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03-08-2016, 08:24 AM
Many columns and articles have ably traced the rise of Donald Trump. This one from Tom Edsall is particularly outstanding, and Charles Murray’s book, “Coming Apart,” is loaded with data essential to understanding the phenomenon. This epistle today will try to translate Trump’s rise into something more direct and linear.

Trump’s popularity is a direct result of a tsunami of economic and cultural globalism that has flooded the shores of America over the last 25 years. The overwhelming pace of this change has upended both the country and the relationship that working-class voters have with both political parties, but especially the GOP.

As with most movements, a single event turns into a catalyst. In this case, a supertanker full of gasoline has crashed into a smoldering country. Today, we are witnessing an eruption in three stages. I’ll discuss each.


The Impact of Economic Globalism. In Edsall’s terrific column, he cites the government’s own numbers showing the United States has lost seven million manufacturing jobs since 1979 as the population has ballooned by 96 million. Surely not all 96 million people have entered the labor force, but the 89 million difference between those numbers is stunning nonetheless.

There is no question the U.S. commitment to free trade has contributed to a loss of manufacturing jobs. Don’t just believe the data. Hop in your car and take a drive, not on the Interstate, but on our highways and on secondary and farm-to-market roads through the Mid-Atlantic states, the Rust Belt, and, especially, the Deep South. You’ll see bricked-up, locked-down cinder block buildings that did not just serve as textile mills and manufacturing plants but represented jobs, stability, and the industriousness of millions of Americans.


The Impact of Cultural Globalism. The changes in American culture over the last 25 years have been sweeping. Murray chronicles the breakdown in traditional American values, citing seismic shifts not just in attitude but also in behavior relating to industriousness, honesty, marriage, and religiosity. Murray’s thesis is that these changes, in combination with economic and educational shifts, have challenged the basis of traditional American civic life. We’ve become more like the advanced welfare states of Europe, driving a “coming apart” of the American community.

Some say Trump’s life manifests few of these values. Maybe he’s worked hard, but his bankruptcies and shady deals don’t say much for honesty. He’s on his third marriage, and both Corinthians would probably agree he’s not a particularly religious man. But these observations, while true, miss the point.


The Great Recession and the 2008 Wall Street Bailout. Voters perceived the response of those in power to the Great Recession to be the very essence of everything wrong with our political system — clear proof the system is irrevocably broken.

The economy collapses. A government response is needed. What happens?

The big banks, auto companies, and creatures of Wall Street who caused the collapse get “bailed out.” Republicans and Democrats both supported it. Save a precious few, almost no one was held accountable. The wealthy seemed insulated from collapse. It looked like business as usual.

But voters didn’t see a bailout for middle-class America. According to the Institute for Policy Research, “more than eight million Americans lost their jobs, nearly four million homes were foreclosed each year, and 2.5 million businesses were shuttered” during the Great Recession.


03-08-2016, 08:53 AM
While all of that may have contributed, what brought forth Trump is the failure of the GOP to do as they promised to do. The GOP is full of filthy liars. There ain't nothing worse than a liar.

At least when you elect a Democrat, you kinda know what you're gonna get. Not so with most Republicans. Hence, Trump.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-08-2016, 09:27 AM
Many columns and articles have ably traced the rise of Donald Trump. This one from Tom Edsall is particularly outstanding, and Charles Murray’s book, “Coming Apart,” is loaded with data essential to understanding the phenomenon. This epistle today will try to translate Trump’s rise into something more direct and linear.

Trump’s popularity is a direct result of a tsunami of economic and cultural globalism that has flooded the shores of America over the last 25 years. The overwhelming pace of this change has upended both the country and the relationship that working-class voters have with both political parties, but especially the GOP.

As with most movements, a single event turns into a catalyst. In this case, a supertanker full of gasoline has crashed into a smoldering country. Today, we are witnessing an eruption in three stages. I’ll discuss each.


The Impact of Economic Globalism. In Edsall’s terrific column, he cites the government’s own numbers showing the United States has lost seven million manufacturing jobs since 1979 as the population has ballooned by 96 million. Surely not all 96 million people have entered the labor force, but the 89 million difference between those numbers is stunning nonetheless.

There is no question the U.S. commitment to free trade has contributed to a loss of manufacturing jobs. Don’t just believe the data. Hop in your car and take a drive, not on the Interstate, but on our highways and on secondary and farm-to-market roads through the Mid-Atlantic states, the Rust Belt, and, especially, the Deep South. You’ll see bricked-up, locked-down cinder block buildings that did not just serve as textile mills and manufacturing plants but represented jobs, stability, and the industriousness of millions of Americans.


The Impact of Cultural Globalism. The changes in American culture over the last 25 years have been sweeping. Murray chronicles the breakdown in traditional American values, citing seismic shifts not just in attitude but also in behavior relating to industriousness, honesty, marriage, and religiosity. Murray’s thesis is that these changes, in combination with economic and educational shifts, have challenged the basis of traditional American civic life. We’ve become more like the advanced welfare states of Europe, driving a “coming apart” of the American community.

Some say Trump’s life manifests few of these values. Maybe he’s worked hard, but his bankruptcies and shady deals don’t say much for honesty. He’s on his third marriage, and both Corinthians would probably agree he’s not a particularly religious man. But these observations, while true, miss the point.


The Great Recession and the 2008 Wall Street Bailout. Voters perceived the response of those in power to the Great Recession to be the very essence of everything wrong with our political system — clear proof the system is irrevocably broken.

The economy collapses. A government response is needed. What happens?

The big banks, auto companies, and creatures of Wall Street who caused the collapse get “bailed out.” Republicans and Democrats both supported it. Save a precious few, almost no one was held accountable. The wealthy seemed insulated from collapse. It looked like business as usual.

But voters didn’t see a bailout for middle-class America. According to the Institute for Policy Research, “more than eight million Americans lost their jobs, nearly four million homes were foreclosed each year, and 2.5 million businesses were shuttered” during the Great Recession.


Hence my thousands of accusations given here at this forum against the "globalists"(and their muzzy alliance) that so many dismissed as conspiracy rantings. I only started raging against globalism a bit over 20 damn years ago!
Always ahead of my time..
Same thing with my raging against the ffing muzzy bastards.
Started even before(after first trade center bombing) 9/11, ONLY INTENSIFIED AFTERWARDS INTO A SUSTAINED VOW TO NEVER STOP.

03-08-2016, 09:28 AM
Hence my thousands of accusations given here at this forum against the "globalists"(and their muzzy alliance) that so many dismissed as conspiracy rantings. I only started raging against globalism a bit over 20 damn years ago!
Always ahead of my time..
Same thing with my raging against the ffing muzzy bastards.
Started even before(after first trade center bombing) 9/11, ONLY INTENSIFIED AFTERWARDS INTO A SUSTAINED VOW TO NEVER STOP.

No coffee yet, huh? :laugh:

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-08-2016, 09:32 AM
No coffee yet, huh? :laugh:

Wife makes the coffee,she sleeping late this morn. I am just too lazy to do it myself, even for me!
I just spent an hour writing another long poem for a contest.
She started the coffee only about a minute ago!
You got ESP OR WHAT???? :beer:--TYR

03-08-2016, 09:36 AM
Wife makes the coffee,she sleeping late this morn. I am just too lazy to do it myself, even for me!
I just spent an hour writing another long poem for a contest.
She started the coffee only about a minute ago!
You got ESP OR WHAT???? :beer:--TYR

Well, you could probably go with clue numero uno ... like that's some player-hating even for you. :laugh:

03-08-2016, 09:45 AM
Wife makes the coffee,she sleeping late this morn. I am just too lazy to do it myself, even for me!
I just spent an hour writing another long poem for a contest.
She started the coffee only about a minute ago!
You got ESP OR WHAT???? :beer:--TYR

Somebody is a leeeetle bit spoiled.

03-08-2016, 09:47 AM
Somebody is a leeeetle bit spoiled.

lol. I think ALL men are spoiled. Just my opinion. And WE are the ones who spoiled them.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-08-2016, 09:49 AM
Well, you could probably go with clue numero uno ... like that's some player-hating even for you. :laugh:

If I am anything at all- it is consistent in my anger/rage at darkness, evil, fools, asshats , bastards , cowardly worms, and dems/ libs but I repeat myself.
If a Civil War ever break out here, look out all the lying vermin that help destroy this nation, my wrath will be
way off the damn charts, we of Injun blood know how to do wrath. ;)
I have always wanted to scalp a well deserving bastard myself. - Not joking-
that mean streak is real amigo..
MY SOUTHERN HERITAGE will be vindicated if such a tragedy in this nation should become a reality my friend! -Tyr

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-08-2016, 09:54 AM
Somebody is a leeeetle bit spoiled.

She spoils me way , way less than I spoil her my friend.
I make damn sure I stay ahead in that contest , as women so often rate that with being how much you truly love them.
Besides, she is many light-years depth far, far better than any woman I have ever known be it my two ex-wives or "numerous girlfriends" back in my youth.
The trick is to not make it a given routine and thus become unappreciated. -Tyr

03-08-2016, 09:56 AM
If I am anything at all- it is consistent in my anger/rage at darkness, evil, fools, asshats , bastards , cowardly worms, and dems/ libs but I repeat myself.
If a Civil War ever break out here, look out all the lying vermin that help destroy this nation, my wrath will be
way off the damn charts, we of Injun blood know how to do wrath. ;)
I have always wanted to scalp a well deserving bastard myself. - Not joking-
that mean streak is real amigo..
MY SOUTHERN HERITAGE will be vindicated if such a tragedy in this nation should become a reality my friend! -Tyr

Tyr, if you ever decide to kill me, please promise not to scalp me. I love my hair and want to carry it with me into the grave.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-08-2016, 10:12 AM
Tyr, if you ever decide to kill me, please promise not to scalp me. I love my hair and want to carry it with me into the grave.
I never attack my friends, instead I defend them and have paid several fines in court for doing so.
Even paid a few fines for defending perfect strangers, back in the day, the wild days of my youth and hell-raising times.. TRUFF MY FRIEND..
Tis why now I no longer hang out in bars, as old habits are hard to break and at my age my family always comes first. -TYR

03-08-2016, 10:41 AM

03-08-2016, 10:49 AM

You know it is that mentality (which I share) that has brought us Trump and the Bern. I just don't know that either Trump or Bern is the answer. While I get annoyed at the irritatingly-obsessive anti-Trump threads, there is something to them. I am neither for nor against Trump at this point. I looooove that he is making poopoo in the GOP leadership's collective faces. On the other hand I fear he will not be good for America. I guess I'm torn. Decisions, decisions.

03-08-2016, 10:59 AM
You know it is that mentality (which I share) that has brought us Trump and the Bern. I just don't know that either Trump or Bern is the answer. While I get annoyed at the irritatingly-obsessive anti-Trump threads, there is something to them. I am neither for nor against Trump at this point. I looooove that he is making poopoo in the GOP leadership's collective faces. On the other hand I fear he will not be good for America. I guess I'm torn. Decisions, decisions.

You might want to re-look this board over. What anti-trump threads? You mean the ones Kath and I post? All TWO of us? In the meantime, I can't find a thread to post in that doesn't pimp his sorry ass. Here's the truth ...

The thread title is the last 25 years that brought us Trump. It's called settling for the less of two pieces of crap. In his own right, Trump is trash. The only argument is he's better than Billary.

Is that how far we've not come? Whatever happened to a good President that was worth something instead of the least POS?

Black Diamond
03-08-2016, 11:12 AM
You might want to re-look this board over. What anti-trump threads? You mean the ones Kath and I post? All TWO of us? In the meantime, I can't find a thread to post in that doesn't pimp his sorry ass. Here's the truth ...

The thread title is the last 25 years that brought us Trump. It's called settling for the less of two pieces of crap. In his own right, Trump is trash. The only argument is he's better than Billary.

Is that how far we've not come? Whatever happened to a good President that was worth something instead of the least POS?

Tailfins will be pissed that you've excluded him.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-08-2016, 11:33 AM
Tailfins will be pissed that you've excluded him.
So true, dat!!!!! :beer: :beer: :clap::clap::clap: :coffee:--Tyr

03-08-2016, 11:42 AM
Tailfins will be pissed that you've excluded him.

I don't know why y'all don't like him. He's not all that bright, but which of us is? :laugh:

And I'm sorry, but y'all think I pay attention. The people I like and have known for years I listen to. I wouldn't know TF from the ass end of his car. Sorry and no offense to him.

In case no one's noticed, I really don't dislike anyone. I'll argue with anyone. I just don't take it personally.

03-08-2016, 11:44 AM
I don't know why y'all don't like him. He's not all that bright, but which of us is? :laugh:

And I'm sorry, but y'all think I pay attention. The people I like and have known for years I listen to. I wouldn't know TF from the ass end of his car. Sorry and no offense to him.

In case no one's noticed, I really don't dislike anyone. I'll argue with anyone. I just don't take it personally.

Fuck you! (don't read that, Perianne, it's a curse) :)

03-08-2016, 11:46 AM
Tailfins will be pissed that you've excluded him.

Lawsuit in 3..2...1...

03-08-2016, 12:12 PM
You might want to re-look this board over. What anti-trump threads? You mean the ones Kath and I post? All TWO of us? In the meantime, I can't find a thread to post in that doesn't pimp his sorry ass. Here's the truth ...

The thread title is the last 25 years that brought us Trump. It's called settling for the less of two pieces of crap. In his own right, Trump is trash. The only argument is he's better than Billary.

Is that how far we've not come? Whatever happened to a good President that was worth something instead of the least POS?

and many think that anyone but Trump is better, even Hillary. I'm not that far gone, I won't vote Hillary. ;)

Black Diamond
03-08-2016, 12:15 PM
and many think that anyone but Trump is better, even Hillary. I'm not that far gone, I won't vote Hillary. ;)

Trump hasn't killed anyone. Just sayin'.

03-08-2016, 12:22 PM
Trump hasn't killed anyone. Just sayin'.

Good thing or bad thing?