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View Full Version : Cruz's Campaign Accused of Spreading Rumors of Marco Rubio's Withdrawal

03-08-2016, 05:51 PM
Didn't they do similar with Ben Carson previously?


Senator Ted Cruz is under fire from Senator Marco Rubio’s campaign, which accuses him and his campaign of employing more “dirty tricks” ahead of the Republican caucuses in Hawaii on Tuesday and spreading false rumors that Mr. Rubio is dropping out of the race.

Emails that appeared to have come from the Cruz campaign were sent to his supporters in Hawaii promoting a CNN report saying some of Mr. Rubio’s advisers see no path for him to win the Republican presidential nomination, and suggesting that he might leave the race before the March 15 primary in Florida. A spokesman for Mr. Rubio said that report is false.

“Senator Cruz is up to his dirty tricks again spreading false rumors and lies,” said Joe Pounder, a spokesman for Mr. Rubio.

In February, Mr. Cruz was forced to apologize to Ben Carson, who dropped out of the Republican race last week, after his campaign told caucusgoers in Iowa on the day of the voting that Mr. Carson was planning to quit the race. The Cruz campaign said at the time that it was just relaying information from news reports, but later it acknowledged that it was wrong to spread bad information.


Black Diamond
03-08-2016, 06:06 PM
Didn't they do similar with Ben Carson previously?


Senator Ted Cruz is under fire from Senator Marco Rubio’s campaign, which accuses him and his campaign of employing more “dirty tricks” ahead of the Republican caucuses in Hawaii on Tuesday and spreading false rumors that Mr. Rubio is dropping out of the race.

Emails that appeared to have come from the Cruz campaign were sent to his supporters in Hawaii promoting a CNN report saying some of Mr. Rubio’s advisers see no path for him to win the Republican presidential nomination, and suggesting that he might leave the race before the March 15 primary in Florida. A spokesman for Mr. Rubio said that report is false.

“Senator Cruz is up to his dirty tricks again spreading false rumors and lies,” said Joe Pounder, a spokesman for Mr. Rubio.

In February, Mr. Cruz was forced to apologize to Ben Carson, who dropped out of the Republican race last week, after his campaign told caucusgoers in Iowa on the day of the voting that Mr. Carson was planning to quit the race. The Cruz campaign said at the time that it was just relaying information from news reports, but later it acknowledged that it was wrong to spread bad information.

Like I said before.. Slimeball hiding behind a Bible.

03-08-2016, 06:12 PM
Like I said before.. Slimeball hiding behind a Bible.

My mistake, Black Diamond. I thought you were a Cruz guy. Sorry.

03-08-2016, 06:13 PM
Like I said before.. Slimeball hiding behind a Bible.

I don't think Rubio is all that far from being out of the race, but that doesn't mean others can use such tactics to take votes away.

03-08-2016, 06:17 PM
Sad. All the descent republicans were run off (Carson Rand Paul Jindal). Republicans rather vote for "viable" scumbags than press for the best.

Black Diamond
03-08-2016, 06:17 PM
I don't think Rubio is all that far from being out of the race, but that doesn't mean others can use such tactics to take votes away.

Completely agree. Maybe cruz will make it OK by apologizing to Rubio on Thursday like he did to Carson after Iowa.

03-08-2016, 06:21 PM
Completely agree. Maybe cruz will make it OK by apologizing to Rubio on Thursday like he did to Carson after Iowa.

This is cool. We are now debating Cruz vs Rubio vs Trump instead of endless Trump posts. I like it.

03-08-2016, 06:29 PM
Completely agree. Maybe cruz will make it OK by apologizing to Rubio on Thursday like he did to Carson after Iowa.

He was quick to blame locals supporting him and distance himself from it. :rolleyes:

Black Diamond
03-08-2016, 06:43 PM
My mistake, Black Diamond. I thought you were a Cruz guy. Sorry.

No problem. I have kept a low profile on whom I supported... Wife and I sent our absentee ballots in on Sunday and we both voted for Trump. We both were Christie supporters but he dropped out. This is a 3 (at most) person race and we don't like Rubio or Cruz.

03-08-2016, 08:09 PM
Sad. All the descent republicans were run off (Carson Rand Paul Jindal). Republicans rather vote for "viable" scumbags than press for the best.

Welcome to the Jungle....

They run themselves off...they were weak...Their "contributor" money run out...and not enough votes..

**If Trump loses ...I "will" call him weak too!...and a loser...it is what is is ...Life is never fair...only the strong survive...*Good luck to all contenders...I will support the Repub winner...


03-08-2016, 09:30 PM
Welcome to the Jungle....

They run themselves off...they were weak...Their "contributor" money run out...and not enough votes..

**If Trump loses ...I "will" call him weak too!...and a loser...it is what is is ...Life is never fair...only the strong survive...*Good luck to all contenders...I will support the Repub winner...


very sad. hmm, Stalin was the political winner in Russia, Moa in China, then there was this guy in germany that had real strong political game back in the 30s too. they were winners.

LTG what you say means that Republicans really don't give a crap about CHOOSING the best person for the job, with the best character and solid conservative values.
But rather the one that Scratches their way to the top of the popularity heap and manages to squeeze enough campaign funds out of backers whoever they may be.

So the party really isn't about conservative values AT ALL its about who can play the current political game the best... to win.
By hook or crook.
And BTW survival of the fittest really is not necessarily the strongest, just the one most well adapted to the environment. If the environment is right snakes, mad dogs and rats will outlive --win above-- lions, bears and owls.

so LTG, enjoy your "winner" sir.

03-08-2016, 09:43 PM
very sad. hmm, Stalin was the political winner in Russia, Moa in China, then there was this guy in germany that had real strong political game back in the 30s too. they were winners.

LTG what you say means that Republicans really don't give a crap about CHOOSING the best person for the job, with the best character and solid conservative values.
But rather the one that Scratches their way to the top of the popularity heap and manages to squeeze enough campaign funds out of backers whoever they may be.

So the party really isn't about conservative values AT ALL its about who can play the current political game the best... to win.
By hook or crook.
And BTW survival of the fittest really is not necessarily the strongest, just the one most well adapted to the environment. If the environment is right snakes, mad dogs and rats will outlive --win above-- lions, bears and owls.

so LTG, enjoy your "winner" sir.

Indeed. Sort of a return to Hobbes, "Leviathan." What government is not supposed to be about, what the Founders tried to prevent. But now, 'Tear it all down!'

03-08-2016, 09:58 PM
I think CNN did this knowing full well this would happen. As an over-zealous campaign volunteer, I have been guilty of this myself. Senator Jim Talent had to pull me aside once and ask me to hide a very graphic anti-abortion sign. He had one of his staff supply me with a more acceptable pro-life sign. To fault Ted Cruz with the rumor is bogus.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-09-2016, 12:42 AM
very sad. hmm, Stalin was the political winner in Russia, Moa in China, then there was this guy in germany that had real strong political game back in the 30s too. they were winners.

LTG what you say means that Republicans really don't give a crap about CHOOSING the best person for the job, with the best character and solid conservative values.
But rather the one that Scratches their way to the top of the popularity heap and manages to squeeze enough campaign funds out of backers whoever they may be.

So the party really isn't about conservative values AT ALL its about who can play the current political game the best... to win.
By hook or crook.
And BTW survival of the fittest really is not necessarily the strongest, just the one most well adapted to the environment. If the environment is right snakes, mad dogs and rats will outlive --win above-- lions, bears and owls.

so LTG, enjoy your "winner" sir.

You don't get no pudding if you don't win my friend. Slow down and think about that..
And if it takes getting in the gutter long enough to win then so be it-a sacrifice to make in order to get the power to reverse the obama destruction.
I wouldnt care if Trump had a couple thousand of the traitor obama's specially imported muslim terrorists executed if it got him the win..
See trade off and a win/win. :laugh:

As you cry play fair-- nobody does , so you cry play fair and it does not matter if you lose by doing so--
O' but it does matter(!!!) --thats the damn rub hoss. The nation is at stake. --Tyr

03-09-2016, 12:52 AM
Completely agree. Maybe cruz will make it OK by apologizing to Rubio on Thursday like he did to Carson after Iowa.

I could not agree more BD. He creeps me out. He reminds me of a snake oil salesman. In fact I think he is a snake

03-09-2016, 12:55 AM
No problem. I have kept a low profile on whom I supported... Wife and I sent our absentee ballots in on Sunday and we both voted for Trump. We both were Christie supporters but he dropped out. This is a 3 (at most) person race and we don't like Rubio or Cruz.


My son, myself and my nephew are all voting for Trump next Tuesday. In fact we are all going to his rally on Saturday in Cleveland :D

03-09-2016, 01:12 AM

My son, myself and my nephew are all voting for Trump next Tuesday. In fact we are all going to his rally on Saturday in Cleveland :D

Cool...I voted (early voting) couple days ago...for Donald...

03-09-2016, 01:31 AM
I could not agree more BD. He creeps me out. He reminds me of a snake oil salesman. In fact I think he is a snake

I used to like him...and liked alot of the stuff he said..*besides the Insults and coordinated attacks against Trump... with Rubio (Robot Boy)....

The Problem I have with Cruz.. is that he has to have Backing (Money Contributors) to continue his campaign like all the regular bought and paid for Politicians ...Money is Never ever Free...always strings attached to it....

And...IMO...Cruz caint beat Hillary..I like the Conservative part of him...but thats all he has...

Trump comes along and changes everything...self sufficient..depends on no one..owes no one...and the main thing is...Trump brings in folks `from` all walks of life...both Genders... both parties..all races ....Cruz caint do that...for obvious reasons...and trump has plenty of Conservative values...that most like ...even the democrats voting for Trump....(tired of the Hillary bull-shit)

Trump is a smart Conservative...he never closes doors..but knows when to shut them...

03-09-2016, 08:03 AM
You don't get no pudding if you don't win my friend. Slow down and think about that..
And if it takes getting in the gutter long enough to win then so be it-a sacrifice to make in order to get the power to reverse the obama destruction.
I wouldnt care if Trump had a couple thousand of the traitor obama's specially imported muslim terrorists executed if it got him the win..
See trade off and a win/win. :laugh:

As you cry play fair-- nobody does , so you cry play fair and it does not ...The nation is at stake. --Tyr

so if the establishment elite overthrow the process at the convention and get the delegates to change their votes to Romney,
well that's just politics right Tyr? Romney's the winner, fair-schmair get real he won. Their money's at stake. win/win... for them.

Tyr lot of Republicans like to talk about "the rule of law" and "the constitution" "morals" "decency" "equality" and how other groups should "follow the rules"...like we do. So i just get weary of the double standards. Tossing our so-called morals and rules in the toilet on Monday when they're inconvenient then on Tuesday waving them around as sacred and inviolable and the way people ought to live their lives and acting outraged and shocked when they don't..
integrity, honor and traditional values etc etc.. just words i guess.

Seems to me the nation's souls are at stake as well.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-09-2016, 08:49 AM
so if the establishment elite overthrow the process at the convention and get the delegates to change their votes to Romney,
well that's just politics right Tyr? Romney's the winner, fair-schmair get real he won. Their money's at stake. win/win... for them.

Tyr lot of Republicans like to talk about "the rule of law" and "the constitution" "morals" "decency" "equality" and how other groups should "follow the rules"...like we do. So i just get weary of the double standards. Tossing our so-called morals and rules in the toilet on Monday when they're inconvenient then on Tuesday waving them around as sacred and inviolable and the way people ought to live their lives and acting outraged and shocked when they don't..
integrity, honor and traditional values etc etc.. just words i guess.

Seems to me the nation's souls are at stake as well.
Rev. politics is not a church my friend,its far far from it. You try to twist and mix the two, which is a grave error IMHO.
I wish you'd stop attempting that crap with me as if I am some kind of ffing dummy! I am far, far from it my friend..
We conservatives understand that fighting fire with fire is sometimes necessary to survive long enough to get the job done!
Anybody with great knowledge of WW2 can see how and why that is sadly a necessity...
As politics is war waged with the main weapons being - guile ,deceit, money and propaganda--while you attempt to say that we should treat it as a religion! -Tyr

03-09-2016, 08:52 AM
Welcome to the Jungle....

They run themselves off...they were weak...Their "contributor" money run out...and not enough votes..

**If Trump loses ...I "will" call him weak too!...and a loser...it is what is is ...Life is never fair...only the strong survive...*Good luck to all contenders...I will support the Repub winner...


You don't get no pudding if you don't win my friend. ...
As you cry play fair-- nobody does , so you cry play fair and it does not matter if you lose by doing so--
O' but it does matter(!!!) -... --Tyr

Sine We've got one cool song I think I'll add a couple that work here.



"For The Love Of Money"
Money, money, money, money, money [6x]...
For the love of money People will steal from their mother
For the love of money People will rob their own brother
For the love of money People can't even walk the street
Because they never know Who in the world they're gonna beat
For that lean, mean, mean green Almighty dollar, money
For the love of money People will lie, Lord, they will cheat
For the love of money People don't care who they hurt or beat
For the love of money A woman will sell her precious body
For a small piece of paper It carries a lot of weight
Call it lean, mean, mean green
Almighty dollar
I know money is the root of all evil Do funny things to some people
Give me a nickel, brother can you spare a dime Money can drive some people out of their minds

... Tell me your fears, I'll be your friend, I won't don't you in
All I need is a little Power Power Power Power
I'll make you all, the master race
Just put me in my guarded place
We must work down on our feet
In the lands fields of oil and in the lands of wheat
Power More Power I want it Power MorePower....

One thing I must make, perfectly clear -Power
Nuclear weapons, all men fear - Power
Their hands sweat, their fingers itch -Power
I'm the only one you can trust with the switch -Power
Give it to me
Power Power Power Power Power
Give it to me Power More Power Give it to me Power
More Power I need It Power! ...

03-09-2016, 08:57 AM
Rev. politics is not a church my friend,its far far from it. You try to twist and mix the two, which is a grave error IMHO.
I wish you'd stop attempting that crap with me as if I am some kind of ffing dummy! I am far, far from it my friend..
We conservatives understand that fighting fire with fire is sometimes necessary to survive long enough to get the job done!
Anybody with great knowledge of WW2 can see how and why that is sadly a necessity...
As politics is war waged with the main weapons being - guile ,deceit, money and propaganda--while you attempt to say that we should treat it as a religion! -Tyr

so where's the line Tyr.
when do we live like church and live like we want to get what we want?

good for the goose buddy that's all i'm saying. I just dont see the line where lying and cheating is good one day and not the other . other than IF it works for ME.
If I like it.

that's the main point.
But how much cheating and lying is it ok for me to do to you if we're working together in a biz Tyr? I suspect ZERO.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-09-2016, 09:41 AM
so where's the line Tyr.
when do we live like church and live like we want to get what we want?

good for the goose buddy that's all i'm saying. I just dont see the line where lying and cheating is good one day and not the other . other than IF it works for ME.
If I like it.

that's the main point.
But how much cheating and lying is it ok for me to do to you if we're working together in a biz Tyr? I suspect ZERO.

Your are still mixing politics with religion my friend. The two do not mix and especially in this day and age when the nation is as deep in depravity as it currently is and likely deeper than its ever been.
No Republican politician can win if they pay by the rules/morals you are preaching, sad but thats reality.
So either fire back with the same guns to win -then effect change after getting in office or else lose every damn time and effect no reversal- thats dealing with the harsh reality.
You do not get it and yet you preach how we should be saints in politicking yet the game is rigged so thats a loser every time.
Ideal in reality and gave ya WW2 AS AN EXAMPLE WHERE WE GOT DOWN AND DIRTY TO WIN-
fire bombing Dresden and the carpet bombing of Hamburg Germany- along with nukes dropped Hiroshima and Nagasaki Japan. After the war ended we reverted back to our usual standards of morality and helped
rebuild Europe and although occupying Japan we return it to its independence and prosperity.
Those positives are not taught in our liberal schools . One must search to read true history now(pre-60's/70's history books).-Tyr

03-09-2016, 10:13 AM
Your are still mixing politics with religion my friend. The two do not mix and especially in this day and age when the nation is as deep in depravity as it currently is and likely deeper than its ever been.
No Republican politician can win if they pay by the rules/morals you are preaching, sad but thats reality.
So either fire back with the same guns to win -then effect change after getting in office or else lose every damn time and effect no reversal- thats dealing with the harsh reality.
You do not get it and yet you preach how we should be saints in politicking yet the game is rigged so thats a loser every time.
Ideal in reality and gave ya WW2 AS AN EXAMPLE WHERE WE GOT DOWN AND DIRTY TO WIN-
fire bombing Dresden and the carpet bombing of Hamburg Germany- along with nukes dropped Hiroshima and Nagasaki Japan. After the war ended we reverted back to our usual standards of morality and helped
rebuild Europe and although occupying Japan we return it to its independence and prosperity.
Those positives are not taught in our liberal schools . One must search to read true history now(pre-60's/70's history books).-Tyr

I philosophically agree with Rev, I honestly try to heed those words of advice. Doesn't matter if it's from Rev or what I read or hear in Church. I don't always live that way or even cheer for the 'most consistent' with that view-hence my saying that I support Rubio-who went Trump on Trump. While he wasn't comfortable with that, turned it into the comedy it should be seen as-he did what needed to be done with a bully.

In the long run though, winning in this world isn't what's really important for our eternal health. We are human though, I worry about the temporal world of my children and grandchildren.

For me it's a dilemma.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-09-2016, 10:23 AM
I philosophically agree with Rev, I honestly try to heed those words of advice. Doesn't matter if it's from Rev or what I read or hear in Church. I don't always live that way or even cheer for the 'most consistent' with that view-hence my saying that I support Rubio-who went Trump on Trump. While he wasn't comfortable with that, turned it into the comedy it should be seen as-he did what needed to be done with a bully.

In the long run though, winning in this world isn't what's really important for our eternal health. We are human though, I worry about the temporal world of my children and grandchildren.

For me it's a dilemma.

I philosophically agree with Rev, I honestly try to heed those words of advice.


Sadly, too late now to reverse, as the government, culture and school system has made that an impossibility without first destroying them as they are constituted now.
Reality can be a real biaaaatch , huh? -Tyr

03-09-2016, 10:24 AM

Sadly, too late now to reverse, as the government, culture and school system has made that an impossibility without first destroying them as they are constituted now.
Reality can be areal biaaaatch , huh? -Tyr

I missed that 'exception' in any of my readings-except about taxes.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-09-2016, 10:30 AM
I missed that 'exception' in any of my readings-except about taxes.

Well, we all miss things don't we? As none of us are perfect.
Life presents so many choices , roads to take and decisions to make. ;)
Again, politics is not about religion or based upon tried and proven Christian morals.-Tyr

03-09-2016, 10:32 AM
Well, we all miss things don't we? As none of us are perfect.
Life presents so many choices , roads to take and decisions to make. ;)
Again, politics is not about religion or based upon tried and proven Christian morals.-Tyr

We all have to live the way we feel best. Same with those we follow or lead. :beer:

03-09-2016, 11:01 AM
Your are still mixing politics with religion my friend. ...
and you keep dodging the questions.

I think we all understand the idea that if we're starving that we might steal food, but are Trump,Cruz and the republican establishment starving for leadership position out of the goodness of their hearts Tyr?
sorry i don't buy it.

Look seems you're telling me to forget about morals in everyday life when you really want something or you're afraid. Until you get what you want. THEN we can be sort of moral after that. sorry i don't buy it.

So i can lie to my girlfriend until I've slept with all the other women i want, lie about my money, my character, lie on her friends making them look bad until we get married THEN ill be faithful and good? We can lie to get on the ballot , lie to all the voters, cheat on our opponents and allies, fix the voting machines, Steal to get money for the campaign THEN after we're elected we can be honest, do right and save the country?

As kathianne implied we're not just living for today, or just for "america" 1st. We're living for eternity and for God 1st IF we're Christians that is. God never told people to just be HONEST and good "in church" and FORGET IT when you're doing politics or war or business. I just don't think we're more practical or realistic than God.

Even in war, God told HIS people to either Kill or capture or release. not to torture. IF captured they were to be treated well. Not treated like they treated us.

Look Tyr if you personally don't agree with that. Fine. just don't try to tell me I'm suppose to understand that we all have to be JUST as corrupt as everyone we might deal with so i can win. That's YOUR idea not what we get from Jesus. If you don't believe God can help you win without becoming like the devils you fight then that's your idea.

if you think you can ONLY be good In Church but outside of Church you have be a devil, well Ok. I do understand what your saying I just don't agree.

I'm not perfect at ALL, and my hands aren't clean in many ways. But i'm not going to try and justify myself and pretend things i've done were "necessary" to get what i wanted. sometime that crap backfired. So anyway i like to try and shoot for the higher standards and not assume I'm going to lose if I try and do the right things in all areas. I think That's the best policy.

03-09-2016, 11:42 AM
Well with last night now in the books and polls showing only Trump and Cruz going up in FL, Marco needs to consider.

Mosheh Oinounou
✔‎@Mosheh (https://twitter.com/Mosheh)

. @MajorCBS (https://twitter.com/MajorCBS) reports @marcorubio (https://twitter.com/marcorubio) campaign is engaged in deep conversations about future of his presidential campaign after Tues. shellacking
11:06 PM - 8 Mar 2016 (https://twitter.com/Mosheh/status/707447535464484865)

Whether or not Rubio and Cruz are 'talking' there's an argument for Marco to come to tomorrow's debate loaded for bear and deliver. Then suspend and back Cruz. He gets out of 'last stand' and saves up for gubernatorial or next presidential campaign. Also some possibility of VP slot if he did so.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-09-2016, 11:45 AM
and you keep dodging the questions.

I think we all understand the idea that if we're starving that we might steal food, but are Trump,Cruz and the republican establishment starving for leadership position out of the goodness of their hearts Tyr?
sorry i don't buy it.

Look seems you're telling me to forget about morals in everyday life when you really want something or you're afraid. Until you get what you want. THEN we can be sort of moral after that. sorry i don't buy it.

So i can lie to my girlfriend until I've slept with all the other women i want, lie about my money, my character, lie on her friends making them look bad until we get married THEN ill be faithful and good? We can lie to get on the ballot , lie to all the voters, cheat on our opponents and allies, fix the voting machines, Steal to get money for the campaign THEN after we're elected we can be honest, do right and save the country?

As kathianne implied we're not just living for today, or just for "america" 1st. We're living for eternity and for God 1st IF we're Christians that is. God never told people to just be HONEST and good "in church" and FORGET IT when you're doing politics or war or business. I just don't think we're more practical or realistic than God.

Even in war, God told HIS people to either Kill or capture or release. not to torture. IF captured they were to be treated well. Not treated like they treated us.

Look Tyr if you personally don't agree with that. Fine. just don't try to tell me I'm suppose to understand that we all have to be JUST as corrupt as everyone we might deal with so i can win. That's YOUR idea not what we get from Jesus. If you don't believe God can help you win without becoming like the devils you fight then that's your idea.

if you think you can ONLY be good In Church but outside of Church you have be a devil, well Ok. I do understand what your saying I just don't agree.

I'm not perfect at ALL, and my hands aren't clean in many ways. But i'm not going to try and justify myself and pretend things i've done were "necessary" to get what i wanted. sometime that crap backfired. So anyway i like to try and shoot for the higher standards and not assume I'm going to lose if I try and do the right things in all areas. I think That's the best policy.

Lets get this straight shall we?
I am speaking about -THEM- the politicians while you are acting as I am a candidate running- I am not.
They are politicians and I am explaining the very real and harsh reality that they face in getting elected (why in may be necessary to play as they do in the election campaigning) while you keep bringing it back to me, to religion and morals.
Hoss, its not about me or my personal morals .
I gave WW2 as an example, apparently it flew right over your head.
WHILE WE MAY WISH OR EVEN PRAY FOR DECENT MORAL CANDIDATES THAT NEVER STRAY--reality is we have not got that and the political sewer that they are in dictates the terms --not us..
You seem to be very fond of mixing apples and oranges my friend.
I cited reality and how fighting fire with fire is sometimes the only way.
So please, spare me the attacks upon my personal morals when we are speaking of the candidates and the sewer that they must wade in..
Are we a bit more clear now???--Tyr

03-09-2016, 12:34 PM
and you keep dodging the questions.

I think we all understand the idea that if we're starving that we might steal food, but are Trump,Cruz and the republican establishment starving for leadership position out of the goodness of their hearts Tyr?
sorry i don't buy it.

Lets get this straight shall we?
I am speaking about -THEM- the politicians while you are acting as I am a candidate running- I am not.
They are politicians and I am explaining the very real and harsh reality that they face in getting elected (why in may be necessary to play as they do in the election campaigning) while you keep bringing it back to me, to religion and morals.
Hoss, its not about me or my personal morals .
I gave WW2 as an example, apparently it flew right over your head.
WHILE WE MAY WISH OR EVEN PRAY FOR DECENT MORAL CANDIDATES THAT NEVER STRAY--reality is we have not got that and the political sewer that they are in dictates the terms --not us..
You seem to be very fond of mixing apples and oranges my friend.
I cited reality and how fighting fire with fire is sometimes the only way.
So please, spare me the attacks upon my personal morals when we are speaking of the candidates and the sewer that they must wade in..
Are we a bit more clear now???--Tyr

I think we all understand the idea that if we're starving that we might steal food, but are Trump,Cruz and the republican establishment starving for the top leadership position out of the goodness of their hearts? is their sole REAL desire the salvation of this nations back to conservative principals and morals Tyr?
sorry i don't buy it.


03-09-2016, 01:18 PM

When it comes down to it, the politicians will have to explain themselves and their intentions-likely not to 'us.' In the meantime, I try to pick someone who at least appears to live a decent life in the main.