of me. If anyone can't stand to have their judgement questioned, then I guess your convictions aren't all that great, huh? Little insecurity going on?

03-07-2016, 09:57 AM
He does have bad hair, gunny. I give you that.

03-07-2016, 09:58 AM
Here's a question some of y'all might want to give your best shot at explaining ....

Why does one have to "hate Trump" to not want him as President? I don't hate him. I could care less about him, matter of fact. Except he's trying to ruin the place.

I just watched a movie with my GF last night and I can tell you this ... Trump, IMO, is Robert Redford in the Winter Soldier. That's EXACTLY what I think of him. Just a corporate jerk with a bad hair do.

Why any of y'all take it personally that I don't like him beats the crap out of me. If anyone can't stand to have their judgement questioned, then I guess your convictions aren't all that great, huh? Little insecurity going on?

I'm not going to attempt to speak to others. But if a discussion about Trump, positive or negative, I don't take such personally. But MANY times here, from quite a few folks, it went from Trump to those supporting him. Agree or disagree, that's how I see it. And questioning judgment is one thing, MOCKING supporters is entirely different. One doesn't need to discuss the intelligence of others, simply because they disagree with them. If others returned the same fire, the election discussion here would be gone. I don't even THINK about another's intelligence when it comes to them supporting someone else other than Trump.

03-07-2016, 10:01 AM
Huh? I didn't mention Trump. How do you think I asserted ANYTHING about Trump?

This thread is about Trump, so what are you talking about?

03-07-2016, 10:02 AM
This thread is about Trump, so what are you talking about?

Did you even READ what is under the picture of Trump, which is basically a list of all the failures of the current president? Apparently not.

03-07-2016, 10:09 AM
Did you even READ what is under the picture of Trump, which is basically a list of all the failures of the current president? Apparently not.

Yes what is your point? If it's not about Trump, why is his photos there and his name listed 20 times?

03-07-2016, 10:12 AM
Yes what is your point? If it's not about Trump, why is his photos there and his name listed 20 times?

So you DIDN'T read it! :lol:

It's simply pointing out NOT to blame him for such shit as he isn't responsible for what the current knucklehead did, and his administration.

03-07-2016, 10:13 AM
So you DIDN'T read it! :lol:

It's simply pointing out NOT to blame him for such shit as he isn't responsible for what the current knucklehead did, and his administration.

Who is him? Trump? I thought it wasn't about Trump.

03-07-2016, 10:16 AM
So you DIDN'T read it! :lol:

It's simply pointing out NOT to blame him for such shit as he isn't responsible for what the current knucklehead did, and his administration.

When the f- did you get the idea I could read?

I blame him for who and what he is. I don't blame him for what he doesn't do. I blame him for who and what he is.

03-07-2016, 10:17 AM
Who is him? Trump? I thought it wasn't about Trump.

Now you're just purposely being obtuse because you were busted being a dummy. The things listed in that image are about Obama and his administration. Trump is mentioned because it also wants to express that he is bashed non-stop while those things are ignored. I don't agree that he is bashed non-stop, hence me not covering that part. But a lot of that stuff is more or less ignored by much of the major media.

I'm sorry I made your head hurt so early. :laugh:

03-07-2016, 10:17 AM
When the f- did you get the idea I could read?

I blame him for who and what he is. I don't blame him for what he doesn't do. I blame him for who and what he is.

I didn't quote you, fuckface! I was responding to the person I actually quoted - Pete!

03-07-2016, 10:19 AM
I didn't quote you, fuckface! I was responding to the person I actually quoted - Pete!

Don't call me f***face, Jim.

03-07-2016, 10:24 AM
Now you're just purposely being obtuse because you were busted being a dummy. The things listed in that image are about Obama and his administration. Trump is mentioned because it also wants to express that he is bashed non-stop while those things are ignored. I don't agree that he is bashed non-stop, hence me not covering that part. But a lot of that stuff is more or less ignored by much of the major media.

I'm sorry I made your head hurt so early. :laugh:

I understand the things listed, but the main objective is about Trump hence why the image is Trump and not Obama. I'm done arguing this because it's beyond a waste of time.

03-07-2016, 10:26 AM
I understand the things listed, but the main objective is about Trump hence why the image is Trump and not Obama. I'm done arguing this because it's beyond a waste of time.

And yet the CONTENT was about the Obama administration and the dolt himself. I'm truly sorry if this fact eludes you somehow. But to go back to YOUR first post and MY first reply - nowhere did I mention Trump. Now that you know, you see that I was referring to the CONTENT of the image.

And I had no idea why you were incorrectly arguing to begin with! :dunno:

03-07-2016, 10:26 AM
Don't call me f***face, Jim.

Never! That's only for Gunny and Jeff! :laugh:

03-07-2016, 10:55 AM
Now you're just purposely being obtuse because you were busted being a dummy. The things listed in that image are about Obama and his administration. Trump is mentioned because it also wants to express that he is bashed non-stop while those things are ignored. I don't agree that he is bashed non-stop, hence me not covering that part. But a lot of that stuff is more or less ignored by much of the major media.

I'm sorry I made your head hurt so early. :laugh:


03-07-2016, 11:32 AM
Except it's close enough to make reasonable people consider the facts.

Looks to me that it is all summed up in a nutshell.

For 7+ years the Liberal Dem's have accused the Repub's of being obstructionists, and
the media has feasted on that. But how often did Pilosi refuse to work with fellow
Congress members who were not Democrat? How many unsigned bills sat on
Reid's desk in the Senate when the GOP took control of the House?

Liberals refuse to look at the facts.

03-07-2016, 11:33 AM
Huh? I didn't mention Trump. How do you think I asserted ANYTHING about Trump?

Diversion and Denial is your answer for that statement.

03-07-2016, 11:42 AM
Found this on FB today.


Steal Money --- the banks did that and neither R or D congress or administrations or the media or the public even CARE anymore.
Price of Food ---- farm subsides? oil prices? Big agra?, deficit? who knows what did that and neither administration or the media or the public even CARE to find out and do anything about other than generally claim they'll "fix it" if they are elected.
Race War? --- who trying to start a race war? Blacks just don't want to be killed by police as much. And if a crime is committed be tried and locked up the SAME way --not more harshly-- as whites. And when we're not doing anything to be left the heck alone! thats it. but some white people refuse to imagine that there's ever been a problem at all. there's ZERO call for "war" just fairness. But Trump isn't helping peoples attitudes when he himms and hawwws over KKK questions. Or has blacks and latinos spit on and beat at his rallies. Were whites beat on spit on at Obama events? Bush events?
Benghazzi --- that's the only thing that has been in the news and on Republicans lips MORE than Trump the past year. R's have not and will not let that alone but the Clintons are protected by the media on real issues.. ALWAYS have been.(but they'll talk about blow jobs for weeks)
Navy in Syria for AQ --- Both Parties have had people REQUEST that insanity. The media is part of the cover scheme IMO. Trump is all over the map in his responses on it. Because NO ONE says that's what they are doing outright. they all Claim it's "rebels" until OOOPPS it's not.
Arm ISIS Create ISIS Christian dead --- NO ONE R or D wants to take responsibility or fully ow up to THEIR PART in that. Republicans REFUSE to admit that the IRAQ WAR made and allowed control ISIS their. And the D refuse to admit they handled Syria and Lybia stupidly as well creating even MORE room for ISIS. the media is only concerned about rating with beheadings not systematic review of the problem.
Betrayed Israel? --- No one's "betrayed" Israel just because Israel doesn't get everything it want's doesn't = "betrayal". sheesh.
Financing Tech Iran --- No that's on Obama and Military industrial complex. but is the tech really for "weapons" Rs say so but is it true can Rs be honest enough to answer...?
Military Secrets to China? I missed that one. But they've been stealing those for decades Clinton outright gave them some.

Etc Etc.. some of those following problems are squarely on Obama's hands, and some both Rs and Ds have a hand in or NEITHER really care about. and the media gets YAWNS from the public over many of those issues.

the thing is this is an election season and all those issues are important ...OR SHOULD BE... But Trump is doing what reality TV stars do suck up all the air from important issues and make it about their outrageous personally and silly comments. If Paris Hilton and Kim Kardasian endorse him next week and the Media will spend 80 hrs talking about that.

But it's Trump and all the candidates are suppose to address the issues. But its Trump sideshow antics and goofy jabber jabber getting all the attention.

On the issue you folk know i care about the ..the constitution... I don't see how ANYONE can believe that Trump really has any firm commitment to it... at all. There's nothing he's said that indicates he even understands it, much less wants to follow it or get the rest of gov't to apply it.

Also if he's the front runner for the right HE's SUPPOSE to get a lot of the media attention but he should be talking about all the issues mentioned above and not the size of his bank account, his buildings, his fan club and his member.

03-07-2016, 12:03 PM
Found this on FB today.


Oh goodness. Trump Trump Trump. What can I say? You know first impressions are usually lasting ones. Here are my negatives against him.

he comes across as whiny and petulant. Child like. He's never being treated fairly, bla bla, he has ripped virtually every single Republican. Did you see the last debate? "Little Marco" "Lying Ted".

as for trade? Man, he's been ripping on China and Mexico and what do you know? He gets his labor from Mexico and has his clothing line made in China and Mexico. Do you really want a person like this sitting in the WH?

But the first thing he said that really ripped it for me was saying McCain was a loser for being shot down and held a prisoner of war.. Trump is an idiot.

03-07-2016, 12:05 PM
Oh goodness. Trump Trump Trump. What can I say? You know first impressions are usually lasting ones. Here are my negatives against him.

he comes across as whiny and petulant. Child like. He's never being treated fairly, bla bla, he has ripped virtually every single Republican. Did you see the last debate? "Little Marco" "Lying Ted".

as for trade? Man, he's been ripping on China and Mexico and what do you know? He gets his labor from Mexico and has his clothing line made in China and Mexico. Do you really want a person like this sitting in the WH?

But the first thing he said that really ripped it for me was saying McCain was a loser for being shot down and held a prisoner of war.. Trump is an idiot.

Little Marco. lol It was kinda funny.

03-07-2016, 12:10 PM
Little Marco. lol It was kinda funny.

yes, and then like the typical liberal he bitched about Rubio drinking water, we all drink water. How anyone can think Trump is a Republican is beyond my comprehension.

03-07-2016, 12:12 PM
yes, and then like the typical liberal he bitched about Rubio drinking water, we all drink water. How anyone can think Trump is a Republican is beyond my comprehension.
Olivia, what is the Florida perception of Rubio down there nowadays? I hear it has chilled a bit.

03-07-2016, 12:18 PM
@Olivia (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=3263), what is the Florida perception of Rubio down there nowadays? I hear it has chilled a bit.

I think it depends on which part of Florida. Fla. is a huge state with varied demographics. Remember huge parts of it are inhabited by refugees:cool: from the northeast. Rubio is not favored by them. He does have huge approval within the Cuban Americans in the Miami area and we like him here in the panhandle. Our primary is the 15th it will be interesting.

03-07-2016, 12:23 PM
I think it depends on which part of Florida. Fla. is a huge state with varied demographics. Remember huge parts of it are inhabited by refugees:cool: from the northeast. Rubio is not favored by them. He does have huge approval within the Cuban Americans in the Miami area and we like him here in the panhandle. Our primary is the 15th it will be interesting.

Interesting indeed. I really do wonder if those that haven't cast absentee will break Cruz, to deny Trump and his banked votes? I really like Rubio, just seems that someone who can compromise isn't popular this election cycle.

03-07-2016, 12:31 PM
I think it depends on which part of Florida. Fla. is a huge state with varied demographics. Remember huge parts of it are inhabited by refugees:cool: from the northeast. Rubio is not favored by them. He does have huge approval within the Cuban Americans in the Miami area and we like him here in the panhandle. Our primary is the 15th it will be interesting.

Yeah you'd think all the yankees complaining about refugees would quit invading our turf. Hypocrites. Welcome to Texas. Don't forget to go back home.

And I actually lived in S FLA for the 70s.

Abbey Marie
03-07-2016, 01:20 PM
Yeah you'd think all the yankees complaining about refugees would quit invading our turf. Hypocrites. Welcome to Texas. Don't forget to go back home.

And I actually lived in S FLA for the 70s.

I can just see you Gunny, looking like this:


03-07-2016, 01:28 PM
Yeah you'd think all the yankees complaining about refugees would quit invading our turf. Hypocrites. Welcome to Texas. Don't forget to go back home.

And I actually lived in S FLA for the 70s.

If you want a side-by-side comparison of the effect of transplants, compare the more upscale area of Dallas County and Collin County to Tarrant County (Fort Worth). I guess some people just don't like prosperity. :dunno: