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03-08-2016, 02:39 PM
Thought some of you might like the message:


Rush Is Right — The GOP Cannot Jim Crow Trump Voters

By Erick Erickson (http://theresurgent.com/author/erick/) | March 7, 2016, 08:56pm

Rush Limbaugh noted on his program and on Fox over the weekend that the GOP Establishment’s plan now is to take the nomination from Trump at the convention. If Donald Trump has the delegate lead headed into the convention, even if it is short of 1,237, the GOP would destroy itself if they did not make Trump the Presidential nominee.
But the Washington Post reports this is in the works. (https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/seeing-trump-as-vulnerable-gop-elites-now-eye-a-contested-convention/2016/03/07/976d2c62-e487-11e5-a6f3-21ccdbc5f74e_story.html?postshare=8611457395172266&tid=ss_tw)

Marco Rubio wins Florida. John Kasich wins Ohio. Ted Cruz notches victories in the Midwest and Mountain West. And the results in California and other states are jumbled enough to leave Trump three dozen delegates short of the 1,237 required — forcing a contested convention in Cleveland in July.

The Republicans peddling this theory will obtain only a pyrrhic victory. The GOP itself will crumble if it does this. I am very much opposed to Donald Trump and will vote third party if Donald Trump is the GOP nominee, but if he heads to the convention with the most delegates and the GOP does not make him the nominee, I’d call foul on them as well.

The Republican Party has done one thing well since 2010 — not win. They have at every opportunity pulled the football away from conservatives and negotiated their surrenders before even fighting. If the GOP plays for keeps on this, they’ll keep a party no serious person would support in the system because the signal they’ll be sending is that the party is exclusive.

Trump, though I do not like him, has brought swarms of people into the GOP. Putting out a “No Trump voters allowed” sign is Jim Crowing the GOP — a convention equivalent to segregated water fountains and delegates.

The way to beat Trump is to beat him in the primaries and caucuses, not steal from him the nomination when he gets the most votes. Playing cute by saying he needed 1,234 and came up short does not work in the real world when he has the most delegates.

This is why the GOP is having to deal with Donald Trump in the first place. The GOP elite in Washington, D.C. have lost their connection to middle America and think they can hide behind carve outs, loop holes, and side deals. They cannot any longer and Trump has exposed them for the cowards and cheats that they are.

Beat Trump at the ballot box, not the convention.

Black Diamond
03-08-2016, 02:45 PM
Maybe they should pressure Rubio and Kasich to drop out this week and tell Willard to shut his 47% loser hole.

03-08-2016, 03:16 PM
Maybe they should pressure Rubio and Kasich to drop out this week and tell Willard to shut his 47% loser hole.

I expect we'll have to wait until the 15th to see Rubio drop out.

I'm not sure wtf Kasich is doing other than spending money.

Black Diamond
03-08-2016, 03:49 PM
I expect we'll have to wait until the 15th to see Rubio drop out.

I'm not sure wtf Kasich is doing other than spending money.
I think Kasich will stay in until the 15th as well as that is when Ohio votes. But the longer they stay in, the more likely we have brokered convention imo

03-08-2016, 04:35 PM
Rubio needs to man up, meet with Cruz and agree to be his running mate. Combined, they beat Trump easily. He needs to do it soon though because he'll still be on the ticket in states with early voting.

Cruz will destroy Hillary in debate and her race card gets incinerated.

Abbey Marie
03-08-2016, 05:08 PM
Rubio needs to man up, meet with Cruz and agree to be his running mate. Combined, they beat Trump easily. He needs to do it soon though because he'll still be on the ticket in states with early voting.

Cruz will destroy Hillary in debate and her race card gets incinerated.

Rubio is young enough that this is good move for him, imo. It sets him up nicely for a future run.

03-08-2016, 05:12 PM
Rubio is young enough that this is good move for him, imo. It sets him up nicely for a future run.

Agreed. Maybe he can learn more conservatism from Cruz if they win the Whitehouse.

03-08-2016, 05:51 PM
Rubio is young enough that this is good move for him, imo. It sets him up nicely for a future run.
Absolutely. Cruz 2016, 2020; Rubio 2024, 2028.

03-08-2016, 06:14 PM
Rubio is young enough that this is good move for him, imo. It sets him up nicely for a future run.
Rubio has years and years to run and win, I agree. Like Cruz, both have young families and can afford to take a break if needed, they'll make more money in private sector.