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View Full Version : HRC vs Trump: A Choice Between Two Evils…is Still Evil

03-09-2016, 10:52 PM

This election cycle was something to look forward to, until Donald Trump entered the scene.He is no conservative. Those who are actual conservatives know this. He is not related to anything resembling conservative principle. He gleefully and embarrassingly mocks it all with his words, mannerisms, and empty rhetoric. I consider “the establishment” (an incredibly overused phrase) to be made up of those who abandon the foundation of conservatism in order to gain power. Trump is the establishment.
This has turned into Trump’s GOP, and we have a choice to make. If it turns out as it appears it will, we will have Hillary or Trump as our official options on election day. And I’m tired of hearing “you have to vote for the GOP nominee!” No, I really don’t. I’ve decided that neither liberal Hillary nor liberal Trump will receive my vote, even if it means the other will win. The lesser of two evils is still evil.
I’ve always considered myself a conservative who happens to be a registered Republican. But when I see Trump “conservatives” do things like defend Trump’s praise of Planned Parenthood, and foolishly laugh off pro-life issues as one of the foundations of the party, I absolutely cringe. When I see them follow someone who makes them feel, and not think, it reinforces the fact that the Trump phenomenon is no different than the Obama phenomenon; all that’s changed is the letter next to the candidate’s name.
As we continue careening toward a general election with Hillary and Trump, we must realize that we are headed toward misery, one way or another. And I, for one, refuse to be a part of that misery. I will vote, as I usually do, but will not support either of the two evils presented to us.

Winston Churchill said, “The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter.” This election year, more than any in recent memory, has proven that to be true.

Black Diamond
03-09-2016, 11:00 PM
True of most elections.

03-10-2016, 05:51 AM
He did say that they help women, and that they do good things. I don't think that can be denied.

He also said that if they perform abortions that he would sign a bill to federally defund them.

03-10-2016, 06:08 AM
For the record, I'm NO FAN of PP, never was. But let's put it all out there. I detest them because of the abortions. I honestly can't say I hate them because they help women with other issues.


TRUMP: Yes, because as long as they do the abortion I am not for funding Planned Parenthood, but they do cervical cancer work. They do a lot of good things for women but as long as they’re involved with the abortions, as you know they say it’s 3% of their work, some people say it’s 10%, some people say it’s 8%, I hear all different percentages but it doesn’t matter. As long as they’re involved with abortion, as far as I’m concerned forget it, I wouldn’t fund them regardless. But they do do other good work. You look at cervical cancer. I’ve had women tell me they do some excellent work so I think you also have to put that into account, but I would defund Planned Parenthood because of their view and the fact of their work on abortion.


03-10-2016, 08:24 AM
True of most elections.

Here's the thing ... we need out. We don't have one. All we do is spend our time arguing with each other and doing nothing about it. I don't hate Trump and I get REALLY tired of this black or white, you're 100 percent for or against mentality. It's ridiculous.

For the record, I think abortion without a medical necessity is murder. The same people who bitch about it's a woman's right crap are against the death penalty. Make up your damned mind and sh*t or get off the pot already, huh? You can destroy an unborn human being who has done nothing but not creeps who prey on innocent people? GMAFB.

So maybe someone can come up with a consolidated game plan and actually DO something? Rick Perry shut down over 60 percent of the abortion clinics in Texas. THAT is doing something. Texas has a better economy than the US. Where's Rick Perry? Sitting at home because he ain't a rock star. If I want Van Halen for president, I'll vote for them.

And while some like to accuse me of bitching or whatever I'd like one of said accusers to point out ANY plan that makes sense. Everybody's too busy taking personal offense because I don't like your guy to focus on the actual issues. And sorry if Donald Duck reminds me of my mom and stepfather. They want to tax the same people into Hell that they made their money off of. Hypocrisy much? I'm trying to find a job I wouldn't need if I wasn't supporting that fat tick of a bureaucracy we call a government.

Everybody wants a damned solution but no one wants to come up with one. They're waiting for one to be handed to them. And I don't blame individuals as some think, but I DO blame the mindset and I DO blame the GOP. When did they quit representing US? I haven't seen them do a damned thing but stand by idly and watch a bunch of wannabe's destroy any chance of a win we might have harping on each other. And yes, you can abuse me of bitching about the damned so-called debates. They're ridiculous.

And anyone that thinks I harp too much needs to go count up the pimping Trump threads. The worst plan I've ever seen is better than NO plan.

03-10-2016, 09:18 AM
For the record, I'm NO FAN of PP, never was. But let's put it all out there. I detest them because of the abortions. I honestly can't say I hate them because they help women with other issues.


TRUMP: Yes, because as long as they do the abortion I am not for funding Planned Parenthood, but they do cervical cancer work. They do a lot of good things for women but as long as they’re involved with the abortions, as you know they say it’s 3% of their work, some people say it’s 10%, some people say it’s 8%, I hear all different percentages but it doesn’t matter. As long as they’re involved with abortion, as far as I’m concerned forget it, I wouldn’t fund them regardless. But they do do other good work. You look at cervical cancer. I’ve had women tell me they do some excellent work so I think you also have to put that into account, but I would defund Planned Parenthood because of their view and the fact of their work on abortion.


Here's the thing ... we need out. We don't have one. All we do is spend our time arguing with each other and doing nothing about it. I don't hate Trump and I get REALLY tired of this black or white, you're 100 percent for or against mentality. It's ridiculous.

Here's my thing.
It's not 100% black or white issues wise for me. there are some things Trump says i agree with. Others I violently disagree with.
The problem with what i DO agree with Trump on is that i do not believe he's sincere. And in some cases i don't think think he's even very clear on what he means. He's not operating on any core principals, laws or ideals conservative or otherwise. it seems he's operating off the cuff.

Obama SAID he was going to close Gitmo and roll back NSA spying. I agreed with that but i didn't believe he was serious about doing it based on his history, his associations and other things he'd said.
Same with Trump, except i think he's a less polished salesman than Obama. Trump is more like a loud pushy sideshow Carnival Barker. Obama's like a smooth used car salesman.

I don't "hate" either man i just think they are not right at all for the job of president.
Trump should stay on TV, great, I wish him all the best. Obama should have continued his "community service". But i'll attack them both without mercy on their positions and characters for the job as president.