View Full Version : Neanderthal Concept Has Imploded

03-09-2016, 01:05 PM
With Commentary from a Creation news website

“Our first sex with Neanderthals happened 100,000 years ago,” New Scientist (https://www.newscientist.com/article/2077805-our-first-sex-with-neanderthals-happened-100000-years-ago/) shouts.
This is a shocking story of a tryst that is steamier than any dime novel. It was announced in Nature (http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/vaop/ncurrent/full/nature16544.html) by Dr. Sergi Castellano and a research team from Max Planck Institute. Colin Barras reports,

"It was a two-way street. Many people carry ancient Neanderthal DNA in their genome as a result of cross-species liaisons around 50,000 years ago. Now it seems that some Neanderthals carried our DNA, too.
The BBC News (http://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-35595661) agrees with the 100,000-year date for the secret dating encounter, but things gets worse. "

Where did the liaison take place? According to Live Science (http://www.livescience.com/53750-neanderthals-and-humans-interbred-in-mideast.html), if you guessed the Fertile Crescent, you’re getting warmer.

Castellano and his colleagues speculated that the episode of interbreeding they detected may have occurred in the Levant, the eastern Mediterranean region that includes Israel and Syria. Previous research suggested that modern humans and Neanderthals were present in the Levant as early as 120,000 years ago. Another potential location for this interbreeding was Southern Arabia and the area around the Persian Gulf, they added.
“The exact place where the gene flow occurred is not settled, but the Near East fits the fossil evidence we currently have,” Castellano told Live Science.

This news is worse than the prior week’s announcements that Neanderthal DNA is responsible for some of our modern maladies like depression, allergies and obesity (Science Magazine (http://science.sciencemag.org/content/351/6274/648.full), PhysOrg (http://phys.org/news/2016-02-neanderthal-dna-subtle-significant-impact.html)). Not that all Neanderthal genes are bad; some seem to increase the immune system, the claim went. But if “interspecies gene flow” between the two groups dates back 120,000 years or more, such distinctions are academic. Species are defined by the ability to interbreed and produce fertile offspring.
And speaking of fertile, isn’t the Fertile Crescent where the Tower of Babel was located? Is that mere coincidence?
We mustn’t be racists about this. That wouldn’t be politically correct. Live Science (http://www.livescience.com/53613-race-is-social-construct-not-scientific.html) announced that race is a social construct; what else could they say? All humans can intermarry and have children, including Neanderthals. We are their offspring. Get used to it. No more talk about stocky builds and brow ridges. We are Neanderthals, and they are us.


03-09-2016, 01:22 PM
Have you lost your fucking mind?

03-09-2016, 01:56 PM
New Neanderthal rendition at museums

Peticoat junction Intro



03-09-2016, 02:01 PM
"Humans likely first took to the seas about 50,000 years ago. But there's mounting evidence that our Neanderthal cousins were routinely sailing throughout the Mediterranean twice as long ago. Alternatively, they were just really good at long distance swimming.

We can't know what sorts of boats Neanderthals might have used. Presumably, they were made out of wood, which is exactly the problem — there's just no way wood is going to last 100,000 years, without rotting in even a tiny fraction of that time. But we can identify ancient Neanderthal presence through the distinctive Mousterian stone tools that they left behind, which have been found on the coastal Greek islands of Kefallinia and Zakynthos. Neanderthals must have crossed the water for their tools to end up there.

The only potential objection to this was the possibility that shifting sea levels might have once connected these islands to the mainland via a land bridge. But it looks like we can rule that possibility out, according to George Ferentinos of Greece's University of Patras. As New Scientist reports, Ferentinos has found that the sea levels in the Mediterranean were significantly lower 100,000 years ago, they were still about 180 meters higher than the bed of the Ionian Sea off the Greek coast, meaning no land bridge would have been possible.

It wouldn't have taken the Neanderthals too much effort to reach these islands — they're only about three to eight miles away, depending on the particular configuration of the coast. Ferentinos and his fellow researchers estimate that Neanderthals began seafaring sometime between 110,000 and 35,000 years ago. We should have a better idea of the exact date range once the stone tools on the islands have been more accurately dated.

The big question is precisely how they got there. That sort of distance wouldn't necessarily require boats to make the journey — the Neanderthals might just have swum across. But these aren't the only islands that show signs of Neanderthal habitation. The much more distant island of Crete also shows signs of Mousterian tools, and if those results hold up it's almost certain that the Neanderthals did indeed start sailing the Mediterranean — and quite possibly on a regular basis — some 50,000 years before humans first conquered the seas."
http://io9.com/5889484/neanderthals-...0000-years-ago (http://io9.com/5889484/neanderthals-were-sailing-the-mediterranean-100000-years-ago)

03-09-2016, 02:11 PM


03-09-2016, 02:19 PM
the episode of interbreeding they detected may have occurred in the Levant, the eastern Mediterranean region that includes Israel and Syria.

So that's where Palestinians came from...

03-09-2016, 02:23 PM
So my question is, describe "neandertal". We're ALL animals. You have the sheep, the wolves and the sheepherders. Am I subhuman because I am willing to do what it takes to protect the herd? Or maybe I serve that higher purpose you like to spend so much time talking about?

I get nothing out of this. A couple of crippled knees and some chump-change handouts from bureaucrats. Just maybe those of that serve, serve a higher purpose? And don't even go on the "service" thing. I think ANYONE that serves mans the f*ck up.

And what I see in that simple statement is we serve. You bitch a lot about how we do it.

03-09-2016, 02:29 PM
so my question is, describe "neandertal". We're all animals. You have the sheep, the wolves and the sheepherders. Am i subhuman because i am willing to do what it takes to protect the herd? Or maybe i serve that higher purpose you like to spend so much time talking about?

I get nothing out of this. A couple of crippled knees and some chump-change handouts from bureaucrats. Just maybe those of that serve, serve a higher purpose? And don't even go on the "service" thing. I think anyone that serves mans the f*ck up.

And what i see in that simple statement is we serve. You bitch a lot about how we do it.


03-09-2016, 02:38 PM

WTH is why don't you consider there is a higher purpose than YOU? You talk all this Christian crap ... belt up and man up or STFU. You want to criticize us for doing what you ain't got the balls to do? All you do is complain. But when push comes to shove that air out of your mouth ain't going to solve shit. You better have a sword and know how to use it. Otherwise, you're just more dead meat on the battlefield.

03-09-2016, 03:24 PM
WTH is why don't you consider there is a higher purpose than YOU? You talk all this Christian crap ... belt up and man up or STFU. You want to criticize us for doing what you ain't got the balls to do? All you do is complain. But when push comes to shove that air out of your mouth ain't going to solve shit. You better have a sword and know how to use it. Otherwise, you're just more dead meat on the battlefield.


03-09-2016, 03:46 PM
So that's where Palestinians came from...

Palestinians came from Moscow. Bonus points if you can figure out why I say that.

03-09-2016, 04:36 PM
Gunny has gone senile

Black Diamond
03-09-2016, 04:58 PM
Gunny has gone senile

And what have you ever done?

03-09-2016, 05:08 PM

It's called drugs. I told the asshat not to give me. Gunny+drugs = no bueno for Gunny's brain. I'm screwy enough when I'm straight, dammit. But oh Hell NO, this MFer had a fixit. Yeah. I'm lucid for about 20 minutes (you're running out of time) then I want to kill everyone for 3 hours.

Then enter Mr I Could Complicate Boiling Water. Stick the pan of water on the damned stove. Works like a charm. Every damned time so long as the stove works. if it don't, I can make you a fire in the back yard.

My point is not about your jackass. You might be noncompliant but I'd just have to figure out which direction to point your ass in. In case no one's noticed, I hate "thanks for your service". We ALL serve. Except the chumps that don't. So here are your options (according to the OP) ....

throw down your weapons and run your mouth, or stand and fight. I might think a lot of things about you, Glock, the former ain't one of them.

03-10-2016, 08:09 AM
Palestinians came from Moscow. Bonus points if you can figure out why I say that.

Because it's a made-up nationality.

03-10-2016, 08:10 AM
It's called drugs. I told the asshat not to give me. Gunny+drugs = no bueno for Gunny's brain. I'm screwy enough when I'm straight, dammit. But oh Hell NO, this MFer had a fixit. Yeah. I'm lucid for about 20 minutes (you're running out of time) then I want to kill everyone for 3 hours.

Then enter Mr I Could Complicate Boiling Water. Stick the pan of water on the damned stove. Works like a charm. Every damned time so long as the stove works. if it don't, I can make you a fire in the back yard.

My point is not about your jackass. You might be noncompliant but I'd just have to figure out which direction to point your ass in. In case no one's noticed, I hate "thanks for your service". We ALL serve. Except the chumps that don't. So here are your options (according to the OP) ....

throw down your weapons and run your mouth, or stand and fight. I might think a lot of things about you, Glock, the former ain't one of them.

I'm your nightmare. >: )